February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

we dont have to pay to have our babies here :? its crazy , if we did i cudnt afford to have any :wacko:

tiger im due around same as you,and ive a 2yr 1 mth old, my scan put me at 18th feb but im having another c-sec so prob a wk eariler, ive also got a son but not bothered what this one is ,but feel i just need to know :lol: were having a 16wk sexing scan :yipee: x

how exciting ! i would love a 16 week scan to take a sneak peek at the babys gender but they dont do them here :( they wont do a scan before the 20 week one at all unless its needed, and even then u have to pay. im trying to organise a 3d scan for when im 18 weeks though.
ill be having a c-section aswell lol
In the military, if you are the woman giving birth, you get 6 weeks off. It's totally paid and, of course, you're job is there when you get back. The crappy part of this is that once the baby is 6 weeks old, your theirs again and they can deploy you. If you are the father, you get 2 weeks of paternity leave, totally paid. I'm not sure about other government jobs, I don't think they're the same.

My DH and I are both Australian Navy. DH gets 2 week paid paternity and I am entitled to 52 weeks leave, 14 weeks of that at full pay or it can be taken as 28 weeks half pay.

The government also has a paid parental scheme which is for either mother or father if you are working you are entitled to $589.40 a week before tax 18 weeks. you can split that time between parents as well and can be taken on top of private work entitlements.

Since we are both in the service they can only deploy one of us at a time and we can chose who that will be.
Crikey, I don't look at this thread for a couple of days and you move on about 8 pages!

I had no idea that Canadian Mat Leave was so good! Here you get Statutory Maternity Pay if you've worked for at least 26 weeks before your 25th week of pregnancy and earn at least as much as the amount SMP is. It's paid for the first six weeks at 90 per cent of your average gross weekly earnings with no upper limit, then for the remaining 33 weeks at either the standard rate of £128.73, or 90 per cent of your average gross weekly earnings, whichever is lower. You can take up to a year off, but the time after that pay ends is unpaid.

Employers often offer additional benefits. I'm a teacher so paid by the local council, so I get:
2 weeks full pay
4 weeks 90% PAY
12 weeks half pay plus SMP
then just SMP for the remainder of the time.

For me SMP doesn't even cover half our rent and I am the wage earner in our house so I had to go back at 4.5 months when I stopped getting half pay. I know I am lucky to get this much but it is a bit galling that another local council offers 6 months of full pay!!! I would have loved that.
This is the blood test I as talking about: https://www.tellmepinkorblue.com/ It was also in the New York Times last week : https://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/10/health/10birth.html

sooo my urine test Intelligender (which I know isnt that accurate) said BOY this morning. But, I had been really thinking girl before that... now I just dont know. I have about 4.5 weeks before my gender scan and I am really excited to know!

Can you ladies look at my ultrasound link and let me know if you think you see GIRL or BOY? It was done at 11+4.


Then this 2nd ultrasound video is just the side view that I uploaded before. :)
I have to reaarange my gender scan. The traffic was so bad we didn't even make it 10 minutes up the road in an hour.
I'm gutted :cry:

more waiting
I have to reaarange my gender scan. The traffic was so bad we didn't even make it 10 minutes up the road in an hour.
I'm gutted :cry:

more waiting

oh no!~ im sooooooo sorry to hear that! When will it be? maybe they can get you in really quick!
Jokerette – Ooooh, be sure to let us know how it goes with the kit once you get your scan! haha. Hubby says we’re already paying for the u/s and stuff, so he thinks I need to be patient and not buy into anything else. :haha: So I’ve very calmly tried to keep myself patient, but it’s difficult.

Junebugs – Well I pay about 400/month or so for my health insurance, which thankfully covers the majority of the birth. If I read the paperwork correctly, we’ll owe 500 for the birth, as long as everything goes ‘typically.’ I paid a 50 dollar copay for all my obg visits (covers a visit every 4 weeks up to 28 weeks I believe, then every 2 weeks to 38, then weekly until delivery? Something like that), and then have paid 30 dollar copays for other visits. I had to pay additional for some bloodwork and stuff, but thus far no bill has been over 150 (my ER visit was the highest) in one shot. Still, I’d say I’ve paid at least 300 in the first 15 weeks for doctor’s visits? Not to mention the insurance costs. We are estimating it’ll be about 1,000 dollars in all, from conception to childbirth, so long as things run easily. Obviously that’s a rough estimate, haha, but one nonetheless. ;)

Which well, is nothing compared to my sister. She didn't have complications but still ended up with a bill of like, 8,000 for her c-section or something? She got laid-off during pregnancy, and was on the state's insurance which covered NOTHING, basically. She got sca-rewed if you ask me. So she's paying via payment plans, I believe.

Sorry to hear about the rescheduling, Amanda. =( I hope they can get you in soon!

*wants a gender scan… hates having to wait*
YAAAY!! I'm a avocado today! :happydance:

Amanda - i'm sorry you have to reschedule your scan. I would be soooo crushed.

I have no idea if I have to pay extra for delivery. I know what I pay into my insurance covers mostly all prenatal care. Just had to pay an initial $45 copay for my first visit, and all other routine visits are covered. Never thought about delivery fee....must look into that.
Just rebooked my scan..they can fit me in Sunday :) It was a choice between Sunday or having to wait over a week because me or OH don't work so have to arrange for someone else to take us.
I can't really complain about waiting a couple of days... 2 lorries colided on the motorway and 1 of the drivers died so police closed the motorway..and the alternate route...is the way we had to go. So although I'm gutted that I didn't get to find out today, I'm more gutted for the family of the poor guy who lost his life.

ETA: That was supposed to say me and OH don't drive...and we have to arrange some one to take us which is awkward because my dad is away and MIL is Working Mon-Thurs and busy Friday.
I should be banned from typing or talking when I'm tired!:dohh:
Jokerette – Ooooh, be sure to let us know how it goes with the kit once you get your scan! haha. Hubby says we’re already paying for the u/s and stuff, so he thinks I need to be patient and not buy into anything else. :haha: So I’ve very calmly tried to keep myself patient, but it’s difficult.

Junebugs – Well I pay about 400/month or so for my health insurance, which thankfully covers the majority of the birth. If I read the paperwork correctly, we’ll owe 500 for the birth, as long as everything goes ‘typically.’ I paid a 50 dollar copay for all my obg visits (covers a visit every 4 weeks up to 28 weeks I believe, then every 2 weeks to 38, then weekly until delivery? Something like that), and then have paid 30 dollar copays for other visits. I had to pay additional for some bloodwork and stuff, but thus far no bill has been over 150 (my ER visit was the highest) in one shot. Still, I’d say I’ve paid at least 300 in the first 15 weeks for doctor’s visits? Not to mention the insurance costs. We are estimating it’ll be about 1,000 dollars in all, from conception to childbirth, so long as things run easily. Obviously that’s a rough estimate, haha, but one nonetheless. ;)

Which well, is nothing compared to my sister. She didn't have complications but still ended up with a bill of like, 8,000 for her c-section or something? She got laid-off during pregnancy, and was on the state's insurance which covered NOTHING, basically. She got sca-rewed if you ask me. So she's paying via payment plans, I believe.

Sorry to hear about the rescheduling, Amanda. =( I hope they can get you in soon!

*wants a gender scan… hates having to wait*

That is kinda amazing that she has to pay for everything. Was she on the state medicaid? I have medicaid because we are what many would consider "poor" (but by my book we're doing ok.... just can't afford insurance). In SC it covers pretty much everything, there are minor copays.... I think my copay for the hospital stay will be like $25-50.

Amanda, I am sorry that you had to reschedule, that is no fun!! :hugs:
Glad they rescheduled it for you, that's great Amanda!

I honestly don't recall what insurance she was on, TeQuiero, I'd have to ask her. But it was a load of bull. She went from great insurance to crap during the layoff, and well, yeah. With a baby on the way, she was majorly stressed. I know she had to pay a huge monthly fee for it, and the coverage was junk. :( But now that she and her hubby are working better jobs, she's hoping when she has her second that they'll be better covered. FX for that! haha.

PS Congrats on becoming an orange! :D
Wow, honestly i really don't know what i would do? That is just crazy... here in Canada the only thing you have to pay for is if you want a privite room for delivery. Even then most insurance covers that (mine does).

What i don't understand is what about all the teens out there having children or all the people that are concidered "poor" how do they do it? My job doesn't pay that bad and neither does my husbands but i don't know what i would do if i had a 8000$ bill and have to pay for everything else for a child on top of that. :shrug: And then on top of that only getting 8 weeks off after having my child!!!! I LOVE WHERE I LIVE! .... sorry girls but really i did not realize how lucky i really am until now.
The only other question is... if you go the the ER how long would you have to wait to see a Doctor?
Wow, honestly i really don't know what i would do? That is just crazy... here in Canada the only thing you have to pay for is if you want a privite room for delivery. Even then most insurance covers that (mine does).

What i don't understand is what about all the teens out there having children or all the people that are concidered "poor" how do they do it? My job doesn't pay that bad and neither does my husbands but i don't know what i would do if i had a 8000$ bill and have to pay for everything else for a child on top of that. :shrug: And then on top of that only getting 8 weeks off after having my child!!!! I LOVE WHERE I LIVE! .... sorry girls but really i did not realize how lucky i really am until now.

We have medicaid for pregnant women who can't afford/don't have insurance, and they cover EVERYTHING pregnancy related as long as its at a doctors request. I am currently on medicaid. I was going to get on my husbands insurance, however, it would have cost way more and all my doctors appointments I would have an expensive co-pay, and I would have had to pay for the Cervical Cerclage out of pocket. Not to mention I would also have to pay for the prescription they gave me after the surgery.

They are really making things so impossible these days to actually DO the right thing. A man just had to quit his job with my husband because they were going to cut off his social security benefits because he works too much. They should really be more supportive of people who make an effort, not people who just want to take the easy way out :-\

Where I use to work, we had "maternity leave" however it was unpaid and they could only guarantee your job back if you return within 3 months. Some places will work with you when they find out your pregnant and they will hold a percentage of each check so that when you go on leave, you can still get checks. Not a lot of places do that though because of liability reasons.
The only other question is... if you got the the ER how long would you have to wait to see a Doctor?

My last pregnancy I went to the ER because I had bleeding and I was waiting at least an hour for a doctor to see me, and then I had to wait 2 more hours after they saw me (to tell me nothing was wrong) before they would release me.

If you go to the ER because your in labor, they'll usually just take you right up to labor and delivery and you are seen right away.

The ER's around here are really bad though because people with no insurance use it as an excuse to see a doctor. If you don't have insurance, you can't make an appointment anywhere because no one will take you so people just go to the ER because they can't refuse you. So usually you get treated like crap because the doctors and nurses on duty just think your there for free drugs
The only other question is... if you got the the ER how long would you have to wait to see a Doctor?

My last pregnancy I went to the ER because I had bleeding and I was waiting at least an hour for a doctor to see me, and then I had to wait 2 more hours after they saw me (to tell me nothing was wrong) before they would release me.

If you go to the ER because your in labor, they'll usually just take you right up to labor and delivery and you are seen right away.

The ER's around here are really bad though because people with no insurance use it as an excuse to see a doctor. If you don't have insurance, you can't make an appointment anywhere because no one will take you so people just go to the ER because they can't refuse you. So usually you get treated like crap because the doctors and nurses on duty just think your there for free drugs

See that is the thing that sucks about us.... we don't have to pay but we pay in waiting time. Last time i went to the ER because i was bleeding/cramping (on my last M/C) and i was there for 12 hours. That is pretty normal, my mother had a kidney stone and was in so much pain, she had to wait for 9 hours to just get pain medication. I had to beg the nurse for it for her, we did not see the dr. for another 2 hours after that. It is just insane here, if you have to go to the hospital for anything expect to be waiting all day unless you are ON DEATHS DOOR.
The only other question is... if you got the the ER how long would you have to wait to see a Doctor?

My last pregnancy I went to the ER because I had bleeding and I was waiting at least an hour for a doctor to see me, and then I had to wait 2 more hours after they saw me (to tell me nothing was wrong) before they would release me.

If you go to the ER because your in labor, they'll usually just take you right up to labor and delivery and you are seen right away.

The ER's around here are really bad though because people with no insurance use it as an excuse to see a doctor. If you don't have insurance, you can't make an appointment anywhere because no one will take you so people just go to the ER because they can't refuse you. So usually you get treated like crap because the doctors and nurses on duty just think your there for free drugs

See that is the thing that sucks about us.... we don't have to pay but we pay in waiting time. Last time i went to the ER because i was bleeding/cramping (on my last M/C) and i was there for 12 hours. That is pretty normal, my mother had a kidney stone and was in so much pain, she had to wait for 9 hours to just get pain medication. I had to beg the nurse for it for her, we did not see the dr. for another 2 hours after that. It is just insane here, if you have to go to the hospital for anything expect to be waiting all day unless you are ON DEATHS DOOR.

thats ridiculous!! my husband got into a car accident a few years ago and he broke his collar bone and shattered his shoulder blade and after 7 hours of waiting around in the ER, they sent him home in a SLING and some painkillers that he told them makes him sick, so he had to go back and wait around another 4 hours to speak with a doctor about changing his prescription. It's just awful!
When I went to the ER, I was waiting 3 hours for a room, and was there a total of 6, until everything was said and done. Man in front of me in line waited for 12 hours at the hospital down the street, got fed up (he was coughing blood) and came to ours. They fit him in in an hour or so, because at that point he'd been coughing blood for like, 15 hours untreated. Poor guy. :(
Ok so if i were paying for my health care they would be no way i would be waiting that long after a car accident or coughing up blood. That's just crazy if you are paying for those sevices then you should be getting the right seervice and not waiting forever! ( well i guess i do pay with my taxes but is know where that much)

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