February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

cord length doesn't have much to do with amniotic fluids though....hard to say. but i think based on the levels you said everything is fine :hugs:
Yes, I think I posted about the exhaustion a few days ago? It's like first tri all over again. I'm like a zombie! I get probably 7-8 hours of (usually broken) sleep a night, and it is NOT enough. Pretty sure I need more like 12.
And yeah, the constipation has recently worsened... but for awhile I was being careful to have my cereal and apple juice every morning, and lately I've been careless about it, so I chalked it up to that. :shrug:
Iron suppliments (or prenatals with iron) can cause lots of constipation.
The MW suggested i try a food based iron instead (it absorbs MUCH better) and i havn' had a problem since....usually fruit and fiber helps get rid of the constipation...though at this point in pregnancy nothing is a gurantee lol
oh and i am happy to report it is true about the food based iron verses the regular (furrouse sulfate) you get at a "regular store"....i have always been anemic when relying on the iron in the prenatal. Then i added in the iron that you purchase at most stores (not the food based kind)...i remained anemic with DS and i ended up with PICA. This time i was doing that i remained anemic. Well the MW suggested switching to a food based iron supp. and i am happy to say that my levels increased in 1 on month from a 10.2-11! So they really are better and plus i havn't been....clogged :blush: ....she was very impressed with it as well and said at this point in pregnancy, due to the blood volume surge, it is VERY VERY hard to get iron levels up. She said an 11 is great for this stage and usually you are NOT likely to increase iron levels...so ladies, if you having issues with that go to an herbal shoppe or health food store and pick up the food based iron!
I have STAYED tired the whole pregnancy. I wake up to get Grant ready for school at 6, DH has recently started taking him to the bus stop on his way to the gym, and then I go back to bed for as long as Tony will let me (which is normally like 9). I have been having a hard time getting to sleep though, so it also contributes to the need for sleep!!!

Just got home from my 32 week appt. I met the office's new MW..... she is AWESOME!!! She was really sweet and took her time to get to know us and was really great. She said that if I wanted she would put down for her to be the first person to get called when I go into labor, so that she can be there the whole time with me!
We talked about my pains recently and the spotting and she said that if I have anymore signs of preterm labor to call and they will check me to make sure that Adelina is not coming early. She said that as long as we can make it to 35 weeks we will be fine! :) She made me feel so comfortable, especially with it being the first visit with her! :)
^Thats awesome news hun!!!!
Im so glad you are loving your MW! Arn't they fabulous :D
I am totally amazed by the difference in my FSBC/HB MWs compared to my hospital "medwives" and OBs! When i visit with my currently MW i never have to wait to be seen. We sip on drinks and chat and get to know each other, go over the medical side (like PB, baby heart beat, FH, weight, iron, sugar, etc) and then she educates me on something. Our sessions last one hour...whereas when i went to my OBs/hospital MWs i waited in the waiting room for 15 minutes. Got a room, had to chat with a nurse for 5 minutes. Waited another 15 min. then finally saw the doc/mw...and it was for maybe 5 minutes....crazy how different the experiences are! I am glad we finally found someone we like! i have been to three different practices (between MCed baby-baby #1 and this baby-baby #3) and it really amazes me the difference in care.
Wow, Guppy, that sounds like a very nice experience compared to the usual waiting room- exam room- dr for five minutes.

TeQuiero, glad you're so happy with the new mw. :thumbup:

I had about a six week break from the tiredness-- from weeks 20-26. Then boom! hit me like a ton of bricks again. Really, I feel like I still sleep pretty well, so I think it's just hormones and the physical demands of carrying 20 extra pounds around all day.
It will be much better once he's born and I only have to carry 8. :)
yeah the tiredness has definitely come back recently... it must be because we are getting bigger! :)
I’m with you Saphire – I’m literally dragging at work. I wake up at 6am, get home from work at 6pm, make dinner by 7 and then am in bed by 9 at the latest. The housework is so far behind because I can’t keep up, and poor OH tries so hard to do it himself but he works 3 evenings a week, plus Sundays. I feel bad! lol! I actually just ate a mini-butterfinger in hopes it would revive me because I have another 4 hours left of work and my eyelids are already dropping! :rofl: I think I’m more tired now than I was in first or second tri. I know at least part of my problem is that I’m in bed but not sleeping much, so it’s catching up with my body. But I’m tired of my coworkers saying, “You think you’re tired NOW?!” Yes, I AM tired now and yes I realize I’ll be tired later too but seriously, I’m tired so STFU. :haha: I’m not bitter at all. ;)

Though my prenatal is chock full of iron, I haven’t had constipation issues yet (knock on wood!) however I got it very, very badly when I was on Weight Watchers. I ate bran cereal every morning with almond milk and some form of fruit, added a prune or two a day to my diet and drank a lot of water and it did help. But like Guppy said, with pregnancy, sometimes (from what I’ve been told that is lol) none of that will help anyway due to either the iron or the slowing of the digestive tract. Fruits and veggies are high-fiber though, so I’d keep eating them too! Apple cider or orange juice helps me when I’m in a bind (lol) but that’s not always the most pleasant way to go about it, either… or beans. They can work wonders too. xDD

Glad your appointment went well TeQuiero! And I’m so glad for you, that you and the MW hit it off well. That’s so good to hear! :hugs:

Oh, lovin’ the optimism Amaryllis! I’m looking forward to this too – an immediate drop in (some of my extra) weight and carrying a bit of a lighter load! Haha. I also miss exercising, because that really helped me with my energy levels pre-pregnancy, but I haven’t been able to muster up the strength to keep running since I got pregnant. I ran the Warrior Dash when I was 8 weeks, then my running came to an abrupt halt. :( So I’m definitely looking forward to that, too!
Yes! I can't wait to get back on the treadmill!! Soon as my dr gives me the go-ahead, I am heading back into the gym. I miss it so much... and I am determined to lose this babyweight PLUS the extra 13 lbs I was still carrying from before. If nothing else, I just want to run again. But being skinny would be nice, too. :)
Wow, Guppy, that sounds like a very nice experience compared to the usual waiting room- exam room- dr for five minutes.

TeQuiero, glad you're so happy with the new mw. :thumbup:

I had about a six week break from the tiredness-- from weeks 20-26. Then boom!
hit me like a ton of bricks again. Really, I feel like I still sleep pretty well, so I think it's just hormones and the physical demands of carrying 20 extra pounds around all day.
It will be much better once he's born and I only have to carry 8. :)

Thats EXACTLY what happened to me!!
I think it may have something to do with the large blood volume increase about that time...def takes more energy to regulate more blood.
We have been watching my brother's dog for him since he has been deployed and he is very very good motivation for exercise. I get home from work, put my feet up and he gives me puppy-dog eyes and i say "Fine..... lets go for a walk!" and he gets all excited! Its so hard to get motivated, but we just do a short walk so nothing too tiring. If it wasnt for the dog and his cute face I'd have stopped walking a looooong time ago!
:haha: my son and your brothers dog sound very similar :rofl: just kidding...although LO does keep me on my feet 24/7...hopefully that means i wont go overdue 2 weeks this time lol
Ugh I have a case of the lazies!! I finished another paper this morning (2 left) and then finished my sisters blanket (it's in the washer now) and now...lazy. I need to do a million things but I'm tired and not motivated. I guess I could at least start wrapping gifts or something. At 630 one of my friends/neighbors is coming over and we're going to have some guilt free knitting (her) and crocheting (me). I'm hoping to make progress on the surface stitching of Dhs blanket. I need it done before he gets home.

Uh oh...my little baby pup just curled up on my lap!! I don't know if I have the heart to push her off quite yet since I just trimmed her nails and made one of them bleed. Okay...just a few min...
Hey ladies... i think this was talked about a while back but i am to lazy to go back and look though the thread..... :lol: ..

So today i started drinking the Raspberry Leaf tea. I read it is best to start at 32 weeks with one cup a day and then move up from there (getting to 3-4 cups by the end). Well i drank my 1 cup today and within the hour i had a REALLY strong BH con. it was not painful it was just stronger then what i have been having.

My question is should i be worried? Or is that what it is suppost to be doing(to make the uterus stronger). I haven't had my more that since then and i feel ok. It could just all be in my mind because i am nevous if i drink so much of this stuff i am going to induce labor... LOL. I have just read so many good things about drinking it and how it helps!
June Bugs, i have been taking organic RRLT for about one month now. MW actually made it herself. She said you should actually take it before and during your entire pregnancy. ...I always thought it was unsafe bc i thought it could throw you into labor, but she said that was NOT true, AT ALL. Its job is to tone and strengthen the uterus. But its not going to put you into labor....with that said, i know the first few times i drank my cup of RRLT i had my first BH-ever! And it happened within a half hour of my begining to drink it(mines actually called "pregnancy tea"-same thing though, i think)....its not anything to worry about if it happens...in fact, i wonder if that means its actually working? obviously you dont need BHs to show if its working (because it will help no matter what), but if you do, i think thats a good sign its helping with everything!
Now that ive been drinking one cup a day for 5 weeks, i dont get BHs anymore. And even if i do, im not gonna worry about them

oh and if we ever have another one i will be taking it the entire time!-its safe according to the MW and its actually a good thing...you wont see very many benefits taking it at the super end, it takes time to work well enough.
What does it do? What are the benefits? Anything that gave me BH would make me nervous... I think
June Bugs, i have been taking organic RRLT for about one month now. MW actually made it herself. She said you should actually take it before and during your entire pregnancy. ...I always thought it was unsafe bc i thought it could throw you into labor, but she said that was NOT true, AT ALL. Its job is to tone and strengthen the uterus. But its not going to put you into labor....with that said, i know the first few times i drank my cup of RRLT i had my first BH-ever! And it happened within a half hour of my begining to drink it(mines actually called "pregnancy tea"-same thing though, i think)....its not anything to worry about if it happens...in fact, i wonder if that means its actually working? obviously you dont need BHs to show if its working (because it will help no matter what), but if you do, i think thats a good sign its helping with everything!
Now that ive been drinking one cup a day for 5 weeks, i dont get BHs anymore. And even if i do, im not gonna worry about them

oh and if we ever have another one i will be taking it the entire time!-its safe according to the MW and its actually a good thing...you wont see very many benefits taking it at the super end, it takes time to work well enough.

Thank you so much hun!!! I feel so much better knowing you got the same thing as me. I feel 100% fine now... and it wasn't even a bad one it was just stronger then what i had been having. Did you midwife stay anything about moving up to more then one cup a day? And if so when did she say to start moving up?... i read over a couple weeks and by the end you should be drinking 3-4 cups a day.
What does it do? What are the benefits? Anything that gave me BH would make me nervous... I think

It is proven to help "Tone" you uterus and therefore helping in the labor process.. but like Guppy said it will not induce labor.

From the studies i have read that woman that drank it had a faster "second stage of labor" then woman that didn't. I just didn't realize it would give you BH but it makes sense thou...
Oh I'm glad I dropped in! I bought RLT to start on Monday (32w) at 1 cup a day. Several people have freaked out as if I'm trying to start Pre-term labour or something - urgh!

Anyway, I have my GTT tomorrow morning. Can't eat from midnight, just had a nice bowl of porridge :) So dreading the morning though, I'm going to be STARVING and I was told not to have my painkillers either, so I'll be doing the zombie shuffle after getting DS 1 & 2 ready and dropped off at school :-/

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