February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

Long, crazy weekend! Dh is learning to fly and is starting to be friends with the people at his flight school and so I'm starting to become friends with them, too. A bunch of them were going to Pinnacle Mountain to hike the "easy" side on Saturday morning and invited us to join them. I looked online to see what the easy side was all about and it said that the easiest one was paved all the way up. No problem, I can WALK even if it's uphill! LOL Yeah...no one had a clue where that path was. There was just the easy side and the hard side and they should actually call them the hard side and the really hard side!!! Very rocky at first and then rock walls that I was CRAWLING UP. Nice. It was a great workout, however, I'm not supposed to get my heartbeat up over 140 and I def did that. I had to stop a few times...once because I was really dizzy. Blah. But, we got to the top and it was gorgeous! The way down was better though I slipped a couple times and sort of jarred myself (didn't fall, just slipped) and that didn't feel good!!

Then Dh and I went to the Wing Ding Festival which is a TINY chicken wing festival near where we live. We got a couple yummy fried things and an AMAZING all natural smoothy and then went home...where I fell asleep on the couch for a couple hours!!!

Yesterday we did some shopping and then went to a Sushi place with some of the same people. (I stuck with the allowed stuff!). Baby was kicking the crap out of me while we were at dinner. So hard that it was making me jump! It didn't hurt, lol.

What else was I going to say...I can't really remember. The Tampa Bay Bucs are playing on Monday Night Football tonight so we're having some people over. We are NOT sport fanatics but since it's our home town team, we like having their game on. But we aren't the type where if the game is on there's no talking allowed. We really don't care what's going on on the screen. Lol. That means I need to clean the house up from the weekend!

And right now I'm on the phone AGAIN with the dental clinic. I need to get a checkup for my reserve duty and every year it's the same thing...they don't understand that I am still allowed a checkup and I basically have to call until I get someone who does. AND I just got off the phone. Crying AGAIN. These people are such idiots. The first person (last week) that I talked to said that I couldn't get it done, PERIOD. This guy said that the ONLY way they'll do it is if I do it the same day as my medical physical. NOT TRUE. I do this EVERY SINGLE YEAR!!!! I don't care how they do it for their reservists, I'm NOT their reservist!! I'm just so sick of this.
Okay seriously, thank you again for sharing about BabyLegs. I almost placed a HUGE order last week and am so glad I waited! :dance: Got a ton of things for a great price... so freakin' excited!

OH is like o-O

Clearly, he does not understand how awesome this is. :haha:

Ok can someone please tell me what these are? I have NEVER heard of them.....

I hadn't either! Looks like leg warmers and socks. There are some really cute ones but I dunno if I'll place an order. I don't really know if I want leg warmers on my son (??) and I don't know about 100$ worth of socks, LOL.
Oh, I remember the other thing. Lol. My husband and I have always been sort of opposite on house heat. He'd love it if it was 80 in here all the time. I'm happy with 75. I need some air on my face, especially when I sleep. Well nights here are getting really cold (though it's still gorgeous during the day) so for the past couple nights he's put the heat on. The first night I figured we'd give it a try...but I didn't check to see what he set the heat to. 80. I woke up feeling like my entire body was on fire and croaked to him that if he didn't go downstairs and turn it off I was going to die, lol. Last night we set it for 74, but with heat. UGH, STILL not okay. Much better than 80, but OMG still so hot. Doesn't help that our bedroom is the hottest room in the entire house. There's a heat vent in our closet on his side, right next to my side of the bed, and in the bathroom towards the foot of our bed. I kept waking up with a horrible soar throat and stuffy nose and was up for good by 7am (which is really early for me, lol).

So he's going to buy me a humidifier to get some moisture into the heated air and we're going to have to try setting the heat even lower. Ugh.
Long, crazy weekend! Dh is learning to fly and is starting to be friends with the people at his flight school and so I'm starting to become friends with them, too. A bunch of them were going to Pinnacle Mountain to hike the "easy" side on Saturday morning and invited us to join them. I looked online to see what the easy side was all about and it said that the easiest one was paved all the way up. No problem, I can WALK even if it's uphill! LOL Yeah...no one had a clue where that path was. There was just the easy side and the hard side and they should actually call them the hard side and the really hard side!!! Very rocky at first and then rock walls that I was CRAWLING UP. Nice. It was a great workout, however, I'm not supposed to get my heartbeat up over 140 and I def did that. I had to stop a few times...once because I was really dizzy. Blah. But, we got to the top and it was gorgeous! The way down was better though I slipped a couple times and sort of jarred myself (didn't fall, just slipped) and that didn't feel good!!

Then Dh and I went to the Wing Ding Festival which is a TINY chicken wing festival near where we live. We got a couple yummy fried things and an AMAZING all natural smoothy and then went home...where I fell asleep on the couch for a couple hours!!!

Yesterday we did some shopping and then went to a Sushi place with some of the same people. (I stuck with the allowed stuff!). Baby was kicking the crap out of me while we were at dinner. So hard that it was making me jump! It didn't hurt, lol.

What else was I going to say...I can't really remember. The Tampa Bay Bucs are playing on Monday Night Football tonight so we're having some people over. We are NOT sport fanatics but since it's our home town team, we like having their game on. But we aren't the type where if the game is on there's no talking allowed. We really don't care what's going on on the screen. Lol. That means I need to clean the house up from the weekend!

And right now I'm on the phone AGAIN with the dental clinic. I need to get a checkup for my reserve duty and every year it's the same thing...they don't understand that I am still allowed a checkup and I basically have to call until I get someone who does. AND I just got off the phone. Crying AGAIN. These people are such idiots. The first person (last week) that I talked to said that I couldn't get it done, PERIOD. This guy said that the ONLY way they'll do it is if I do it the same day as my medical physical. NOT TRUE. I do this EVERY SINGLE YEAR!!!! I don't care how they do it for their reservists, I'm NOT their reservist!! I'm just so sick of this.

Maybe is it something to do with Sushi because i also when to Sushi on Saturday (had only what is allowed.) And the baby was kicking me like CRAZY!!! That's weird... LOL
Okay seriously, thank you again for sharing about BabyLegs. I almost placed a HUGE order last week and am so glad I waited! :dance: Got a ton of things for a great price... so freakin' excited!

OH is like o-O

Clearly, he does not understand how awesome this is. :haha:

Ok can someone please tell me what these are? I have NEVER heard of them.....

I hadn't either! Looks like leg warmers and socks. There are some really cute ones but I dunno if I'll place an order. I don't really know if I want leg warmers on my son (??) and I don't know about 100$ worth of socks, LOL.

That's what i was thinking too, then it seems like everyone is going crazy over them so i was wondering if i was missing something here???...... :rofl:
Um... I'm stalking this thread... or trying to... but it moves so quickly!!
I must have posted here before, because my name is on the front page-- but the EDD got changed to the 26th, so you can change that if you want...
Anyway, hi, ladies! Seems like a friendly (and very chatty) group! :)
Thank you ladies I now dont have much to buy for the baby because i have kept everything from Logan :)

my OH is so happy so i think we are having thomas the tank engine
Babylegs are (from my experience of them anyway) more popular with people who are using cloth nappies... that way the fancy cloth can be on display, without baby's legs getting chilly. :thumbup:

AR - will update page1 now.
Long, crazy weekend! Dh is learning to fly and is starting to be friends with the people at his flight school and so I'm starting to become friends with them, too. A bunch of them were going to Pinnacle Mountain to hike the "easy" side on Saturday morning and invited us to join them. I looked online to see what the easy side was all about and it said that the easiest one was paved all the way up. No problem, I can WALK even if it's uphill! LOL Yeah...no one had a clue where that path was. There was just the easy side and the hard side and they should actually call them the hard side and the really hard side!!! Very rocky at first and then rock walls that I was CRAWLING UP. Nice. It was a great workout, however, I'm not supposed to get my heartbeat up over 140 and I def did that. I had to stop a few times...once because I was really dizzy. Blah. But, we got to the top and it was gorgeous! The way down was better though I slipped a couple times and sort of jarred myself (didn't fall, just slipped) and that didn't feel good!!

Then Dh and I went to the Wing Ding Festival which is a TINY chicken wing festival near where we live. We got a couple yummy fried things and an AMAZING all natural smoothy and then went home...where I fell asleep on the couch for a couple hours!!!

Yesterday we did some shopping and then went to a Sushi place with some of the same people. (I stuck with the allowed stuff!). Baby was kicking the crap out of me while we were at dinner. So hard that it was making me jump! It didn't hurt, lol.

What else was I going to say...I can't really remember. The Tampa Bay Bucs are playing on Monday Night Football tonight so we're having some people over. We are NOT sport fanatics but since it's our home town team, we like having their game on. But we aren't the type where if the game is on there's no talking allowed. We really don't care what's going on on the screen. Lol. That means I need to clean the house up from the weekend!

And right now I'm on the phone AGAIN with the dental clinic. I need to get a checkup for my reserve duty and every year it's the same thing...they don't understand that I am still allowed a checkup and I basically have to call until I get someone who does. AND I just got off the phone. Crying AGAIN. These people are such idiots. The first person (last week) that I talked to said that I couldn't get it done, PERIOD. This guy said that the ONLY way they'll do it is if I do it the same day as my medical physical. NOT TRUE. I do this EVERY SINGLE YEAR!!!! I don't care how they do it for their reservists, I'm NOT their reservist!! I'm just so sick of this.

Maybe is it something to do with Sushi because i also when to Sushi on Saturday (had only what is allowed.) And the baby was kicking me like CRAZY!!! That's weird... LOL

Lol, could be it!! I was giggling because he'd kick so hard that I'd jump in my seat!! Crazy kids!
Okay seriously, thank you again for sharing about BabyLegs. I almost placed a HUGE order last week and am so glad I waited! :dance: Got a ton of things for a great price... so freakin' excited!

OH is like o-O

Clearly, he does not understand how awesome this is. :haha:

Ok can someone please tell me what these are? I have NEVER heard of them.....

I hadn't either! Looks like leg warmers and socks. There are some really cute ones but I dunno if I'll place an order. I don't really know if I want leg warmers on my son (??) and I don't know about 100$ worth of socks, LOL.

That's what i was thinking too, then it seems like everyone is going crazy over them so i was wondering if i was missing something here???...... :rofl:

:haha: Me too!! I'm not "up" on cool clothing trends, lol, so I don't know if this is one of those or if they're just really nice...or??? There are a couple packs of socks I thought were cute, lol.
Um... I'm stalking this thread... or trying to... but it moves so quickly!!
I must have posted here before, because my name is on the front page-- but the EDD got changed to the 26th, so you can change that if you want...
Anyway, hi, ladies! Seems like a friendly (and very chatty) group! :)

Lol, yes, this thread moves FAST! Welcome back!!
Babylegs are (from my experience of them anyway) more popular with people who are using cloth nappies... that way the fancy cloth can be on display, without baby's legs getting chilly. :thumbup:

AR - will update page1 now.

Oooh, well that makes sense!! We're planning on cloth diapering at home...might have to just go give them another look, lol. Just whenever I think of leg warmers I think of ballet class!! Hahaha!! I do have a couple cute pairs for myself, but they're very girly!
Wow! went to the chiropractor today...amazing! you all should go! look how messed up i am! :haha:

1.) what a normal, halthy, aligned female spine should look like

2.) what my spine looks like. All of the boxes should be white, and they should all be the same length as the "normal female spine"....so much for that! The green at the top of my spine means my nerves have been working in overtime because of how out of wack it is! No wonder its been hurting for so long!

3.) This is my spine with the pull/tension...do you see that large red arrow on the bottom? Yeah, its as severe as it can get (without being broken). Thanks to DS being posterior, this is the condition of my spine one yr later lol. No wonder i have been getting such painful "back labor type pains" even though im not in labor!

She did an adjustment and it feels amazing!!! i HIGHLY recommend ALL pregnant women see a chiropractor!!! Especially those worried about a posterior baby. If your back is aligned correctly, then you have more chances of the baby settling into the correct position for the birth! :thumbup:


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I think I may actually put an order in at Babylegs, lol. Mostly socks, though. Looks like each pair of socks is actually 2 different pair so I can get 14 socks and 5 leg warmers for 31.50. I'd get more socks but there aren't any more boys ones I can add, so I added some cute boyish leg warmers. I don't think I can get that many nice things for 1.65 per item/pair.
Wow! went to the chiropractor today...amazing! you all should go! look how messed up i am! :haha:

1.) what a normal, halthy, aligned female spine should look like

2.) what my spine looks like. All of the boxes should be white, and they should all be the same length as the "normal female spine"....so much for that! The green at the top of my spine means my nerves have been working in overtime because of how out of wack it is! No wonder its been hurting for so long!

3.) This is my spine with the pull/tension...do you see that large red arrow on the bottom? Yeah, its as severe as it can get (without being broken). Thanks to DS being posterior, this is the condition of my spine one yr later lol. No wonder i have been getting such painful "back labor type pains" even though im not in labor!

She did an adjustment and it feels amazing!!! i HIGHLY recommend ALL pregnant women see a chiropractor!!! Especially those worried about a posterior baby. If your back is aligned correctly, then you have more chances of the baby settling into the correct position for the birth! :thumbup:

Wow! went to the chiropractor today...amazing! you all should go! look how messed up i am! :haha:

1.) what a normal, halthy, aligned female spine should look like

2.) what my spine looks like. All of the boxes should be white, and they should all be the same length as the "normal female spine"....so much for that! The green at the top of my spine means my nerves have been working in overtime because of how out of wack it is! No wonder its been hurting for so long!

3.) This is my spine with the pull/tension...do you see that large red arrow on the bottom? Yeah, its as severe as it can get (without being broken). Thanks to DS being posterior, this is the condition of my spine one yr later lol. No wonder i have been getting such painful "back labor type pains" even though im not in labor!

She did an adjustment and it feels amazing!!! i HIGHLY recommend ALL pregnant women see a chiropractor!!! Especially those worried about a posterior baby. If your back is aligned correctly, then you have more chances of the baby settling into the correct position for the birth! :thumbup:


I DEFINATLY feel better after that adjustment! Ah, the sound of relief. It felt wonderful! should have gone sooner! Im going 2-3x per week from now on, until it gets better. She wants me to come back in after the birth to get X-rays (since she can't do them with my being preggo). Then she'll really be able to help me. Alls i know is i feel MUCH better :D
Guppy, that is ridiculous! Your poor back! :hugs:

Congrats Mum on your :blue: bump! I called you Amanda in my first post from earlier... :dohh: whoops! haha.

I just think the leg warmers are so cute. I got 96 dollars worth of stuff for 32, and could have spent a LOT more but I figured I should hold off for now. Gotta wait and see what their post-Christmas sale is like, I figure. ;) haha. Or something.
I think I may actually put an order in at Babylegs, lol. Mostly socks, though. Looks like each pair of socks is actually 2 different pair so I can get 14 socks and 5 leg warmers for 31.50. I'd get more socks but there aren't any more boys ones I can add, so I added some cute boyish leg warmers. I don't think I can get that many nice things for 1.65 per item/pair.

YAy! i think we should all put pictures up of our baby leg warmers/socks once they arrive in the mail! haha, im a nerd lol :blush: but everyone got such wonderful deals on such cute stuff i think we should share :thumbup...wonder how long it takes to ship...i'll def. let DS get some use out of them before Elliot arrives and then they will share since i was able to get 11 pairs :D
haha Swanx, so glad DH was here to stop me from buying up every leg warmer there was! :blush: i could own millions of those for the kiddies :blush:

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