February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

Thanks ladies, I really appreciate the kind words from you all.

Junebug - thats a scary story, I am really sorry that happened to you. I have been reading about both d&c and the pills and it seems d&c is alot worse, but I guess in some cases not. I am going to hope that won't be the case with me.

I will probably wait until Monday morning as I have a busy weekend and don't want to mess it up. Its already hard as I don't want to do it. and I keep thinking of difference scenarios to get out of it. Like, what if even though my AF dates were right that my body is so messed up still from having IUD removed in February that when I first tested I got super faints even though technically my AF was late. And what if the bleeding I experienced early on was the IB, just later then those stupid calendars tell you and I really am only about 7 wks, even though the sac measured close to 9wks and that is why there was not a heartbeat, it was too early. I know I am kidding myself, but really what if?

Anyway, please get back to the happy talk, I don't want to down on you guys anymore. I have another thread in TTC after loss and I will continue there. thanks again all :hugs:

Really awful to hear the news, my sincerest condolences on your loss, Hugs

:hugs: good luck with whatever option you choose, we will all say a prayer that everything works out for you and that you come back to 1st tri really soon

Thanks KB, I have opted to wait it out only about a week and see what happens. The horror stories are killing me lol. I am much better now, just gotta wait I guess. Thanks again :hugs:
it sounds like many of you are getting over your MS somewhere in week 10- thank GOD! That gives me some hope! lol

i love everyon's cats!!! So adorable!
rj- is domino a mouse hunter cat? We had a few like that growing up and they would always bring mice to do the doorstep :dohh: haha.
amanda, your avatar is adorable! so cute! i loove all of your cats too!

Cliff meowed a lot last night (started about midnight, i think). We thought he was hungry, so he ate a little but not a lot and he still meowed. Im not quite sure if he has gone to the bathroom since we brought him home :shrug: ive been looking around for puddles or droppings but i havn't seen anything. I dont think he went in the litter box either....do you think its bc he is scared (being in a new place)? Or maybe he doesnt like the litter? (i know some cats have major issues). Or perhapes has went and i just am not seeing it?? :shrug:

Except me :( .. mine just got worse at 10 weeks . I was bad all week, i had a good day yesterday but it came back last night in the middle of the night. I just wondering if it might be also to do with the antibiotics i am on?:shrug:
Thanks KB, I have opted to wait it out only about a week and see what happens. The horror stories are killing me lol. I am much better now, just gotta wait I guess. Thanks again :hugs:

I think that is a good idea hun! I felt i was in so much of a rush to get it out of me i couldn't make an informed choose.. just remember for the amount of horror stories you read there are just as many stories that everything went well, people are just not going to write as much about those stories..... If you need anyone to talk to i'm here! Just PM me :hugs:
ladies!! i realllllllyyyy want that thing some of you have the valentines baby thing with the hearts? :) can someone tell me how to get it? ive tried clicking on it but all it does is send me to this thread! thanks xxxx
I love that jokerette, now how can I use it lol. I only get an image what I click on your link

Yay! Glad you like it!
okay so to add it to your signature go to your edit signature, then click the little "image" icon on the editing toolbar, then type https://jokerette.com/february2012.gif into that box. :)

You can also do it by typing the following into your edit signature box (including the tag at the beginning and end):

Try that
Guppy, do you know where cliff was living before you took him in? Did you get him from a pet shop or an animal shelter? Or from his previous owner who couldn't look after him any more?
It may be worth speaking to whoever was looking after him to find out where he would usually do his business. If he was usually let outdoors then you could dig up some soil or buy some compost to put in his litter tray mixed with the litter to help teach him where to go.
If you plan on letting him outdoors you could even go sit in the garden with him for a little while to see if he'll go outside.

Where is the litter tray? cats usually like to go somewhere private and the usually like the litter tray to always be in the same place (we had to shut on of our cats in the bathroom overnight to keep her away from food before she was spayed and she didn't use the litter tray all night. The vets had to cut her from her tummy because she held in so much poo that they thought she was heavily pregnant)

Anyway back to babies instead of furbabies..I went shopping today and bought 2 little cute blankets and a teether/rattle toy.

I've also written up my list for my hospital bag. I'm packing 4 bags. 1 for labour, 1 for straight after the birth, 1 for a possible hospital stay and 1 for going home stuff.
Last time I took a massive suitcase with everything in and it endedout just getting in the way. This time OH can take home stuff I'm finished with and bring us extra when needed.
Quick question I have on the first trimester thread - Who here is or isnt getting the Nuchal screening test/ Chromosonal abnormality test... Also how do you find out if it is covered by your insurance or not....
Quick question I have on the first trimester thread - Who here is or isnt getting the Nuchal screening test/ Chromosonal abnormality test... Also how do you find out if it is covered by your insurance or not....

I am getting it (partially because I was on the fence about it but when I heard it meant another ultrasound, and no invasive procedures to the baby, I decided yes!) It is covered by my insurance in the USA. I think you could call the telephone number on the back of your insurance card and ask them.
I love how our cats have hijacked the thread :haha: This is ours: Oscar is 12 years old and lived in Canada for 10 years before coming to live with us

My ms has never been too bad but has not really left, kicks in about halfway through every meal, making everything takes ages to eat.


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Please take me off the list.
They first told me I was just shy of 9 wks going by my last AF date. Then they did an exam and told me to wait so I can get an ultrasound. When we went in for the ultrasound the midwife told the doctor that I was only measuring at 8wks. Well there went my world, the ultrasound showed a great sac, but a baby that had no heartbeat. It had stopped growing at about 8 wks. I dont know if it ever had a heartbeat or not, but today it didn't. She said it was something that no matter what we did or didn't do it would not have made a difference. She said most likely something was wrong with the baby and thats why it stopped growing. So now I was faced with 3 choices.
1. let it terminate on its own ( who knows when that would actually happen)
2. take a few pills and within 6-24 hours it would be gone.
3. go to the OR for a d&c

I chose the pills as I am not too into getting operated on and I don't think I can sit and wait to expel my baby by just letting it takes its course. Now I am thinking I should have chosen the d&c, it would have been over already and here I have to sit and figure out when to insert these pills and wait for it to happen.

did this happen to anyone? Did I make the right decision. I am so lost and hurt. I am not even sure where to post this for more answers and exposure.

I wish all you ladies a wonderful rest of your pregnancy. Sorry I had to be the downer to your thread. I will be lingering, but not posting much. thanks for listening.

Im so sorry for your loss i was n exactly the same situation 2 weeks ago.
if you ever need to talk pm me :hugs:
Quick question I have on the first trimester thread - Who here is or isnt getting the Nuchal screening test/ Chromosonal abnormality test... Also how do you find out if it is covered by your insurance or not....

UK so insurance is no issue...

But I refused the Nuchal Screening tests and have opted for a basic dating scan.
To me, any abnormalities/disiblities in my baby will not affect my love for them or the continuation of my pregnancy.
I think a "high risk" result could cause a lot of unnecessary stress and the risk of MC from the needle part of the test isn't worth the risk to me.

Completely a personal decision whether you opt for testing or not and there are many reasons for/against the testing..but it's something I will refuse for every pregnancy I have.
kbkb, thanks for your encouragement on ms. I kept everything down yesterday, but today has not been quite as good. Some days are better, some are worse, but as long as Baby is OK then I'm OK too!

Hugs3409, so sorry about your loss. What a tough experience. May love surround you during this time.

babyclements, on the nuchal scan and all the other screening we aren't doing it. We've chosen to keep Baby as long as we're given him or her no matter what and have decided that we don't feel the need to prepare in advance for Downs or any of the other possible chromosomal abnormalities. I fully support those who want to know, but it's just not for us.
these are my cats billy and domino - domino has extra toes like thumbs!!

Aww ~ :cloud9: I wish I had a puddy cat here right now :hugs:

Anyway back to babies instead of furbabies..I went shopping today and bought 2 little cute blankets and a teether/rattle toy.

I've also written up my list for my hospital bag. I'm packing 4 bags. 1 for labour, 1 for straight after the birth, 1 for a possible hospital stay and 1 for going home stuff.
Last time I took a massive suitcase with everything in and it endedout just getting in the way. This time OH can take home stuff I'm finished with and bring us extra when needed.

Wow ~ You are so organised! I didnt pack my hospital bag last time until right at the end! :dohh:

Quick question I have on the first trimester thread - Who here is or isnt getting the Nuchal screening test/ Chromosonal abnormality test... Also how do you find out if it is covered by your insurance or not....

I will be getting it done, yeah ~ Its free for us here in the Uk
But I refused the Nuchal Screening tests and have opted for a basic dating scan.
To me, any abnormalities/disiblities in my baby will not affect my love for them or the continuation of my pregnancy.
I think a "high risk" result could cause a lot of unnecessary stress and the risk of MC from the needle part of the test isn't worth the risk to me.

Completely a personal decision whether you opt for testing or not and there are many reasons for/against the testing..but it's something I will refuse for every pregnancy I have.

The Nuchal Translucency screening is done by a bloodtest of the mothers blood and a standard ultrasound where they take some extra measurements. There is no needle going into the baby or amniotic sac at that screening. However, if the risk was "High" parents have the option if further testing at a later date and then there are options of more invasive procedures.

I am in 100% agreement with you that we are keeping this baby no matter what. Also I do not plan on doing any invasive testing regardless of the first round results. However, I feel like we are fortunate to live in a place and time where this screening us available and so we are doing it on the off chance that the medical professionals needed to be aware of something at the time of my delivery.

The majority of people who do the screening come back with low-risk results so to me it's an extra layer of reassurance if we fall in the majority.

Hey girls!

Hope you are alll well x x x

Today i have been getting more old blood stained discharge but it's still not enough to mark my underwear, it's only there when i wipe. Anyway trying not to let it worry me although it's easier said than done lol I have no pain except from the odd twinge im putting down to growing pain? The nausea isn't as bad only really when i see a massive portion of food or fried food does it return but my jeans are getting tight already! x
But I refused the Nuchal Screening tests and have opted for a basic dating scan.
To me, any abnormalities/disiblities in my baby will not affect my love for them or the continuation of my pregnancy.
I think a "high risk" result could cause a lot of unnecessary stress and the risk of MC from the needle part of the test isn't worth the risk to me.

Completely a personal decision whether you opt for testing or not and there are many reasons for/against the testing..but it's something I will refuse for every pregnancy I have.

The Nuchal Translucency screening is done by a bloodtest of the mothers blood and a standard ultrasound where they take some extra measurements. There is no needle going into the baby or amniotic sac at that screening. However, if the risk was "High" parents have the option if further testing at a later date and then there are options of more invasive procedures.

I am in 100% agreement with you that we are keeping this baby no matter what. Also I do not plan on doing any invasive testing regardless of the first round results. However, I feel like we are fortunate to live in a place and time where this screening us available and so we are doing it on the off chance that the medical professionals needed to be aware of something at the time of my delivery.

The majority of people who do the screening come back with low-risk results so to me it's an extra layer of reassurance if we fall in the majority.


I completely understand your point of veiw and reasoning for opting for the tests.
I didn't realise the Invasive needle part was a later stage..I didn't really look into the testing because I know I don't want it.

I think the most important thing to consider (I'm not trying to put you off testing at all- it's completely a personal choice...when I say I think..I mean it as my opinion of most important, might not be to you) is how you'd feel if you were told you were high risk...I know I would be very stressed, confused and worried and wouldn't be able to enjoy my pregnancy.

It sounds like you want the testing, so go for it and I hope you get the results you want.
I will be getting all the testing offered, but again i am in the uk so is free. I know this may surprise or offend some people but i honestly dont know how i would react if the news wasnt good news and I couldnt guarantee I would keep the baby. but thats just me, I am not saying I would abort but just wouldnt know until in the situation.

back on to happy thoughts though! only 4 days until my 1st appointment!! yay!!

told my parents the news today too and they were delighted!! yipee
Just to add...My aunt and uncle were told they would never conceive because my uncle has a verly low sperm count and low sperm mobilty.
Miraculously they conceived and opted for the testing. They were told that there baby was high risk of down's syndrome and basically to prepare for the "worst" possible outcome.
They seriously discussed and considered aborting the baby because they felt they wouldn't cope with a disabled child. In the end they decided that if this could be the only baby they ever get the chance to have, they couldn't have an abortion.

When my cousin was born he was 100% healthy.

This is why I wouldn't want to deal with the worry of being told baby was high risk. I have seen the stress it can cause and would rather not know.

Something much happier to post about though...I'm about to get ready for bed (got woken up at 5:30 because my neighbours cat let himself in and was fighting out cats) and the only time I have puked today was when I first got up :happydance:

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