February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

So I've mentioned it in 2 posts now, but I'll say it again anyway (with feeling!)

I have my 30 week appointment tomorrow and placental scan. Hoping to confirm DS3 is still DS3 & get a pic for DS 1 & 2 to see his face. They are getting bored with the kicking thing now, lol.

I'm anxious and excited about seeing the consultant. I have no idea what to do for the best with regards to trying for VBAC or signing up for another section. Obviously I don't want my baby to be harmed during birth, of course the easy option would be 'early' induction because the longer he's in there the greater the chance of shoulder dystocia & we were almost at the bottom of the emergency 'check list' when DS1 was delivered (9pm 7oz). Unfortunately, they can't use drugs to induce you after a VBAC incase uterine rupture occurs (vbac alone has a risk of this).

I'm really struggling with this decision, I had MRSA last time after my section and it was a truly awful time. I don't know what to do :shrug: My anxiety is eating me alive right now and I'm not sleeping about the guilt of not immediately wanting a section, which is less risky for the baby. I'm going to my GP tomorrow to talk about some diazepam in the meantime to calm me down, the stress is also bringing on major BH & I also worry how my anxiety affects the baby - early delivery is quite common (which would solve my delivery issues I guess :haha:)

Sorry for the whinge!! Hope my consultant gives me more leeway than the 'me or LO' scenario I've built up in my head. On the plus side, I get to see him tomorrow afternoon & I know he will have changed sooo much since the last scan at 19 weeks!
Suzzle, that's a tough choice.. Definitely a personal one. I wish you the best for your appt tomorrow. I bet yiu'll feel better after talking it out a bit! There's no wrong answer and once you're t the hospital they will do wht thy need to to keep you and LO both safe :hugs:
hmm...that sounds like a tough choice! I really dont know what to say or have any advice to offer, except that maybe through more education (on both sides, VBAC verses repeat c-section) is def needed (which im sure you know a great deal about either way) but getting lots of info on both sides will help with your confidence about whichever decision you make. ...if it were me (and this is easy for me to say because i never went through what you did so you may feel completly different, and that is totally fine :thumbup:), but i would probably try for the VBAC. Im sure you have fears with this upcoming birth because of how the last one went. (Even i do and mine was vaginal...dang sunnyside up baby! :dohh:) But with that said your body did do a lot when it came to the birth, even if baby was sectioned and not vaginal, so there is a GREAT chance that changed your body, i.e. wider hips, more room, bigger outlet, etc. So if it were me, i would say trust my body and when i go into labor i go into labor. plus if they arn't correct on your dates (or even if they are) some babies are not always big! My LO arrived 2 weeks late and he was only 7lb & 10oz...so ya just never know.
So thats what i PERSONALLY would do, however i do not know what you have been through :nope: and i do not know everything about you medically speaking, or your fears and emotions- all of which carry great impressions into your decision. So you should just get as educated as possible. Talk to those who have been in your similar situation (BNB is an invaluable resource for that!). No matter what choice you make, just make sure you make it with confidence. Because then you will know you did the best you could-no matter what! Making a TRULY informed decision, is the best thing you can do. So if you do a VBAC and that decision was made out of education, then thats great! Even if it does end in another c-section, there are a plethora of benefits,(for example, the baby started to arrive on own, and the benefits of the baby in labor, lots of good things take place then like stimulation, helping squeeze out fluids, etc). And if things go fine and dandy, well i bet that will be SUPER empowering!!!!! :bodyb: It may even bring healing from your last birth :flow: On the other hand, if you do a repeat c-section, as long as you firmly believe thats whats best, and that was an educated decision, and not a decision made out of pressure from family, friends, or care providers, then that is awesome hun! Then you will be happy with it! And whatever you decide will go fine, i believe :flower:
I feel like I just read somewhere about preventing mrsa in c-sections... but I can't for the life of me remember what it was or where I read it... :dohh: Stupid baby brain!! :dohh:
If it comes to me, I'll share. :)
But I agree. Get as educated as possible and make a decision you're confident about. :thumbup:
So my class at the hospital today went so much better than I could have imagined! :D

For one, hubby didn't keel over, which was a huge plus. :haha: He did say he felt a little nauseous at some parts, but the heat was on 80 when we first got in there, so I was feeling a bit light-headed myself. Once she got it working and we were at 70 instead, I think the entire room began feeling better. :)

Secondly, I finally believe I have a birth plan of sorts in place. It's amazing how time and experience and research changes one's mind! When I was TTC, I had my laundry list of things I wanted: including a C-section and all the pain killers in the world. xD Now? I'm planning to do a drug-free (or at least, epidural-free) birth, naturally, using some of the techniques she taught us - and more, as I continue to research. I'm pretty excited! I have nothing against people using pain medication, and though it's my goal to try without, there's no saying that if I'm in labor for 38 hours and still going strong, I won't be begging and pleading for relief. BUT I'm going to try. :) She taught us so much today, and I feel pretty confident that hubby and I will be able to work through labor together. :D He's a great coach, that's for sure! He did a great job today; though I keep teasing how he'll react under pressure. ;)

A definitely positive experience, AND I stayed within my 40 dollar grocery budget for the first time today :haha: so I'm pretty proud of myself. xDD Oh, the simple things.

But I did have another breakdown re: finances and me warring between returning to work and being a SAHM. I feel so bad for Chris because he's trying so hard to be supportive and stuff, but he's not good with tears so he just stares and looks so sad knowing he can't make me feel any better. lmao. Poor guy.
bestar - (i think it was you) holly is transverse at the moment and has been for days ! hopefully bub moves for you soon though!

what does SPD feel like ?
im going to mention it at my appt on wednesday but the last week ive had horrible pain in my pelvis. it feels like my muscles and bones are on fire ! its a very strong burning pain! when i walk/move to much/bend/squat/pick jesse up it makes it so much worse and i honestly look like a crippled cowboy walking around ! i cant open my legs too much because i get stuck like that in agony ! i never had this with jesse. and im finding it really hard to function during the day !
Getting lots done this weekend! Today one of my best friends came over and took tons of pictures! Mostly of me and the belly but of course some of Dh in there too! Once we had the majority of the pics taken we went to the entrance to base and got some in front of the C130 sitting there. That's something that was on my List to do Before we Leave Little Rock, lol. I can't wait to see the pics!!

Then Dh and I went out to Babies R Us and picked up all our furniture! I am glad to see that the dressers are already put together! We just need to put the crib together! So tomorrow we'll hopefully get the nursery furniture set up so that I can begin to really get it together AND get our Christmas tree and start decorating the house!!!

I made 20 Thank You cards yesterday. I only need 14 so far, but I know a friend ordered something so that's 15, and I want to keep one so 16, so that leaves 4 more just in case. If I need more, I can make more. I still need to finish coloring in the imagines and then fill them out, but they're close!
sorry for you guppy, hope isaiah gets well soon

and happy valentine baby honey

hope your appt went well suzzle, that's such a tough choice, nothing to add to what everyone else says, find out as much as you can from others who've been there done that.

So my class at the hospital today went so much better than I could have imagined! :D

For one, hubby didn't keel over, which was a huge plus. :haha:

:haha: love this, do feel sorry for my OH as we have a 4 hour birth workshop at the hospital next week don't know how he's going to find it. Good for you with the positive attitude towards birth and having your partner as the coach, sounds like you're going to do great.

I know where you're coming from on the finances too, since my hours reduced and hubby still not working we're on a really strict budget and it does cause arguments it's so frustrating, we've resorted to keeping a record of what we've spent each month and trying to reduce it bit by bit, wen't over our target both months we've tried it but by less than £20 and have worked out where to buy the things we need at best price now. I'm with guppy on the organic produce but it's just so hard on a budget, buying organic dairy products as the difference is only a few pence but when it comes to veg really not able to anymore (luckily my grandma has a huge garden so getting as much as poss from her as it's all organic)

Just seen my ticker: 51 days left 51!!!!! it was 70 ish last time I looked. Dreamt that I had the baby last night and wasn't prepared at all so have spent all day getting things sorted. Midwife rang to arrange our home birth assessment next Monday, that's only 8 days away now getting so excited!

Been so christmassy today:xmas12:had christmas songs on all day, just made all the gingerbread dough for the christmas tree biscuits we're giving as gifts and now going to decorate the tree :xmas9: just keep thinking how different next Christmas will be when it's all for someone elses benefit!
Ohhhh for those of you who are expecting your first... Christmas 2012 is going to be the best ever!!!! I have always loved Christmas, but man... it is a million times better when you have a LO!! And our LOs will be 10-11 mos old next Christmas, so will be able to enjoy it somewhat. Yay!!
hmm...that sounds like a tough choice! I really dont know what to say or have any advice to offer, except that maybe through more education (on both sides, VBAC verses repeat c-section) is def needed (which im sure you know a great deal about either way) but getting lots of info on both sides will help with your confidence about whichever decision you make. ...if it were me (and this is easy for me to say because i never went through what you did so you may feel completly different, and that is totally fine :thumbup:), but i would probably try for the VBAC. Im sure you have fears with this upcoming birth because of how the last arrived 2 weeks late and he was only 7lb & 10oz...bring healing from your last birth :flow: On the other hand, if you do a repeat c-section, as long as you firmly believe thats whats best, and that was an educated decision, and not a decision made out of pressure from family, friends, or care providers, then that is awesome hun! Then you will be happy with it! And whatever you decide will go fine, i believe :flower:

Hey guppy, thanks for your reply. I really appreciate how much detail you went into and think that probably the reason I'm clinging onto VBAC psychologically is actually for some sort of closure from previous birth experiences? Maybe...? My mind feels like a hamster on a wheel with all this! Round & round we go, lol.

Thank you also Jokerette and everyone else for your support. I've been swotting up (being a scientist, I love facts & figures, debates & researching literature) so I certainly have a fair amount of info to bring to my appointment tomorrow :)

As for MRSA, it lives on most people (usually they swab in your nose), which is all fine & dandy if you have no wounds. I've been told I'll be screened & if I do have it then I'll need to take a specialised shower prior to my section - sounds fun :-/

Just about to drink some camomile tea now that I've got myself all wound up again, so that I can sleep! Will update you all tomorrow & hopefully will have some new scan pics to share.

Thank you again everyone :hugs:
^no problem hun :hugs:
even though i didn't have c-section last time, i understand how you feel about needing closure with your last birth through your upcoming birth. I am on the same thinking line as you with that. I have many fears, because of the baby being born face up, it really prolonged my labor and made it a million times more painful-back labor is evil!!!! But more than that i am looking for healing because of my post partum season with my son. The hospital took my baby away for 12 hours and only let me nurse him once :cry: Although it may sound extreme to some, for me its almost like dealing with a loss. I will never ever get that time back :sad1: i will forever be burdened by that, but im hoping by birthing outside of the hospital, things will go differently and i'll have closure and healing :flow: so i understand girlie :flow:
hey ladies,
just in the process of catching up on reading, and im afraid i'll forget if i dont respond to some of it now LOL
first; OMG STEPH; the iron/charlie horse thread nearly made my eyes pop lol. my doc just put me on iron supplement, and i've had CRAZY charlie horses lately!!! I make poor wifey wake up and help rub them out. they KILL!!!!!!!
and in re to nausea; mine has been back off and on also...
except it's more food RELATED. i can only eat about half a meal, before the texture puts me off. so i've had to stick to lots of crackers, croissants, bananas, apples, etc... just to ensure i'm feeding her enuff! i feel awful.

any suggestions anyone???

i'll keep reading\! lol expect another post soon =oP
quick question girls,

just wondering something real quick...
Scarlet has been wigling in REALLY low... and she sets up camp there. shes basically on my pubic bone. it's SO painful and uncomfy.
is this normal? this is my first pregnancy, and its been happening pretty frequently.
it almost feels like super intense period cramps, but i know it's her, because i can feel her laying across me.
any advice on how to move her? My sis had the same thing and said drinking fluids worked for her, as she was the same w/her DD. but that doesn't seem to work for us :(
holly is EXTREMELY low at the moment too. she keeps poking and playing with my cervix i think and it feels like im sitting on her hand, and like her hand could pop out at any time !
no idea how to move them

i also have been told that i either have SPD or pelvic girdle dysfunction ? so moving pretty much makes me scream right now :cry:
My boys always stayed in my ribs, but Adelina seems to be staying pretty low. I can feel some of her kicks, kinda weird but, feels kinda like she is literally kicking my butt! :shrug:

AFM. I am getting really tired of coughing, and having a baby sitting on my bladder is not helping :nope: DH keeps laughing because if I do not go pee every 5 minutes I might pee on myself when I cough (he feels bad when I do), but I can imagine seeing someone get up that often can be funny.
Aria's pretty low too - or rather, her head is. :haha: I swear she enjoys using my bladder as a punching bag a bit too much. I just finished decorating the tree (well, half-decorated) and had to stop because the pressure combined with me already being tired was just too much. Hopefully after work I can get a bit more done tomorrow! :)

Hopefully crawling into bed will shift her around a bit. One can hope!

Night ladies! :wave: xoxo
Oh, JP - love the new avvy! Looks great! :D I can't wait to get my pics done! :dance: This week I'm doing photos for someone, and I'm pretty stoked. Taking photos of an 8-week-old is almost as fun as getting my own maternity shots done, right? ;) :haha:
you all should really consider going to the chiro :winkwink:

Elliot is not low-at all...i know its VERY common for first time babys to engage weeks early (like about 30-34 weeks, though this doesnt happen for everyone) Many second+ moms usually the baby doesn't engage until labor HOWEVER that is not true for everyone...dont ya hate how pregnancy and labor and all that jazz can be so different from person to person :dohh:
Hey ladies.... sorry i have been MIA lately. DH best friend had died 2 years ago, he was very close to him and his family and 2 days again his best friends dad died of a brain tumor. :( DH was really close to his dad and thought of him like a second dad. It's been really busy lately but i just wanted to stop by and say hi to you all and i hope everyone is doing well!!!

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