***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

@ wine i didnt have success at bf my 1st but found it much easier with the 2nd , i think its cus you dont spend all your time worrying about all the other stuff you did with your 1st , like every little sneeze , cough , hiccup , do they need changing how to wind them etc all that is already built in 2nd time so you can kinda concentrate more ..well thats how i was for me anyway

@josie - sorry things arent moving along quickly :(
Eve, I totally agree! I knacker myself cleaning, only for it to need doing the next day. lol.

Ley, sorry I can't help. I was the total other way around with DD. I couldn't stop the milk coming out. I hope you solve it soon though.

wiiwidow, that's a lovely name :) I'm going to keep going with the rlt, even though I can't stand it anymore. Hope the birth was ok..............you said he got stuck?

Josie, sorry to hear contractions have slowed down. Fingers crossed they pick up for you soon.

I've spent the day feeling irritable. Lucky for OH and DD! I'm going to go for a walk on the beach tomorrow. Hopefully it might break my waters or something. lol. x
wiiwidow, that's a lovely name :) I'm going to keep going with the rlt, even though I can't stand it anymore. Hope the birth was ok..............you said he got stuck?

Thank you :)

Yeah, I had a very easily progressing labour, waters went at about 3am, went in for monitoring about 1pm the next day, all fine on monitor. They took a while to discharge me and after telling me to come back at 8am the next day for an induction or if my contractions started and became every 5 minutes lasting over a minute, by the time they came back with my notes I was contracting every 3 1/2 minutes and 3 cms dilated. So they kept me in and by about 9pm I was ready to push! The only problem was I was in a lot of pain so had to have an epi and then the contractions slowed. After a while they examined me internally and found he'd twisted back to back (hence the pain) and was trying to come out face up and brow first. Stuck!!

Ended up in theatre having signed for a C section, and they manually twisted him before getting him out with forceps and an episiotomy. Full story may be slightly more traumatic, so will post it on the announcements!

But it really is worth it all in the end! :winkwink:xx

Couple more photos here: https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-third-trimester/523310-wee-wii-has-arrived.html#post8911404
I'm more prepared this time for BF and a bit older and wiser I hope :haha: I went to a BF group last wk and everyone was so friendly so I think it's nice to have that for the extra support :hugs:

Good luck josie hope things start going quicker :hugs:
awwwwww he is adorable franki hun ..

Wi thats a fantastic name (Iam slightly bias obviously with a baby oscar) but its truley adorable and oscars makes pretty babies i can promise that lol .

I had a fantastic birthday would be lovely to top it off with baby arriving i am full up on spicy madras and even dtd tonight so hoping he arrives soon, I am now fully enagaged i can feel non of his head above my pelvis i am slightly excited but no you can stay that way for weeks so means nothing .

Hope every 1s well ?, Wheres the next baby want some pics to coooo over lol xxx
Ooooo forgot to ask if any 1 knew (On baby number 4 and still carnt remember lol), Is lots and lots of increased whit thickish discharge a sign things are close or is it just increased discharge lol ???... Everytime i go to the loo my black nickers are full to bursting of white discharge sorry tmi lol. xxx
Mummymadness I totally forgot it was your birthday! I was wondering where you had been and was going to text you to see if you were ok. lol. Hopefully it will be you posting the baby pics after the curry and :sex:

wii, that was what happened with DD birth. She turned and got stuck. Only they or I didnt manage to get her out with the vontuce. I'm so glad it was a success with u. x
Happy Birthday, Mummymadness!!

And about the discharge, I was wondering the same thing, actually... I noticed it pick up the last week or so, so I was starting to wonder and kept forgetting to ask haha

hi ladies! i just thought i would stop in and say hi. im due march 8, but will be induced on feb 18 with a boy due to low amniotic fluid. hope you are all well, havent read through anything yet. im on bedrest til induction, so i will take the time to run through it. although not sure if i will start at the beginning, LOL!
Welcome blessedmomma, hope all goes well for you :hugs:

I'm due on the 12th but not a budge on me have a feeling about the 18/19 :haha:

Mammymadness and 1sttime I noticed that about discharge too but not sure what it means prob just the pressure if babs moving down :)
hi ladies well i think im in early labour..went to docs this mornin cause i thought i had a uti test came bk that i did..the doc i seen was a random one not my doc anyway she wanted to check the hb so she did that and was concerned the hb was irregular so she told me to go to the hossy.. done another pee test there and it came bk that i didnt have it lol so who knows..anyway while i had the trace on i was gettin bh and they were gettin stronger and more regular ..they done a u/s cause they werent sure if she was head down or not ...well shes engaged and doin well i had a internal and im 2cm dilated but stil 1.5cm long but that was at 3pm and its not 6 still gettin pains and losin my plug..

It feels like how i went into labour with jake so i think today or 2moro i ll have her..hopefully soon cause these pains are really uncomforatble..

will keep u updated :D
pains have settled down now and arnt that painful..so im a lil pissed off lol..got all excited for nothin losing my plug still bouncing on my ball...not sure wat else i can do to help things along..was hopin to have her today but im running outta time lol
These babies keep messing around with our heads! lol.

Me and OH were talking about roast dinner today........and I was already planning ahead for next week, then thought "I could have a baby!" then thought knowing me, probably not. lol.

I noticed that with discharge too........but I feel like I am dry one minute and then soaked the next.............I wonder what today will bring........?

Welcome blessedmomma and joanneNbaby :)

Carmyz I don't really know what else to suggest apart from bouncing on the ball or perhaps going for a walk............and stay relaxed. x
aww hope things pick up for you carmyz and she comes soon .

my 2 year old has decided this morning to turn into the child from hell im exhausted already and its not even 11am !!!

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