February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

I'm so exhausted today :sleep: I haven't slept a full night in ages. 3 more days of work before I'm on leave. I'm hoping this little girl lets me have at least a week's rest before she makes her grand entrance into the world :winkwink:

How are all of you doing? Do you also feel your energy levels dropping drastically? :shrug:
My energy comes in spurts and I have to take advantage of it. Mostly I'm pretty tired, but I'm hoping that's the low iron and it will soon be fixed. :(

Good luck with the move, tiger. What a mess! I agree, hot water is a necessity!!

We moved when I was 37 weeks with DS. Actually we moved when I was about 3 mos and then again at 37 weeks. Isn't it weird how so many people end up moving while pregnant? It's like inevitable. Not this time, though. We're not going anywhere!
I'm so exhausted today :sleep: I haven't slept a full night in ages. 3 more days of work before I'm on leave. I'm hoping this little girl lets me have at least a week's rest before she makes her grand entrance into the world :winkwink:

How are all of you doing? Do you also feel your energy levels dropping drastically? :shrug:

definately, now I'm on leave and have all these things that need doing I don't have the energy to do it! I was thinking to myself today how do people ever have more than one child? can't imagine having one to look after and feeling like this
Just thought I'd update and say I'm expecting a girl x
CAnt wait to see a pic :cloud9:

Had my "34" week appt today. Baby is laying on my left side and facing the right side...which is good..left is a great position...im just nervous because the baby will rotate either face up or face down at some point (probably during labor)...but i have an anterior placenta so im not confident baby is going to be face down :(...i was reallly hoping to not go through another posterior birth :cry: i know things can change and go different, and im praying for that, but mentally i need to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

My Dr.said that it really makes no differance in having and anterior placenta or not because I was so worried about a sunny side up baby again also. IDK if she is right or not but I'm claiming it lol this baby is coming out right and fast! I'll agree for you to :)
Holy cow!! I can't believe the babies we are having here already!!!

Congrats RJ2 speedy recovery and blessings to your whole family :)

Tequero- I did hear that about the other families in the same hospital as Beyonce so sad for them. Why do stars always have a c-section? not all of them must be medical reasons. I'm sure it's so they can get a tummy tuck at the same time (not that I wouldn't do it if I had the money LMBO) The view has the family that had and issue on this morning.

AFM- I had my shower on Sunday it was so awesome people were soooo generous!! We have everything we need and with the gift cards I went and bought everything I needed to pack my bag for the hospital. Now we just need a baby although I would like her to cook a little more. I wish I could upload pics on here. One day I'll figure it out.

Oh what am I packing for baby? I feel like it's just the going home outfit. They give you diapers and recieveing blankets ect. but I feel like I have so much and she has nada.
Saphire, all that I do for the baby when I go to the hospital is pack a few outfits. My hospital that I deliver at sends the baby home with diapers, wipes, thermometers, stuff like that. DS1 peed all over his first outfit that I had for bringing him home in (my aunt made a gorgeous dress for him to come home in), so I was glad we packed a few outfits. :) And we need more things than the hospital gives for us... you know our soaps, toothbrush, hair brush, clothes (that we can walk around the hospital in and to go home), and things along those lines.
Saphire so glad you had a wonderful shower!!

Moving:: i guess it would happen to lots of pregnant ppl simply bc you are pregnant for almost 10 months.

Energy:: i have been sleeping in until noon on saturdays :blush: dh has been kind taking care of DS so i can sleep! Otherwise i feel great but im pretty sure i wouldnt if i hadnt been able to get the extra sleeps....some mornings DS watchs tv just so i can nap:blush: i sound like a orrible mum but im in survival mode and i reckon i will be until Elliot is 3 months old!

CAnt wait to see a pic :cloud9:

Had my "34" week appt today. Baby is laying on my left side and facing the right side...which is good..left is a great position...im just nervous because the baby will rotate either face up or face down at some point (probably during labor)...but i have an anterior placenta so im not confident baby is going to be face down :(...i was reallly hoping to not go through another posterior birth :cry: i know things can change and go different, and im praying for that, but mentally i need to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

My Dr.said that it really makes no differance in having and anterior placenta or not because I was so worried about a sunny side up baby again also. IDK if she is right or not but I'm claiming it lol this baby is coming out right and fast! I'll agree for you to :)

Yeah i really dont know...i mean babies can do whatever they want. So its def possible either way....though i did have an anterior placenta and a posterior baby....and i had multiple providers say they are notorious for causing posterior babies....but its not a gurantee, so im just hoping it doesnt go that way again...but i could see the theory that the placenta could get into the way so thus baby faces opposit it and ends up face up, but guess none of of us knows until it happens....alll i know is i could deal without the back labor lol
Holy cow!! I can't believe the babies we are having here already!!!

Congrats RJ2 speedy recovery and blessings to your whole family :)

Tequero- I did hear that about the other families in the same hospital as Beyonce so sad for them. Why do stars always have a c-section? not all of them must be medical reasons. I'm sure it's so they can get a tummy tuck at the same time (not that I wouldn't do it if I had the money LMBO) The view has the family that had and issue on this morning.

AFM- I had my shower on Sunday it was so awesome people were soooo generous!! We have everything we need and with the gift cards I went and bought everything I needed to pack my bag for the hospital. Now we just need a baby although I would like her to cook a little more. I wish I could upload pics on here. One day I'll figure it out.

Oh what am I packing for baby? I feel like it's just the going home outfit. They give you diapers and recieveing blankets ect. but I feel like I have so much and she has nada.

I guess it depends on what the hospital gives you. As we're having home birth I've packed a baby bag with things we'll need soon after the birth whether we're at home or have to transfer:

outfits including hat and scratch mitts, (2 full outfits and spare babygro)
snowsuit for trip home
nappy cream
cotton wool
wet nappy bag (we're using washable napies)
Tiger: That is totally sucky!!! :hugs:

We moved when I was around 36 weeks with DD... Thank goodness, because our old apartment was a dump (heater and AC didn't work well and smelled strongly of burning when they (tried to) run) and our neighbours were total d***s!

I'm 37 weeks today! :yipee: And feeling totally down in the dumps... I didn't sleep well last night, which is what I think has made me feel so rubbish... Just no motivation to do ANYTHING, I'm not even excited about the prospect of going into labour today...

I'm trying to put together some recipes for DH to cook (simple, quick ones!!) as well as some to freeze (we already have some macaroni cheese to freeze) but I'm just not at all inspired... :sleep: Anyone got some good recipes to share? :)
Oh what am I packing for baby? I feel like it's just the going home outfit. They give you diapers and recieveing blankets ect. but I feel like I have so much and she has nada.

We transferred unexpectedly to hospital from a home birth with DD, so we hadn't packed anything in advance. Only things I asked DH to collect were:

A coming home outfit...or two (hospital supplied shirts while we were there)
Boppy/breastfeeding pillow
Camera (obviously not FOR baby as such, but I really wanted to take pics and show DD off! :D)
Charlie was born by emergency c-section at 10:00pm 9/1/12 weighing 6 lb 3 oz.

CONGRATS!!!! I'm so happy for you RJ2!! :)

Had my "34" week appt today. Baby is laying on my left side and facing the right side...which is good..left is a great position...im just nervous because the baby will rotate either face up or face down at some point (probably during labor)...but i have an anterior placenta so im not confident baby is going to be face down :(...i was reallly hoping to not go through another posterior birth :cry: i know things can change and go different, and im praying for that, but mentally i need to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Guppy... i just had my 34 week ultrasound and the ultrasound tech did not give me many details.... but she described to me that "Kenny" was in the same position as your little guy. Headdown, on my left side, facing directly toward my right. What kind of things will you be doing to encourage your baby to turn slightly more anterior? Is it too soon for me to be "bouncing" on the birthing ball?

Goodnews... my placenta has moved way up and out of the way for a vaginal delivery. It had been a complete previa at 17 weeks, then marginal previa at 18 weeks, then 2.5cm at 24 weeks, now it is 10+cm away from os! :)

I felt like my tech sort of rushed through the ultrasound. She didn't want to tell me any info and just said "your doctor will get the full report." But I kept asking and was able to get a little out of her. She wasnt even going to give me a photo but I asked for one at the last second and I got this one of his foot! :) (I shaded the foot with pink to make it easier to see)


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Oh what am I packing for baby? I feel like it's just the going home outfit. They give you diapers and recieveing blankets ect. but I feel like I have so much and she has nada.

We transferred unexpectedly to hospital from a home birth with DD, so we hadn't packed anything in advance. Only things I asked DH to collect were:

A coming home outfit...or two (hospital supplied shirts while we were there)
Boppy/breastfeeding pillow
Camera (obviously not FOR baby as such, but I really wanted to take pics and show DD off! :D)

Should I bring my boppy to the hospital?
That might be a nice idea. I mean, they have pillows, obviously, but the boppy is the best-suited pillow for feeding... I think it just depends on how much room you have in your bag.
I would DEF bring a boppy!!!! Pillows are great...but nothing like that boppy!

I am going to sit on the ball but not bounce. I will make circles with my hips though.
I will always be very diligent about sleeping on my side...and actually i can still sleep on my stomach which would be even better...but i get that can be tough.
hands and knees will be good to :thumbup:
And just remembering that theres no gurantee we will have posterior babies. I am seriously praying and believing for an anterior! At this point our babies are in fab positions, its just a matter of they will turn when they corkscrew during labor.
My hospital gives the baby everything so I guess I'll just pack an extra outfit just in case. A boppy? Hmm maybe I'll have someone bring it after I give birth also Sony need breast pads? I keep hearing this but does milk even come in before I leave the hospital.
I prefer "My Breast Friend" over the Boppy, but boppy is way better than ordinary pillows!
hi ladies :flow:
just had my 34 week appt and all is great. my bp is quite low at 115/40 but they didnt seem to concerned. holly is measuring at 36.5cm :D she is still LOP, but that doesnt apply to me since im having a section anyway. have been told to prepare for a big baby. midwife gave an estimate of her being about 6 and a half pound already :shock: apparently she has a big bum too :rofl:
my midwife had a baby about 5months ago via section so she wanted to prepare me for what i would see/hear/feel etc so she had me lie on the bed and we re-enacted everything and i dont think ive laughed so hard in such a long time ! :haha: she was practically on top of me pretending to pull baby out and we ended up crying from laughing so much. so all in all a good appt.
i love my midwife :haha:
they also want me to stay in town before my section date because both my midwife and dr dont think ill make it to my c-section date :wacko: and i cant , because ill be moving so praying she doesnt come early like they think
Hi all,

I have a 'me' bag with nighties for labour, spare nighties, jogging bottoms, bf vest, underwear, breast/mat pads, toiletries, face wipes & antiseptic gel, etc. & a vest & sleepsuits for LO. I also have a baby bag with vests, sleepsuits, wipes, nappies, dummies, nipple cream & cotton wool pads. Plus the obligatory cuddly toy & going home outfit :happydance:

My baby has been favouring my right side, looking into the left hip (despite me sleeping on my left for months now) but has recently started to flit over to the left & face the right for certain periods of the day, so hoping he's getting ready to migrate over there :thumbup:

Oh, and very exciting.... I noticed a few blobs of green mucus this morning - tmi, sorry :blush: But I'm taking that & the 'periodesque' cramps I've been having lately to mean that my cervix is moving towards being favourable :D
So here's hoping that after my scan on the 19th they will say LO is ok for me to try labour & my cervix is ripe enough for them to break my waters :wohoo:

I'm so excited, but also terrified - he could be here in just over a week or so! :-0
Had a freak out at DH, so he's moved some furniture around, built one unit for me after work & will finish the other 2 this week AND paint out room this weekend. Hoping it's all finished for the baby getting here!!

Well I've exhausted myself with this post, so I'm off for a wee lie down now!

Oooooh - also, having acupuncture with MW tomorrow (not Physio). Think they stimulate labour points & relaxation points. Looking forward to it :D
hey ladies!! i just found out i'm getting the cerclage removed next thursday!!!!!! im super excited!!!! at that point i'll be about 36 weeks and 5 days. If for some reason I go into labor right away, am I still gonna b able to breastfeed??

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