***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

Congratulations to Virginia and Josiejo :) well done guys look forward to pix!

Mummymadness apparently Breast milk is great for bad eyes if your breast feeding that is. You can just squeeze a few drops in his eye and it helps.

Wine fingers crossed for you tonight /tomorrow!

Good luck everyone else :) xx
Congratulations josie, wot a nice quick laboour x
Woow rzch what a good weight that is, my friend had a baby at 34 weeks and she was only 3lb 5oz

Hope everyone is well xx
Oh thats great to hear about not going 14 over. Is that something they don't allow to happen to people who have had sections?

Clare, is that the date next Thursday? Are you going the same day as my sister? That would be strange! I can't remember, was it me and you that had our scans on the same day or maybe it was Ley. I can't remember. lol.

Clare, if you don't mind me asking...........how much oil do you use? We are using 500L every 2 months which is working out at £160 a month. Its freakin hard!

Congratulations Josie!! Can't wait to see pics. :)

My OH SIL who had the premature labour scare at 27 weeks, went into labour Sunday and had the baby at 30 weeks. I went to see them today and she is soooooo sweet. She weighed 3lb2oz, but is breathing on her own and so far doing really well. She is tiny but perfect. Has black hair like her mum and dad :)

While I was up the hospital I was jealous of the woman going into the delivery suite clearly in pain. lol.

Also a member of staff came up to me and said "I hope you can tell me that baby was due last week" It made me laugh.

I have my consultant appointment tomorrow and I can't wait!! I really hope they do a sweep. I think i'll actually be devastated if they don't. x

Completely missed this post earlier! yep they usually don't like anyone going over 14 days unless the person is quite adament... but with a vbac even more so because the longer they are in there the bigger they could get which may put pressure on the scar as they are coming out, if you get me? so i'm pretty sure they wouldn't want you going over 2 weeks! my consultant originally didn't want me past 10 days but i'm pretty sure my body just needs a couple more days! lol!

thati s a really good weight for the baby,glad to hear everything is well! I know what you mean about being jealous lol every time i've been at the hospital i've seen women in labour and i'm like OI IT'S MY TURN lol

good luck with your appointment tomorrow... if they say they wont do a sweep ask them to at least do an internal exam because they may see that actually you are ready for a sweep and change their mind and do one! but tbh they should offer you one anyway at this point and probably do it right then and there!

my sweep yesterday didn't hurt at all - it was hardly even uncomfy i was chatting to her as she was doing it and then it was over! having another one tomorrow as long as midwife keeps her word hehe!

PLEASE wish me luck everyone that my cervix will be better than yesterday! iknow it's only 2 days difference but if i get told I'm still only 1cm and posterior i will go home and cry! lol

good luck winegums i really hope ur cervix has changed

well i couldnt find clary sage oil today at the shops so i dont know where to go? cant believe im due 2moro iv never gotten to my edd so its strange lol.

just wanna meet my lil girl :(
Yeah that's what we said, her weight is really good considering the weight of some term babies. Her lungs are also good, with the threat of labour at 27 weeks she had the steriod injection and it really done some good within those 3 weeks.

With my sis saying the hosp is choca with inductions I am thinking they are going to have to have a slot before then put aside. They must have different procedures for VBAC inductions for booking them in right?

I hope they do do a sweep. Thank you for the advice wine! I will at least ask them to do an internal.

I hope tomorrow at your appointment your cervix is more progressed. What time is your appointment?

I thought mine was 1545, but I can't find the letter, even though this was the time I put in my diary months ago. My initial appointment was also 1545 so I hope I didnt have mega baby brain and get confused with the times. I am going to ring them as soon as tomorrow. lol x
carmyz I got mine off ebay. It arrived within 2 days.

Have you tried Holland and Barrett? x
lol yeah ...thanks i dont know if i should get it off ebay might go into labour b4 it even comes lol
yes hopefully u will go into labour. It is something I defo won't be using afterwards cos I find it really stinky.

wine, I have been meaning to ask u for ages, how do u find the stretching of your scar? x
I got mine off eBay too but it's a company I always use to buy my essential oils... Just because paypal is easy for me hehe

Rach phone them in the morning I have phoned so much and they always laugh and say oh you Pregnant women always forgetting your appointment tomes! Lol

With vbac induction they would probably start off just breaking your waters and letting you walk around etc rather than use medication to begin with. This is what they said to me but if my cervix hadn't started dilating before induction they would have had to use medication straight away!

Also my appointment is at 2pm so ages to wait!

I haven't looked at my scar tbh I've been too scared... It sometimes gets it itchy / achy but it used to do this before pregnancy anyway!

Have you googled symptoms of scar rupture or scar weakness so you know what to look out for?
We'll be in the hospital until Thursday, so I'm not sure if I'll get my proper birth story written before or after we leave. I am absolutely in love with my little girl. Here's a pic - I'll have a ton of better pictures once we leave the hospital.

I'm quite excited! I have actually woken up feeling like I might be getting somewhere.

I am going to ring the clinic at 830 on the dot. lol. Hopefully it will be open.

I haven't looked at my scar either, I just notice times when it is uncomfortable and tight.

I am glad they would rupture the membranes before medication.

Virginia, I can't view the pics - cause I'm not on FB, but well done and big congrats. x
well I rung the clinic and I asked what happens at the appointment, and the receptionist said they discuss an induction or me coming in, then I asked if I would have a sweep today and she said I need to discuss this with the doctor. I really hope so. I feel like I am pinning all my hopes on this appointment. x
rach - picture is same as her avatar ;)

good luck for sweeps etc girls.

virginia cute piccy :)

well ive stopped being sick at least but now all 4 of us have it at the other end .... so baby best stay in till that clears up really , im thinking this weekend would be a nice time for her to come ..fx but doubtfull lol
virginia wow shes cute..chubbiest cheeks iv ever seen lol

rachael good luck i hope u get a sweep..fx

not much happenin here bubs is goin crazy atm and my cervix is coppin a beating so its uncomfortable i used the pump this arvo and it gave me bh for a couple of hrs i only did one side for about 5mins or so i dont want to over stimulate my uterus so i stopped..

m/w app 2moro mornin hopin to get a sweep and find out wat my next step is..i really didnt think i would make this app though sux
Oh thats great to hear about not going 14 over. Is that something they don't allow to happen to people who have had sections?

Clare, is that the date next Thursday? Are you going the same day as my sister? That would be strange! I can't remember, was it me and you that had our scans on the same day or maybe it was Ley. I can't remember. lol.

Clare, if you don't mind me asking...........how much oil do you use? We are using 500L every 2 months which is working out at £160 a month. Its freakin hard!

Congratulations Josie!! Can't wait to see pics. :)

My OH SIL who had the premature labour scare at 27 weeks, went into labour Sunday and had the baby at 30 weeks. I went to see them today and she is soooooo sweet. She weighed 3lb2oz, but is breathing on her own and so far doing really well. She is tiny but perfect. Has black hair like her mum and dad :)

While I was up the hospital I was jealous of the woman going into the delivery suite clearly in pain. lol.

Also a member of staff came up to me and said "I hope you can tell me that baby was due last week" It made me laugh.

I have my consultant appointment tomorrow and I can't wait!! I really hope they do a sweep. I think i'll actually be devastated if they don't. x

ha Rachael, your memory is as bad as mine!! yes we had our 20 week scan on the same day and I would be the same as your sister :) I have it in my mind that she will come on the 17th now so am wondering what to do next week....cinema and a meal out with the kids at the weekend would be nice :)

Hubby says he feels like he is winding down for a holiday at work and can't concentrate, only trouble is he doesn't know when it's starting...I *think* he realises paternity leave is no holiday !! lmao!!

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow, be firm with them and tell them you want a sweep, plenty of people you know have had them (well certainly Winegums!!) and you want it done. It's your body and your baby!! they'll prob be fine anyway, saves them money I expect :lol:

isn't it weird that your OH sil's baby will be older than yours, though really she should be about 3 months younger!!

Oil - i thought you meant evening primrose oil to start with :lol:

you do end up using loads more this time of year, obviously. I think a tank of 1100 ish used to last about 9/10 months but now we seem to get through it more quickly. I would expect 600 to last the winter months so perhaps 200 a month over then?? not very helpful I know :(

AND big congrats to Josie and commiserations hugs to Wine, Rach, Me, Carmyz, Mummyto1 and any other fed up overduers!! Eve you don't count cos you're not late yet!!

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