February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

How are you guys coming along with names?? I asked on our FB page and then realized there are only 6 of us in the group, LOL!!!

Before we knew what we were having we had a girls name. Our PERFECT name and it was so easy to decide on. We could NOT think of a boys name. Well, now we have to, Lol, since he's a boy!! I don't want a name that is "plain" and I don't want a name that is "popular" but I also don't want something Totally out there (like I saw on a baby name site the name..."Baby"....??). We both LOVE Jacob but it's been #1 for about 5 years (thank you Twilight) so that's out. We love Noah but it's quite popular too, so that's a no. Sebastian is our #1 name right now, but since we haven't had that YES to it that we had for the girls name, we just aren't sure! LOL If we use Sebastian, I like Charles as a middle name (it's my Grandfather's name) but John doesn't think it goes?? We were thinking of using Jacob as a middle but I really want to save it in the hopes that the name craze dies down in a couple years!
And congrats Geogem! :D :blue: So exciting!

I hate not being able to log on during work anymore. I miss out on too much! :brat:

My BL email came and they should be shipped. Coming from NJ so hoping I get them by Monday. We will see!
We're similar. We've had a girls name picked out since we were ttc. Well, actually, I like Hannah Sarah, but dh doesn't because of Hannah Montana. :dohh: So if it's a girl, it will be Sarah Hannah. :)
We are still a little unsure as to boys names, and I think we need to decide for sure because I think it IS a boy.
I decided I liked Samuel, but I let DH think of it on his own and then I acted really casual about it. But it's my favorite. Only thing is, DH likes Nicholas for the middle name, and I don't. I have yet to find a middle name I really like, although I like Rochester... a little out there, I know.

Jacob is so popular... too bad, 'cause I've always liked the name, too. Noah I haven't heard as much in person but it seems fairly popular on here...
I don't think Sebastian goes with Jacob or Charles... Maybe Sebastian Noah? Or do you not like the "N"s together?
So much to think about!!
I love thinking and talking about names-- I'm interested to hear what others are thinking. :)
I love and adore the name Jacob. But thank you, Twilight, for making that just impossible t use at this point. :haha:

I do really like Sebastian too, JP. I think Sebastian Charles flows nicely together. Or Sebastian Jacob, for that matter.
We have a facebook group??? WHAT IS ITTTT?! haha

LOL, it's called Biscuit Appreciation Society . It was made before most made their announcements so we named it that and made it closed!! I *think* you can search and ask to join! But let me know if that doesn't work! It's only for us in the Feb group!
We're similar. We've had a girls name picked out since we were ttc. Well, actually, I like Hannah Sarah, but dh doesn't because of Hannah Montana. :dohh: So if it's a girl, it will be Sarah Hannah. :)
We are still a little unsure as to boys names, and I think we need to decide for sure because I think it IS a boy.
I decided I liked Samuel, but I let DH think of it on his own and then I acted really casual about it. But it's my favorite. Only thing is, DH likes Nicholas for the middle name, and I don't. I have yet to find a middle name I really like, although I like Rochester... a little out there, I know.

Jacob is so popular... too bad, 'cause I've always liked the name, too. Noah I haven't heard as much in person but it seems fairly popular on here...
I don't think Sebastian goes with Jacob or Charles... Maybe Sebastian Noah? Or do you not like the "N"s together?
So much to think about!!
I love thinking and talking about names-- I'm interested to hear what others are thinking. :)

Lol, I wouldn't have even thought Hannah Montana until you said that, but lol, I guess he has a point IF it's because it'll be popular! Otherwise, it's a really pretty name! Rochester *is* different, but I don't think it's weird! It's very...manly? Is that the right word?? I don't mind the N's together I just don't think I really like Noah as a middle name. My favorite, if we use Sebastian, is Charles...but of course I don't want to force it if Dh doesn't like it as much too!
I love and adore the name Jacob. But thank you, Twilight, for making that just impossible t use at this point. :haha:

I do really like Sebastian too, JP. I think Sebastian Charles flows nicely together. Or Sebastian Jacob, for that matter.

Yeah, I know! I've loved Jacob ever since I was a little girl. I had a boy and girl stuffed rabbits and their names were Jacob and Molly, lol. We came up with that first and I was like YES and then was looking and saw how it's been #1. :dohh: ARGH!!

And thank you! I think Sebastian is a Really nice name. Not popular, not weird. I love it. And I really do like Charles with it...I think it sounds good, but Dh doesn't! He likes Jacob as the middle name but I REALLY want to save that and try to use it later!
Rochester is where my sister lives, so nobody here would use it. But it does sound nice on the tongue.

Hope you are all ok ladies! I'm 25 weeks, how did that happen?
Ahhhh help what do i do?

Not sure if i mention before but we took ok a big house that needed alot of work

well today i have called in sick because i have hurt my back and im coming down with a cold. Yesterday i worked from 8am to midnight then drove half hour to get home so all i ask is a day of rest (i normally work 7 days a week)

Well fil is pissing me off! Moaning im not helping them paint. Ahhhh or making them coffee im not there slaves and i can feel my self wanting to tell them to f off and never come back they have wound me up so much :(

Am i wrong in wanting one day to my self!?!
Congrats to everyone who has had scans recently!!!

We had our breastfeeding class last night. It was Very informative. Dh said before, "I don't understand why we have to go to a class about something that is supposed to come naturally" and I had to laugh when the teacher AND the videos we watched said it's natural for the baby but NOT the mom! HA! Lol. He learned a lot, and so did I.

I want to start the classes soon aswell! Although i don't think i will be bring my DH with me. I am glad to hear it was very infomative, i can't wait to start mine. I start my labor classes in november.

Geogem- Congrats on the blue!!!

Why won't you bring DH with you, if you don't mind my asking? I'm SO glad John went with me. There was Way too much info for me to take in on my own plus it really helped him understand some things. The childbirth class was great as they went over pretty much everything so he will be able to help me then. They even did a thing where they had the dads massage the moms where they THOUGHT they'd want it during labor since at that time I guess it's hard to verbalize. We weren't allowed to tell them where. I think my DH was the only one who got it right, LOL. And the breastfeeding one, also really good that he went. The Lactation Consultant went over a TON of things that the dads can do, so that was great, and he learned a lot to help me! He didn't complain when I told him he was going (lol) though I could tell her wasn't excited. But after both classes we've taken he's been glad he went and admitted that he really learned a lot!

He will def. be coming with me to the labor classes but like you said he was not to excited about the BF classes. He says "i don't understand why you need to take classes, it should be easy and natural, woman have been doing it for years.... lol, little does he know". He is more likely to distract me then help me at those classes and i am already so nervous about BF. I am so determined to do it i really want to make sure i have all the knowledge behind me on it. I can see why some woman would bring their DH for support, but like i said i just feel i would benefit more if i went on my own... :shrug:
Ahhhh help what do i do?

Not sure if i mention before but we took ok a big house that needed alot of work

well today i have called in sick because i have hurt my back and im coming down with a cold. Yesterday i worked from 8am to midnight then drove half hour to get home so all i ask is a day of rest (i normally work 7 days a week)

Well fil is pissing me off! Moaning im not helping them paint. Ahhhh or making them coffee im not there slaves and i can feel my self wanting to tell them to f off and never come back they have wound me up so much :(

Am i wrong in wanting one day to my self!?!

No, you aren't wrong at all!! Just tell them that you're sorry, but you are not feeling well at all and need to rest - for the baby's sake. If they keep on you, just try to ignore them. You DO need your rest!
Congrats to everyone who has had scans recently!!!

We had our breastfeeding class last night. It was Very informative. Dh said before, "I don't understand why we have to go to a class about something that is supposed to come naturally" and I had to laugh when the teacher AND the videos we watched said it's natural for the baby but NOT the mom! HA! Lol. He learned a lot, and so did I.

I want to start the classes soon aswell! Although i don't think i will be bring my DH with me. I am glad to hear it was very infomative, i can't wait to start mine. I start my labor classes in november.

Geogem- Congrats on the blue!!!

Why won't you bring DH with you, if you don't mind my asking? I'm SO glad John went with me. There was Way too much info for me to take in on my own plus it really helped him understand some things. The childbirth class was great as they went over pretty much everything so he will be able to help me then. They even did a thing where they had the dads massage the moms where they THOUGHT they'd want it during labor since at that time I guess it's hard to verbalize. We weren't allowed to tell them where. I think my DH was the only one who got it right, LOL. And the breastfeeding one, also really good that he went. The Lactation Consultant went over a TON of things that the dads can do, so that was great, and he learned a lot to help me! He didn't complain when I told him he was going (lol) though I could tell her wasn't excited. But after both classes we've taken he's been glad he went and admitted that he really learned a lot!

He will def. be coming with me to the labor classes but like you said he was not to excited about the BF classes. He says "i don't understand why you need to take classes, it should be easy and natural, woman have been doing it for years.... lol, little does he know". He is more likely to distract me then help me at those classes and i am already so nervous about BF. I am so determined to do it i really want to make sure i have all the knowledge behind me on it. I can see why some woman would bring their DH for support, but like i said i just feel i would benefit more if i went on my own... :shrug:

Oohhh, I see. Yes, if you think he wouldn't pay attention that totally makes sense. My dh said almost the exact same thing before the class "I don't understand why we have to go to a class on something that's supposed to come naturally". He had his eyes opened during the class and took a lot out of it! I'm really glad he came because there was a LOT of info for him that I wouldn't have remembered to tell him! There were actually only two dads not there and they were both working, LOL. I think he was really surprised by that at first!!

Anyways, try not to be too nervous about it! I'm a bit nervous...just about "what if for some reason I can't" and making sure I figure out how to get him to latch well. But we learned a lot of good info on that so I'm really looking forward to it!!
Hi all, congrats on the scans there's some really cute photos :)

Made our second big purchase now - the bedside cot! Squeee! We almost paid £260 for it on the NCT website, but after a bit of research found it on German Amazon for £130!! I just had to navigate the payment bit in German, my GSCE teacher would have been proud.

I love all the babylegs, I couldn't find the ones I wanted on UK websites but I did find some tutorials on how to DIY them out of adult-sized socks, so I'm planning a trip to Primark to get some funky socks to whip up some babylegs. I love a project!

Anyone finding their emotions up and down at the moment (more than usual?!). I go from being really happy everytime I get a good kick, to super-grumpy cos I'm so tired, then guilty for not loving every part of being pregnant when I'm so lucky just to be pregnant. Grrr!
Hi all, congrats on the scans there's some really cute photos :)

Made our second big purchase now - the bedside cot! Squeee! We almost paid £260 for it on the NCT website, but after a bit of research found it on German Amazon for £130!! I just had to navigate the payment bit in German, my GSCE teacher would have been proud.

I love all the babylegs, I couldn't find the ones I wanted on UK websites but I did find some tutorials on how to DIY them out of adult-sized socks, so I'm planning a trip to Primark to get some funky socks to whip up some babylegs. I love a project!

Anyone finding their emotions up and down at the moment (more than usual?!). I go from being really happy everytime I get a good kick, to super-grumpy cos I'm so tired, then guilty for not loving every part of being pregnant when I'm so lucky just to be pregnant. Grrr!

Great deal!!! I get grumpy...not sure if it's because I'm tired or what. But I KNOW when I'm grumpy, lol, and Try not to take it out on Dh! Usually I'm pretty happy though!
Yey! Dh has points with his credit card and he went on today to see what we could get and they added new gift cards. Toys R Us is one of them! So he ordered a 250$ gift card with his points and we're going to use that to help pay for the furniture. So now that's about 750$ worth of FREE. We got the crib (~500$) free because of a deal they were having, and now this! Awesome.
Congrats on the blue bump gem and love your pics tiger.

We have started our hypnobirth classes and I love them, it's so much fun and as the other couple changed the month they were doing we've got the instructor coming to our house for private classes for the same price (normally costs twice as much). Had the second class yesterday and I'm really glad we've gone for it, my husbands at all of them as he will be my birth companion. Not having anyone else there so he will be vital for all the coaching and support. Will be doing some NHS ones after 32 weeks but they're only day courses and not sure how useful they'll be, hopefully get to tour the ward though. Probably drag OH along to those too!

and on a TMI note nipples have started leaking!:blush:

JP what about charlie as a middle name, would your OH go for that? I work with a boy called sebastian and he get's called Seb or Sebby, I think it's really sweet.
Hi Ladies,

hope everyone is good!

I like Sebastian Charles, I think it is really nice.

We never came up with girls names, think I must have known it was another lttle man.

But I think we are settled on calling him Nyle. We couldnt agree on the spelling for a bit there - either Niall, Nyall, Nyle or Nile???..... but i think we are decided now!!

but we havent decided on a middle name yet!

I like Nyle Grange (my grandads middle name) but hubby doesnt like it,

hubby cant decide on anything!! :-(

when we had Blake it came so easy! lol

I like names that arent strange but also not popular too and it is difficult to find one that not everyone has used!

But I suppose with this being child number 7 and boy number 5 we have already used most of the names we have liked!! lol

I have asked to join the "biscuit appreciation society" so please can someone who's admin let me in!! lol (give you a clue my initials are GL and my piccy is me and my son at a football game!)

Been furnoture shopping for the babies and Blakes room today!! need to get organised with it very soon as I want all the changes to be made asap so Blake doesnt feel we are pushing him out for the new baby! ( because he is swapping rooms with his older brother so he can share with new LO)

anyway, I have rattling on a bit now - think i'm gonna go to bed!!

nite all!
swing.jpgoh, sorry but look what I just bought for the bargain price of £20!!

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