***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

Ley she is so adorable!

Wine, what did she say were your other options? All I have been told is that I will have a section when i go overdue. But I don't know how long I am to go overdue before it happens. I have a appointment when I go 6 days overdue with consultant. But I don't know if I'll have the section booked for that week or the next one.

Hmm I think I might ask doctor that tomorrow if he knows. X
my friend is trying for a vbac and she is not allowed to be induced if she goes over they will give her a section again she is due fri , has the appointment on the 2nd and the section on the 6th if nothing before so 9 days over for her ... i presume its same for most.

anyway i now have the flu/cold whatever so thats what my back ache was ..it never rains it pours eh lol !

oh and my baby is on the left too with legs that dig nto my right ribs lol .
Yeh Hun ask tomorrow! I don't have another appointment until 40+5 where they will discuss having a section at 41 weeks or waiting a few more days. They won't induce me...

I think if it gets that far I'll be trying things like natural induction
Methods like acupuncture. I really am terrified of having another section..

Ordered some clary sage oil that should arrive by the end of the week and got my breast pump out of storage so will clean and sterilise that and try some nipple stimulation!

Can't do much walking or bouncing or sex and don't really believe much about spicy food

But I won't really worry about it until this weekend which is when I'm due

wine i can offer to drive us both over bumpy roads if you want ha ha ha ha ..

I am getting kicks over in the rigth so i assume im still good on positions lol, Oooo its my birthday Saturday my mums good kids all fri so me and OH can go out you watch him come then lol. xxx
wouldn't that be typical mummy! lol! my nans birthday is on weds and we're meant to be taking her out to dinner... would be so typical if baby decided to come then!

the bumpy road sounds good actually i might see if my dad wants to go on a trip in the countryside his driving is certainly bumpy and means i get to be the one not drivingfor once..

speakingof driving just paid £95 for a bloomin speed awareness course as i went through a speed camera a couple of months back and don't want points on my lisence :(
So...my fundal height is measuring 47 weeks...lol...I earned myself another scan....probably Friday...possibly Tuesday...hopefully I go into labour before then! LOL....Ugh...why wonder I'm so miserable.

Anyways, she did an internal exam while she was doing my GBS test and I am 1.5cm dilated, 70% effaced, and baby is head down and engaged at -2...I'm not sure what that is in fractions...
Bit scared girls... I think my waters might be leaking/going??? Just had a couple of leakages which I don't think were pee! The 2nd one was on a pad and tinged pink. Got period like crampings but nothing more. Just waiting now to see whats next! Will keep you posted. Scared tho xx
Hey ladies. How are you all this lovely Australia day :) hehehe

Well last night was interesting for me lol.. i thought it was it for real this time.. in and out of the shower all night dealing with pains. I think i got about 3 hours sleep :( I am exhausted.... but this morning the pains have eased up a little.. still happening but not as often... grrrr
Bit scared girls... I think my waters might be leaking/going??? Just had a couple of leakages which I don't think were pee! The 2nd one was on a pad and tinged pink. Got period like crampings but nothing more. Just waiting now to see whats next! Will keep you posted. Scared tho xx

wow how exciting i hope it is..good luck:happydance:
Wii: Oh good luck hun!! Do you think you'll take your pad down to the hospital to get it checked?

Mummy to Be: Don't give up hope just get lots of sleep this morning! Maybe they're easing up just a bit so you can get a good few hours in before things start happening.

Wine: Since you can't do the sex thing, have you thought about getting some Evening Primrose Oil to shove up there? Should really help to soften the cervix. :thumbup:
My dad done the bumpy car ride trick when I was pregnant with DD. That was good fun. Didnt work though.

I'm looking forward to my doctors appointment today. So much has happened in the last few days I actually feel like I have questions for him.

Mummytobe I know how you and mummymadness are feeling now. Everything is so intermittent with me. With DD it all happened in one go. With this one its just on and off.

Good luck wiiwidow! Hope you are ok.

I'm worried about Franki now :-( x
Yea Rachael me too, hope all is ok With franki be nice just to hear something from her :hugs:
well girls, you are having lots of signs! I don't think i am, have had periody pains for a few weeks I'm hoping they are my cervix effacing! i have no idea!! and that old stabbing up the foof. Sounds exciting for Wii though, hope you get some more kip though hun :)

Wine, have you done that bag yet?!!!

my tiler is doing well, i am praying he can finish today...in the meantime i'm going for a head massage today...i can't wait - indulgence!!!

Hope everyone's aches and pains are not too bad, and some become labour!!
virgnia - when do you have a scan ?

wii - fx for you that you have a baby to cuddle very soon :)

well i feel a bit better today then yesterday but i still feel really breathless and extra thirsty :S
DS2 has got the cold now and is feelng sorry for himself on the sofa with a blanket and playhouse disney on lol.

plasterers got here at 8:10 this morning ..i was still in my pjs what a site to greet them eh haha. so i am just hiding downstairs with my laptop etc today cant really do much with them here what a shame :p

i spent half of last night crying , partly hormones partly pain i was on the floor and couldnt get up i was bawling like a baby hubby didnt know whether to laugh or feel sorry for me bless him, i finally feel like im ready to have this baby though im starting to remember the fact i have to give birth again.
Hey all, thanks for the well wishes!! Off to hospital in a bit to be monitored and to check everything's ok! Not gone into labour, no contractions yet but luckily got a bit more sleep! Will keep you posted, but I reckon in all likelihood I'll be back later trying to get "this party started!" as it were! Otherwise I guess it'll be an induction :( So fx and will update later!

Hugs to all xxx

Did Franki give out her fb id to anyone, or have a bump buddy? I can't remember? It's been a while now hasn't it? x
Eve thats the problem.............really can't wait to meet the baby but then you realise you have to give birth to do that.

Good luck wii.

I just had the most rubbish appointment. Dr was running late, which i'm not bothered about, but it explains why he really couldnt be arsed with me.

He done all the checks..............then once I was off the bed and went back to sit down thinking he was going to write some notes...........I asked if everything was ok, he said yes, then I asked if baby was engaged at all, he said he couldn't tell, which was bollocks, he just couldnt be bothered to check.....he literally felt my bump for 20 seconds, and that was to see where to listen for the heartbeat. But he did tell me the baby was head down............which I already know!
Then he went to write on his computer and said he'll put all the details on the screen. So my notes have nothing in. Not even a date! So it looks like I haven't even had an appointment, and I have no clue about anything. When I left I felt like crying.

Well at least I probably made his time up for him with my 5 minute appointment. x
oh god what a nob.

i just got a letter saying i cant get my MA ..rang them up they said i was behind on my national insurance for he test period , i can contact hmrc and pay what i owe and the appeal but he couldnt say if i would get it or not ...

i reckon its worth a try , i owe £80 but if i get my MA ill get over 2k in total over the time so i am now waiting for a bill and writing a letter of appeal .

anyone else had this happen and had sucess ?
Oh rachael I'm sorry what an idiot! That's so unfair... where do you live again? Because I'm sure in the UK maternity notes HAVE to be filled in in fact you can be struck off of the NMC register for non accurate record keeping..

eve the same thing happened to my cousin in 2009, she appealed and it failed so she appealed again and told them she would keep appealing and they gave it to her!!!! lol! It has to be worth a try!

Wiiwidow got my fingers and toes crossed for you hun.. good luck!

Virginia you sure are measuring big! good luck for your scan... I'm sure it will be fine but at least you get another sneaky peek haha

Lucky I am very jealous of the massage... I've decided if i can find the time at the end of the week and bubs still isn't here I'm treating myself to something... not sure what yet... maybe lash & brow tint, just so i don't need to worry about mascara for a while hehe

oh i could so do with a neck and shoulder massage right now .....

yea wine its gotta be worth a try i guess fingers crossed !

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