***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

Congrats Siegal!! You never texted me to let me know you were in labour! :haha: To be honest, I'll probably forget to text you and let you know! She's so cute!

Who wants to take bets on who will have the biggest baby? I betcha mine will be huge! :dohh:
congrats Siegal! She's gorgeous!

Well I just did the stupidist thing tonight! Got up just now around midnight because I decided I wanted to wax my chin (its been a jungle since the bfp) So I put my nifty wax in the microwave and upon taking it out to mix it must have popped some kind of wax bubble and it exploded all over the place! Mainly my middle finger and my tummy. I burst into tears thinking i hurt babs but since i had my shirt on all it did was hit the shirt and warm my tummy. my finger on the other hand hurts like hell! It's completely swollen up now and the only way to even remotely relieve the pressure is to keep dipping it in cold water. It's pretty much taken me twice as long to even post this. Which isn't a problem seeing as I won't be sleeping much until this pain goes away! :nope:
been gettin bh all morning and now it feels like shes grinding her head into my pelvis it bloody hurts..god i hope she comes soon..sick of the pain
Congrats Siegal! She is so pretty!

@Virginia: I think I will bet you because at 36 weeks my baby was estimated to be 7lbs, 3oz and 17 inches long. DR says if I go to term he will be over 9lbs. What was your last estimate?:winkwink:
Congrats Siegal! She is so pretty!

@Virginia: I think I will bet you because at 36 weeks my baby was estimated to be 7lbs, 3oz and 17 inches long. DR says if I go to term he will be over 9lbs. What was your last estimate?:winkwink:

At 37+3, I was measuring at 8lbs, 4oz. Prior to that (at 35+3), I was 6lbs, 7oz....so she's gaining about a pound a week. :wacko: Doctor said if I go to term and she keeps growing the way she is, she could end up upwards of 11 pounds! YIKES. I'm not sure how long she is. I didn't ask - when her head was already 12cm across in one area, I stopped asking questions. LMAO
Ladies, don't know if I posted or not... I think I started to, but got pulled from my computer for a feeding and never finished.. :/ Oops... lol Anyways, I'm sure you know (but can't really catch up easily right now... haha)... but Zealia Raine Harris was born by cesarean at 10am on Feb. 1st, 2011.. She weighed 8lbs 5ozs, and is 20 inches long... I believe they said her head was 14 1/2, so they said even if she hadn't been so breeched, I probably would have ended up csec anyways because they don't think her head would have fit through my pelvis... Oh well lol

Anyways, I'm hopefully leaving hospital tomorrow... in the meantime, here is Miss Zealia Raine :) When they were wheeling me to my room, they wheeled me past the nursery where my mom was with her getting her first bath and there was, no lie, a CROWD of people around the window, all saying "Ohh, look at that one, she's adorable!! Oh my gosh!!" so on, so forth... at first glance, it looked like she was the only one in there (mom told me later yes, she was...), so I was just BEAMING and proud...

To everyone that has had their babies... CONGRATS!!! :D :D :D :D

And everyone else, hang in there... not long now and it'll be your turn!!!!!!! :D

Now.. excuse me while I sleep a couple hours :p She has been asleep 45 minutes now, so I know I have at least 2 hours left before she's up again for food :)
Awwww she is lush congtats really need to put a pic up of my little man but havent had chance to go on laptop still v sore from guving birth.
I wudent worry about scans saying ur have big babys they told me my babt wud be 8 and a half to 9lb at 40 wks and he was only 7lb 11 and I had him at 39+6 was booked yest for inducion but my body decided to do it all by itself the day b4. Wen they last checked me they said i wasn't ready. My cervix was still v long.

On tuesday I did the hoovering and some other bits round the house also went out 4 a walk. Then at abour 23.00 I felt like a POP. Then I was really restless and my pelvis killed also cudent stop erring. I then started to notuce my pads feeling damp. Then at 2am I started getting major pubic pain then I noticed the pain was comin and goin every 10 or so mins this went in 4 a hour then the pains got worse and was feelib them in my tummy low down and roubd the back. Over time they were every 6 mins they never got sny closser but were v painful. At about 5am i cudnt take it any more and OH said call hosp I was adamant ir was not the real thing because the pauns bwcimw less reg but tge pain was strong so went and gor checked. I also had more show. Any way in hosp to my surprise I was 4cm dilated but contracsions were wearing off so they made us walk around well I barely made it to the canteen b4 I was rushing back to delivery because the pain was so intence. They said I wudent b goin home. My contracsions got to 3min apart but wasn't dilating so they broke my hind waters and put up a homone drip. After a few mire hours the contracsions were all the time. Then felt lije loads of presure in my bottom and i was 10 cm then I pushed for a hour and a half I was so tired then at 7.32 pm he was born. Good job really cuz they were so busy I wudnt of been able to go in yest to b unduced. It's funny cuz someone said to me I bet u go into labour the day b4 inducsiin and i did. Fingers crossed that u all have ur babys soon feel so sorry 4 u guys that r over due I really hope its ur turn next. I will get a pic of little man on here soon as. He's so tiny compared to my last bless him. good luck girls thinking of ya x oh still got some spd pain but not as bad x
Congratulations SIEGAL. Looking forward to hearing your story.

1sttimemom, I love that little hairband, she looks so cute!

I want my baby :cry:

Well just BH for me. I have been going on an hours walk everyday for the past 4 days, and even though it hurts, when I get the sharp pain which I assume is his head hitting the cervix, :shrug: I feel like I am achieving something. So I am going to go on another big walk again today. x
1sttimemom omg shes so beautiful..

rachael i want my baby to ..hopefully our lil ones come soon..
I had my baby - her name is Dafna and she is 7 lbs 13 oz. in labor for less than 10 hours and pushing for less than an hour.

Congrats !!!:happydance:

congrats Siegal! She's gorgeous!

Well I just did the stupidist thing tonight! Got up just now around midnight because I decided I wanted to wax my chin (its been a jungle since the bfp) So I put my nifty wax in the microwave and upon taking it out to mix it must have popped some kind of wax bubble and it exploded all over the place! Mainly my middle finger and my tummy. I burst into tears thinking i hurt babs but since i had my shirt on all it did was hit the shirt and warm my tummy. my finger on the other hand hurts like hell! It's completely swollen up now and the only way to even remotely relieve the pressure is to keep dipping it in cold water. It's pretty much taken me twice as long to even post this. Which isn't a problem seeing as I won't be sleeping much until this pain goes away! :nope:

Ouch !! :dohh:

Congratulations SIEGAL. Looking forward to hearing your story.

1sttimemom, I love that little hairband, she looks so cute!

I want my baby :cry:

Well just BH for me. I have been going on an hours walk everyday for the past 4 days, and even though it hurts, when I get the sharp pain which I assume is his head hitting the cervix, :shrug: I feel like I am achieving something. So I am going to go on another big walk again today. x

fingers crossed you go into labour soon ;)

i have the most crappy pain i couldnt sleep too well. my spd on my left was killing , now my pubic bone hurts like someone has given me a massive kick , this has caused me to waddle unevenly and now ive hurt my muscle on my right foot presumably from over balancing on that side or something. so im planning on doing bog all today. ds2 is a bit snotty so he s happy curled up on the sofa with me :D
I had my baby - her name is Dafna and she is 7 lbs 13 oz. in labor for less than 10 hours and pushing for less than an hour.

Congrats !!!:happydance:

congrats Siegal! She's gorgeous!

Well I just did the stupidist thing tonight! Got up just now around midnight because I decided I wanted to wax my chin (its been a jungle since the bfp) So I put my nifty wax in the microwave and upon taking it out to mix it must have popped some kind of wax bubble and it exploded all over the place! Mainly my middle finger and my tummy. I burst into tears thinking i hurt babs but since i had my shirt on all it did was hit the shirt and warm my tummy. my finger on the other hand hurts like hell! It's completely swollen up now and the only way to even remotely relieve the pressure is to keep dipping it in cold water. It's pretty much taken me twice as long to even post this. Which isn't a problem seeing as I won't be sleeping much until this pain goes away! :nope:

Ouch !! :dohh:

Congratulations SIEGAL. Looking forward to hearing your story.

1sttimemom, I love that little hairband, she looks so cute!

I want my baby :cry:

Well just BH for me. I have been going on an hours walk everyday for the past 4 days, and even though it hurts, when I get the sharp pain which I assume is his head hitting the cervix, :shrug: I feel like I am achieving something. So I am going to go on another big walk again today. x

fingers crossed you go into labour soon ;)

i have the most crappy pain i couldnt sleep too well. my spd on my left was killing , now my pubic bone hurts like someone has given me a massive kick , this has caused me to waddle unevenly and now ive hurt my muscle on my right foot presumably from over balancing on that side or something. so im planning on doing bog all today. ds2 is a bit snotty so he s happy curled up on the sofa with me :D

This is what my pubic bone feels like! Like its bruised and someone has kicked me there! But its internal :-s

I'm doing nothing all day too! Well, i'm going to meet my parents for lunch and buy a lamp for the babies room. The night light is naff! We tried it out the other day and we were all in his room laughing cos we couldn't see nothing. So i'm going to get him a lamp with the lowest watt bulb I can find. x
Wow, it's just so exciting logging on these days....

Congrats Siegal, love the name :)

Hope all this pubic ache is the sign of baby's on the way.....

I have just been for a brisk 20 mins walk, including a bit of jumping off verges after cars has gone by!! Don't feel much different, just the usual aches!!

On a more positive note - the patio looks great! Thought it would need another sweep this morning but it's fine :) And the bulbs are all coming up so soon there will be lots of flowers too, I love spring!

I am going to second coat the gloss now, then energetically clean the house and bounce on the ball...once I've done the gloss then mentally baby can come (she'll know :winkwink:!!) Tho i think i would rather she came on Tuesday, than I get one more weekend and Monday to chill :) I'm starting eviction action today though...who knows how long it will take?!
sounds too energentic for me clare !

anyone else batch cooking ? im trying to get about 2 weeks worth of meals in the freezer - i just made a thread in 3rd tri im running out of ideas of what to make .
Oh I love Spring too, and all the new flowers. I don't think we will have any plants come through because I don't think the people who lived here before planted anything.

Is it daffodils that you plant in September the year before?

Eve, I just to do this all the time! It used to help working shifts. What have you cooked so far?

Er the things I used to cook was:

Lasange/Macaroni Cheese/Stew and Dumplings/Curry/Cheese and Potato Pie ~ then do sausages with it/Spag bol/Soups/Meat Pie.
Just looked in my book of what I used to make:

Shepherds pie
Sausage and Mash
Sausage and Bacon Casserole
Sausage Casserole
Sweet and Sour Chicken
Hot Pot
Fish Pie
ooh sausage casserole be good .

so far i got a cottage pie , a chilli , bolognaise sauce , fish pie , beef stew.
That's a great idea Eve/Rach. I have got about 3. The other thing i have done is cook up just mince, carrot, celery, onion etc (possibly with chopped toms, can't remember :dohh:) and freeze, then just add different things to it to make spag bol or cottage pie, lasagne, etc. must do that.....

I HAVE FINISHED PAINTING, woo hoo:happydance::happydance::happydance:

Can't say what a relief it is, I have done everything that I really, really wanted done, so Baby - YOU CAN COME NOW!!!

Eve, how is your works going?

oh, and I can't be arsed doing the cleaning now, may run up the stairs 2 at a time a few times tho :thumbup:
Congrats siegal! Cant wait to see more pics of all these gorgeous babies :) x
I haven't been able to cook anything in batches because our freezers are totally full! :dohh: Just 3 months ago, they were empty and we had no meat...then someone gave us a ton of Moose, and two other people gave us a bunch of ground beef, and the store had a great sale on chicken that we were able to afford! I feel so blessed to have the freezer so full for once! :happydance:

On another note, both my pelvic and pubic bones hurt SO BAD...I literally can not lay down and roll over anymore. I can kind of flop myself into one position, but if I need to turn, it just hurts way too bad...I woke my DH up several times last night because apparently I was crying. It hurts that bad. I'm going to ask my doctor for a sweep today...I'm not entirely sure what their policies are on this, but since baby is measuring so big, she might agree...Especially since they moved my EDD to the 12th...so I'm really 39 weeks tomorrow...:wacko:
That's a great idea Eve/Rach. I have got about 3. The other thing i have done is cook up just mince, carrot, celery, onion etc (possibly with chopped toms, can't remember :dohh:) and freeze, then just add different things to it to make spag bol or cottage pie, lasagne, etc. must do that.....

I HAVE FINISHED PAINTING, woo hoo:happydance::happydance::happydance:

Can't say what a relief it is, I have done everything that I really, really wanted done, so Baby - YOU CAN COME NOW!!!

Eve, how is your works going?

oh, and I can't be arsed doing the cleaning now, may run up the stairs 2 at a time a few times tho :thumbup:

its liveable lol , we had to wait for the plaster to dry which it is now , and hubby had to wipe it all . the 1st coat of emulsion is going on tonight and the 2nd tomo , my blinds have just arrived so they can go up on sunday and hubby is replacing the plug sockets and light switches etc just leaves the floor to do really which my stepdad has offered to help with but we havent ordered it yet as they paid hubby wrong and didnt want to leave ourselves short on cash. however he has just rung to say they have sorted that so ill order that now. dont need it for baby particularly anyway it will give hubby something to do on hs paternity leave !

we have decided on a bed at last just need to pick some furniture but again will have to wait a while as the car service mot etc cost more than anticipated lol ...

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