***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

i need to go bed but i wanna stay up to see when wii pops ...how sad am i lmao.

juicy - i still have no idea what im gonna do with my boys lol ..my mom is on call but 20 mins away , dads just rang to say he is going to spain so thats him out , mil is 50 mins away .. i was hoping my eldest would be at school and i could take little one to my nans up the road , i dont like to as she is 84 so i can take both of them bless her she wouldnt cope.
i have a homebirth booked so i could just send them to their rooms to play haha ... im hoping it just works out.

im also a bit panicky as ds2 was out in 90 mins start to finish , so if this on is as quick or quicker then quite honestly FK what ill do lol .
Rachael its weird as they haven't mentioned it or offered it to me... but i always thought previously that a sweep was ok??? I will be sure to ask the consultant on thursday if bubs is refusing to come out lol!

My spd pain disapeared today for some reason.... it was amazing! i took the opportunity to bounce on my ball for 15 minutes hoping it might help baby to engage... but now the pain is back in full force so kind of regretting the bouncing :( lol
i have my pc back!! woohoooo!! my phone stopped letting me use the net on it for some horrid reason....
but yes, i am a mommy again!!!!
Benjamin West was Born Friday 21.01.2011 @ 8:54pm weighing in at 8lb 3oz!!!
apparently if he was full term i would have been looking at a heaviear 9-10lb, omg!

birth was a very trying time, i had a horrible midwife at the hospital that wouldnt listen to me at all... silly bloody moo she was. but will give other details later. LOL
gutted at the moment because my little man cant latch on to me... my boobs are over producing making them waaay too tight for nipples to get into right position for him to latch on. so instead i am expressing into a bottle for him, apparently its really good going being able to produce 3oz from each boob... i just miss the first initial baby to boob contact. so i got really upset about that this morning. Hubby thinks its great as he has never seen them so big, lol. but he is gutted as he is not allowed to play with them, lol.
i am also hating the fact i have to self inject into my tummy! aaargh, its horrible, lol. its to help with the possibility of blood clots or something... still not nice for a person with a phobia of bloody needles!
honestly i am gonna sort out this pc as shop has re sorted everything, and i am gonna desperately try and get some pictures up for you guys.
hopefully soon!!!

omgomgomg! soooo excited that it looks like Feb Lovebugs is gonna have some more babies soon!!!!!!
Woooohoooo - go wiiwidow!!! So dying to hear all is over for her!!!
Thanks PaiytonsMummy!!
How gorgeous is your little Mason!!!
doing my best with these pictures, but they are from my phone so they might not be that great, thats if i can get them from my phone to my pc, lol
congrats franki !!! we were all wondering where you were. cant wait to see pics
Yes please Clare, I would like to go soon :)

Franki i'm so glad u logged on. I was getting worried! Congratulations on little Benjiman.

Well the doctor didnt say anything to me today about sweeps etc, but then he was rubbish! Please let me know what your consultant says on Thursday. I might put a thread in 3rd tri too.

Yep paitonsmummy, boys are currently outnumbered. x
ohhh franki i really want to see pics i LOVE the name it was on our list of names too...
glad to hear you and baby are ok - you have the opposite problem to what i had last time bfing... i was getting anything from a few drops to 1/2 an oz , but this time am taking pills that's meant to increase supply

Thanks PaiytonsMummy!!
How gorgeous is your little Mason!!!
doing my best with these pictures, but they are from my phone so they might not be that great, thats if i can get them from my phone to my pc, lol

I'm not sure what phone u have, but I email my pics from phone to pc. x
Oooooo Franki wanna see pics :).

Yes lucky hun was my mum she thinks sat or tuesday for me so anytime soon and that suits me lol.

Oooo wi lets get these boys going good luck hun xxxx
Thanks all :)

Welcome back franki and congrats great size baby :dance:

I just spent the last hour throwing up AGAIN and having a little pity me cry it's just draining me now at this stage :( Hubby feels awful keeps saying only a few wks left in effort to cheer me up :hugs:
ohhh franki i really want to see pics i LOVE the name it was on our list of names too...
glad to hear you and baby are ok - you have the opposite problem to what i had last time bfing... i was getting anything from a few drops to 1/2 an oz , but this time am taking pills that's meant to increase supply


Jellybean! How long is it since we spoke! Go back over to your journal and fill me in on how you are!!! Holy Crap!!! You are due tomorrow!! How did we get here??
Congrats, Wii and Franki!!!!!! :D :D

I just got back from my doctor appt. I am 1 cm, almost 2 dilated, but still just 40-50% effaced. :(

But, on the plus side, my mom (with all 4 of her kids) went into active labor when she was only 2 cm dilated, and didn't dilate until labor started for her... So who knows. When I told the dr. about my contractions and how they felt (along with my back being in constant pain), she said "you never know, you could go in before your scheduled induction.. it's hard to really say since you were at a dimple for 2 weeks, then a fingertip last week, and now almost 2 cm".... It was encouraging of her, but I still have a feeling I won't go before I'm induced lol

Meanwhile, I got to go with my sister to her first ultrasound, and she is 7 weeks 1 day along, est. due date Sept. 13th.. She got to hear the heartbeat, and she and her fiance are VERY excited at the idea that they have a possibility of having a 9/10/11 baby hahaha :)
Probably a tmi post but oh well

Me and oh just did it! For the first time in ages. My pelvis is absolute agony now though and I'm trying not to cry - run out of paracetamol as well :(

Guess what though .… he panicked about 'hurting the baby' and pulled out at the last minute ahhhhh so much for sex to naturally induce labour!
Winegums after all that you missed the whole point of the exercise!!! We've had a couple of those sessions but more along the lines of ..'right let's get you to where you need to be on the street and then you can finish off in the bank' so that no injuries are irritated more than they need to be!! ...If ye know what I mean!! Too cryptic??
congrats Franki and can't wait to hear more news of wii!!!

As for me, it's 2am in the morning and I have really bad heartburn and can't seem to sleep grrrrrr x
Thanks all :) so 12.13am baby boy born still no name. Birth a bit traumatic will tell all later but all fine now. 6lbs15oz and gorgeous! :) can't sleep bur exhausted! Xx

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