February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

I've been really ill again lately too AR :( Doc gave me anti-sickness tablets to try and help. Bleugh!
EngineerGirl- where are you? I was thinking about you since I remember you were on bed rest a few weeks ago. Hope you and LO are well!!!
I wonder why it's back... I agree, mine isn't as bad as first tri, but still... bleh.
I've noticed too that I can't eat as much. I think Crumb is smushing my stomach. I used to be bottomless.
ive been getting it off an on too. Usually if i wait 2 hours to eat, i get sick now (started last week). So i guess, for me, its more a preventative thing with eating. ...guess that means i need to eat every hour :wacko:

who was it? someone on here sent me the link to the babycenter (i think) about how there are hormonal changes at 27 weeks and thats why some women get the MS back. :hugs: its def no fun :nope:....the other day i neearly vomited on DS when i picked him up....poor thing :(

Oh speaking of DS, he has Roseola...its almost cleared up now and it really wasn't bad at all, but it was scary when i saw the rash at first!

Samantha, i'll see what i can find as for books and movies. :thumbup:
Haha it was me who gave you the link. I guess I was just wishing I had a better explanation than just "hormones." Seems they blame that for everything. :roll:

So, ladies... It's December... two more pages on the calendar and the babies start rolling in! Anyone freaking out yet? :)
:haha: i thought it was you but then i got confused :blush:

yeah, everything is blamed on hormones. TBH, for me (dont know if this applies to you all), i think its just baby is much bigger thus i need to eat more often....it would be like working out and then replenshing your energy with food and such....that theory makes much mroe sense to me than "hormones" :haha: well im going with that for my situation at least. lol

Isaiah turns 15 months old in a few days and all i can think is, only 2 months left until he's not the only one! ....it makes me happy and sad at the same time...i feel bad for him, guilty actually, but then im excited too...ugh.
Happy 28 weeks Gup!!!

I feel guilty about DS not being the only one anymore... but isn't it weird? In a few years, we won't remember what it was like only having one kid. I was talking about this with my mom the other day. My brother and I are only 16 months apart. So she doesn't really even remember being a mom of one.
Even though DS is four, I know in a few years, I will just be a mom of two and won't really remember life before Crumb. It's weird.
It is. My mom has 5 kids and each gap is 2 years EXCEPT for me and my sister. We are 15 months apart. She said the first yr is a little tough (when they are that close in age, isaiah and elliot will be 17 months apart), but she said once my little sister begun walking, we played together and it was actually very helpful for her, that we entertained each other. It made a lot of things easier with us being that close in age....i mean, i know we wont remember it, but i just feel like ive taken something away from isaiah...i mean i know we are just adding love to the family, but i do feel guilty :( ....but maybe i just feel that way because of the unknown..obviously i didn't feel this way when i had him, but i was still apprehensive about having a baby bc i never had one of my own, before.
Hi ladies! I’ve been reading, but unable to post until now. So time to catch up!

Hope your appointment goes well Suzzle! :hugs:

I can’t wait until the first Valentines are born! :dance: It’s getting closer and closer! I, too, feel as though this has gone rather quickly. Now watch and I’ll be moaning from now until her birth about how slowly it’s going. But I somehow doubt it. My days move slowly while I’m at work, but by the time Monday comes around I go, “holy crap, another week and weekend gone already? What?!”

Glad everything is okay Jokerette! My OBG told me to drink lots of water to help with the BH, so I have been drinking a lot more + stopped trying to do too much housecleaning at once and it&#8217;s seemed to help. They&#8217;re a lot less frequent right now. She thinks I was overdoing it with working 9 hours, then coming home and trying to do a full day&#8217;s worth of housework in a few short hours. >.< I just hate going to bed with tons of dishes and clothing waiting to be washed, but guess I need to take care of myself and the baby first, haha.

(and hubby does help, I don&#8217;t want to sound as though I&#8217;m whining that he does not. lol. he&#8217;s just busy working his two jobs, so I end up going a tiny bit fanatical with cleaning while he&#8217;s gone :haha:)

AlmostMama, your nursery looks FABULOUS. I absolutely love it! And so glad your shower was a success and that you got tons of helpful items! :D That&#8217;s grand!

TiggerTea, that&#8217;s great &#8211; want to come help with my tree now? ;) LOL

Glad you had a successful shopping spree Tiger; always loads of fun! :D

No nausea here, but loads of awful heartburn. :(

I&#8217;m feeling a bit anxious that it&#8217;s December, I am not going to lie!

Hey Guppy, could I maybe please get a little carbon copy of this list you&#8217;re making? :D :hugs: I&#8217;ve been slowly reading but it&#8217;s overwhelming how much is out there, and I keep trying to sort the important things. Happy 28 weeks!

AFM: Appointment went well yesterday. Aria was head-down and is developing nicely, according to the doctor&#8217;s pokings and proddings. I left elated, only to get a call from my mother that my uncle has passed away; we were not close in recent years, but I feel horrible all the same. So I&#8217;m riding a bizarre roller coaster of emotions right now, as things sort themselves out on that front.

I woke up with the world&#8217;s worst Charlie horse in the middle of the night. I have been prone to them since college &#8211; when I stopped being healthy &#8211; and over the year prior to getting pregnant, they had stopped almost completely when I changed my diet and lifestyle. But with pregnancy they&#8217;ve come back with a vengeance. Normally though, I can point my toes the second they wake me up and the pain eases. This one wouldn&#8217;t stop, and lasted over 5 minutes. I started to panic and then cry because the pain was worse than any leg cramp I&#8217;ve ever had. I felt awful because I woke Chris up but he held me until it passed, and brought me water to relax me. Then he helped me out of bed to pee because by that point, I was wide awake and needed to pee again. lol. It was awful. -_- So I&#8217;m loading up on prunes today, pounding down that friggin&#8217; potassium because that was exceptionally unpleasant. Blah!
If i can figure out a list :blush:...the problem is i have a HUGE library of books from teaching child birth ed classes and im having trouble deciding which is the best, since i know not everyone can pay for these books.

For the Charlie horses, you need more potassium! It usually a potassium deficiency that causes them. Although they are common in pregnancy.
LOL! Little did you realize you'd become one of the main go-to people in this group for advice, eh? ;) :hugs: xDDD

Do you think I should add a supplement of potassium to my diet? I only ask because I have an aversion to bananas since pregnancy, and have been eating prunes but can only eat so many a day before my poor stomach explodes (lol!). I've been trying so hard to eat more complex carbs to slow my weight gain, and more iron to remedy my low iron, so my brain's kind of fizzling on what direction I should take each need that I am trying to fulfill. :haha: It's been a long, emotionally and mentally draining week, I apologize for sounding like a completely confused toolbox. :)
no worries friend! I love to help, pregnancy, birth, and motherhood is my passion, so i enjoy it :friends:

did you know that oranges actually have MORE potassium than bananas?! Tis true :D If you can, try to get it through foods because its the most natural (not synthetic) plus its easier to diegest and will get absorbed better :thumbup: If you can't get enough in (it is hard doing that way), then go the suppliment route, but make sure its a FOOD BASED suppliment. The cheap ones from typical stores like walmart and target, are all synthetic and dont do much...it does cost a little more, but getting the food based will be the best way to get it....but i would talk to your doc about how much to take....of course some doctors know nothing about suppliments....so take it with a grain of salt if he doesn't have much to say :haha:

For your iron, once again, food is best, but thats tough. You should be eating about 80-100g of protein per day. Red meat has the most amount of iron in it...i know you will appriciate that being from PA :haha: oh i miss living there, especially this time of year with all that deer mett! :blush: lol If you take an iron supplement, def get a food based one. Purchase those gummy Vitamin C OTC (from target or wherever) and take it at the same time as the iron because Vit C will help with absorption. DO NOT eat or drink anything with Calcium in it before or after taking the iron (for a little while). Calcium will make it not absorb. (and be sure to check online about what foods has that because you would be surprised, for instance, broccoli has a TON of Calcium in it, so make sure you dont eat that or milk or cheese, etc around that time).
I think I read that baked potatoes are a good source of potassium, too?
Probably. I know Dr. Brewer recommends 2 baked potatoes per week....that could be why.

check out the brewer diet. Its actually very good and most women benefit.
hope your all well ladies.

Sorry to read a few of you have the sickness back :(

Well i just had my weekly mw appt and guess what....... IT WAS A GOOD ONE WOOP WOOP

baby is head down, his heart beat is 142 i am measuring correctly.. this is the first time this pregnancy so i am am very happy.

i got my gtt results as well and before i had the drink i was 6.3 and after the drink and 2 hour wait it was 5.4 so the mw is happy all is ok.

i am so worried about how quickly this is going now, i am waiting for someone to contact me about doing the baby's nursery as we are having a jungle theme and myself and hubby are bad a drawing lol.

i still have so much to buy as well, i cant remember what i need for the hospital ahhh i better find my leaflets lol
Glad the appointment went well mumanddad! That is awesome!

Thanks for the tips Guppy; I really and truly appreciate all your support. I&#8217;m going to check out the diet link, and see what I can do to remedy my eating and such. :) I prefer doing everything naturally rather than taking any kinds of supplements, which is why (besides my prenatal, anyway) I&#8217;ve been taking everything I need through food. But I&#8217;m beginning to struggle with balancing what the doctor wants me to eat (complex carbs), getting more iron-rich foods and now potassium-rich ones too&#8230; without ending up eating a zillion and a half calories a day. xD

So I&#8217;ll research what the good doctor says, and try adjusting my diet between now and my next appointment. I&#8217;ll mention it if I&#8217;m still having major issues when I go on the 14th, and see what she says. But I much prefer a natural approach first.

Potatoes are very high in potassium! I could kick myself for forgetting that, as I learned it in Weight Watchers and that was only a year ago! :haha: So thanks for the reminder. I went on a huge potato kick a few weeks ago, I wonder if that&#8217;s why? I was slicing them and baking them on a cookie sheet daily for like&#8230; 3 weeks. Their skins especially are high in potassium. Body&#8217;s natural way of informing me I was lacking, perhaps?

I do eat meat (though I did not used to) and my hubby loves red meat, so we do eat a decent amount of lean red meat on a weekly basis. I&#8217;d say red meat 2x a week? White meat about 2x a week if not more (I&#8217;m talking dinners here) and then meatless maybe 2x a week? Sometimes a crapshoot. LOL. But I try to aim for a pretty decent mix. Beans are high in irons and decent in potassium too, so maybe I should start using them more &#8211; I do love them, and eat them at least weekly. I will also work on adding vitamin-C rich foods to meals with iron in them. :D

So thanks again for your tips ladies; as always, immensely appreciated! I&#8217;m going to do more research so I can plan next week&#8217;s meals accordingly, and hopefully better myself and serve my body&#8217;s needs. :)

Hmm..i should start making potatos! We hardly ever buy them....
i think the key to getting it through foods, is making sure that everything is authentic. Canned fruits/veggies as well as frozen really have no nutrition in them...unfortunatly. So fresh produce is the way to go. Unfortunatly, with all the crap the govt allowes farmers to use to plant and maintain the fruits/veggies, they actually have lots of pesticides (that cant be washed off) and other chemicals. In other countries, they banned a lot of the stuff the govt here deems "safe"...so i highly recommend buying organic. (or from a wholesome farmer). It is a litte more expensive, but i think of it as 1.)its my health, 2.) its my baby's health 3.) my iron/protein/Vit levels are greatly enriched much quickly...it would take much more to eat the "regular" stuff to get the benefit. ..

but thats just my two cents. :coffee:
The problem is, especially at this time of year, my organic options are pretty limited unless I drive into the city (over an hour) to buy the food. And we really have a very exceptionally tight budget right now. So though I prefer organic, it's not a very easy or affordable option. So that's one of the problems. The only local place that offers organic produce is a Saturday market that's only open 2 hours and I've not been able to go for awhile. Weg mans offers some organic vegetables and fruits but not enough to cover what I need. Apples and potatoes sure but the rest? It's just difficult. So it's been a bit frustrating for me to try and determine what's my best options and where I can cut corners. :(
I should clarify - difficult to find quality organic produce lol. A lot of our other grocery stores here carry a small department of it, but the quality is not always the best. And for the price, I prefer something that's at least of acceptable quality, not brown and old looking lettuce. :haha: It's easier in the summers when our farmer's markets are thriving but winter... a bit of a bust around here.

Though I've also had my grocery budget cut in half by hubby lately... whole other story. Ugh, it's just so frustrating.

But I will not, will not, will not permit myself to stress over finances. :haha: Not right now, anyway. Just gotta focus on the positives, right? :)

ETA// I apologize if I came across as cross or defensive, by the way. Totally not my intention. I'm a little bitter over an argument at home this weekend about groceries, but should probably reign in my passion a wee bit. :haha: :hugs: I truly appreciate and value your advice Guppy. Hubby's just, well, an accountant, thus... loves to panic over money, and set panic in me over money. xD Bad domino effect.

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