***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

hey girls, fleeting visit as mommy has to be human cow again shortly!
it is official, i am over producing milk, making it hard for him to latch on cos of the fullness of them... gutted!
but my pc is still driving me nuts as i cant get my installation for my phone or anything to work.. so for pics, sorry they are only a couple, but they were stolen from my sisters facebook, lol.

this is baby Benjamin less than an hour old xxxx

aaaw hope you guys are gonna have them soon! i cant wiat to see more pics!
come on baby boys!!!!
he is a right little lump, lol, 4oz already, he a hungry bubba, lol, my little Benjamin Bunny, lol
Aww I agree. He is a cutie!

Im not doing much today. Now going to have my lunch and do some tidying up :-(

Has 1sttimemom updated anything on her Facebook? X
My bump is so sore today. Have been finding it really hard to get comfy sitting, lying, standing. It just feels really tight. Also feeling really sick but I guess that's not massively new for me! Maybe this LO is finally starting to engage?
Aww I agree. He is a cutie!

Im not doing much today. Now going to have my lunch and do some tidying up :-(

Has 1sttimemom updated anything on her Facebook? X

last update was : No baby tonight. I'm going to try to sleep since i've been up since three thirty in the morning. Goodnight. Hopefully tomorrow is better.
Aww bless she doesn't sound too happy..

Franki what gorgeous pics!!!! So happy for you

Starting to get jealous now lol :p

This weekend is busy for me hopefully OHs last 2 days off before bubs arrives so we are collecting last minute bits we got off eBay the baby swing, playmat etc also doing lots of cleaning tidying etc and tomorrow putting up the Moses basket and finishing packing hospital bag etc lol

I'm knackered already :(
i love how we all go mad cleaning then by the time we have had our babies we will be so knackered the house will be a mess again, i sometimes wonder why i bother haha

my baby is all in my ribs today kills :(
Don't forget to pm me birth details for the front page ladies x

Can anyone give me breastfeeding advice? Megan last fed properly at 11am, she had a quick 5 minute top up at about 1pm but it was hardly anything.
She's been sleeping ever since and I am totally engorged. I've tried waking her for a feed but she's having none of it, she's so tired she won't latch.
Anyone know what I should do?
Don't forget to pm me birth details for the front page ladies x

Can anyone give me breastfeeding advice? Megan last fed properly at 11am, she had a quick 5 minute top up at about 1pm but it was hardly anything.
She's been sleeping ever since and I am totally engorged. I've tried waking her for a feed but she's having none of it, she's so tired she won't latch.
Anyone know what I should do?

have you tried ringing a breast feeding counceller/support line . they helped me loads when i had ds2 and he was losing weight/not latching etc. dpe you local hospital have a support line you can ring ?

or try bf forum on here

sorry cant be more help i had the opposite problems with my son ?

maybe express some and freeze to help the engorgement ?
Hello, ladies... Hope everyone is well.

Well, my back is killing me, hips are killing me, there is TONS of pressure and some pain down there.... but the contractions slowed down DRAMATICALLY, and are only happening every 15-20 min. or so, and aren't very strong any more. Sooo I'm still waiting. I'm hoping she'll come this weekend, but at least if she doesn't, I know I can be induced Monday night. This feeling is pretty miserable... Sorry for my complaining.. just not feeling too great now (so much for the "feeling the best I have in months" feeling that I had a couple days ago.. guess that was the calm before the storm! hehe)...
Thank you, ladies, for watching for me... hopefully I'll have better news soon...

Franki, he is adorable!!!! Congrats again!!

Ley, my mom said she had that problem with my younger sister and BF... She said that first thing is you need to pump just a tiny bit (or self express) just enough so you aren't so engourged (she said she was SO frustrated with it, she cried because of it.. but it'll be ok), that way baby will latch on... she was told by the hospital to flick the bottom of babe's feet just a couple times to wake them up more so they'll latch on and eat, because they need to eat, and that if you are THAT engorged, chances are she needs a good feeding. Also, try expressing a little and touching her lips with it.. could get her to latch if she's still refusing...
I hope that helps!! :) I'm SO glad I have my mom here for help with BF.. she nursed me and my younger sister, and had her fair share of issues, had to have the consultants help her quite a bit. I feel like she's my coach/consultant :)
Hi all another fleeting iPhone post from me! Thank you for posting the pics 1st time that was a real help. Dnt know what's up with my fb but it's playing silly! Thanks for all your congratulations and messages, he is adorable tho I am biased! V tired and still v sore will do a birth story when Ive got a bit of energy but I can def say the rlt did the trick my labour was 10hrs from 1st conts til he was confirmed stuck and I'm sure that's down to the tea!

Anyway good luck all keep dtd as that was what worked for me! Fx for you all can't wait to hear more news. Oh and we've named him Oscar Joseph :) xxx
thanks for the bf advice, this is the first time I ever had success at breastfeeding and it makes me feel really good to know I am doing it but I worry constantly that I'm doing something wrong or that she's not getting enough.

wii, thanks for your pm, I put the details on the front page. Congratulations, he is gorgeous!

I agree about dtd, and also lots of walking! My car has been in the garage for the last week and for the 3 days before I went into labour I was walking everywhere.

I can't wait until you all have your babies. I feel a bit out of the loop now I've given birth lol
Hi Ley this will be my 3rd try at the BF too, I really hope it works fir me too good luck :hugs:

I'm so fed up now feel very hormonal just after been sick again nose is bleeding it's so draining at this stage :( :(
this will be my 2nd try at bfing! really hope it works for me too! but i wont beat myself up if it doesn't because that's what i did last time and i ended up really down about it... whatever will be will be!

been sniffin the clary sage again lol! longer time with breast pump last night, clary sage bath + left a tissue with clary sage by my bed in the night - spent about 4 hours today driving around on quite a few bumpy country roads...

jenni i'm surprised the birth ball helped your spd? it's recommended not to use them with pelvic pain as the point of them is to keep your legs apart to balance on the ball and it opens your pelvis but with spd you should try to keep your legs close together as it can make the pain worse otherwise and anything that does things to your pelvis isn't good for it either

wii i love the name hun!! joseph was on our list for first names..

and ley i'm sure you're doing fine hun... babies often don't eat much at first or it seems like they aren't having a lot.... go get a marble and look at the size - because that's the size of a newborns stomach and anymore milk than that much can make them sick - lots of babies get overfed without realising and thats why babies can be sick quite a lot!

Well, nothing to report here. Contractions are far and few between at the moment. I'm gutted particularly as the midwife said that she would expect me to have the baby by this morning because I was a good 3cm when she examined me Friday morning. Something is happening, I can feel pain in my cervix whenever I move, just waiting for the contractions to be a bit more regular and painful. Will keep you all updated x

Your Newborn's Stomach - Day 1-10

The chart below shows the average size of a newborn's stomach and how much milk it can hold at birth. Now you can see why your colostrum, or early milk, is more than enough to fill your newborn's tummy.


But there is more. Researchers have found that on Day 1, the newborn's small stomach does not stretch to hold more, as it will even a day later.

Countless hospital nurses have learned the hard way that on the first day when newborns are fed an ounce or two by bottle, most of it tends to come right back up. The walls of the newborn stomach stay firm, pushing out the extra milk rather than stretching to hold it.

On Day 1, a newborn's stomach can hold about one-sixth to one-fourth of an ounce (5 to 7 ml) per feeding. Not surprisingly, this amount of colostrum is ready and waiting in the breast.

By Day 3, as the baby gets many more of these small feedings, his stomach expands to about the size of a ping pong ball to hold more milk.

By Day 10 it is the size of an extra large chicken egg.

Is it a good idea to give a newborn more milk at each feeding to try to stretch out the stomach sooner? No. This is not a case of more is better. Many small feedings set up a healthy eating pattern right from the start. Experts tell us that it is healthier for adults to eat smaller amounts more often, and the same is true for babies and children. Coaxing a baby to take more milk may lead to overfeeding. If feeling overfull at feedings becomes the norm for a baby, this may lead to unhealthy eating habits that contribute to childhood obesity later.

Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA, Lactation Consultant, Ameda Breastfeeding Products
Coauthor of Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers
hey ladies...good luck to all whos in labour, hope your LOs arrive soon
wii...love the name and he is gorgeous :) x

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