***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

haha yes rach i cant wait ....lol

skipping omg i can bearly shuffle let alone skip

our boiler broke too lucky3 but then fixed itself :s so if it keeps playing up ill be in hospital too .. out of interest where in your house have you planned to give birth do you have a pool or anything ?
lol you will be joining me on those "really good contractions" too Eve.

ooooo what does skipping do?

My midwife has given me a sheet on positions to be in to get the baby in a good position........one of the "dont's on the sheet" is sit crossed legged...........which is the way I sit all the time. lol.

Aww I hope you get your boiler fixed!

I am now going to go for a walk on the beach with DD .....who reeeeeeeeally does not want to go. lol. x
Omg I ONLY sit cross legged!!! :(
haha yes rach i cant wait ....lol

skipping omg i can bearly shuffle let alone skip

our boiler broke too lucky3 but then fixed itself :s so if it keeps playing up ill be in hospital too .. out of interest where in your house have you planned to give birth do you have a pool or anything ?

Ours broke last week too! Crazy huh? After 5 days of going back and forth with the Gas people we finally got it fixed!

This cross-legged thing, is this like one leg crossed over the other? Or is it like when you sit indian style? My midwife said she was going to give me one of those papers on best ways to sit but I still don't have one. She did mention sitting with your knees below your hips, does that sound right?
Morning all, just got back from my midwife appointment. Baby is 1/5 engaged. I guess its better than being totally free like he has been. She said it doesn't mean anything and that I'll just have some really good contractions to get him down there. yay!

Winegums, she said they don't do the sweep at the surgery because of the previous section. She said its something they will do at the consultant appointment. I still think I will be around for that next week.

Mummymadness, how have you been today? x

Erm hun 1/5 is pretty much the MOST engaged your bubs can be? wowee!!!

Free and 5/5 are nowhere near pelvis
4/5 is on the edge of pelvis
3/5 is just engaged but a lot of baby is still above the pelvis
2/5 is engaged and a lot of baby is below pelvis
1/5 is pretty much all of baby is in the pelvis
0/5 is where you can basically not feel baby at all above the pelvis

On another note I'm a bit worried now... if only consultant does the sweep my consultant only comes in on thursdays... and i'm sure she wont do it there and then and if i have to wait another week i'll be nearly 2 weeks overdue and it will mean i'll only have one shot at a sweep :(
is anyone else incredibly hungry ? last 2 days i been eating like i was back in 1st tri .

today i had a big bowl of jordans crunch for breakfast which usually fills me up , couple of digestives with my cuppa , then v ejust had 2 ham cheese salad wraps , a mars bar , a packet of wotsits , an apple and some breadsticks and im still hungry :S
omg eve i was going to post this last night!! the last few weeks i haven't been able to eat much i get full so quick... but the last couple of days i've been STARVING last night (after dinner) my stomach felt like it was eating itself lol!!! i think baby must have moved off of my stomach a bit... but i know he isn't engaged cos last appointment he was just on the edge above my pelvis
yea same here i been getting full quickly previously , i have been eating same sized meals as my 5 year old but now im like a non stop eating machine , i had to have a cereal bar before going to ed cus my tummy felt so empty and i woke at 6am absolutley starving !

ive just ate another wrap lol i could eat more but im trying not to be too greedy ..im already looking forward to 5:30 when its dinner time haha.

my baby isnt engaged either but i have been feeling movements lower down like inside my hips sort of thing .. how strange ! glad its not ust me being a greedy guts anyway lol
Morning all, just got back from my midwife appointment. Baby is 1/5 engaged. I guess its better than being totally free like he has been. She said it doesn't mean anything and that I'll just have some really good contractions to get him down there. yay!

Winegums, she said they don't do the sweep at the surgery because of the previous section. She said its something they will do at the consultant appointment. I still think I will be around for that next week.

Mummymadness, how have you been today? x

Erm hun 1/5 is pretty much the MOST engaged your bubs can be? wowee!!!

Free and 5/5 are nowhere near pelvis
4/5 is on the edge of pelvis
3/5 is just engaged but a lot of baby is still above the pelvis
2/5 is engaged and a lot of baby is below pelvis
1/5 is pretty much all of baby is in the pelvis
0/5 is where you can basically not feel baby at all above the pelvis

On another note I'm a bit worried now... if only consultant does the sweep my consultant only comes in on thursdays... and i'm sure she wont do it there and then and if i have to wait another week i'll be nearly 2 weeks overdue and it will mean i'll only have one shot at a sweep :(

Actually that's based on Palp not Engagement. They both get used but mean the opposite of each other. As if it wasn't confusing enough! hahaha

0/5 engaged = 5/5 palpable (feelable) = free
1/5 engaged = 4/5 palp
2/5 engaged = 3/5 palp
3/5 engaged = 2/5 palp
4/5 engaged = 1/5 palp
5/5 engaged = 0/5 palp = ready to blast off
Morning all, just got back from my midwife appointment. Baby is 1/5 engaged. I guess its better than being totally free like he has been. She said it doesn't mean anything and that I'll just have some really good contractions to get him down there. yay!

Winegums, she said they don't do the sweep at the surgery because of the previous section. She said its something they will do at the consultant appointment. I still think I will be around for that next week.

Mummymadness, how have you been today? x

Erm hun 1/5 is pretty much the MOST engaged your bubs can be? wowee!!!

Free and 5/5 are nowhere near pelvis
4/5 is on the edge of pelvis
3/5 is just engaged but a lot of baby is still above the pelvis
2/5 is engaged and a lot of baby is below pelvis
1/5 is pretty much all of baby is in the pelvis
0/5 is where you can basically not feel baby at all above the pelvis

On another note I'm a bit worried now... if only consultant does the sweep my consultant only comes in on thursdays... and i'm sure she wont do it there and then and if i have to wait another week i'll be nearly 2 weeks overdue and it will mean i'll only have one shot at a sweep :(

Actually that's based on Palp not Engagement. They both get used but mean the opposite of each other. As if it wasn't confusing enough! hahaha

0/5 engaged = 5/5 palpable (feelable) = free
1/5 engaged = 4/5 palp
2/5 engaged = 3/5 palp
3/5 engaged = 2/5 palp
4/5 engaged = 1/5 palp
5/5 engaged = 0/5 palp = ready to blast off

sooo confused now - this is what i thought it was before but my midwife last week told me the other day it was the opposite... that i was 4/5ths ENGAGED not PALPABLE and that it meant that my baby was just sitting on the edge of the pelvis not actually in it yet! but she must have got it backwards? :shrug:
haha yes rach i cant wait ....lol

skipping omg i can bearly shuffle let alone skip

our boiler broke too lucky3 but then fixed itself :s so if it keeps playing up ill be in hospital too .. out of interest where in your house have you planned to give birth do you have a pool or anything ?

yeah we have one in the garden :haha: I wish!! No, i found that getting in water made the contractions even more painful and me throw up so no pool. I really can't decide - I keep asking people what they did :blush: i prefer the idea of downstairs as we have pale carpets upstairs, and i have to go upstairs, but obviously don't have a bed downstairs, tho could bring a trundle bed down. Having said that I want to avoid lying down for labour this time as it makes sense that other ways are better with gravity etc. I did wonder about just sticking a mattress on the dining room table in case I need to lie down and assume i'll birth there, on my ball and wandering? Have dug out an old rug for the floor so there's something soft and have lots of old towels and shower curtains!!

what are you thinking at the mo? (sorry for the ramble!)

i have just had 2 slices of cheese on toast and I want MORE! I was actually feeling shaky before I had it :shrug: why?!! perhaps we are all building up strength. i am so impressed Eve that you are good though, you will be smug after the birth when I have an extra stone to shift!!
Morning all, just got back from my midwife appointment. Baby is 1/5 engaged. I guess its better than being totally free like he has been. She said it doesn't mean anything and that I'll just have some really good contractions to get him down there. yay!

Winegums, she said they don't do the sweep at the surgery because of the previous section. She said its something they will do at the consultant appointment. I still think I will be around for that next week.

Mummymadness, how have you been today? x

Erm hun 1/5 is pretty much the MOST engaged your bubs can be? wowee!!!

Free and 5/5 are nowhere near pelvis
4/5 is on the edge of pelvis
3/5 is just engaged but a lot of baby is still above the pelvis
2/5 is engaged and a lot of baby is below pelvis
1/5 is pretty much all of baby is in the pelvis
0/5 is where you can basically not feel baby at all above the pelvis

On another note I'm a bit worried now... if only consultant does the sweep my consultant only comes in on thursdays... and i'm sure she wont do it there and then and if i have to wait another week i'll be nearly 2 weeks overdue and it will mean i'll only have one shot at a sweep :(

Actually that's based on Palp not Engagement. They both get used but mean the opposite of each other. As if it wasn't confusing enough! hahaha

0/5 engaged = 5/5 palpable (feelable) = free
1/5 engaged = 4/5 palp
2/5 engaged = 3/5 palp
3/5 engaged = 2/5 palp
4/5 engaged = 1/5 palp
5/5 engaged = 0/5 palp = ready to blast off

sooo confused now - this is what i thought it was before but my midwife last week told me the other day it was the opposite... that i was 4/5ths ENGAGED not PALPABLE and that it meant that my baby was just sitting on the edge of the pelvis not actually in it yet! but she must have got it backwards? :shrug:

Looks like she's got herself confused! hahaha. But it's most definitely that. Palpable means to touch or feel. Meaning you can actually FEEL 4/5 of the head. And To be engaged means pretty much to be stuck into something. So that's why 1/5 means only part of it is in.
haha yes rach i cant wait ....lol

skipping omg i can bearly shuffle let alone skip

our boiler broke too lucky3 but then fixed itself :s so if it keeps playing up ill be in hospital too .. out of interest where in your house have you planned to give birth do you have a pool or anything ?

yeah we have one in the garden :haha: I wish!! No, i found that getting in water made the contractions even more painful and me throw up so no pool. I really can't decide - I keep asking people what they did :blush: i prefer the idea of downstairs as we have pale carpets upstairs, and i have to go upstairs, but obviously don't have a bed downstairs, tho could bring a trundle bed down. Having said that I want to avoid lying down for labour this time as it makes sense that other ways are better with gravity etc. I did wonder about just sticking a mattress on the dining room table in case I need to lie down and assume i'll birth there, on my ball and wandering? Have dug out an old rug for the floor so there's something soft and have lots of old towels and shower curtains!!

what are you thinking at the mo? (sorry for the ramble!)

i have just had 2 slices of cheese on toast and I want MORE! I was actually feeling shaky before I had it :shrug: why?!! perhaps we are all building up strength. i am so impressed Eve that you are good though, you will be smug after the birth when I have an extra stone to shift!!

you mean you dont have your own indoor heated pool and gym in the basement then ..pfft :haha:

re food - you obviously missed the bit i had had a mars bar haha .

re birth - the midwife was like where are you planning on giving birth i was erm i have no idea can i just see what i fancy lol . i have a bean bag , a ball etc i was hoping to just kinda lean on hubby while he was on a chair me on my knees or something , i bought some gross cheap cushions and throws to make it soft from home bargains the other day.

i was hoping at the time somewhere felt right :S

though we still havent ruled out the hospital so who knows eh lol
Clare, shes off school cos yesterday she woke up and said she has a stomach ache, so I told her to try and do a poop, which she managed easily. She had diarrhea. I phoned the school and they said she could come back when she was 48 hours clear. It only happened the once, so she can go back tomorrow. tbh, I think it was my cooking from the night before. OH had a stomach ache too.

OK well here are all the positions:-

Sit upright and lean forward.
Sit knees lower than hips.....so sit on cushions.
Sit on dining chair with elbows on table, leaning forward, knees apart. (simelar to when sitting on loo)
kneel on floor leaning over large beanbag to watch tv (birthing ball would do the same job I guess)
When resting/sleeping, lie on your side, pref left (why is that?) with pillow between the legs, top knee resting on bed. (This is the only way I can sleep!)



-relax in semi clining position that have your knees higher than hips
-take long journeys in cars that have bucket seats
-sit with legs crossed (I still can't stop doing that)
-use squatting exercise late in pregnancy as this may force the babys head into the pelvis before it is in the correct position.

I know wine, I can't stop sitting like that. I think the 1/5 is the other way around, cos she said I can still feel lots of the babies head. Its just written on the notes as 1/5.

The boiler thing must be contagious! Our boiler went a couple of weeks ago. It was a nightmare. Water was everywhere in the hall.

Jenniflower that is a good point! I don't know which cross-legged it means :-S

Well I have just eaten a hot curry. I am officially desperate! I'm just dreading the thought of having a cesarean. If it doesnt work I give up! x
The doctor said it will be when they can fit me in. My appointment is Wednesday. So I don't know if it will be the end of next week or the beginning of the one after. I hate feeling like I don't know anything. :-(
The doctor said it will be when they can fit me in. My appointment is Wednesday. So I don't know if it will be the end of next week or the beginning of the one after. I hate feeling like I don't know anything. :-(

If it's whenever they can "fit you in" would it be an option for you to say you'd rather wait to the last possible time? I know our hospital doesn't do inductions until 40+12. And even after that they'll offer me monitoring if I wanted to wait. I totally understand you shouldn't have any type of induction and that can cause distress and increase your risk of uterus rupture, but surely if they're not fussed and only plan to give you a section when it's convenient to them you could try to find a time that's better suited to your peace of mind.
Well the plumbers been...need a new switch..oh ok..how long :shrug: no idea. Great, thanks!!

it is only a prob with the hot water so he has turned a valve off and at least we have heating, which I probably prefer!! Hey, and who needs hot water for a homebirth anyway (and we've used all the old towels for soaking up the water) :rofl:

rach - was reading your message about positions lying on my left side on the sofa, yeah baby!! thanks for that. might try some of the others...when the boiler is mended :dohh:

and I hope your family gets over your cooking soon :haha: at least you're at home at the mo to be with her :)
Just to let you all know - 3rdandlasttime had her baby by c section today -

"Jayne Hutchins is a mummy again to a little boy weight 8lb 6 born at 9:36am"

Congratulations hun!
aww more babies yay !

my friend text me from hopsital earlier she comes home tomo i cant wait till she is up for visitors i wanna go a munchin ! she called her baby Joshua and he was a whopping 9lb 9oz !

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