February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

wow! you sure are busy! do you guys work weekends or something? i dont even know what im doing this weekend, let alone next ...then again i have no life :haha:
Chris works every Sunday but I don't work weekends :) haha. We just have a lot going on with various things. His family's party is the weekend before Christmas, and I also have my maternity shoot that weekend. Christmas weekend we are with my family :D His cantata (his second job is as a choral director) is next weekend, so we have practice Saturday and the performance Sunday.

And so forth etc etc lol.

Between our work schedules during the week, our weekends just tend to be jam packed lol. It's exhausting but it's something to which I've become adjusted. Just tiresome when you're pregnant ;) haha.

Looking forward to when I'm off and able to adjust my schedule a bit more nicely so I can do errands on weekdays to clear up weekends a wee bit. :)

Finally works over for the day!! :D
hey ladies sorry if this is TMI but i'm a bit concerned...

the past couple days i've been drinking milk to help calm my heartburn and i find myself in the bathroom like an hour later. i've never had problems digesting milk or milk products before, but i'm wondering if this could mean my little one is lactose intolerant?? DH is lactose intolerant so I don't know if it's a genetic thing or what, but if it is, will I still be able to breast feed??

is anyone else having weird digestive problems all of a sudden? i've always been pretty healthy and have never had any allergies to anything, even having heartburn is a brand new thing for me. :( i'm starting to get worried
Zombie, my DH is very lactose intolerant, my brother has recently developed a severe lactose intolerance. I am not lactose intolerant, and I did not have any problems with milk or dairy products when I was pregnant with DS2, but he is lactose intolerant, but only with milk, he can eat cheese and yogurt... just can't drink regular milk!

So I don't know if it is genetic, but I don't think that it is a sign that the baby will be, you just might be having issues with it related to the pregnancy. I have had problems with other things that I have eaten or drank and neither of my boys have had problems with those foods. I have no allergies with food, but DS2 is allergic to ONLY hazelnuts, and I had no problems with it during pregnancy, etc.

Probably didn't help much, but that is my experiences with allergies and lactose intolerance with my kids. :)
Wow, that's interesting... I've never heard of such a thing or had that experience...

Probably unrelated, but-- When my mom was pregnant with me, she couldn't eat pizza. It made her throw up. And I still get sick sometimes if I eat pizza, particularly if it's heavy on the sauce and/or I eat a lot of it.
Truthfully, though, I think that's just a coincidence.
Not sure about your situation, though.
I'm lactose intolerant, but my OBG hasn't said anything about food allergies + baby to me, so I'm not really sure the details on that. :(

However, I have noticed, too, that certain things make me very sick that did not used to do so. Bananas make me exceptionally nauseous and give me really bad heartburn. Whole wheat toast also gives me heartburn, but white toast does not. And I have found that especially since entering third tri, I am in the bathroom a lot more after eating certain things. My OBG said that especially toward the end, usually the digestive system is affected a bit more than in the previous months. Some women get constipated - I seem to have the opposite problem lol. If it's only caused by lactose-filled products, maybe give your OBG a ring, and see what they say? If nothing else but to ease your mind?
Zombie you will be able to breast feed, lactose intolerable is towards cow's milk not human milk. The only difference would be as the food/drink we take in goes into our milk you would have to cut out cow's milk/products yourself. Obviously you need to get this checked at the doctors as you shouldn't be cutting out entire food groups without a medical professional saying it is ok, apparently people with colic babies have to cut out cow products whilst breastfeeding so it shouldn't be a problem. :thumbup:
Well I went to the GP the other day for a prescription for thrush and she had a feel... baby is transverse. I kinda figured... I am worried the bubba won't get head or bum down. Gah!
Dude. What is it with the whole wheat bread and heartburn???!!! I never would've thought bread could give me heartburn but it DOES. Crazy. :wacko:
I'm with the others, give your dr or mw a call just to query it to put your mind at ease about the lactose intolerance thing. I had a total aversion to all dairy for the first 20 weeks or so, it seems to have rectified itself by this stage though.
thank you so much everyone!! you ladies are all so helpful!!! i talked to my doctor and she said that it COULD be because i was putting chocolate in my milk (hehe i guess i forgot to mention that part) so for now she just said to try drinking milk without the chocolate to see if there is any difference. we shall see :)
Hi ladies! I’ve been reading, but unable to post until now. So time to catch up!

Hope your appointment goes well Suzzle! :hugs:

I can’t wait until the first Valentines are born! :dance: It’s getting closer and closer! I, too, feel as though this has gone rather quickly. Now watch and I’ll be moaning from now until her birth about how slowly it’s going. But I somehow doubt it. My days move slowly while I’m at work, but by the time Monday comes around I go, “holy crap, another week and weekend gone already? What?!”

Glad everything is okay Jokerette! My OBG told me to drink lots of water to help with the BH, so I have been drinking a lot more + stopped trying to do too much housecleaning at once and it’s seemed to help. They’re a lot less frequent right now. She thinks I was overdoing it with working 9 hours, then coming home and trying to do a full day’s worth of housework in a few short hours. >.< I just hate going to bed with tons of dishes and clothing waiting to be washed, but guess I need to take care of myself and the baby first, haha.

(and hubby does help, I don’t want to sound as though I’m whining that he does not. lol. he’s just busy working his two jobs, so I end up going a tiny bit fanatical with cleaning while he’s gone :haha:)

AlmostMama, your nursery looks FABULOUS. I absolutely love it! And so glad your shower was a success and that you got tons of helpful items! :D That’s grand!

TiggerTea, that’s great – want to come help with my tree now? ;) LOL

Glad you had a successful shopping spree Tiger; always loads of fun! :D

No nausea here, but loads of awful heartburn. :(

I’m feeling a bit anxious that it’s December, I am not going to lie!

Hey Guppy, could I maybe please get a little carbon copy of this list you’re making? :D :hugs: I’ve been slowly reading but it’s overwhelming how much is out there, and I keep trying to sort the important things. Happy 28 weeks!

AFM: Appointment went well yesterday. Aria was head-down and is developing nicely, according to the doctor’s pokings and proddings. I left elated, only to get a call from my mother that my uncle has passed away; we were not close in recent years, but I feel horrible all the same. So I’m riding a bizarre roller coaster of emotions right now, as things sort themselves out on that front.

I woke up with the world’s worst Charlie horse in the middle of the night. I have been prone to them since college – when I stopped being healthy – and over the year prior to getting pregnant, they had stopped almost completely when I changed my diet and lifestyle. But with pregnancy they’ve come back with a vengeance. Normally though, I can point my toes the second they wake me up and the pain eases. This one wouldn’t stop, and lasted over 5 minutes. I started to panic and then cry because the pain was worse than any leg cramp I’ve ever had. I felt awful because I woke Chris up but he held me until it passed, and brought me water to relax me. Then he helped me out of bed to pee because by that point, I was wide awake and needed to pee again. lol. It was awful. -_- So I’m loading up on prunes today, pounding down that friggin’ potassium because that was exceptionally unpleasant. Blah!
I just had the worst Charlie horse last night too! It's crazy how many ways our body responds to pregnancy!

Haha if I didn't tell people, they'd probably think I'm due in like two weeks, I'm so big!

swan, what if you have an orange and then have some milk? Would that help?
Mmmmm now I want some chocolate milk... not that that's out of the ordinary... I have a glass pretty much every night.

tiger, I hope they move your date up. That's just crazy.

I thought it would be cool to have a leap day baby, too, but that would put me at 40+3, and I sure hope my dr doesn't think it's a good idea to schedule a section then. :wacko:
I was thinking a leap day baby would be cool too.... But that'd be 41+3 for me!

Can I join you? :blush:

I am due on the 29th Feb 2012, with a little girl.

Going to get a private health scan tomorrow at 9.30am can't wait, counting down the hours!!!

Can't believe I am in 3rd Tri already it seems to have gone so quick.


hey ladies sorry if this is TMI but i'm a bit concerned...

the past couple days i've been drinking milk to help calm my heartburn and i find myself in the bathroom like an hour later. i've never had problems digesting milk or milk products before, but i'm wondering if this could mean my little one is lactose intolerant?? DH is lactose intolerant so I don't know if it's a genetic thing or what, but if it is, will I still be able to breast feed??

is anyone else having weird digestive problems all of a sudden? i've always been pretty healthy and have never had any allergies to anything, even having heartburn is a brand new thing for me. :( i'm starting to get worried

thank you so much everyone!! you ladies are all so helpful!!! i talked to my doctor and she said that it COULD be because i was putting chocolate in my milk (hehe i guess i forgot to mention that part) so for now she just said to try drinking milk without the chocolate to see if there is any difference. we shall see :)
I'll be curious to see how that turns out!
ugh. been in the ER all morning. DS has Roseola :( blah...its not too bad, but the canker sores that developed bc of the virus are really bothering him :( he has like 20 on them on his little tongue and i am certain they've got to hurt :(

we had to reschedule family/maternity pictures...we were supposed to get the done today, but its best we dont.
i got my c-sec date !!! wait for it ......................

14feb :cloud9: so unless he comes b4 i will be having a valentines baby boy :dance:
LOL! Little did you realize you'd become one of the main go-to people in this group for advice, eh? ;) :hugs: xDDD

Do you think I should add a supplement of potassium to my diet? I only ask because I have an aversion to bananas since pregnancy, and have been eating prunes but can only eat so many a day before my poor stomach explodes (lol!). I've been trying so hard to eat more complex carbs to slow my weight gain, and more iron to remedy my low iron, so my brain's kind of fizzling on what direction I should take each need that I am trying to fulfill. :haha: It's been a long, emotionally and mentally draining week, I apologize for sounding like a completely confused toolbox. :)

Just a quick note re:leg cramps. I was beginning to suffer badly with them until I started weekly acupuncture for pgp/SPD & haven't had any for weeks & weeks. Is acupuncture an option for you? I still have an aversion to bananas after cramming them in to try to stop the cramps.

Hope that helps :hugs:
acupuncture is a great recommendation!!! It fixes a lot of stuff and actually does work! If this baby remains posterior (like the last one :wacko:) then im going to get acupuncture done after the new years because there is a very high rate of success with that (and many other things too!)

also the chiropractor will be able to help with the leg cramps too :D
i got my c-sec date !!! wait for it ......................

14feb :cloud9: so unless he comes b4 i will be having a valentines baby boy :dance:

Eeeek! Must be good to have 'the' date :) I hope to have a plan of action after I see the consultant tomorrow :)
acupuncture is a great recommendation!!! It fixes a lot of stuff and actually does work! If this baby remains posterior (like the last one :wacko:) then im going to get acupuncture done after the new years because there is a very high rate of success with that (and many other things too!)

also the chiropractor will be able to help with the leg cramps too :D

I think it is sooo under-rated, which is crazy because it really does work wonders, although, notably, not for everyone.

Apparently some of the MWs at my hospital also use it to induce labour, so I'm keen to learn more about that (it's on my ridiculously long list of questions for my consultant tomorrow, lol)

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