feeling lost and pushed to formula

oh my goodness pumping every two hours is exausting. Ended up cutting into it once so I could get a chunk of 4 hours of sleep. waking up every 2 hours was to much for me to handle. Luckly after the 4 hour block I pumped 2x's what I do in the 2 hour block so he had plenty of food to scarf for being such a patient boy. ended up he slept most of it anyways and had just eaten before I woke up so yay at his timing.

And of course now that I am pumping every 2 hours, when does kent like to wake up now? every hour and a half.... *facepalms* Luckly I can get him to sleep again for 30 mins to an hour so I can pump and then give him. After that 4 hour block and pumping twice as much I am finally ahead of him by a feeding so now my husband can feed him while I pump and I don't feel such pressure from kent crying for food.

My poor husband looks so haggard. can't blame him with me pumping every two hours, oh did I mention every two hours begins when I START pumping so really I only get 1 hour and 40mins freedom????? So basically my world has turned into pump, stuff my face, drink water, pee quickly, try and catnap, and begin again.

My Dad is such an ass, called him when he emailed me saying he didn't want to wake the baby and such but wanted to see how I was. So I told him what was up and he's all "oh so now you have the same life as a cow...you are a human cow...MOOOO MOOOOOOOO."

I know he just likes to joke and such but had I had the ability to bitch slap someone through the phone he would have been a prime candidate with my lack of sleep and lack of patience. He's lucky I love him dammit and know he's awesome in all other ways except his stupid weird humor.

upside as soon as I woke up, I pumped, drank water, and shoved the pediatrians phone number in my husbands face with the phone so he could make the appointment to get his tongue tied issue done TODAY. No way I can do many more nights of 2 hours sleep like that. Can't even enjoy it like if it was breastfeeding where I can enjoy and bond with my son. It's just....being a human cow....and at least cows get hands free equipment to eat and pump at the same timmmmmme
Bless your heart!!! You poor thing. I totally understand what your going through :hugs: It feels like the movie groundhogs day where everyday is the exact same - the day is a blur of pumping, trying to eat, drinking lots of water, peeing, napping for short periods, rocking and feeding baby and then start over again. :haha: It IS exhausting. Your doing GREAT and this won't last forever...things will get easier very soon.

Glad your getting the tongue tied issue resolved soon!! :happydance:
Ahhhh he doctor said "I don't think he looks that tongue tied, we will check again in a month" told him I'm pumping every 2 hours I don't want to wait till he is a month if he is tongue tied. So he have me the name of the baby surgeon and said if he thinks it's enough he will do it on Friday. Meh

Upside he has gained 50grams where I thought he would have lost. Downside he also gave me a prescription for formula to give him 1-2 times a day that is for constipation to get him pooping. Said when I see him going regularly I can stop. Later even my husband said hat he wonders if it's just their way of getting us to use formula and wonders if it will even help with the pooping.

I hate the lack of support for breast feeding in this country. Just want to make a vat of formula and drown them in it -.-

So now to cross my fingers Friday the surgeon won't turn me away saying it's not that bad.
How often if your baby actually pooing? Its possible he may not actually be constipated at all and just be one of those babies that doesnt poo much. Although its unusual some babies can go 2-3 days without pooing. Is it possible he could be slightly dehydrated? It might be worth offering cooled boiled water to help him. Doctors dont always know best. I would have thought that offering him formula would just confuse his digestive system even more leaving him with more chance of constipation. From the research ive done, its very rare for exclusive breast fed babies to get constipated but it can happen in babies that are mix fed. ie breast and formula. Please dont take my sayso though, im not a doctor, just offering an opinion.
lmao so we get home, I hurry to pump while my husband orders the formula (we looked it up and it is specific for babies to go poop) then he goes to give LO a bath (we had to take taxi's so I just wanted him to be nice and clean after being out, try to avoid him getting sick...yeah outside...in mexico? who am I kidding) and suddenly in the middle of me putting his blanket to wash I hear "AMORRRRR I need help!!" so I hurry over and there is my hubby with a stricken look on his face and poop coming out of LO's butt. I laughed so hard. Upside yay it's nice and yellow and gooie and it happened before the formula was delivered thank goodness, otherwise I would have thought it was all due to the formula and not of LO's own doing. Guess now that we have upped his intake of milk he's finally pooping.

He had pooped once in the hospital, then once at home with the suppository and then once the next morning. after that nada. Today is his first day that he's pooped at home on his own. I am going to wait on using that formula to see if it continues on to tomorrow.

who'd have thought I'd be so happy over poop?
Ah thats good to hear. Yay for poop!
Can you get the midwife to write up a letter for the doctor/surgeon to read as to why the tongue tie needs to get snipped? It might help them to do the procedure. I don't know why the doctor would refuse as its such a little thing to get done. It's not harmful to your LO even if its just a little one that gets snipped. MAybe write up what you have been going thru so that the doctor/surgeon can understand why you are asking for it done.
just got back from the baby surgeon doctor who said kent's mouth is perfect and needs nothing and it's all about my nipples and their flatness and that the cure for that is a baby sucking...so just stay persistent...ugh
that is really annoying. Can you talk to the lactation consultant and ask her for the name of a doctor that will snip it?
yeah she said most doctors here don't want to do it but I could try and ask. So I don't think she thought they would do either. upside today he latched for about 5 minutes. so yay. it's harder and I have to get in the right position and such but maybe as he's getting older and his mouth bigger, the tongue issue isn't as big???
Wonderful to hear that he latched for a longer period! :happydance: When my LO started to eat more (I supplemented with breastmilk I pumped into a bottle because he wasn't gaining enough weight just from the breastfeeding alone), he got stronger and in turn his sucking was much stronger. I dealt with flat nipples as well and once the baby gets strong enough and the sucking is stronger with a proper latch, it gets much easier. Hang in there! :hugs:
I'm so glad to hear you are sticking this out. Honestly even if your child had a slight tongue tie that's not always the reason. My son was tongue tied, and I breasted for 16 months. I decided her was feeding do why mess with it. We may still have to take care of it in the future if it causes speech problems but so far (he's 2 1/2) he talks clearer than most 4 year olds I know. The best advice I was ever given with breast feeding was wait until they open really super wide and when they do shove as much in as you can, it seems weird but it works. In the beginning you are both on a learning curve. Yes it hurts a bit and everyone struggles here and there with breast feeding, just talk to everyone, keep trying things and keep at it. Different positions, ways to keep him awake, etc. good luck, you can do this!

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