February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

I'm still here Kelly :) xx


How are you finding this stage with a LO already? :shrug:

Im starting to struggle now (as I did in early pregnancy when I felt sooo rough, tired & sick) :wacko:

Bit nervous though of having 2 very littlies soon :help:
I'm still here Kelly :) xx


How are you finding this stage with a LO already? :shrug:

Im starting to struggle now (as I did in early pregnancy when I felt sooo rough, tired & sick) :wacko:

Bit nervous though of having 2 very littlies soon :help:

Yeh it's very tiring at the moment, I'm pretty lucky Libby is as independent as she is but she isn't sleeping well so can imagine first few month are going to be fun x
guppy nicu use to lie corbyn on his belly after his feeds for half an hour - this stopped him spitting up, but now i just keep him up right for a little bit after his feed.

Im not sure on other ways to wake him because everything you have mentioned i use on corbyn.
Holy Moley! I don't log on for a few days and everyone has a baby! :lol:
Congrats ladies!

I have been AWOL feeling a bit disheartened after ANOTHER false start. Have been in and out of hosp for obs though as I've been ill and the swelling etc is still "suspect". :dohh: Have decided not to think about any possibility of baby coming before induction date in 9 days - for my own sanity more than anything!
I requested to join the FB group. My name is Jennifer. :)

Oh, BTW, I never really "announced" my pregnancy, so while some of my friends and most of my family know I'm pregnant, it's not exactly common knowledge... :winkwink:
tiggertea-- I didn't realize that besides having the same EDD, your induction date is the same as my c-section date. Yay!! :happydance:
Thanks for the tips ladies!

Isaiah had VERY severe acid reflux...and we didn't find out until he was 15 months old that it was actually caused because of a cows milk intolerance :dohh: i really hope thats not the case for this one! It was brutal and very upsetting because he would just vomit rivers. ...It doesn't seem to be as bad now, for Elliot, so maybe his body just needed the adjustment...or so im hoping lol

the MWs are coming back at 3pm to check on both of us....Elliot is so calm and relax. He almost never opens his eyes, but when he does he is just so content and taakes everything in :cloud9:
tiggertea and those who are awaiting labor-i hope its soon for you :dust: Been thinking about all of us, and i cant wait to see your babies or even hear that labor has begun :dance:
Guppy I know wgat you mean about the merconiun! The nurses here suggested putting Vaseline on his bum after changes so when he does poop it cleans off easy. It worked like a charm for his first poop.

Also I think the sleep sleep sleep is normal. Especially the first 24 hrs the nurses told me. He barely did anything but sleep! Now he's getting a little more fussy and it's now about trying to figure out what he wants. Like sometimes he makes the suckling motion so I try to BF him and then he turns away or just licks at it. I'm sure we'll get the hang of it...

Did anyone else have to have any help getting their babies out? I know it shouldn't matter abd I'm proud I delivered vaginally but for some reason I'm so disappointed in myself that I had to use the vacuum suction ti help him out. :( how common is this? I was just so tired that my pushes after 2.5hrs of pushing had very little strength. For someone reason I'm very comfortable with the fact that I got the epidural , I went so quickly from 3-10cm that I'm glad I got it when I did... But why am I beating myself up over the vacuum. The dr said "you can do it, you don't need it" but I was so tired and I begged for it
you should not feel bad about that hun! I think you rocked it! And you did a wonderful job!
I did not use that type of assistance with this birth, but the midwife still had to reach in and turn him a little. After his head poped out his shoulders had trouble sliding out like usual so she had to put her hands up in (OUCH!) and help move each shoulder. So i had assitance with #2, but just in a different way. ...i think its common for first time moms, and the position of how you pushed has a lot to do with it too. If you were in the standard supine and stirrups/ppl holding up your legs, that will make it harder. so i think you did a fabulous job hun! you should be proud!!
I agree with Guppy.. all that really matters is baby is here safe and sound.. your healthy and so is he.. :) Dont beat yourself up at all..
Wow...this has been an exhausting 24 hours. I woke up yesterday morning with mild contractions. At 10pm I was getting to the point of struggling with them and went to the hospital. They did an internal and the nurse kept her hand there through a contraction - owwww! I was 3cm dilated and we agreed I was progressing well enough to stay. Their expectation was that things would not 'get going' until about 3am. At around 3, when I was in agony, they did another internal and I was 10cm! Unfortunately at the point where my contractions really ramped up, my mw went AWOL and gas and air was just NOT helping but I had to wait another 40 mins to be given pethidine! That was the only point I nearly lost it. Strangely I got zero urge to push and I really wasn't sure I could do it but eventually we made it.

In the end Joshua Timothy Igglesden was born at 5:31am today, weighing 6lbs 1oz. So far he hasn't cried at all except when first born, he's feeding well and is just gorgeous. Labour was probably the worst experience I've had but to hold Josh in my arms is just something else.
You did great hun to go that long just on gas and air congratulations

Are you home now? X
Jokerette, with DS1 I was pushing for 4 hours and they finally decided to do the forceps on him (he still has indentions on the side of his head from them). Do not feel bad about needing some help getting him out. :)
Hi ladies!!! There's no way I can go back and read everything but I hope everyone is doing well!! I know we've had a bunch of babies in the past couple of weeks as I've seen at least some of them on FB!! We're doing well here. He's def had his good nights and bad. 2 nights ago he was up for 3 or 4 hours and I was just so completely tired that I finally had to wake John up and ask him to take him, lol. Then yesterday he had his awake time during the day...he was up from 2pm to 9pm!!!!!! I think it was a growth spurt (because he Kept Feeding, totally drained me) combined with gas. He slept okay...up every hour and 45 min or so until about 6 when he was up for 2 hours and I finally laid him on my chest and we slept for a few! Other than my sleep/being so tired, he's perfect. He only cries when he's hungry...and that's only if I don't get to him fast enough. John just keeps saying how lucky we got with him, that he's So Good! He's adorable with him and it just makes me love him a million times more!!

I'm going to try to find our mommy group so that I can attempt to post my birth story and some pictures. I warn you, it's Very long. I wanted to write every single last thing that I could remember. I'm sure there's some stuff I need to add, I need to read through it again and then have John read it.
Havent had time to catch up... Baby Jacob Walter was born today at 4.30pm after 2hrs 20mins of labour... I was induced as my waters had gone 50ish hours before with no labour, then meconium on my pad. He is jus amazing! 9lb 11oz of gorgeous. No tears, just a graze. Hypnobiryhing really helped me. More to follow later!
Did anyone else have to have any help getting their babies out? I know it shouldn't matter abd I'm proud I delivered vaginally but for some reason I'm so disappointed in myself that I had to use the vacuum suction ti help him out. :( how common is this? I was just so tired that my pushes after 2.5hrs of pushing had very little strength. For someone reason I'm very comfortable with the fact that I got the epidural , I went so quickly from 3-10cm that I'm glad I got it when I did... But why am I beating myself up over the vacuum. The dr said "you can do it, you don't need it" but I was so tired and I begged for it

Yep yep. 9.5cms when we went into hospital, had waters broken (they were sure I was going to deliver within minutes..... :dohh:) got epidural.... Delivered 7 hours after having my waters broken and only because they thought babies shoulders were stuck, called in a consultant to decide whether I needed a c-section (they didn't say that outright though...) and she literally stuck her hand in my vag, got underneath Aubrey's chin and pulled her out with my pushing, then literally pulled her UPWARDS to get the rest of her out.... :wacko:

I had problems with pushing both babies out (somewhat down to the epidural) and was pushing for HOURS with both....

Try not to worry about it! I was just relieved after that long of pushing, to get her out!!! Especially without resorting to a c-section! It was the right decision for you at the time, even if it's something you wish had gone differently; it's easy for our memories of birth to get warped and I have a few regrets with both births, but I KNOW I made the right decisions when it was happening... Even if they weren't my ideal ones on a day-to-day basis.
Havent had time to catch up... Baby Jacob Walter was born today at 4.30pm after 2hrs 20mins of labour... I was induced as my waters had gone 50ish hours before with no labour, then meconium on my pad. He is jus amazing! 9lb 11oz of gorgeous. No tears, just a graze. Hypnobiryhing really helped me. More to follow later!

Congrats!!!! :D

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