***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

Welcome all new people :) hope you're all doing well!

My due date was 29th as well lol but I'm still here - this is why i stuck to feb group not jan - i just KNEW he would be a feb baby!

Had a busy but productive weekend... pretty much got everything sorted for bubs now - i'm 99% sure there is nothing left to get... tomorrow will put up the moses basket!

Look what my friend made me - how bloomin cute are these!!!! ...


Also OH agreed to give me some loving tonight LOL he said he doesn't want to go to work tomorrow so baby needs to come out! how lovely :p

No more babies yet? boooo i like looking at the pics!

which reminds me... sounds awful but i'm a bit scared i'm going to have an ugly baby lol! my son was gorgeous but i think it's just seeing all these beautiful pics i'm thinking omg i hope my lil man lives up to the rest of the feb babies ;)

oh and eve sorry about the pee thing - even if it is very funny! are you sure it was pee and not your waters lol?

im so huge and uncomfortable... nearly a week ago i was measuring 41weeks and they said if i made it to my due date the baby was likely to be at least 8lbs and now my due date has come and gone! ahh
awww wine thats adorable seen a few feb mums on 3rd tri board looking real close now , Its gone soooo quick i really carnt wait to meet my little prince.

I hope u go real soon wine hun as ur dd has been and past , Hows every one else ?.

Any more pains rach hun ?. xxx
Virginia that's my due date too hopefully :haha: god that weather would have u worried hopefully u make your visit and a safe journey to the hospital :hugs:
awww wine im sure your baby will be a stunner ! woo for dtd !
oh and eve sorry about the pee thing - even if it is very funny! are you sure it was pee and not your waters lol?

im so huge and uncomfortable... nearly a week ago i was measuring 41weeks and they said if i made it to my due date the baby was likely to be at least 8lbs and now my due date has come and gone! ahh

i did wonder if it was but i think it was wee ..though it didnt smell ..i was asking hubbyto smell lmao he told me to f off ! but no other signs , last time they went i had contractions straight away ..i think it was just a random bladder incident lol.
winegums that hat is lush lush lush and ur baby will b lush hope he comes soon hun. i feel v ncomfortble tonight really hot and cant stop eating and the top of my bump kills. really noticed an increase in apitite the last few days wats al that about.

yeah rach it is a horror but i found it really funny think it came out in 2007. well wen i wake up tomorow ill have 3 more days till inducing time realy want to watch one born every min tomorow night but thinking mayb i shudent as im so close and knda freeking lol. just prey the got beds thurs girls. im gona sneek me phone and charger in there and if i can get reception i can keep u all dated:kiss:
They r super cute wine!! I'm kinda the same. I am always wondering what this baby will look and I worry what he will look like.

Mummymadness pains r practically gone :-( I'm so annoyed with thinking it might be it. All I have now is a constant period pain.

My oh said to me this morning that we should start dtd twice a day to see if that gets a move along. Lol. It might be coincidence but when we do I get these sporadic pains all day and when we don't I barely get anything. X
Dd29 what's the film called? I am sure I have heard of it. Lol.

I'm going to watch a thing called "the business of being born" tomorrow. I think it American. Has anyone else seen it? Is it a film or documentry?

One more one tree hill to watch. :-(
its called teeth and is a comin of age drama about a girl with teath in her watsits it was a silly film but it gave me a giggle hehehe. xxxxx
hahaha that movie sounds ridiculous! :p

I'm so annoyed... the contractions come and go, and she has dropped so low I swear she can't be far from coming out!! hehe but my back and hips are STILL killing me... I had a nice warm bath (what I figure will be my last for awhile) this morning, and had a great laugh... First I was laying on my side so my belly could be in the water and as soon as I rolled on my back, and my belly was out of the water, she started thumping around in there... I rolled back to my side, and she calmed down again.. haha I was having so much fun... Then I was sitting up in the tub and pulled the drain plug, and the noise it made caused Zealia to jump.. at first I thought "coincidence?" and did it again... and she jumped again hahaha I did it a couple times, then felt bad since it probably startled her pretty bad... but boy are her reflexes quick!! :D

Well... if she isn't here tonight or tomorrow, I go in sometime late tomorrow night to be induced. So either way, she'll be here (fingers crossed) hopefully within the next 48 hours :) :) I'll keep my facebook updated so you ladies can stay informed :)

I hope all that are about to go over have their LO's soon!!! :)
Virginia, it's horrible to think what the weather might be like. What r the roads like to the hospital?
I'm an hour from hospital too and was worried it was going to be bad weather, but thankfully it has gotten better here over the last mOnth. X

Well...the closest way that we usually go is a twisty, in the middle of nowhere, 55 MPH state road...we can go the long way though if it snows and drive on a 2 lane HWY...It won't be much better, but they clear off the 2-lane road quicker than the other road...plus if we do go off the road or get stuck, we'd be found a LOT quicker on the 2-lane than the state road. :dohh:

Dd29 what's the film called? I am sure I have heard of it. Lol.

I'm going to watch a thing called "the business of being born" tomorrow. I think it American. Has anyone else seen it? Is it a film or documentry?

One more one tree hill to watch. :-(

I love "The Business of Being Born"! It's a great documentary, and it touches on how bass-ackwards the United States is with childbirth. :thumbup:
having the most hottest weather here in aus it was 40degrees today and iv got another 3days left of it im so over everything atm.. and just want to see my lil girl and not be pg anymore my belly is so tight and uncomfortable im hoping she will make her appearence very soon.. i feel another cryin session coming on!! :(

got all excited yesterday and thought that it was it..but of course i got teased..not fair lol

feel like screamin into a pillow...my boys are driving me bonkers!!
Welcome all new people :) hope you're all doing well!

My due date was 29th as well lol but I'm still here - this is why i stuck to feb group not jan - i just KNEW he would be a feb baby!

Had a busy but productive weekend... pretty much got everything sorted for bubs now - i'm 99% sure there is nothing left to get... tomorrow will put up the moses basket!

Look what my friend made me - how bloomin cute are these!!!! ...


Also OH agreed to give me some loving tonight LOL he said he doesn't want to go to work tomorrow so baby needs to come out! how lovely :p

No more babies yet? boooo i like looking at the pics!

which reminds me... sounds awful but i'm a bit scared i'm going to have an ugly baby lol! my son was gorgeous but i think it's just seeing all these beautiful pics i'm thinking omg i hope my lil man lives up to the rest of the feb babies ;)


:haha: i'm just the same, i say to people I'll bring her to see you, unless she's really ugly, and I'm only half joking :blush: I'm sure he'll be gorgeous :)

And that hat is soooooooooo cute, does your friend fancy making us all one?!!
Well, where are all these new Baby's eh?!!! Come on girls...one day till Feb though :)

I ave had no twinges at all, which I'm happy with at the mo! midwife app today so I guess she may talk about sweeps, inductions etc??

My hubby has started asking whether I should be driving the girls to gym and someone else seemed surprised I was still driving by myself. It's not something that worries me - should I be worrying? Has anyone else stopped driving? luckily i have long legs so bump doesn't get squashed!!

Oh and I just found out that my due date is the first day of the chinese new year - rabbit, so she could fall either side Tiger or Rabbit....if she comes on the due date we've decided to call her Chowmein :haha:
morning everyone ! im convinced baby has dropped a bit im now getting movements kinda inside my hips and my pubic bone area is hurting more than usual. though could jus be the spd having a bad day as i was really struggling to roll over last night.

its sooooo cold outside today here :( send us some sun carmyz

i just found out my friend from sons school went to hospital last night so hopefully she is having her baby now that means its nearly my turn wooooohooooo
Well, where are all these new Baby's eh?!!! Come on girls...one day till Feb though :)

I ave had no twinges at all, which I'm happy with at the mo! midwife app today so I guess she may talk about sweeps, inductions etc??

My hubby has started asking whether I should be driving the girls to gym and someone else seemed surprised I was still driving by myself. It's not something that worries me - should I be worrying? Has anyone else stopped driving? luckily i have long legs so bump doesn't get squashed!!

Oh and I just found out that my due date is the first day of the chinese new year - rabbit, so she could fall either side Tiger or Rabbit....if she comes on the due date we've decided to call her Chowmein :haha:

lmao chowmein - has a ring to it.

my hubby banned me from driving at xmas its shit. he took the battery out of my car too cus he knows i wont listen. but my reason is that my car is a bit ropey and the spd makes it really hard to press the pedals. i do feel a bit grounded but i dont "need" car really anyway tbh its just handy.
having the most hottest weather here in aus it was 40degrees today and iv got another 3days left of it im so over everything atm.. and just want to see my lil girl and not be pg anymore my belly is so tight and uncomfortable im hoping she will make her appearence very soon.. i feel another cryin session coming on!! :(

got all excited yesterday and thought that it was it..but of course i got teased..not fair lol

feel like screamin into a pillow...my boys are driving me bonkers!!

Oh I'm the same feel so low, I'm fed up getting sick and been so hungry all the time :( I woke up a few times with period sharp pains in my side so hopefully I go soon. Hugs to cheer u up :hugs: :hugs:
I hate driving now, my legs are short so the wheel digs into me, and most of the time lifting my leg up and down on and off the clutch feels like I'm ripping my pelvis apart.. Unfortunately my OH doesn't drive and neither do my nan or mum so to do anything or visit any family I don't really have much option. I could get a bus but round here no one gives up seats when your old or pregnant or disabled and they get packed so I'd be all squished up against the door with my son!

Actually that reminds me did I tell you about recently when I was on the tube and someone got off at a stop so I went to sit in her seat and this guy shoved me out of the way to get to the seat first and sat smirking at me! Oh I love london lol..

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