***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

Awww congrats Juicy and Louppey , Juicy do you find yourself wondering what to do with something so tiny i do lol i usually have 6 lb ish babies so not far off but he just seems like a bit dropped off a normal sized baby lol.

Ladies thought i would add my symptoms just before waters broke and just before the contractions started on the morning i woke up to see if it helps any one :).

The last week before water broke ..

Increased thick white discharge i mean there was loadssssss
Lots of false start "Strong BHs or Mild contractions" pittering off after a few hours
Feeling very very off food
Often started been sick
Preasure down there like i was going to snap in half
Extreme tiredness for no reason
Bad chest pains at night .

The morning i went in

Obviously waters had gone lol
That morning woke at 5am not with nerves just felt not right
The preasure down there was TOO intense
i puked my guts up about 7.30 am
Hip Pain
and a dull period ache all morning .

Tonnes and tonnes of labour dust to you all xxxxx
congrats loupey and juicy..

i am so over hearin ppl say she will come when shes ready FFS ppl thats quite obvious isnt it..and why am i not allowed to whinge or want her out now??? iv got 5 days till my due date ..and i could go over another 10....seriously iv had enough..

ok rant over.
congrats loupey and juicy..

i am so over hearin ppl say she will come when shes ready FFS ppl thats quite obvious isnt it..and why am i not allowed to whinge or want her out now??? iv got 5 days till my due date ..and i could go over another 10....seriously iv had enough..

ok rant over.

if i hear .."not long now" one more time ill scream
Eve did you feel something hard through your cervix?

Mummymadness he is such a cutie! I love your avatar.

Oh my favourite is "he'll come when he is ready" GRR.

The baby has been really quiet today. He's probably done the 10 moves in 10 hours but hes just not being him. I'm scared something is wrong :-s
i freak out sometimes to rachael emma is so quite sometimes ..thats why i want her out so much atleast then i can watch her and know shes ok..
Rachael if your worried contact your maternity assessment unit - sometimes I don't feel bubs all day used to worry me but used to itnow :s xxx
Eve did you feel something hard through your cervix?

Mummymadness he is such a cutie! I love your avatar.

Oh my favourite is "he'll come when he is ready" GRR.

The baby has been really quiet today. He's probably done the 10 moves in 10 hours but hes just not being him. I'm scared something is wrong :-s

well i dont know ..cus i dont know if it was my cervix ...im rubbish at this ive never checked it before now ever :S all i know is it was hard then it moved lmao !
I had my appointment. My doctor doesn't want me to go to term...She again told me that the baby can be upwards of 11 pounds if I do, and that wouldn't be good. Lol. She did the sweep today...and I've been kinda crampy and stuff since, but nothing to convince me I'm going into labour... Anyways, I was 3cm when she checked me and 75% effaced. She said baby was at 0 station too, which is great. Anyways, my Blood pressure was like 158/60ish when I first got there and there was a little bit of protein in my urine so I have to pee in a jug for 24 hours and bring it in tomorrow just in case I have preeclampsia....by the end of the appointment, it was 125/60 though so I highly doubt there is anything wrong. The doctor is still concerned though.

Anyways, I REALLY hope the sweep did something...I have had little stringy bits of blood/tissue when I wipe...not sure what that is! Lol.
Good luck Virginia! I hope it brings on labor so you can see your cute baby girl!

Congrats to all the new february babies!

I wish my little boy would come on!:thumbup:
Good Luck Virginia!! The stringy bits are probably your plug coming lose. A very good sign things are progressing! :happydance:

Ugh I'm getting the MiL calling everyday now "How you feeling? Feeling and niggles? How's she doing? How was the midwife appt? When do you see her again?" As if there's nothing else we can actually talk about. I was actually overly cheeky yesterday when Hubby finished talking with her and said "here mum wants to see how your feeling" I said "Tell her I'm feeling the same as yesterday so there's no need to talk!" :blush:

In other news I practically had to mull my Hubby into DTD with me tonight. Geesh, most men would be begging for it. I was having slight BH all night so thought DTD would help them along and kept at it until he finally gave in, hahaha. Sadly now all it's done is stop them! Go figure.
good luck virginia i hope it kick starts labour for u xx
Awww congrats Juicy and Louppey , Juicy do you find yourself wondering what to do with something so tiny i do lol i usually have 6 lb ish babies so not far off but he just seems like a bit dropped off a normal sized baby lol.

Ladies thought i would add my symptoms just before waters broke and just before the contractions started on the morning i woke up to see if it helps any one :).

The last week before water broke ..

Increased thick white discharge i mean there was loadssssss
Lots of false start "Strong BHs or Mild contractions" pittering off after a few hours
Feeling very very off food
Often started been sick
Preasure down there like i was going to snap in half
Extreme tiredness for no reason
Bad chest pains at night .

The morning i went in

Obviously waters had gone lol
That morning woke at 5am not with nerves just felt not right
The preasure down there was TOO intense
i puked my guts up about 7.30 am
Hip Pain
and a dull period ache all morning .

Tonnes and tonnes of labour dust to you all xxxxx

Thanks for this. I think this is exactly what I needed to read at 3am, although it doesn't really help :)

I've not had any BHs, so don't know if what I'm having is just BHs. Woke up about 40 mins ago (well think it was 40 mins ago) with what I think is a contraction or painful BH. Tried to sleep through it. Got another one about 10 mins ago so got up to go to loo and I've had my show :thumbup: Step in the right direction, but I understand that it still doesn't mean anything is imminent?

So I've got up cos I'm wide awake now to wander about and see if I get another one (as the books say if you can walk them off then they are BHs). So waiting another 20 mins or so to see if I get another one. If not I'll go back to bed.

I've organised a birthday party for tomorrow, so I need some sort of clue as to what's going on so I can cancel it in the morning if need be :blush:
Thanks! I really hope it's gonna start something! So far I'm just slightly crampy, so I'm trying really hard not to get my hopes up. I feel kinda *off* though, so I'm gonna head to bed early. (besides, I'm exhausted for some reason! lol)
My Carlee was born Feb 3 at 12:57pm. She weighed 7 pounds 2.7 ounces and was 19 inches long. When my family leaves I'll write more about my birth.
Congratulations Amber20, and good luck to possible labours Virginia and Gizmodo. x
Congrats Amber - is it strange having a girl in the house ?

hopefully we have some babies popping this weekend then girls ..

no sign here yet but i suppose i still have a couple of weeks to go , i been making hubby dtd but he said it is a bit too much effort with my bump and spd meh ....

im not very motivated at all today into doing all the stuff i need to do ..
Hi ya ladies, hope your all well and im sending lots of labour dust to you.

I had my baby on her due date, 3rd february at 11:03am
Her name is Demi and she weighed 7lb 11oz.

On Wednesday afternoon, I had Mucus discharge when I wiped but I didnt really feel like labour was heading my way?? I went to my friends for dinner and had a few twinges but once again thought nothing of it.
Got home at 11:30pm and had a bath, by mid night, I realised that this was the real deal, so my Shaun called his mum to look after our sleeping girl.
At 5am, my contractions was coming every 4~5 mins, bearable but I no longer could talk through them. I was eager to get to the hospital knowing that I had GBS.
We arrived at 6am and I was told I was 3~4 centimeters, I had a big bloody show and was pacing the room like a mad women. At 8:30am, I tried the gas and air, which I didnt like, made me feel sick.
By 10am, I could no longer walk with the pain and the contractions were coming every two to three mins, I was frantically sucking on the gas and air and begging for an epi dural~ ha ha, the midwife said it was too busy for me to have one as she could not give me one to one!. The midwife broke my waters and said I was 6cms but she could stretch my cervix to 8 centimeters and then she just left the room!! After a few contractions, I was pressing on the button and finally a midwife came and I said I felt the urge to push... The midwife was not convinced, had a look and then she said she could see the head!
Three pushes later and she was out! The pain was very intense and quick at the end, I was a bit shocked at how quick it all was, but Demi was worth every second of pain.

The midwifes were great when they were there, but I guess they had a busy morning dealing with complicated births, apperently mine was the only 'normal' labour at the time, It certainly was not like one born every minute!

I dont post on here often but Im always on here reading how your getting on. Goodluck to you all and I cant wait to read your stories xxx
wowee congrats amber and Jem!!!! sooo many little babies arriving...

Virginia sounds like your cervix was very favourable so you could definately be heading towards something now - good luck hun!

as for me i'm running out of things to try - walked loads yesterday to the point where i kept getting stitches, and googled accupressure to induce labour and stimulated the pressure points with tens machine for an hour - but nothing

had lots of sex and nipple stimulation with breast pump

when i was in hospital at the maternity assessment unit yesterday there were ladies coming in and out in labour and whose waters had broke etc - i was so jealous especially as all of them were around their due dates!!!! argh
WOW! congrats Jenbug (we had the same due date!!) and amber, glad all theselovely babies are doing well.

goodluck Virginia, fx for you and your whopper baby :hugs:

well I'm bouncing on my ball whilst i write on this - i feel like a midget, it's a bit low!! are you supposed to bounce hard? had a sneaky go on my daughters small trampoline when i walked past, but was worried about breaking it lol!!

Do feel a bit periody and poky down there today so who knows, fx!!

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