***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

oo winegums - did your Tens machine help?

i know that wasnt directed to me , but mine was a god send it was the only pain relief i used for the entire labour and i didnt even get chance to crank it up right up to the top level.

winegums - nice name

any news on kns ?

Did you use it with your other labours?? i have thought about getting one, then some people say they don't work for them...obviously it is getting a little late for me!! Mind you, ordering one might be just the thing for getting her moving!! :lol:

no 1st labour gas and air and pethadine , 2nd gas and air , 3rd tens.

i was much more relaxed and in control this time but prob a combination of experence / pain relief choice and being at home . i didnt swear at hubby or scream either apparently though hubby says i did wail a bit :haha:
it def helped me but everyone is different i guess
Lucky - You poor thing - you must be climbing the walls at this stage. Hopefully you'll go soon. I hired a tens machine from Boots - over the counter on the day - I hadn't ordered one. So rather than ordering one on line you could go straight to get one. I think it cost 86 euro but I get 46 of that back so it was 40 actual rental? Something like that! Not that I needed it for an emergency c-section!

Hello, I didn't post often here, but lurked a lot.

Just to let you know I had my baby girl Madeleine on 6th February, weighing 6lb 9oz.

I had the most amazing birth, laboured to 8cm on TENS at home, then went to hospital and had a waterbirth with gas and air. It was just incredible - I hope those of you wanting waterbirths get yours.

Wow! Gizmodo - awesome story! Congrats on it and the new arrival! I'm not sure if I ever announced my lo's arrival on here either - I know I told Ley for the front page! I too wasn't a very regular poster although was one of the original lovebugs so I think I'll blow my trumpet anyway! :lol: SOrry if I did already - I was in a drugged haze for the firt few days so I could well have done so 5 times already and ye'll all be rolling your eyes goin 'FFS AGAIN??'

Our beautiful boy Devin was born my emergency c-section on the 5th of Feb weighing 9lbs 2 oz! It was a very drammatic event because I developed acute HELLP syndrome (blood disorder where platelet levels drop dangerously low and you risk haemorraging coz you have no clotting factors) and within mins of them establishing that that's what it was all hell broke loose and the doctors were literally running around after me - within an hour Devin was born! Scray stuff and it meant I had to be knocked out and was pretty much out of it for one night and EXTREMELY drowsy the whole next day but heh...everyone has a lot to endure be it natural or surgery! He's worth every bit of it!!

And here he is:


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    Devin 6 days old.jpg
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my tens machine was my lifeline in labour, and i seriously recommend elle tens... the boost button was amazing for contractions xxx
My hubby's aunt, who I do get a long with as she lives pretty close, has been pestering me lately. I'm not one to really care if people keep asking me if I'm due but she's being annoying with suggesting on how to get baby out. Not only texting me since about a week ago but also now MiL (her sister) and Hubby. Just today she sent me a text saying get and go for a walk and drink some castor oil. I've been ignoring her cause I don't know what else to say but I finally lost my patience today and texted back. "No thanks, No rush" Hubby thinks that may have been a bit cheeky, oh well. :lol:
Just today she sent me a text saying get and go for a walk and drink some castor oil. I've been ignoring her cause I don't know what else to say but I finally lost my patience today and texted back. "No thanks, No rush" Hubby thinks that may have been a bit cheeky, oh well. :lol:

I know how you feel, I HATE getting unsolicited, unwanted advice. What do people expect, that you'll turn round and say "Wow, thanks so much for that gem - it never occurred to me to try THAT, in all the months of reading and research I've done. Castor Oil, you don't say. Well I go and it it right now!"

I don't think your reply was cheeky, in teh circumstances it was very measured, and she might get the message too.
i dont think your reply was cheeky either jenny, baby will come when good and ready...which hopefully will be very soon for you :) x
I can't believe Mason is a month old today...how fast has that gone? only seems like 2 minutes ago i was updating you ladies with my birth announcement :0
Thanks Eve, Wine and Chilly for the TENS input - might pop into boots and see what they say...or look online of course :)

Ha ha Jenni, I think you were very polite...wait till you get to 10 days people just don't listen when you say actually I don't mind, she'll come when she's ready. "Luckily" i have plenty to do - like the raised sleeper veggie bed this morning, so I can just carry on like normal, though it would be good to be able to bend again!!

My worry is being induced, as as long as she can come before i feel that has to happen, no worries :)
aww lucky i know how you feel! being overdue starts getting so crappy when your near 2 weeks!

Also Jenni that response was really calm lol i was getting so peed off with people at the end, my mum phoned like every day crying saying when is it going to happen.... grrrrrrrr

paiytons mum i cannot believe its a month already! That has gone soo fast! xxx
I can't believe Mason is a month old today...how fast has that gone? only seems like 2 minutes ago i was updating you ladies with my birth announcement :0

gosh I can't believe that either....time is zipping by!!
Paitonsmummy that is scary. ATM I keep thinking tO myself I don't want him to get older.

Clare is your sweep tomorrow?

Random question but how lOng was it after birth that You had first poo? I think I'm scared of going. I tried but failed. X
rach i didn't go until day three because i had another third degree tear i didn't dare, but you clear yourself out that much in labour, you probably can go that long.
did you have a tear/stiches? xx
Paitonsmummy that is scary. ATM I keep thinking tO myself I don't want him to get older.

Clare is your sweep tomorrow?

Random question but how lOng was it after birth that You had first poo? I think I'm scared of going. I tried but failed. X

i went the next day , but previous times i have been like 3 days . i was always afraid to pop my stiches but i was brave this time lol .
Awwww ley Positive Vibes really routing for you today darl :).

Rach he is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute .

Lots of labour dust to those who need it xxx

Paitonsmummy that is scary. ATM I keep thinking tO myself I don't want him to get older.

Clare is your sweep tomorrow?

Random question but how lOng was it after birth that You had first poo? I think I'm scared of going. I tried but failed. X

Yep, third try at sweep tomorrow :)
Amy you had me cracking up with that response. I am so using that the next time she texts :rofl:

Good luck with the sweep Lucky!! I hope she's able to get in there lots!
Good luck on that sweep lucky hun..

Any babies born today ?.

Rach hope Lennie goes without any need of assistance lol bless him, And as for us pooing i still havent gone i havent really said anything to MW who discharged us today whoooo but i am real constipated .

wow 1 month old Mason bet its flying by Paitonsmummy ?.

Lots of labour dust to all who need it still . xxxxxxxxxxxxx

p.s Wine that name is friggin adorable :)
I didn't tear or have stitches. I think I'm just scared to push too hard :-s

Gem that's ages! Lol.

Oh Lennie went for his poo! He must have understood the alternative. Ha ha.

My bro n SIL brought him a great present today. It's a glow musical seahorse that goes in his Moses basket with him and he's happy to stay in there. :)

Clare I hope your appointment tomorrow is a good one. I have a feeling your cervix will be more favourable. What time is your appointment? X
Good luck with the sweep!

I am SO glad you asked about the poo rach I meant to myself today lol I feel like i really need one but I'm so scared of the pressure on my tears and stitches they goddamn hurt enough just sitting down let alone pooing :(

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