***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

I can't believe how much the baby is moving either. Just 2-3 weeks ago I was on here so upset I didn't feel anything. Even my husband felt her (amazingly through an inch or two of fat!) when she kicked very hard.I can't believe we are almost at third trimester only a few more weeks

ooh, and I think my ticker moved too...I feel like not too long ago all the ticker boxes were on the left side!
YAY for all the babies kicking and tickers moving!!!

i went to finish my anatomy scan today and baby was still stubborn lol he wouldnt move!!! he was in the same spot the whole time even after i ate drank walked around n nothing! lol i just got head shot piks since mister Ayden was nice n comfy in my uterus lol
he is 1lb 3oz now =] how is everyone else feeling?! and if anyone had scans this week or coming up hope is goes all well!!
Virginia it makes me feel a bit sick too when its a big move.

Juicylove i'm carrying low (I think) This is my 2nd. I'm defo with the theory at the mo that you carry different for different sexes. With DD I was just EVERYWHERE! This bump is neat and actually looks like a bump.

Can anyone else tell which way up their baby is? Because 90% off my feelings are down low I am assuming they are his feet as they are strong? So I think he's bum down at the mo.

2nd trimester has gone so quick. does 3rd go quick? I'm so excited :-D
lucky that probably was ur heartbeat :)

my lil girl moves around quite alot i also have a anterior placenta it feels different when she kicks that lol. i sit there and play with her sometimes i love feelin her move. The boys were kissing my belly yesterday my eldest likes to feel her move its so cute.

Goin out shoppin today with my sis i need to find more clothes mainly dresses as its spring here and should be warmin up pretty soon..atm were having alot of rain which is really annoying. im having another scan this thursday to double check that she is a she lol then i can start buyin stuff for the baby shower :D
All my kicks are high up thik connor is maye head down but could be wrong lol, wow 3rd tri for lots of you girls in literally 3 weeks were has the time gone lol ooo and im also carrying low and on baby number 4 :).

Hows every 1 been ? today it is miserable here xxxx
Virginia it makes me feel a bit sick too when its a big move.

Juicylove i'm carrying low (I think) This is my 2nd. I'm defo with the theory at the mo that you carry different for different sexes. With DD I was just EVERYWHERE! This bump is neat and actually looks like a bump.

Can anyone else tell which way up their baby is? Because 90% off my feelings are down low I am assuming they are his feet as they are strong? So I think he's bum down at the mo.

2nd trimester has gone so quick. does 3rd go quick? I'm so excited :-D
I feel all my kicks low too. Two weeks ago i felt them super low now they are below my belly button. Last time I went to Dr. they said baby was breach so I think its her feet
Mine changes around all the time.. I feel her kicks low most of the time, but I also feel her tumble around so much, and then feel the jabs EVERYWHERE. One minute it's on my left side, low, the next up in my right side ribs!!

And mine has a nice little habit of moving up to my ribs more during the nighttime. When I actually lay down to go to bed, I feel her flip though, and start feeling her kick my side lower (but on the same side).. Mine likes to roll A LOT. I'll sit there and watch my stomach get SUPER hard and you can see her roll beneath.. it's insane :) I love it though. She kicks so hard, my entire stomach jumps sometimes. And she's finally letting my mom feel her kick (but nobody else other than her and my dog)... She seems to love when my dog cuddles to my belly. He'll 'hug' my stomach, and rest his head on it. When she kicks him, he moves his head to a different spot and she'll kick there. Lol it's a nightly thing for him now :)
Here is a pic of him doing just that hehehe :) :)

I've felt this one roll twice I think. My stomach goes really hard and feels like there are loads of pressure.

I'm really looking forward to my next midwife appointment. It feels so long since I have had one.

Has anyone elses pets changed since being pregnant? My cats have. One who spends most of her life outside is now indoors all the time, plus one will sleep at the bottom of the stairs and the other at the top as if they are protecting me. x
hey ladies , i m back and caught up on the thread , congrats to v day people !

new york was fab i had a great time but i think i over did it a little trying to cram everything into a few days and now i am completely knackered along with jet lag so today im doing nothing but put my feet up in sofa and catch up on the laptop lol

baby wise - she has been kicking away a fair bit and you can see my tummy move at hard ones and hubby can see and feel it too which i didnt think he would yet with my anterior placenta so thats good.

i got some cute pink calvin klein baby grows and bibs from the states cheap so lets hope they are right about the sex as they are very pink and girly lol.
hey ladies , i m back and caught up on the thread , congrats to v day people !

new york was fab i had a great time but i think i over did it a little trying to cram everything into a few days and now i am completely knackered along with jet lag so today im doing nothing but put my feet up in sofa and catch up on the laptop lol

baby wise - she has been kicking away a fair bit and you can see my tummy move at hard ones and hubby can see and feel it too which i didnt think he would yet with my anterior placenta so thats good.

i got some cute pink calvin klein baby grows and bibs from the states cheap so lets hope they are right about the sex as they are very pink and girly lol.

aww...how was your trip to NY? Where did you shop, eat ,what did you see?? I miss NY so much, I cried yesterday when I saw a movie depicting the subway!! Miami Beach is great and all, but you always have a thing for your home town......plus its the "best city in the world"
hey ladies , i m back and caught up on the thread , congrats to v day people !

new york was fab i had a great time but i think i over did it a little trying to cram everything into a few days and now i am completely knackered along with jet lag so today im doing nothing but put my feet up in sofa and catch up on the laptop lol

baby wise - she has been kicking away a fair bit and you can see my tummy move at hard ones and hubby can see and feel it too which i didnt think he would yet with my anterior placenta so thats good.

i got some cute pink calvin klein baby grows and bibs from the states cheap so lets hope they are right about the sex as they are very pink and girly lol.

aww...how was your trip to NY? Where did you shop, eat ,what did you see?? I miss NY so much, I cried yesterday when I saw a movie depicting the subway!! Miami Beach is great and all, but you always have a thing for your home town......plus its the "best city in the world"

aww it is a great city and the subway i found fab , such a cheap way to get around much better than the public transport round here i think the longest we waited for a train was about 4 mins and people were moaning lol its like an hour here on a good day .
we did all the touristy stuff really , empire state , rockerfella , brooklyn bridge , horse and cart round central park , macy's , 5th avenue , tiffanys ( bought a necklace for my birthday prezzie its sooo lush ) times square , grand central station , maddison square gardens , fao schwarz , m&m world , staten island ferry , statue of liberty, wall street , ground zero , century21 ..i think thats most of it lol
ate in hard rock and planet hollywood and then just in local delis/diners falafel , hotdogs , bagels , paninis etc ooh and we had a frozen custard from shake shack that place was amazing !
i have some pics here if anyone is interested :


oh boy, you did do the tourist-y stuff. Nothing wrong with that though, I remember begging by grandma to take me to the observation deck of the world trade center when we were downtown once, I don't know why I begged to go. A month later, it was gone.
Its great you ate the street food, way too many tourists eat too much chains and fast food for some reason and miss out on the best part of NY, the food!
I lived 3 blocks from century 21/WTC 2 years ago I used to go all the time, best shopping!
I am always whining to my husband about things I want to eat but cant get easily down in Miami --- Yesterday I was complaining how much I wanted a tongue and chopped liver sandwich and a piece of baked salmon --- I know where to get all that stuff in NY But down here.........no..........
Next time I am pregnant I am moving back to NY so my cravings don't go unnatended!
I've felt this one roll twice I think. My stomach goes really hard and feels like there are loads of pressure.

I'm really looking forward to my next midwife appointment. It feels so long since I have had one.

Has anyone elses pets changed since being pregnant? My cats have. One who spends most of her life outside is now indoors all the time, plus one will sleep at the bottom of the stairs and the other at the top as if they are protecting me. x

My two cats have become horrid...both of them decided they didn't like the baby stuff or whatever change was about to happen. One cat peed in the bouncer chair right in front of me, and the other peed all over our bedroom once the other cat was outside...I threw them both outside and got Feliway and cleaned the spots...so far I think they've been good...I haven't stumbled across anymore pee...If they do it again though, I'm going to put them outside for good...cat pee is the absolute worst, and I will NOT be scrubbing that nasty stuff out anymore. They'd better learn to accept what's about to happen.
so my 10yr old got sent home today with tonsalitis. took her to the doc and it is only a bad sore throat. dumb nurse.

both my cat and dog have gotten super lovey and want me to pet them and play with them all the time.

it's funny i live right across the river from nyc, in jersey and never been to half of the thing u went to see. lol
I've felt this one roll twice I think. My stomach goes really hard and feels like there are loads of pressure.

I'm really looking forward to my next midwife appointment. It feels so long since I have had one.

Has anyone elses pets changed since being pregnant? My cats have. One who spends most of her life outside is now indoors all the time, plus one will sleep at the bottom of the stairs and the other at the top as if they are protecting me. x

My two cats have become horrid...both of them decided they didn't like the baby stuff or whatever change was about to happen. One cat peed in the bouncer chair right in front of me, and the other peed all over our bedroom once the other cat was outside...I threw them both outside and got Feliway and cleaned the spots...so far I think they've been good...I haven't stumbled across anymore pee...If they do it again though, I'm going to put them outside for good...cat pee is the absolute worst, and I will NOT be scrubbing that nasty stuff out anymore. They'd better learn to accept what's about to happen.

I live with a cat as well so I can testify! So far no mistakes yet. Im wondering how she will react when the baby gets here.:shrug:
it's funny i live right across the river from nyc, in jersey and never been to half of the thing u went to see. lol

lol its always the way - i live in london and never bothered with any of the 'attractions' like buckinham palace, madam tussauds, changing of the guards, oxford street, millenium eye etc
Oh wow, New York sounds amazing!! And all the pictures. I'm so jealous. :)

I am a bit worried about how the cats will be once the baby arrives. I have heard that they like to sleep in moses baskets, which I am the most frightened about. I'm just going to make sure that the baby is always behind a closed door when in the basket.

I had a rubbish day at work. My manager told me I probably won't be able to come back part time because of the management restructure. Its the bloody NHS and we have 3 ppl who have moved about. I don't think there going to be changing all the policies for flexiable working, jst for our one part of the NHS. Then she also informed me that I should come back full time just for a couple of months so they don't ask for some of my maternity pay back. I'm worried about that :-(
and to top it off, because I had a UTI she told me I should probably start eating better because I may have diabetes!! Er I am eating healthily and it was bloody insulting! Sorry rant over. Just had to get it off my chest. x
I've noticed my dog (who was already cuddly to begin with) likes to cuddle even more. He has also kind of learned not to lean on my belly too hard or he'll get a kick from baby (and a 'look' from me telling him to back off)... He did start peeing on things when I didn't give him enough attention though, so I'm trying to get him to go "love" other people in the house as much as me... LOL it's working so far, but we'll see how long that lasts.
The biggest change I've seen is in my sister's female dog, Alice. She's gotten protective of me all of a sudden. If another dog starts rough housing near me, she gets between me and them and protects me.. Definitely reassuring :) Hopefully she'll be that way when baby comes, too, but for the baby... hahaha :)
Oh wow, New York sounds amazing!! And all the pictures. I'm so jealous. :)

I am a bit worried about how the cats will be once the baby arrives. I have heard that they like to sleep in moses baskets, which I am the most frightened about. I'm just going to make sure that the baby is always behind a closed door when in the basket.

I had a rubbish day at work. My manager told me I probably won't be able to come back part time because of the management restructure. Its the bloody NHS and we have 3 ppl who have moved about. I don't think there going to be changing all the policies for flexiable working, jst for our one part of the NHS. Then she also informed me that I should come back full time just for a couple of months so they don't ask for some of my maternity pay back. I'm worried about that :-(
and to top it off, because I had a UTI she told me I should probably start eating better because I may have diabetes!! Er I am eating healthily and it was bloody insulting! Sorry rant over. Just had to get it off my chest. x

i thought that you didn't have to pay back maternity pay even if you left now - tho that could just be civil service?? i also thought flexible working was offered to everyone. i'd look into it. she sounds a really unhelpful old bag, tee hee!
Yeah that just about sums her up. I only thought that you would have to pay it back if you didnt come back. I am fully intending on coming back. Plus it says nothing in the policy about paying part of it back if coming back part time, just the bit on not coming back at all. I think she is talking a load of rubbish tbh, she just likes to scare me.

My sister works for the NHS but a different branch, she went part time after maternity leave and hasnt had to pay anything back. I am guessing that all the policies are pretty much based around the same thing even though we work for different sectors. x

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