***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

thank you jenni - my section was a verrrry horrible experience even though it was elective and i'd do anything right now to not be in that position again! might try some nipple stimulation tonight with my breast pump - its a decent electric double pump as i used it to exclusively express with my son
congrats wii...hope your both well :)
hope all you ladies get your VBAC's :)

so thats 4 girls 4 boys...least boys aren't outnumbered now lol!! so who will be next?? x
thank you jenni - my section was a verrrry horrible experience even though it was elective and i'd do anything right now to not be in that position again! might try some nipple stimulation tonight with my breast pump - its a decent electric double pump as i used it to exclusively express with my son

I don't wanna like get all up in ur biznez (that's my ghetto talk, haha) but if you were to go over the recommended delivery date given by the hospital have you discussed monitoring instead of a section? I don't know any statistics so you can tell me to totally shut it, but was just wondering if asking for monitoring until bubs is ready would be an option?
Just stood up and thought I peed myself :( put my hand down there n there's clear water running down my leg but it doesn't smell like anything. Sounds promising, however i have a gut feeling that this isn't 'it' :(
Just stood up and thought I peed myself :( put my hand down there n there's clear water running down my leg but it doesn't smell like anything. Sounds promising, however i have a gut feeling that this isn't 'it' :(

ooo, I hope it is your waters, isn't that how Wii started? fx!!
so thats 4 girls 4 boys...least boys aren't outnumbered now lol!! so who will be next?? x

Pick me pick me....

Just stood up and thought I peed myself :( put my hand down there n there's clear water running down my leg but it doesn't smell like anything. Sounds promising, however i have a gut feeling that this isn't 'it' :(

Jeez Jellybean! That sounds like the real deal to me - clear non-smelling water running down your leg???? What part of that 'isn't it'???
Ooh fingers crossed wine that's exactly how mine started! Have you got your pad on now?

Franki so glad to read all is well- and congrats! Xx

Quick update from me am still in hosp, bubs is gorgeous will post pics when I get on a computer. Feeding is quote tough he was a bit traumatised after getting stuck! Basically having been in the correct position for nigh on 6 weeks he decided to turn back to back and face up so his was was trying to come out at the wrong angle. Will do a full north story when I get a mo but basically we ended up with forceps etc! All well now tho and happiest family around! :) xx thanks for all your best wishes xxx
Hmm thats what i'm wondering........I don't actually know what the hosp allows. I think it said on my fact sheet they may consider a induction. I really havent been finding out enough information :-S

Thanks jenni! I hope it works.

I just noticed some specs of blood in my knickers, in my discharge. Not much though. Could it be part of my plug?

Wine it sounds very promising to me!!!! Keep us updated :) I get so excited when we get signs or go into labour. lol.

Oh bless wii! Looking forward to seeing the pictures :) My DD done that. She was in correct position and then my waters went and she went back to back. x
run out of tena pads - typical!! found some always sanitry towls in the cuboard so have one of them on now i guess i'll wait and see. i don't feel any different at all - no pressure no pain hmmm think my body is teasing me

wii, i'm sorry your birth wasn't great but i'm glad your happy and got your little boy now :) can't wait to hear (and see) more :p

Jenni - that is the plan. I have just spoken to a midwife friend who said there are no problems with sweeps and vbacs. you can also have more than one sweep if nothing happens so i'm definately going to mention that to my consultant. Also if i'm still overdue i will ask to be monitored rather than a section.

Rachael I don't know if this helps explain but my friend just explained it to me really well

with a vbac the lowest chance of having a repeat section or instrumental delivery is spontaneously going into labour...

after this in (her) hospital they would try a hormone drip as you can turn it up or down to release different amounts of hormones - if there is a problem they can immediately stop it.

With the inductions where they insert a tablet behind your cervix (prostglandins) it will start contractions but after that you cannot control it - so if something happens they can't stop you from contracting which will make it worse. If that makes sense? So this type of induction really should be an extreme last resort with an overdue vbac who doesn't want a section.

There is also ARM but this could lead to nothing and increase the chances of infection if you don't go into labour etc etc
Good luck Wine, that happen with my DS didn't get pains till I was admitted to Hosp!

Sounds like your going to be going soon too Rachael good luck too :)

Oh how exciting it's all happening :dance:
winegums good luck hun i hope this is it :happydance:

not much happenin here same old crap lol..had my antenatal yesterday all is good with bubs but shes not engaged just head down low i cryed as soon as i got into the car i was so hopin to hear something positive ..go bk in 2wks on my due date i really hope i dont make it lol

my family think i will go sometime around the 2nd of feb i hope so,i wouldnt mind the 30th actually its my late nans bday and i miss her so much :cry:

hopin to hear some more birth announcements soon:happydance:
Wine it was 12 hours from my waters going to the contractions kicking in! So get what you need to get done now! Plus the rlt and ep did their job I was contracting every 3 mins and dilated to 3 cms after 1 hr of monitoring in hosp and dilated to 7 cm's after another couple! So fx for you! X
Well forget our previous convo sounds like this is the start of things! :happydance: Do the whole laying down for like 30 min to an hour and then get up again, if it's a big trickle again it's most def you waters! :thumbup:
good luck to thoses possibly in labour i hope to log on in the morning to more gorgeous baby pics :D
grrr no more leaking not even a drop..

i was being sooo patient before but now im done lol need baby here before next thurs because i cba with my consultant!
Do you know if they are going to do something on the day of your appointment?

I know your frustrations hun.

When did you have your first? x
me rachael? i dont think so im going to ask for a sweep if nothings happened by thurs but not sure if they could do it there or then or if id have to make another appointment!

i had my son May 2009.. had a home water birth planned but at 39weeks they realised he was breech and persuaded (i.e forced) me to have a c section which i had 3 days later
me rachael? i dont think so im going to ask for a sweep if nothings happened by thurs but not sure if they could do it there or then or if id have to make another appointment!

i had my son May 2009.. had a home water birth planned but at 39weeks they realised he was breech and persuaded (i.e forced) me to have a c section which i had 3 days later

Sorry yeah that question was aimed for you. Ah yeah I totally forgot for a moment you had to have planned section.

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