February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

I'm not sure who has the rights to accept people onto the FB group, lol, but I can't figure out how to accept requests to join so I'm assuming not just anybody can do it. :lol:
Elliot Nehemiah arrived today, 02.12.2012 @ 38+3 via Home Water Birth.
He weighs 7lb & 4oz 20inches long

The birth was another long haul!....def easier, in some ways, compared to isaiahs birth...but also harder in other aspects. My water broke at 7:35am yesterday (02/11/12). but contractions didn't even start until 3pm (and those didn' even hurt). I had to use the breast pump on and off as well as taking black cohash. When I used the pump, i would get strong contractions 2-3 minutes apart, but when i stopped everything died away to about 1 contraction every 10 minutes. About 10pm last night is when they started getting really hard (though easier to cope since ZERO back labor). They were about 6 minutes apart from 10-3am. So we called the MWs....and when they got there at 4:30am they basically stopped. I got them like every 15 minutes or something...though they were very painful and uncomfortable-even though it wasn't active labor. I used the pump a total of 4 hours over the entire last two days. Finally started getting really painful. About noon today i was 4cm. So i did some pumping and then got in the nice hot birth pool. Thats when things really picked up! I was 7-8cm at about 2pm. And the around 2:30 i began pushing...pushing REALLY hurt! It was actually painful and i did not find the relief that most women talk about....eventually i got his head out of the cervix (really felt like i was going to poo!!! ...and i did :haha:) then finally his head came out. (He came out anterior-facing the correct direction :dance:) The cord was wrapped around his neck 1x. But nothing scary, its googy and the MW slipped it back, so no issues-at all with that-no big deal. Next was the shoulders. usually they will just slid e out with the next contraction but the MW had to put her hands in there next to the baby (OUCH!!!!) to help move his shoulders because they had trouble fitting. It was NOT any type of emergency, but he just needed a little extra help (apparently i have a small birth canal :shrug: could be why isaiah came out posterior). Then out came my little Elliot (at 3:03pm)! :cloud9: he is so teeny tiny! I still can't believe he weighs over 6lbs lol.

Technically active labor was considered precipitus as it was less than 4 hours long...but really i had been up all night and day before contracting and they were quite painful, but just not regular enough. The MWs said they have NEVER witnessed a birth like that ....with the contractions not really going. And then with the pump usually thats the one thing that women can do in labor to get things moving...for me it got them moving...until i stopped using the pump :dohh: ...also, they said his umbelical cord was short...not abnormally short, but just on the shorter end of normal....personally i wonder if his labor went that way because of the already short cord, plus it being around his neck :shrug: interesting to say the least!

He nurses like a pro! And we are just so in love! Isaiah did a great job too. And he really seems to love Elliot as well :cloud9:
from facebook:

Kenny was born at 11:29am weighing 7lb 11oz, after speedy progress with contractions and dilation at first they then slowed way down to 2.5 hrs of pushing. Then finally, with a little help of the suction, he was born!
**Can someone post this photo and info on BnB for me? I can't do photos from my phone. :)(Jokerette)

:yipee: Thankyou for sharing his adorable photo, Congrats to jokerette :baby::cloud9:

Thank you everyone!!! I am soooo in love with Kenny! We're working on getting a good latch. He had BF'd a few times and we're just trying ti really get the hang of it. I was scares during the labor for a whole that I was going to be pulled into a c section. I was just soooooo tired after pushing for so long as I could get him past a certain point. I was crying abd felt defeated. I needed that little extra oomph from the vacuum, though I hated to ask for it. I felt like a failure. But now I'm so in love and he is safe and happy. I'll post the full story in a couple days.

Many Congrats (again) He is adorable :cloud9: Enjoy :baby:

Elliot Nehemiah arrived today, 02.12.2012 @ 38+3 via Home Water Birth.
He weighs 7lb & 4oz 20inches long

The birth was another long haul!....def easier, in some ways, compared to isaiahs birth...but also harder in other aspects. My water broke at 7:35am yesterday (02/11/12). but contractions didn't even start until 3pm (and those didn' even hurt). I had to use the breast pump on and off as well as taking black cohash. When I used the pump, i would get strong contractions 2-3 minutes apart, but when i stopped everything died away to about 1 contraction every 10 minutes. About 10pm last night is when they started getting really hard (though easier to cope since ZERO back labor). They were about 6 minutes apart from 10-3am. So we called the MWs....and when they got there at 4:30am they basically stopped. I got them like every 15 minutes or something...though they were very painful and uncomfortable-even though it wasn't active labor. I used the pump a total of 4 hours over the entire last two days. Finally started getting really painful. About noon today i was 4cm. So i did some pumping and then got in the nice hot birth pool. Thats when things really picked up! I was 7-8cm at about 2pm. And the around 2:30 i began pushing...pushing REALLY hurt! It was actually painful and i did not find the relief that most women talk about....eventually i got his head out of the cervix (really felt like i was going to poo!!! ...and i did :haha:) then finally his head came out. (He came out anterior-facing the correct direction :dance:) The cord was wrapped around his neck 1x. But nothing scary, its googy and the MW slipped it back, so no issues-at all with that-no big deal. Next was the shoulders. usually they will just slid e out with the next contraction but the MW had to put her hands in there next to the baby (OUCH!!!!) to help move his shoulders because they had trouble fitting. It was NOT any type of emergency, but he just needed a little extra help (apparently i have a small birth canal :shrug: could be why isaiah came out posterior). Then out came my little Elliot (at 3:03pm)! :cloud9: he is so teeny tiny! I still can't believe he weighs over 6lbs lol.

Technically active labor was considered precipitus as it was less than 4 hours long...but really i had been up all night and day before contracting and they were quite painful, but just not regular enough. The MWs said they have NEVER witnessed a birth like that ....with the contractions not really going. And then with the pump usually thats the one thing that women can do in labor to get things moving...for me it got them moving...until i stopped using the pump :dohh: ...also, they said his umbelical cord was short...not abnormally short, but just on the shorter end of normal....personally i wonder if his labor went that way because of the already short cord, plus it being around his neck :shrug: interesting to say the least!

He nurses like a pro! And we are just so in love! Isaiah did a great job too. And he really seems to love Elliot as well :cloud9:

:yipee: Congrats Guppy ~ So glad all went well :baby::cloud9:
SO AWESOME, congratulations Guppy! I'm glad things went well for you, all in all! :thumbup: and I'm so glad you got the homebirth you wanted, that's awesome! :) Glad to hear everyone's doing well. :hugs:

So we have TWO babies now! haha. Junebugs... AWOL. Elli posted on facebook and she's in the hospital.

Who else, who else? :rofl:
Congrats everyone! Guppy what a great birth story im planning a birthcenter water birth! Im due Feb 14th havent been on in a while to post but i read on here a lot! Im starting to feel crampy lost my plug 2 weeks ago and now im spotting and having back pain so we will see where this goes...
Good luck Navywife!!

Ooo good point Kelly! Hmmm.

My eyes are on fire. Aria just mimicked a spitting viper and spat her medication in my eyes. Pro freakin jectile. I am calling her doctor in the morning. There has to be something else she can take, this is bull.
Good luck Navywife!!

Ooo good point Kelly! Hmmm.

My eyes are on fire. Aria just mimicked a spitting viper and spat her medication in my eyes. Pro freakin jectile. I am calling her doctor in the morning. There has to be something else she can take, this is bull.

Good luck navywife :flower:


Swan.....My DD was on ranintidine, but think that is similair to what your DD has?

Hope the doctor can help :hugs:
So I know i lost my mucus plug 2 weeks ago it was unmistakable it was huge and had brown blood now ive been spotting light pink for all of today and just recently there has been a lil bit of red blood so is the mucus plug and bloody show 2 different things? sorry if this is tmi
Congrats Guppy and Jokerette!! So happy for you both!! :hugs:

Cannot wait to hear who is next!!

Little rant:

Today was my cousin's birthday party (he is 15 yo). Adelina was born on his birthday and apparently this made my aunt very upset. She actually thinks that I chose to get induced on his birthday on purpose, I mean REALLY!! She was being a total (enter bad word here) to me, she barely even looked at the baby. My mom and my grandma told her that the doctors office decided what day I was getting induced, and they chose that day over the day before to respect my decision to avoid a certain doctor. My aunt and my 8 yo girl cousin were being really rude. The 8 yo is mad because there is a new baby that is a girl (she is soooooo spoiled). Fito (DH) is absolutely beyond raging about it.... it is not Adelina's fault that she was born on a certain day. He does not even want to be around her ever again, he doesn't want her to get the kids anything for their birthdays or Christmas. It is just so frustrating that she cannot act like an adult about the situation. :( sorry to rant but I had to get it out.
Little rant:

Today was my cousin's birthday party (he is 15 yo). Adelina was born on his birthday and apparently this made my aunt very upset. She actually thinks that I chose to get induced on his birthday on purpose, I mean REALLY!! She was being a total (enter bad word here) to me, she barely even looked at the baby. My mom and my grandma told her that the doctors office decided what day I was getting induced, and they chose that day over the day before to respect my decision to avoid a certain doctor. My aunt and my 8 yo girl cousin were being really rude. The 8 yo is mad because there is a new baby that is a girl (she is soooooo spoiled). Fito (DH) is absolutely beyond raging about it.... it is not Adelina's fault that she was born on a certain day. He does not even want to be around her ever again, he doesn't want her to get the kids anything for their birthdays or Christmas. It is just so frustrating that she cannot act like an adult about the situation. :( sorry to rant but I had to get it out.

Im sorry to hear this :hugs:

Really, some people need to get their heads around whats important in life :growlmad: Such immature behaviour, when there are so many sad/bad things happening in this world :growlmad:
TeQuiero, I'd be pissed. That's such a load that she is being so rude to you. :hugs: I'm so sorry it went poorly.

Kelly, yup she's actually also on rantidine, because it's the Zantac generic medicine. The strong mint flavor makes her really, really upset. She makes this hilariously awful face that I find really cute, but the spitting in my eyes was uncool. lmao.
Congrats to the new babies.. :) Guppy so happy to hear you got your homebirth.. :)
Thanks girls!
We are just so in love :cloud9:
I am so glad we had that experience (glad its over though!! :haha:) but im so glad we stayed home. It was nice being able to do whatever i felt like. We even watched movies with the midwives :haha: Kendra and the MWs made some food and they also cleaned my house! That was nice lol

The Postpartum experience has been a million times better! Ive just been hanging out in bed cuddling. Although i do make my way around the house to see isaiah and such. He is very intrigued by Elliot. I am a little weary on what to do about little things with Elliot though....this is because i never had the postpartum experience with Isaiah (right away) because the stupid nurses snatched him up for well over the first 12 hours. So things like spitting up...is that normal this early? :shrug: the MWs said there wasnt anything in his lungs, so i just assume thats colostrum? He did nurse for like 4 hours after being born. Another thing, how in the world do i get this meconium off his bum without making him sore? :shrug: Isaiah had terminal mec so it all came out when he came out. Plus he was in the nursery, so never had to deal with it. Weve been putting petrolum jelly on the wet wipe and then wiping, but its reallly hard to get off! Its like hard pasted onto his butt :haha: ...and another thing, im trying to get him to nurse every two hours for the sake of my supply, but we are having a REALLY tough time getting him up...like we tried changing him, tickling him, taking his clothes off, putting milk on his lips, rubbing his face/lips...nothing works....he seems really content with sleeping, so im sure he's not hungry but i just want to make sure i establish as much supply as possible.
I did pump for a little while, just in case. ...at this early point of his life is he supposed to sleep this much and not eat that often? :shrug: i really just dont know since isaiah wasn't with us for the first day of his life.
Its gone all quiet on here now alot of you are busy with babies :baby:

Hope you are all doing well :flower:

Heres my 37 week bumpie picture.....:kiss:


  • 37 Week bump ~ DD2.png
    37 Week bump ~ DD2.png
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Thanks girls!
We are just so in love :cloud9:
I am so glad we had that experience (glad its over though!! :haha:) but im so glad we stayed home. It was nice being able to do whatever i felt like. We even watched movies with the midwives :haha: Kendra and the MWs made some food and they also cleaned my house! That was nice lol

The Postpartum experience has been a million times better! Ive just been hanging out in bed cuddling. Although i do make my way around the house to see isaiah and such. He is very intrigued by Elliot. I am a little weary on what to do about little things with Elliot though....this is because i never had the postpartum experience with Isaiah (right away) because the stupid nurses snatched him up for well over the first 12 hours. So things like spitting up...is that normal this early? :shrug: the MWs said there wasnt anything in his lungs, so i just assume thats colostrum? He did nurse for like 4 hours after being born. Another thing, how in the world do i get this meconium off his bum without making him sore? :shrug: Isaiah had terminal mec so it all came out when he came out. Plus he was in the nursery, so never had to deal with it. Weve been putting petrolum jelly on the wet wipe and then wiping, but its reallly hard to get off! Its like hard pasted onto his butt :haha: ...and another thing, im trying to get him to nurse every two hours for the sake of my supply, but we are having a REALLY tough time getting him up...like we tried changing him, tickling him, taking his clothes off, putting milk on his lips, rubbing his face/lips...nothing works....he seems really content with sleeping, so im sure he's not hungry but i just want to make sure i establish as much supply as possible.
I did pump for a little while, just in case. ...at this early point of his life is he supposed to sleep this much and not eat that often? :shrug: i really just dont know since isaiah wasn't with us for the first day of his life.

Hiya Mummy of 2 :baby::baby::cloud9:

I would say that what you are asking 'is it normal' is perfectly normal :thumbup:

I remember when DD was born, ahe wasnt all that hungry & just wanted to sleep :sleep: In hindsight, I should have made the most of it, but I was (like you) so worried 'is this normal' :dohh:

Enjoy your first days together :cloud9:
:hugs: Guppy. It's not easy, I understand that 100%. :) Aria did spit up a little in the beginning - all they kept telling me was keep her propped upright after eating for up to 30 minutes, to try and encourage her keeping her food down after meals. She now has reflux, but they said (in the hospital) that it wasn't necessarily that she'd develop reflux, just that her digestive tract needed time to figure itself out, so that's probably it with him.

Aria also had major issues staying awake. I'd strip her down, put a wet wipe on her tummy, try and rouse her but she'd fall asleep nursing always. If she wouldn't wake back up, I'd pump to keep up my supply and then I'd try again in an hour. I didn't start spreading her feeds out for 2 hours until day 3 or 4, when she was staying awake a little longer. But yeah, she slept non-stop at first, and started being more awake after like, a week. Just skin to skin a lot, and keep pumping. :) But I spent a few days waking her to eat before we got onto routine together.

The meconium - sucked. lol! The nurses told me to use a fingernail (and wipe lol) to gently pick it off her butt and swore it wouldn't hurt. >.< It was awful. I was very glad to say goodbye to those days.

HTH! :hugs:


https://smashedpeasandcarrots.blogspot.com/2011/08/no-bake-energy-bites-recipe.html << seriously, these are delicious. great late night snack for mommas who are up and need a little boost. but I eat them whatever time of day. the comments give some great other add-ins ideas too. MMM.

Aria goes BACK to the ped today so they can look at her rash. :| And I mentioned to the nurse the issues with her taking the meds and she was pretty much a snatch about it. But she is the same nurse I had the other day who was being a witch too when I said I thought Aria had silent reflux because her spitups happened but not like, nonstop, and that the screaming and back arching and such was the bigger indicator for us. She basically was like yeah, you don't have reflux here but whatever waste our time. And then the doctor said otherwise... so I'm not apt to listen to her about this either. Ugh. I'm just glad I like Aria's pedi, because she's been uber-helpful.

Will be interesting to hear how much she's gained now. She was 8'10 on Saturday and 8'3 a few days prior to that (Tuesday). :rofl: Om nom nom. ;)

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