Oh wine, that sucks! If it's any consolation, my Aunt had my cousin about 8 hours after they examined her and saw that she was totally unfavorable, not dilated, etc.! Anything can happen!
Does it count as nesting if I really *wanted* to clean my house, but can't because my pain, so my parents came over and were nice enough to do all the cleaning I couldn't do?
oh yes definitely, what great parents...send them this way. Strangely no one seems to want to come clean my house!!! Me included!! A job for tomorrow...
I know! I am so happy they came to help me! Usually they don't even offer something like that...but I kinda had an emotional meltdown at their house yesterday...
...we were all playing Monopoly on the Wii, and I was frustrated we were just sitting around playing video games when our house was a wreck and I had homework to do, and my husband was missing work because of the stupid blizzard, and I landed on one of my husband's properties or something stupid and just burst out crying...and it all kinda came out then - I even yelled at my husband and said how he isn't making anything easier on me before the baby comes (which he does go outta his way to make things easy on me...he just doesn't clean)...So yeah. We left their house with my husband upset and me bawling about how messy my house was and how much homework I had (and still do) to get done and how totally helpless and useless I feel because I can't even put on my own socks...and I guess my parents thought it'd help me be a little less stressed if my house was clean! Now I am relaxing because my back is killing me from trying to help them, and then I'm going to hopefully get some homework done. I still have about 8ish hours before my husband will be home from work. I HATE that he works 10 hours...and the drive is 1.5 hours each direction, but with these road conditions, it takes him 2.5-3 hours to drive it...and our stupid gravel road is horrible and some idiot tried to grate the road but instead just packed down the snow into ice and so not only did we have a 4-foot wall of ice in front of OUR driveway (can't see the house from the road so maybe that's why he picked ours), but the road and hill is a solid sheet of ice. My husband won't be able to drive up it tonight, so he'll have to park down at my Gramma's house and walk up...And the stupid doctor wants me to come in tomorrow to make up my doctor's appointment! Ha! Like that's going to happen? There is no way I'm walking down that hill and about a mile to my Gramma's house just to get to my car, and there is no way I'd be able to walk back up that hill!
Ugh.....can you tell I'm ready to just have this baby?! Lol