***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

Aw Congratulations Vanessa and Rach - hurray for more babies! Good luck eve, wine and everyone else :) xx
Congratulations Rach and vanessa!!!
Eve I really hope things pick up for you! got everything crossed.

Chilly I got your pm and have added your details to the front page, I've also added todays birth details there too but I'm still missing a lot of people's info so still need people to pm me with birth details please!

Sorry I haven't been on much but I'm usually being used as a human cow lol

hope everyone is ok xx
Congratulations Rach and vanessa!!!
Eve I really hope things pick up for you! got everything crossed.

Chilly I got your pm and have added your details to the front page, I've also added todays birth details there too but I'm still missing a lot of people's info so still need people to pm me with birth details please!

Sorry I haven't been on much but I'm usually being used as a human cow lol

hope everyone is ok xx

hey, you're a busy mummy, don't be sorry!!

hope it's going well, Megan is looking gorgeous!!
Congrats to nessa and Rachael.... Come on eve you can do it!!!!

Im being induced tomorrow :( I could have waited till next week but would have had to go in for daily monitoring and have no money for petrol and car park - hospital is ages away... And no one to keep looking after my son...

So I gave up and have to go in tomorrow... I'm really shitting it especially as I'm going to be all alone.. They said my OH can visit for a bit in they day but not with my son so he will need to be at home with him. Then in the evening/ night my dad can look after him BUT OH is not allowed to come then....

Is it really horrible to say I wish I never decided to try for another baby...
Congrats to nessa and Rachael.... Come on eve you can do it!!!!

Im being induced tomorrow :( I could have waited till next week but would have had to go in for daily monitoring and have no money for petrol and car park - hospital is ages away... And no one to keep looking after my son...

So I gave up and have to go in tomorrow... I'm really shitting it especially as I'm going to be all alone.. They said my OH can visit for a bit in they day but not with my son so he will need to be at home with him. Then in the evening/ night my dad can look after him BUT OH is not allowed to come then....

Is it really horrible to say I wish I never decided to try for another baby...

Oh Wine, I'm sorry to hear you sound so despondent :hugs: it is really hard trying to find childcare when you don't have family close.

i hope it goes the best it can for you. Have you got someone's mobile number to keep in touch?
Congrats ladies!!!! Im so happy for you! Beautiful babies!

39 weeks and nothing here:shrug:.
Awwww wine hun sorry its come to induction hopefully you will go naturally today :).

Big congrats Vanessa and Rach , Rach text me she did it on just gas and air and he was back to back and 9lb10 wow that lady is a tough cookie :).

Corey slept lovely again i am not use to such a content baby .

Not sure if you got my birth announcement or not ley hun, But understandably you been real busy with your little bundle of joy.

Lotsssssss of labour dust girlies xxxx
Congrats rach and vanessa, and good luck eve
Labour dust to all you ladies still waiting :) x
Congrats rach and vanessa, and good luck eve
Labour dust to all you ladies still waiting :) x
Jembug and mummymadness, thanks for your PM's details have been added to the front page.
I still need details from Siegal, Virginia and anyone else who I haven't got yet.

Anyone heard anything from evewidow?
Congrats to nessa and Rachael.... Come on eve you can do it!!!!

Im being induced tomorrow :( I could have waited till next week but would have had to go in for daily monitoring and have no money for petrol and car park - hospital is ages away... And no one to keep looking after my son...

So I gave up and have to go in tomorrow... I'm really shitting it especially as I'm going to be all alone.. They said my OH can visit for a bit in they day but not with my son so he will need to be at home with him. Then in the evening/ night my dad can look after him BUT OH is not allowed to come then....

Is it really horrible to say I wish I never decided to try for another baby...

Wine hun don't sweat it!! Inductions can go just as great and easily as any normal birth. Maybe all it'll take is a few pessary gels to get you going and bam you're in labour! Besides once you're in labour hubby can stay till the cows come home. I know it'll suck that he's not there at the night time but just think of it as a little "me time" before everything starts happening. Just tell him to keep his phone on him and up really loud! He could go home at 10pm (or whenever visiting hours are over) and have to be back by 2am because you're in labour! :happydance:

Your LO is coming soon Wine!! So exciting!

Added: Wine, if you go here https://www.babyandbump.com/home-natural-birthing/496228-positive-natural-birthing-stories.html at the bottom of the first post are some great birth stories of women who needed an induction. :)
Eve just text me Baby girl born today 4.30 pm at home 7lb3 oz she got her home birth but had to go to hospital after not sure why she didnt say but said she is ok and should be home soon, Wow looks like today is a popular day already and loads left of the day . xx
Congrats eve :)

I know jenni I'm not too worried about the induction. My OH doesn't drive and it's a long way to the hospital and the bus is every hour so when I call it will take him ages to get there...

It also depends if my dad is around to look after our son, he's the only person we have. If he can't look after him then my OH won't be coming at all.

Did I mention I'm scared of hospitals? I don't mind appointments but staying there alone... Not so bad in a room but on the ward... With my section I found having to be in hospital worse than the op and the pain following the op I just sat there crying all night begging them to let me go home for 4 days straight
congrats eve xx

now im officially overdue :( lol oh well i have a feelin im goin to have to be induced to which i dont really care about its just waitin that long..i want her out lol.
hey guys just a quicky before i sleep .

well needless to say contractions started up again at around 1:30 they came thic and fast , midwife arrived at 2:30 called for 2nd midwife to come with gas and air - had a student though as well . anyway long story short as 2nd midwife arrived i was about to push so no time for gas and air waters didnt break till i pushed them out - 2 pushes and out she was she was crying when her head was out but body was in that was weird!
covered in vermix still they said looked around 37 weeks .. anyway she is perfect.
deivered placenta shortly after but then they all started going ooh ..erm ..and called an ambulance i was like wtf is happing ..they said they thought my uterus was prolapse..talk about shit oneself .. minutes later 3 paramedics so i had 4 midwifes 3 paramedics , me hubby , baby in my pokey lounge. off i went on a stretcher sirens blaring drip in my arm as blood pressure had dropped.
gets to hospital have about 10 people look up my bits they decide its just cervix but its gone back and is all ok ..gave me a couple of stitches as apparently i had torn - didnt feel it , said i could go . so here i am showered and in my own bed eating cookies and bananas ..will do a full birth story when i cba as theres a funny bit about my shoes .

sorry if none of that makes sense im a bit tired haha
heres a piccy please excuse the hair this was post labour pre shower :p
wow evewidow shes beautiful glad everything went well and ur ok looking forward to hearing ur birth story xx

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