***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

Well I dreamt that jenniflower had her baby last night, followed by winegums!! It is getting so exciting on here I think I'm getting obsessed! :rofl: mind you dd1 said she dreamt I had my baby last night and it was a boy!! Perhaps we shouldn't have watched OBEM!!

Good news on the builders front, the tiler is here and hopes to get most of it done today, won't be dry enough to birth on, sorry, walk on till tomorrow so we're going out to dinner! Result! I am hiding in my bedroom at the mo as the electrician has also turned up to finish what he started in November! Why are workmen so useless?
atm i feel like im goin to fall to pieces..decided im goin to bed early my belly is aching and iv had enough of today.

i hope everyone else is better .
morning everyone !

forgot to tell you all bout my phonecall last night , drs e have a prescription for you here
oh ..ok ....what for ....your water came back as having an infection ...no shit really thats 6 weeks now then ....whats the prescription for ....amoxycillin ....oh ill fetch it tomo then.

last week the midwife said amoxycillin werent doing any good for what i had. i dunno what to do , they do help the pain but if they are not doing anything seems pointless taking them :S dr is away so cant question him , might ring the midwofe see what she says .

anyway i have ds1 at home today as he was poorly yesterday at school , tbh he seems ok i wish id sent him now but he does seem tired so maybe the rest will do him good , so i gotta drag 2 kids out in the rain to get a prescription

been in agony with my back and hips all night couldnt move and i feel all seized up now :(

Carmyz, I'm the same. I just want to go back to bed. I got my first pay from work today which is maternity pay and it's sooo shit cos there is no smp on it for another 8 weeks. I knew it wasn't going to be great the first 2 months but just didn't expect to be as bad as it was. So that just put me in a depressed state as soon as I checked my bank. But it's only money. We'll survive.

Eve, a bit different cos your uti's are pregnancy related. But my mum has to be on antibiotics everyday cos of uti. If she stops they come back straight away. Literally all they do is what u just described - take away the pain for the time she is taking them. The only solution she has if she didn't want to keep taking them is to self catheterise everyday to empty her bladder. She said sh would rather stay on the
Medication than do that.
Hopefully u can take the antibiotics to take away the pain and then the baby will come and they will stop! Yay!
Well I dreamt that jenniflower had her baby last night, followed by winegums!! It is getting so exciting on here I think I'm getting obsessed! :rofl: mind you dd1 said she dreamt I had my baby last night and it was a boy!! Perhaps we shouldn't have watched OBEM!!

Good news on the builders front, the tiler is here and hopes to get most of it done today, won't be dry enough to birth on, sorry, walk on till tomorrow so we're going out to dinner! Result! I am hiding in my bedroom at the mo as the electrician has also turned up to finish what he started in November! Why are workmen so useless?

Hahaha! I doubt that! Not to mention my sister would be mad. It's weird to think I'm ok with going over. I need to go at least 4 days over so that my sister is here for it :) Great news on getting stuff done, even if they seem to be useless hahaha.

WINE!! Pack your bags girl!

Eve... eww another antibiotic eh? Hopefully all these will go away once you have LO. :hugs:
they gave me stronger ones this time so fingers crossed eh , they do seem to think it will go away once i have the baby and if it doesnt he says he will refer me ..fun.

eek rach your poor mum :(

midwife was in the surgery just i said hes has given me these now she said ok they might work wooo . but she wants me to make a note of bad days and what i have done , eaten drunk before incase there is something, she also said you look rough are you ok ..i said i feel like shit thanks haha . she said yea you look like you are ready for this baby to get out. anyway she cant make my appointment tomo she is coming on friday so that means i dont have to rush round today tidying up .

hubby decided that having the plastering done a week before my due date is a bad idea so the plan is now to just get the bedroom plastered so it can be decorated before she comes and have the stairs finished when she has arrived.
so i rang the builder and he was like oh good i was a bit worried you were gonna be popping it out when we were there haha .
so he says he is coming to plaster my room at 8:30 am tomo wooooo . so hoping i can get the bro in law to paint it for me tuesday and it will all be ready except the floor for when LO arrives.
Eve i would take them, even for now just to get rid of the pain - pain is the last thing we need right now and i know from this awful toothache i've had the last week or so

finally got to the dentist this morning and i have THREE cavities. I've never had a problem with my teeth before so was absolutely gutted :( I used to eat loads of sweets and drink fizzy drinks etc and my teeth were always fine, these days i drink water with a little bit of squash (and usually use a straw too!) and hate sweets... and NOW i get cavities!

anyway she asked if i wanted to do it there and then so i said yes please, the injection to numb me was painful and then waiting in the waiting room for it to take effect i starting getting really upset and panicking... but when they did it it wasn't too bad - only took about 5 minutes to do both fillings... the last one i have to go back for in a couple of weeks for some reason.

anyway sorry for long story! just feeling sorry for myself but happpy as my toothache should go now... although it hurts like a bitch today but i guess that's the drilling etc

Got midwife appointment in couple of hours - will let you all know how it goes :)

Hope everyone else is keeping well :)

Oh and they didn't realise i was pregnant! they were like are you exempt for any reason? and i was like yes i'm pregnant? and they were like ohhh congrats when are you due? i was like... um- saturday? and they looked so shocked haha! yet my nan and others tell me how massive i am! hmm
Oh and they didn't realise i was pregnant! they were like are you exempt for any reason? and i was like yes i'm pregnant? and they were like ohhh congrats when are you due? i was like... um- saturday? and they looked so shocked haha! yet my nan and others tell me how massive i am! hmm

what is wrong with people , you must be clearly pregnant by now !
People was it to me too. I get paranoid though and think I must just look like I have a huge beer belly. It gives me a complex. lol.

Hope your appointment goes ok. I have one tomorrow. x
Oh and they didn't realise i was pregnant! they were like are you exempt for any reason? and i was like yes i'm pregnant? and they were like ohhh congrats when are you due? i was like... um- saturday? and they looked so shocked haha! yet my nan and others tell me how massive i am! hmm

OMG!! Can't believe that they didn't realise you were pregnant...blimey! Glad that you've got at least 2 of the fillings sorted, no wonder you were in so much pain! I have heard that pregnancy wrecks your teeth, I'm just hoping with my milk craving that I've helped my teeth to stay stronger! Hope the pain eases soon for you! x
midwife was in the surgery just i said hes has given me these now she said ok they might work wooo . but she wants me to make a note of bad days and what i have done , eaten drunk before incase there is something, she also said you look rough are you ok ..i said i feel like shit thanks haha . she said yea you look like you are ready for this baby to get out. anyway she cant make my appointment tomo she is coming on friday so that means i dont have to rush round today tidying up .
:rofl: At least she didn't tell you, you look like shit. :lol:

Wine: Firstly I just want to say I'm so sorry your thread went out of hand over there in Third Tri. I'm glad I came on it too late or I would have said a few things or two, hahaha. I'm just bored today and hanging out over there, now I see why I stay away most times. :hugs:

And ewwwww 3 Cavities?? At least you can get it down now and it's free! woo! hahaha. Always a silver lining eh? :)
Hi ladies, I'm home from the hospital with baby Megan, it was a fast labour but not as fast as my last and she was in a bit of a state when she was born but I will explain it all when I have a bit more time.

I hope everyone is ok x
Hi ladies, I'm home from the hospital with baby Megan, it was a fast labour but not as fast as my last and she was in a bit of a state when she was born but I will explain it all when I have a bit more time.

I hope everyone is ok x

Wow...I go to sleep and come back to 6 pages behind! I don't remember everything I just read, but CONGRATS Ley!! I'm glad it was a quick labour! I really hope we all start popping soon - I am so incredibly ready to have this baby...for some reason it STILL doesn't feel real. I really can't believe that within a month I'm going to have a baby that is ours...to keep...forever. It's insane! =D

I have a doctor's appointment today...I guess I have my GBS test...ugh. I'd rather NOT have the test, but it's routine here...even if it's positive, I'm not sure how I feel about the antibiotics in labour...I'm allergic to penicillin, so they'd have to use a less effective anti-biotic...and I'm still not convinced that the anti-biotics given to the mother are effective at preventing deaths of GBS...but I am somewhat convinced that there IS a link between the anti-biotics given and an increased risk of anti-biotic resistant E.coli infection in the newborn... =/
Hi ladies, I'm home from the hospital with baby Megan, it was a fast labour but not as fast as my last and she was in a bit of a state when she was born but I will explain it all when I have a bit more time.

I hope everyone is ok x

Glad to hear you're home with her and all is well despite everything. :hugs: Congratulations and looking forward to seeing some piccies and hearing about it when you can. Take care xx
:hugs:Congrats Ley. Glad you are home now. Looking forward to seeing pics. xx

Wine, what thread was this in 3rd Tri? x
Congrats Ley! I saw the pics on your facebook... She's adorable!!! :D :D :D Glad labor went so quick for you, too!!
Quick update on phone, back from midwife measuring 2 weeks ahead lol. Blood in urine but sent of a sample that said I don't have a UTI so she was a bit baffled then asked how far I was and when I said 39+3 she got all excited and it's probably a bit of my show???!! Doesn't really make sense to me lol but oh well. She also said she's feeling really positive the baby will come in the next few days. And I'm 4/5ths which is ok as second baby... She made an app with consultant for next week 'in case' baby isn't here yet as I can't be induced will have to discuss options xxx
Wow...I go to sleep and come back to 6 pages behind! I don't remember everything I just read, but CONGRATS Ley!! I'm glad it was a quick labour! I really hope we all start popping soon - I am so incredibly ready to have this baby...for some reason it STILL doesn't feel real. I really can't believe that within a month I'm going to have a baby that is ours...to keep...forever. It's insane! =D

I have a doctor's appointment today...I guess I have my GBS test...ugh. I'd rather NOT have the test, but it's routine here...even if it's positive, I'm not sure how I feel about the antibiotics in labour...I'm allergic to penicillin, so they'd have to use a less effective anti-biotic...and I'm still not convinced that the anti-biotics given to the mother are effective at preventing deaths of GBS...but I am somewhat convinced that there IS a link between the anti-biotics given and an increased risk of anti-biotic resistant E.coli infection in the newborn... =/

Oh you should really have a look here: https://www.babyandbump.com/home-natural-birthing/504819-group-b-strep-support-thread.html I know it's in the natural forum but the amount of links and information she's been compiling is crazy. She has GBS as well and although she's looking at trying to keep her Home Birth so it's a bit different the information behind it is all the same. Remember you have the choice in the end. I appreciate they think they're doing best by everyone, but every woman and baby is a different case. You should do some research on your own and come to your own decision. :thumbup:

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