February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

Hi girls,

First off Congrats to all of you newly pregnant ladies!!!:happydance::flower: I have been stalking this thread for a while now....:blush:

I am in limbo land in the 2WW right now waiting for a definate BFP, and getting the faint second lines on my HPT's and not sure what to think just yet, But I am hoping that I can join all of you lovely ladies very soon!!

I wanted to ask you girls about some of your early prego symptoms...

So which ladies have stretchy cramps in your upper belly and than AF like cramps coming in waves, and twinges in like one side of your ovary or the other...And how about back aches, lower back or upper back ache??? My back doesnt hurt too bad, it is just an annoying nagging pain. I am also super bloated with swollen belly that pokes out alot more than usual. This is what is going on with me right now!! Thanks in advance for your feedback girls..:flower::winkwink:. I am going seriously nuts in the 2WW!!
Hi everyone :)

Had a surprise last Monday morning with a positive test - unplanned - eek! I have (had??) PCOS so very irregular cycles, but I'm roughly due eary February.

So far I'm having period-type cramps, only more painful and less frequent; need a new bra already; switching suddenly between not wanting to eat and being ravenous.
Luckily no sickness or real soreness yet!
For those who have been pregnant before, looking back does pregnancy seem to go by fast? This is my first and I'm already super excited for February!!! : )
Hi girls! Congrats to all the BFP's!!!

Wannabeprego- sounding good! I am extremely bloated, pants are fitting tight already and I am a thin girl, 5'4 106lbs, flat tummy is turning into a well-fed looking tummy from eating a cracker! I have very sore bb's, getting bigger already... in terms of cramps, I had af like cramps the day of implantation (i had one little spot of blood tinged cm, and had to DIG for it:haha:), after that, i just get pinches on one side in one spot, lasts for less than a minute, several times a day. Feeling like I have a pinched nerve in lower back, worse at night when im in bed.... and definitely heartburn. non-stop, all day. burping a lot too. oh, and just today started peeing more than usual...Hope this helps!
My giveaway symptom from 1dpo was a low grade fever 99.1-99.5 that went on until I got my BFP....probably still is but haven't checked...

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!:dust::dust::dust: (btw, my line looked JUST LIKE THAT!!!)
For those who have been pregnant before, looking back does pregnancy seem to go by fast? This is my first and I'm already super excited for February!!! : )

I did not find out I was pregnant with my oldest son until I was 17 weeks, so the remaining 23 weeks went pretty fast.
With my youngest son, the longest part was waiting for the first prenatal check-up (much like it is going to seem this time). After that waiting for the next checkups made it go fast. I liked to think of it as what my baby would develop in the matter of a 7 day span.
I think that that anticipation gets everyone, it is hard not to get excited!! :wacko:

Today I have had a really strong headache for most of the day. Hopefully a good night of sleep will help the pain go away!! :sleep:
Hi girls! Congrats to all the BFP's!!!

Wannabeprego- sounding good! I am extremely bloated, pants are fitting tight already and I am a thin girl, 5'4 106lbs, flat tummy is turning into a well-fed looking tummy from eating a cracker! I have very sore bb's, getting bigger already... in terms of cramps, I had af like cramps the day of implantation (i had one little spot of blood tinged cm, and had to DIG for it:haha:), after that, i just get pinches on one side in one spot, lasts for less than a minute, several times a day. Feeling like I have a pinched nerve in lower back, worse at night when im in bed.... and definitely heartburn. non-stop, all day. burping a lot too. oh, and just today started peeing more than usual...Hope this helps!
My giveaway symptom from 1dpo was a low grade fever 99.1-99.5 that went on until I got my BFP....probably still is but haven't checked...

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!:dust::dust::dust: (btw, my line looked JUST LIKE THAT!!!)
Thanks for the good luck and for sharing your symptoms!!!:flower:

Congrats on your BFP!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Have room for another? I'm due Feb 12th! Hoping this one sticks... Congrats to all the lucky ladies due in Feb!

I wonder if they avoid doing inductions on this date? Anyone due on the 15th will be 40+14 on the 29th! :wacko:

I'm lost why would they avoid inductions on this day?

lol Because February 29th only comes once every 4 years. My baby cousin is a leap year baby, this coming february will be his 4th birthday but the 1st time his birthdate has actually existed since he was born. I doubt they actually avoid inductions but it would be interesting to see what they say if a mother requested to avoid it whether its medically necessary or not...
yeah i agree waiting for that first appointment makes it draaaaaaaag by lol as soon as you hit 2nd tri is flys by. i was trying to convince the nurse that i wasnt ready to have my baby as she wheeled me to theatre for a section lol was shell shocked when i took Cam home. i was only just used to being pregnant nevermind a mama lol its really crazy how fast it goes by lol xxx
For those who have been pregnant before, looking back does pregnancy seem to go by fast? This is my first and I'm already super excited for February!!! : )

First trimester went so slow last time! It went pretty fast after the 20 week mark (prolly cos I was impatiently waiting for the gender scan til that point lol)
Hi girls,

First off Congrats to all of you newly pregnant ladies!!!:happydance::flower: I have been stalking this thread for a while now....:blush:

I am in limbo land in the 2WW right now waiting for a definate BFP, and getting the faint second lines on my HPT's and not sure what to think just yet, But I am hoping that I can join all of you lovely ladies very soon!!

I wanted to ask you girls about some of your early prego symptoms...

So which ladies have stretchy cramps in your upper belly and than AF like cramps coming in waves, and twinges in like one side of your ovary or the other...And how about back aches, lower back or upper back ache??? My back doesnt hurt too bad, it is just an annoying nagging pain. I am also super bloated with swollen belly that pokes out alot more than usual. This is what is going on with me right now!! Thanks in advance for your feedback girls..:flower::winkwink:. I am going seriously nuts in the 2WW!!

Sending you the very best of luck!

I haven't really had any symptoms tbh, and most the very telling ones like back ache and tiredness came after my bfp. The one that in hindsight must have been a sign but didn't really pay much attention is I was super, ridiculously hungry this cycle and usually I'm quite a picky, not-so-hungry eater.

With my first pregnancy I didn't get a bfp until 13dpo, This time a took a test from 11dpo every other day to see a defo progression.
yeah i agree waiting for that first appointment makes it draaaaaaaag by lol as soon as you hit 2nd tri is flys by. i was trying to convince the nurse that i wasnt ready to have my baby as she wheeled me to theatre for a section lol was shell shocked when i took Cam home. i was only just used to being pregnant nevermind a mama lol its really crazy how fast it goes by lol xxx

Did you have a c-section? Just curious as so far I'm the only person I know that is having a second child so soon after a section and it would be awesome to feel I had some company hehe!
yeah i agree waiting for that first appointment makes it draaaaaaaag by lol as soon as you hit 2nd tri is flys by. i was trying to convince the nurse that i wasnt ready to have my baby as she wheeled me to theatre for a section lol was shell shocked when i took Cam home. i was only just used to being pregnant nevermind a mama lol its really crazy how fast it goes by lol xxx

Did you have a c-section? Just curious as so far I'm the only person I know that is having a second child so soon after a section and it would be awesome to feel I had some company hehe!

yeah i did. will be having an elective section round about 37weeks this time. how did you find it? this might sound stupid but did you get your baby straight away? did you get a spinal? reason im asking is because mine was a crash section and i had a general so wasnt awake for it then Cameron got taken into nnicu and i didnt see him for hours then didnt get to hold him for 4 days. i was wondering how you coped with having just had a section and dealing with a newborn at the same time. also have been wondering about the spinal. if you had one what was it like? wow loads of questions sorry lol im having strange niggly pains like under my section scar, are you? are you nervous about being pregnant so close to having had a section? xxx
^^^ sorry lol everyone i know had a nice normal birth lol xxx
I also had a general as I had plates in my spine and they didn't wanna 'tamper' with it, so they just knocked me out. I got given my son pretty much as soon as I awoke but it was a strange feeling, and the next day they told me he had Down Syndrome, so I think the whole experience was very surreal and took alot of coming to terms with.

That must of been very scary not being able to see him for so long after birth. It's already hard enough getting your head around going to sleep and waking up a mommy as it is @.@ I didn't get to do anything with my son for a couple days either, it was like the midwives were his mothers, it was difficult. Is your son doing ok now?

Having some weird pains ocassionally around the scar, can't really call them pains but dunno how else to describe them, like someone is pulling at your hair I guess. I'm a wee bit nervous as c-sections this close together are unheard of here (Germany) and so I have no one to relate to. It'll be another full knockout this time too.

Are they monitoring this pregnancy closely with you? They are with me. I basically get an ultrasound every 3 weeks which I certainly can't complain about lol, but I'm very nervous about how things will pan out. x
yeah he is fine now, we have a few minor issues to iron out but he is doing great. we seen his consultant last month and he put in his notes that Cameron was nothing short of a miracle :D i was really closely monitored in my last pregnancy but they still missed something was wrong. i ended up having 17scans in total. i felt like the nurses were more of a mother to Cam than i was! that was prob the hardest part about it. Downs can be a really scary disability but your lil boy will be the most loving, wonderful person you will ever know. you must be a very strong person to be pregnant again when your son has downs, i really admire you! im gonna call the early pregnancy unit this am and try get in for a scan. my consultant promised me that as soon as i was pregnant that they would get me in for bloods and a scan and keep a close eye on me. the hospital that i go to is 5mins away but is getting shut in august and then its a hours drive away so im worrying about that. i dont drive so it will make it really difficult. i was laughing how i fell asleep and woke up a mumma but if i get to choose i would like to be awake. i am still too messed up with the fact that i dont know if Cameron cried when he was born or if he was too ill so i wouldnt cope feeling like that again lol thats great that they are keeping an eye on you. ooo you will have loads of pictures lol when is your next scan? xxx
So glad your little boy is doing great now, he certainly is a miracle! Sorry to hear about the hospital closing, that's very annoying. I don't drive either so I'm having to work all my appointments around my husbands work which I think it's sending him grey early lol. Our hospital is quite far away too :/

I can't fault my son at all tbh, he's an absolute angel. He certainly makes my job as a mother look very very easy. He reaches milestones a little later than other babies his age but his spirit and wisdom is vast. The fact he's so mellow makes me more confident that having two children close together will work perfectly for our family.
Thats great!! Cam is a very chilled out easy going baby 2. I ahve stopped caring about milestones. Cameron hasnt ever reached any of his on time! lol the way i see it is that he had enough things to overcome so he can do things when he chooses lol did you not now prior to the birth that your son had downs? i am a carer for adults with disabilities and challenging behaviour and have worked closely with adults with Downs. these individuals trully are wonderful people and make my job a lot easier. your son is gorgeous, i love your avatar. what are you hoping for this time? apart from healthy obv lol girl? i would love a girl coz i would like one of each but boys are much easier lol xxx
No, I didn't know at all. I was pretty much monitored closely last time too as I was LTTTC so I don't know why it wasn't picked up. Which is why I'm so nervous this time, I think only an amnio will completely set my mind at rest, if only to prepare me because the shock after birth was just extreme and I don't want to go through that shock again. I'm very lucky in a way, he doesn't suffer from any of the health problems mainly associated with T21. and he's super tall.

I would adore a girl. Sounds weird after what we've gone through ey? lol, but still. It's been an absolute dream of mine as long as I can remember to have a daughter but I'm telling myself the next is a boy anyway to gear myself up for any eventuality.

Pfft who needs milestones ey? I think the longer it takes the more you appreciate them when they do finally come. :) Do you mind me asking exactly what your son has by any chance? x
KjConard - First tri dragged for me last night, but once I had my dating scan it seemed to speed up a little. Then weeks 37-42 DRAGGED!

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