February "Valentine's" Testers

Well i have to be honest I'm not great at reading charts. I usually just record and then hope I see some spikes up and down. BUT it looks good to me. I think you dtd enough so that's good!

Awww that's cute! Dh and I have also been together for 8 years! 9 this year. It's crazy to think we started dating when I was 20. We also dated for 2, were engaged for 18 months, and then this year will be 5 years. It goes by so fast!!!!!!!!

I haven't heaed about the snowstorm. Yikes. I see you're from NY. We usually get the same snow storms (I'm just north of the border). Do you have to work today or go anywhere? I am not a fan of snow lol
I'm having gross AF cramps right now ugh... Ready for V Day so we can start already!!! I'd like to start immediately mid cycle but dh has wanted to start on v day so we're going for it! This is very new to me...
sunshine - Thats cute! I love sappy stories! :) I know it REALLY does go by fast! Its nuts! I did go into work today as did my husband. Both of our jobs let us out at 3pm which was great buttt unfortunately they shut the entire state down and it was kind of a mess that late. My husband works in the city and had a VERY hard time getting transportation home. they had shut the trains, subways, taxis, buses. he basically had to pay extra to get on the bus for standing room only lol. But we are both home safe now and neither of us have work tomorrow due to the ban on the whole state. Governor Cuomo is not allowing anyone on the roads and if you are on the road after 11pm tonight, it is a misdemeanor! Therefore I will be inside and helping clear the cars tomorrow. I usually help shovel but I don't want to take any chances JUST in case ya know? Anyway are you from Canada? Are you guys getting this too? It's supposed to be a historic blizzard for us and New England.

Springermommy - thank you!! I REALLY hope and pray that this is my cycle!! I'm SO excited for you to start ttc! It really is such an exciting time and how sweet to start on Valentines day! :) Love it! :) I look forward to your updates!!
Wooooo!!!! I love snow storms and being told to stay inside lol. I'd be so happy. I'm in Canada. But I'm in Florida as of tonight on a vacay. All of the flights from ny and Boston etc are cancelled until Wednesday. What a pain. I'm glad I'm missing that. We landed tonight and I'm here for 10 days. A good rest after the bad start to this year. Just wish Dh was with me.

Do you live right in NYC? I bet transportation and commuting is a pain. Especially in bad weather! So glad you're both safe!
Sunshine enjoy florida!!!!! Did u go alone ? I know u said dh isn't with u. You deserve a Vaca, have the best time!!! I'm so glad to hear u landed safely.
We live in the buroughs, yes and my husband works in Manhattan. I work in CT. I feel bad for him but then I don't I LOVE Manhattan. He is SO lucky to be there every day! Lol

I know u don't look at temp charts but any thoughts on why my temp has been the exact same 3 days in a row? Good? Bad?
Maltese- how are you doing? Any updates

HI! I have had a rough couple of days. Damn you fertility friend! I think I am better now. Work has gotten busy & with the snow storm, I am home with dh today! I really wish i still had a shot this cycle- I am sure a lot of babies will be conceived today LOL! :happydance:

I've been catching up on the thread. On the caffeine front, I am a total addict! I've switched to decaf everything and 1 caffeinated coffee in the morning. I miss my caffeine high :)

Also ladies, I think I posted about exercise earlier? I've confirmed that you have to majorly tone it down when trying to conceive: https://www.wisconsinfertility.com/doc_publications/Exercise_and_Fertility.pdf
It sounds like we are all active women and it might be lowering our chances month to month (I really hope not!). I am kind of a spiritual person- anywho, I was scheduling my spin classes for the week, and lo and behold this article come through my email: https://wellandgood.com/2015/01/25/are-workouts-soulcycle-affecting-fertility-getting-pregnant/

Basically I threw my hands up in the air and I said FINE UNIVERSE!:dohh: It's so hard because working out is how I stay slim. Otherwise, I eat whatever I want. Now I have to change my eating habits...I am trying to see the bright side- this will help me be more healthy but you guys know that change is hard :)

Sunshine, I read that you are in FL? So lucky! Please enjoy the well deserved vacation!

Disney, how are you doing? I know you got your static smiley!!! How's your timing!! Fingers crossed for you. I AM ROOTING FOR YOU!! Also be safe and do not shovel (see post about exercise above).
Your bd schedule is good!!!! That's the key- 3 days before...I don't even know if the day of matters as much!

I am also obsessed ladies...I looked up your odds and I think your best odds are o-2, o-1 so you are covered. Don't worry you have a great shot, Disney!!
Sunshine enjoy florida!!!!! Did u go alone ? I know u said dh isn't with u. You deserve a Vaca, have the best time!!! I'm so glad to hear u landed safely.
We live in the buroughs, yes and my husband works in Manhattan. I work in CT. I feel bad for him but then I don't I LOVE Manhattan. He is SO lucky to be there every day! Lol

I know u don't look at temp charts but any thoughts on why my temp has been the exact same 3 days in a row? Good? Bad?

I feel like I am back, and I am flooding the thread- I am so sorry!

Disney, don't worry too much about the actual temps- it's more about the pattern. I learned a lot by going VIP with FF and I've emailed them before about stuff like that. They only focus on the trends in temps, so you are still in the game and that's what counts, Disney! Your bd schedule is totally on point and your OPK's support the temps. The worst is when your different signals are in conflict (which is what happened to me this month!). Sit tight, you are in the 2WW and you are def in the game :) Trust me, as bad as the 2WW is normally, it's far worse when you've had a bad cycle and you don't have a chance :/ So this is a blessing! I am so excited for you Disney!!

Meanwhile I am totally about :coffee: this today :-) I want to go play out in the snow with my dog, but I've tried that before and he was not having it LOL. He's very spoiled and while he is the sweetest, he's just not very dog like: he likes outfits. I mean he goes crazy at the pet store over sweaters and the like. HAHA! Do you guys have pets?

Also, Disney we live in the same area! I live in SW CT like 45 min away from the city, and I work there 2x a week. I haven't been for a while because I've been having a rough time with this whole TTC..I work from home. DH works out here which is why we live here. Anyway, I went down this path because I truly don't like enjoy the city. I am a native new yorker, grew up on the upper west (80's), but I just absolutely love the suburbs!
Welcome back Maltese and thank you so much for the links! Yea I used to be a cray worker outer and I still want to be but I have noticed that my periods have been more regular now that I've calmed it down. It could just be a coincidence though. I will definitely not be shoveling lol. I will be clearing off the cars if needed and making the hot chocolate haha.
You gave me SOO much hope about my temps I CA not thank u enough!! I've stupidly been go ogling and not feeling great about it but I need to just try and forget about it foe today and see what tomorrow brings for temps. Thanks so much for all your positivity and info!!! You have rejuvenated my day

Aww your dog sounds adorable lol! Sweaters r cute!! I saw throw a sweater on and go out lol!! Just don't fall!
I can't believe we r so close! How exciting! Working from home sounds amazing! I would love that!! How r u guys doing during this blizzard? Seems to be much less snow when that they said originally.

BTW your FF chart looks SOOOO good!!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!! When r u testing I feel like you have such good vibes on your chart!!!! I think I am 2 behind u? Today I am 4 dpo
Let's pass the time .... what does everyone suggest for tests? A certain brand that is good or bad?
Hi! I'm in Florida with my fsmily. It's a nice break and I needed to get away so I'm very appreciative. Dh couldn't go this time but hopefully we can go when he's done I. March. I've never been to connecticut but Dh interviewed in Stamford for Columbia at the hospitsl. Any opinions on the area? I didn't go on that trip and I wish I had Of. We have to make our final decision of where we want to go soon.

As for tests - I buy the cheap ones as its the same and I like to po lots of sticks lol. The last time I was pregnant though I was 4 days late and the cheap ones were negative. So I bought a FRER and if showed me a faint line.

They seem to always overestimate those snow falls lol. But I'm so glad you are both home with your Dhs. Awwww. I love those kind of days! :)
Hi! I'm in Florida with my fsmily. It's a nice break and I needed to get away so I'm very appreciative. Dh couldn't go this time but hopefully we can go when he's done I. March. I've never been to connecticut but Dh interviewed in Stamford for Columbia at the hospitsl. Any opinions on the area? I didn't go on that trip and I wish I had Of. We have to make our final decision of where we want to go soon.

As for tests - I buy the cheap ones as its the same and I like to po lots of sticks lol. The last time I was pregnant though I was 4 days late and the cheap ones were negative. So I bought a FRER and if showed me a faint line.

They seem to always overestimate those snow falls lol. But I'm so glad you are both home with your Dhs. Awwww. I love those kind of days! :)

Sunshine, I live right there! I love CT. Great lifestyle :-) I honestly resent having to commute into the city! The weather isn't great, but the people are nice and I've met lots of great women at all of my workout places. It's really pretty here. Do you know when you have to make the decision by in terms of moving?

Disney, what a great way to pass the time! i am a total POAS addict. I started by buying wondfo OPK & pregnancy tests which I still use from my first big bunch. But recently I got so frustrated with wondfo opk, I bought clearblue advanced digital opk. They are more expensive but I like the smiley. More feedback. This cycle was my first time trying. It didn't bring me luck on the bd front however :cry::cry::cry:

As for pregnancy tests, I never got very close :( I would still use the Wondfo cheapies early in the cycle and then last cycle I used FRER which was so depressing. I've never seen anything so stark white. And then like 3 hours later, AF showed up. It hit me like a ton of bricks & I wasn't expecting such an emotional response. So now I am very gunshy about the FRER. It's like PTSD or something. Just seeing that pink color gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach!
Cool!!!! Yiu live in stamford? Hubby has to decide within the next few weeks. The cost of living seems like a lot!!! And I've read bad things about crime. So I would love to hear your take on it as I haven't been. And Dh just flew in for the interview and then left. He explored a bit but not much.
Sunshine - I hope u r enjoying florida!! Go sit on the beach and relax :) Ahh I wish I was there! I'm sure u can tell from my name - we love disney world!! Lol!
So I have to see what tests I have here but I'm pretty sure I at least have some dollar store ones yay for cheapie but goodies lol. I also think I have some blue dye. Ughh I know those aren't great. Any thoughts on blue dye?

Maltesemom- I know what u mean about stark white. I would even turn off the lights and look, back on and look, tilt it. And stark white still. Lol the things we do for a squinter! I've heard a lot about won go. Where can u get these? I've never seen them in a store.

As for me I literally just woke up and I had to jump on here because I'm so excited I had a temp spike on my bbt chart below! I was ge tying nervous about having the same temps each day. Hoping this is a good sign and it keeps up! :) I'm SO nervous and excited ... blahh trying so hard not to get my hopes up or down. 5 dpo today for me.

What dpo is everyone else? Any symptoms? Please share if u would like...
Sunshine - I hope u r enjoying florida!! Go sit on the beach and relax :) Ahh I wish I was there! I'm sure u can tell from my name - we love disney world!! Lol!
So I have to see what tests I have here but I'm pretty sure I at least have some dollar store ones yay for cheapie but goodies lol. I also think I have some blue dye. Ughh I know those aren't great. Any thoughts on blue dye?

Maltesemom- I know what u mean about stark white. I would even turn off the lights and look, back on and look, tilt it. And stark white still. Lol the things we do for a squinter! I've heard a lot about won go. Where can u get these? I've never seen them in a store.

As for me I literally just woke up and I had to jump on here because I'm so excited I had a temp spike on my bbt chart below! I was ge tying nervous about having the same temps each day. Hoping this is a good sign and it keeps up! :) I'm SO nervous and excited ... blahh trying so hard not to get my hopes up or down. 5 dpo today for me.

What dpo is everyone else? Any symptoms? Please share if u would like...

Disney, I am trying not to get too excited but your chart looks REALLY GOOD!!!!! Like really really good!! Ok 5 DPO, you can test in what, 9 days? I guess if you are using a FRER you can test in 4 days? I am so so excited!!

You can get Wondfo on Amazon- very cheap. Like $30 bucks for a million (ok and exaggeration but you get my pt). I remember getting them and thinking wow, I won't need all these, but I've already gone through half!

Sunshine, here's my take on Stamford: I think downtown Stamford is fine...and you don't have to really worry about crime in North Stamford if you are buying. That said, I don't love Stamford. DH and I are looking to buy in Greenwich, and we wanted to have the time to search thoroughly for the right house in the right school district etc. Greenwich unfortunately doesn't have a lot of nice buildings to rent in...and we are picky LOL. So we live in a nice building in Stamford, but do most of everything in Greenwich which is like 15 min away. Workouts, shopping, groceries etc. There are a lot of BEAUTIFUL towns in this area that are close to Stamford, but that aren't Stamford. Look into New Canaan, Darien, Westport. The commute isn't bad from there for your husband, but they are perfect little CT towns. My husband just wants to live in Greenwich because his commute is already a little long and we want the suburbs with access to the city, so that's why we aren't looking in the above towns. Just my two cents! There are a lot of people who absolutely love Stamford, so I am not knocking that. Just for us, Greenwich is a better fit with what we are looking for.
Sunshine - I hope u r enjoying florida!! Go sit on the beach and relax :) Ahh I wish I was there! I'm sure u can tell from my name - we love disney world!! Lol!
So I have to see what tests I have here but I'm pretty sure I at least have some dollar store ones yay for cheapie but goodies lol. I also think I have some blue dye. Ughh I know those aren't great. Any thoughts on blue dye?

Maltesemom- I know what u mean about stark white. I would even turn off the lights and look, back on and look, tilt it. And stark white still. Lol the things we do for a squinter! I've heard a lot about won go. Where can u get these? I've never seen them in a store.

As for me I literally just woke up and I had to jump on here because I'm so excited I had a temp spike on my bbt chart below! I was ge tying nervous about having the same temps each day. Hoping this is a good sign and it keeps up! :) I'm SO nervous and excited ... blahh trying so hard not to get my hopes up or down. 5 dpo today for me.

What dpo is everyone else? Any symptoms? Please share if u would like...

Disney, quick question- how did you get your chart in your signature? I tried but I only have a link...
This is my first cycle truly trying. we sorta NTNP last cycle but I know we missed my fertile window. My last period was on Jan. 13. FF says I ovulated on CD13 but had yesterday said I had ovulated on CD12. Last cycle I ovulated on CD15. Anyways regardless I will start testing on Feb. 8 (according to FF that should be my next period)! I'm excited but also realize It's only my first month and it will likely take a while.
Maltesemom - OMG you made my whole day, actually my whole TWW lol. I PRAY this is my month!!! I'm sure I will NOT hold out until 14 dpo, I never have before. I'm trying to hold out as long as I can though. Wonfos will definitely be bought IF this month doesn't work out. For this month I will just use up the ones I have and hope they are good and accurate. FX!!! I don't know when I will cave in and test but I will DEFF keep you posted.
BTW you are one to talk - Your chart looks SO SO SOOOOOO PROMISING!!!! Where are your symptoms - PLEASE update me!!! When are YOU testing?!? 7dpo, you can test in like 3 days! ahh!! I am sending good vibes your way that this is your month!! Seriously though your chart looks SO good!! After I write this post I will write another on how I did my chart in my signature line... I have to look and remember now lol I remember it being a touch of a pain the in the butt ...

KKsquared - Welcome!! :) You are not out till AF shows up! I am sending baby dust your way as well!! Are you temping on FF? Upload your chart if you want and we can all "weigh in" lol. It passes the time during the dreaded TWW. Any symptoms?!? I am due to test on 2/7 so around the time you are thinking of testing as well. I don't know if I will hold out that long but I will TRY lol

Sunshine - you are in the Sunshine state and we are ALL jealous!!! I hope you are getting a great tan and have a nice BIG drink in your hand lol! Let us know how you are doing! :) I hope you are enjoying your time on vaca ... we miss you :)
What dpo is everyone else? Any symptoms? Please share if u would like...

no dpo or symptoms to speak of... just gushing blood and feeling disgusting...lol. its been a lot heavier than normal this cycle. at internship it soaked thru my hour old tampon and onto panties! yuck! not sure what gives but this better be the last one for many many mos!!

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