February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

Thanks Girls on all the comments!!! You are all really insuring me of what i felt already. I started to feel that i would be a bad mother if i didn't read all the books front to back, but i feel so much better now! I would really like to take some classes on breastfeeding etc..... i feel like i really need to find out more information on that.....

See i was feeling like i should read everything because what if there is something i am not doing right... like not feeding enough or so on.... i have a girlfriend that said that her 10day old newborn sleeps all the way through the night (from 12-7am).... this is her second child but i started to think.. isn't that to long for a newborn to be sleeping without a feeding???? Then i started to think maybe my intuition won't be right after all that's why i started to ask you girls what you did...

I am just so happy i fould you girl because you have helped me so much already!!!

With breastfeeding, your baby will eat until they feel full, they may stop for a moment here and there, but if they are hungry they will eat. Each baby is different, but I have always been told that babies need to eat about every 5 hours or they can begin to feel ravenous when they are fed. But at the same time you want to sleep when they sleep, so if your body wakes you up (say at hour 5) and the baby is still asleep you could wake the baby up to feed. Back to breastfeeding on the subject of sleeping all night, for the first few weeks it would probably not be the best idea to let the baby go a full 7 hours without nursing, it will cause you to feel full and breastfeeding is a supply/demand production, the more your baby demands your body will learn to make more!

Just remember, if you feel overwhelmed with information, I can almost guarantee that someone on here has experienced what you are wanting to know about! :hugs:

Thank you so much.. that i what i had heard, read and felt was the best aswell but then i started to doubt myself when my girlfriend was telling me that... i thought that 5 hours was the longest that a newborn should go and if it is any longer you should be waking them up....
at least I am not the only one with sleep problems!! lol

Can I ask how men seem to manage to turn something around that started as something they have done wrong into it being your fault!!??? dont want to go into it too much but he's done something that really pisses me off and he knows it does and has in the past but still did it anyway! then its all my fault for being in a mood about it??!!

he's now come home from work and gone for a nap when he had promised we could do something this afternoon! aaaarrrrggghghh!!!!!!!!!!!!! total pain in the arse! now i'm sat here bored just wanting to go upstair and shout and scream at him!!

total a-hole!
Junebugs, just trust your own instincts. You seem to know what to expect, and you will know how your own baby is!! Don't sell your own skills short!!

Geogem, I know how you feel. Isn't it terrible that they get to repeat things that make us mad, and then get to cancel plans with us! Hopefully your day gets better hun!! :hugs:
I'm having an absolutely terrible time at the minute. We have 4 cats that I didn't put enough thought into decided to get them. We got the 1st 2 as mum and 6 week old kitten when SIL's OH left her last May/June and she was homeless. Krystal soon became pregnant again and we kept 2 kittens from that litter. As much as I love them and would never get rid of them, I'm currently wishing we hadn't got them. I seriously look from the neck down as if I have chicken pox. We have a SERIOUS flea problem upstairs. Downstairs is no where near as bad because we have laminate, but as soon as you step into either bedroom we're being attacked by fleas. We tried flea powder, flea spray but this week I've decided enough is enough, me and Liam went out for the day and OH flea-bombed. After he'd hoovered I came home and we've scrubbed pretty much the entire house. The cats have had a treatment of spot-on and or the next 3 weeks I'm going to be hoovering AT LEAST twice a day. Once I'm sure the fleas are gone I'll cut back to once a day, but at the minute I imagine my electric bill will be quite large.

Fear not.....I have the solution :thumbup: Frontline, I have done a quick google & found it for less than £10 for 3 pipettes (cats have to be over 8 weeks old)


Please do use this, it really really works, lasts for ages too & ive had 4 cats & 2 dogs over the years...Ive also told my Mum & Sister about it & they wont use any others now :thumbup:

^ ---- very true. I am a nurse at a vet hospital and i can tell you that none of the flea bomb, baths, shampoos and so on work... flea live though all of it and your not going to get rid of the whole cycle that way. You need to go to the vet and get medication (like Frontline, although we do not carry that in Canada). Fleas need a host and they will want to jump on your cats so your cats will be the best treatment for all the fleas in the rest of the house. You will have to treat for 3 months to get rid of the WHOLE flea cycle or they will just keep coming back.

3 months WOW!! We ripped up the carpets and are getting laminate on monday. I've just returned my hoover and got different one. Hopefully this one will be much better quality. The 1st one was overheating and cutting out and I'd only managed to hoover up half of liams bedroom!
I have 24 weeks supply of bob martins for the cats so hopefully my problem will be solved soon.

Im no vet or expert, but I have had a fair amount of fur babys over the years...I must say, Bob Martins isnt very good :nope:

Frontline is your best choice & after I used it on my cats & dogs for a few times, they never needed fleaing again :thumbup: Bonus
I'm having an absolutely terrible time at the minute. We have 4 cats that I didn't put enough thought into decided to get them. We got the 1st 2 as mum and 6 week old kitten when SIL's OH left her last May/June and she was homeless. Krystal soon became pregnant again and we kept 2 kittens from that litter. As much as I love them and would never get rid of them, I'm currently wishing we hadn't got them. I seriously look from the neck down as if I have chicken pox. We have a SERIOUS flea problem upstairs. Downstairs is no where near as bad because we have laminate, but as soon as you step into either bedroom we're being attacked by fleas. We tried flea powder, flea spray but this week I've decided enough is enough, me and Liam went out for the day and OH flea-bombed. After he'd hoovered I came home and we've scrubbed pretty much the entire house. The cats have had a treatment of spot-on and or the next 3 weeks I'm going to be hoovering AT LEAST twice a day. Once I'm sure the fleas are gone I'll cut back to once a day, but at the minute I imagine my electric bill will be quite large.

Fear not.....I have the solution :thumbup: Frontline, I have done a quick google & found it for less than £10 for 3 pipettes (cats have to be over 8 weeks old)


Please do use this, it really really works, lasts for ages too & ive had 4 cats & 2 dogs over the years...Ive also told my Mum & Sister about it & they wont use any others now :thumbup:

^ ---- very true. I am a nurse at a vet hospital and i can tell you that none of the flea bomb, baths, shampoos and so on work... flea live though all of it and your not going to get rid of the whole cycle that way. You need to go to the vet and get medication (like Frontline, although we do not carry that in Canada). Fleas need a host and they will want to jump on your cats so your cats will be the best treatment for all the fleas in the rest of the house. You will have to treat for 3 months to get rid of the WHOLE flea cycle or they will just keep coming back.

3 months WOW!! We ripped up the carpets and are getting laminate on monday. I've just returned my hoover and got different one. Hopefully this one will be much better quality. The 1st one was overheating and cutting out and I'd only managed to hoover up half of liams bedroom!
I have 24 weeks supply of bob martins for the cats so hopefully my problem will be solved soon.

Im no vet or expert, but I have had a fair amount of fur babys over the years...I must say, Bob Martins isnt very good :nope:

Frontline is your best choice & after I used it on my cats & dogs for a few times, they never needed fleaing again :thumbup: Bonus

I am not from the States or UK so i can't comment on the flea meds there but i can tell you that anything that you buy from a pet store is crap.... they do not have the right medication in it to properly kill the fleas, most of the time it just stuns them. Also alot of them are VERY toxic.... i do know of frontline and i know that one does work but like i said i don't live in the states so i can't really comment on there flea meds there.

Removing the carpet is def. going to help! But still you needs to treat because they will still find a way to live even without the carpet... years of evolution i guess! It's crazy what some insects have lived though!

Did you also know that if you see flea bites on yourself it meens you have an alergy to them..... if you were not alergic you would not see the flea bites (like i never see flea bites on me and i deal with animals everyday that have fleas on them... gross i know)
:cloud9:Thanks ladies on all the congrats!!!!

It's so exciting that we're all finding out so close to one another!

this means that we're all about half way through! SO HAPPY!
Does anyone else feel like its FLYING by, farrrr to quickly????

I can't wait to meet her, but I won't make a secret of the fact that I am in love with having her with me the way she is now.
I keep telling the wifey that she should prepare for me to be up and down from bed dozens of time a night, cuz i'm going to miss her and need to go to the nursery and stare at her more than my share of times. hehehehe:cloud9:

next on the list; SETTING UP THE NURSERY!
Crib set is on order, and colours have been picked (pink and gree!!!)
so many exciting things to come!:kiss:
Junebugs I never knew about the allergy thing, but it does explain why I am covered in bites, Liam has a few but not may, but my OH has not one bite mark on him.

I tell him it's because I tasted better. I've attatched a pic of my leg, the bites are healing now but you can see how badly they've attacked me!!

Just got back from my SILs baby shower and I know feel like crap. For the first time in about 2 years I've got out without a cardigan and one of m SILs commented on my "overhang"...not my growing bump...apperently I'm fat.
Lovel thing to say to someone you know had an eating disorder and still has serious issues about their image.

Just when I was getting a bit of confidence back she goes and drags me right back down again.:cry:


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Junebugs I never knew about the allergy thing, but it does explain why I am covered in bites, Liam has a few but not may, but my OH has not one bite mark on him.

I tell him it's because I tasted better. I've attatched a pic of my leg, the bites are healing now but you can see how badly they've attacked me!!

Just got back from my SILs baby shower and I know feel like crap. For the first time in about 2 years I've got out without a cardigan and one of m SILs commented on my "overhang"...not my growing bump...apperently I'm fat.
Lovel thing to say to someone you know had an eating disorder and still has serious issues about their image.

Just when I was getting a bit of confidence back she goes and drags me right back down again.:cry:

Yep, that would be why!! Looks like you are DEF. allergic to fleas! That's alot of bites you have!

I am so sorry to hear about what you SIL said to you, that was really unkind of her. I know what you mean, alot of people can say alot of hurtful things to pregnant woman (i.e i get alot, are you sure your not having twins?). Also when you are dealing with a disease on top of it, it really does not help.

I know it is hard you, you really need to take it with a grain of salt and just let it roll off your back, you are better then that hun.
:hugs: amanda - it's hard, but please don't listen to the ignorant people who seem to think it's "clever" to insult you. x
amandad - we are going through a flea problem at the moment too !
almost mama - its so exciting isnt it ! im trying to find a way to make the room gender neutral for jesse and holly lol ! ive gone a little overboard though i think. i sorted through the clothes i was given and ill attach a pic of 1/5 of the clothes she gave us :wacko: i need to buy shelves i think !!


the last one is a box of stuff ive bought so far.

also for a theme we were going pink and purple butterflies and roses - but i cant find much in the way of baby showers :nope:
so now im wondering what to pick ?
this ^^^^ is an american company but we have something similar here, just not as much stuff in the package and more expensive :wacko: do figure :shrug:

or this one : which i love but i will have to buy a few pink balloons and plates to make it more girly :

what do u girls think ? :shrug: :help:
I just bought a woven wrap, so I can carry DD2 around the house and still mess with DD :) I'm excited to get it! I think my Ergo is too bulky to wear all day, so I like the versatility of the wrap... It's also pale pink/white! :yipee: Haha, I passed up a nice pale green one, I couldn't resist the pink! Ahhh!! :lol:

Im thinking about something like this too, what one have you gone for in the end? :shrug:

I got a Didymos Indio Wildrose :)
Hey hey, for any girls in the US (they don't ship to Canada, so Canadian Mamas would have to get stuff shipped to a US address and have it forwarded... I don't think they ship anywhere else, but don't quote me)... Babylegs has a sale on until Monday; 75% off of $75!!!

FB75OFF75 is the code you use... And free shipping if your total after the coupon is applied is $30+...

I just got $126 worth of leg warmers for $31.50 shipped! :D Got some newborn ones and some regular ones. :)

ETA: The Christmassy ones aren't supposed to be included and the Santa Baby ones DH really wanted weren't on my order (took me a while to figure why I was only getting 60% off instead of 75%! :dohh:) but a friend ordered some of the Snowfall ones and it still took the 75% off of them for her...
tiger - your garden is so tropical. my parents and brother and sister live in Australia and I love it there, makes me feel a little homesick for them and the beautiful country. and wow you've been given loads of clothes!!! i love seeing them drying on the line :) x
Tiger it's tough coming up with a gender neutrel theme for a room. Liam's bedroom is painted blue and (will have) laminate flooring. I really don't want to paint it again because it was only done about a month before I got my BFP.
So we're thinking of either an underwater pirate and mermaid theme or a nighttime theme with a man in the moon liams side and a very pretty twinkle twinkle star amelias side.
As for your baby shower theme I defo prefer the pink one. The fisher price one looks too gender nuetrel.

Ohh and my good/bad news...at 23 weeks I have everything Amelia will need other than a tub of formula which I will buy mid-jan (planning to breastfeed but would like a tub in the house in case it's NEEDED and the shops are shut) and I'm trying to find a massive clear umbrella to keep us both dry when she's in the mei tai...but have no idea where to get one.
amandad - we are going through a flea problem at the moment too !
almost mama - its so exciting isnt it ! im trying to find a way to make the room gender neutral for jesse and holly lol ! ive gone a little overboard though i think. i sorted through the clothes i was given and ill attach a pic of 1/5 of the clothes she gave us :wacko: i need to buy shelves i think !!
View attachment 273337

View attachment 273338

View attachment 273339
the last one is a box of stuff ive bought so far.

also for a theme we were going pink and purple butterflies and roses - but i cant find much in the way of baby showers :nope:
so now im wondering what to pick ?
this ^^^^ is an american company but we have something similar here, just not as much stuff in the package and more expensive :wacko: do figure :shrug:

or this one : which i love but i will have to buy a few pink balloons and plates to make it more girly :

what do u girls think ? :shrug: :help:

Tig! lol

That last pic made me laugh, Jeni had bought the same ones for our shower, as she thought it was a boy, and we were naming him Noah, so we were going animal themed, to stay true to the whole noah's arch deal, but low and behold, its a girl, but I agree, if you mix em up w some pink plates and some pink cups and whatnot, it will be super fun!!!

Love all the clothes btw, how adorable!!!!!!!!!
When are you planning your shower? Jeni is planning mine/ours, and she wants to do it late nov, so it doesn't interefere w/anyones xmas plans, but do you feel like thats too early????
amandad - we are going through a flea problem at the moment too !
almost mama - its so exciting isnt it ! im trying to find a way to make the room gender neutral for jesse and holly lol ! ive gone a little overboard though i think. i sorted through the clothes i was given and ill attach a pic of 1/5 of the clothes she gave us :wacko: i need to buy shelves i think !!
View attachment 273337

View attachment 273338

View attachment 273339
the last one is a box of stuff ive bought so far.

also for a theme we were going pink and purple butterflies and roses - but i cant find much in the way of baby showers :nope:
so now im wondering what to pick ?
this ^^^^ is an american company but we have something similar here, just not as much stuff in the package and more expensive :wacko: do figure :shrug:

or this one : which i love but i will have to buy a few pink balloons and plates to make it more girly :

what do u girls think ? :shrug: :help:

OH PS; i love the first one! id go that route!
Hey hey, for any girls in the US (they don't ship to Canada, so Canadian Mamas would have to get stuff shipped to a US address and have it forwarded... I don't think they ship anywhere else, but don't quote me)... Babylegs has a sale on until Monday; 75% off of $75!!!

FB75OFF75 is the code you use... And free shipping if your total after the coupon is applied is $30+...

I just got $126 worth of leg warmers for $31.50 shipped! :D Got some newborn ones and some regular ones. :)

ETA: The Christmassy ones aren't supposed to be included and the Santa Baby ones DH really wanted weren't on my order (took me a while to figure why I was only getting 60% off instead of 75%! :dohh:) but a friend ordered some of the Snowfall ones and it still took the 75% off of them for her...

I just bought 11 pairs of baby leg warmers!!! I got almost $100 taken off and free S+H! I got $130 worth of stuff for only $33, how awesome is that?! Thanks for the incredible share!

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