Femara Family 2014 ( 10 BFP's so far,3 Angels )

Hi Ladies,
I just thought I would share my experience. I started femera two months ago. My first round was an experience. I felt totally different, bloated, tired, moody everything you name it, I had it. I had two large follicles that month but my cycle was cancelled because we had a death in the family. We tried to have intercourse around the time of ovulation but the month ended in a BFN. This past cycle with femara my symptoms were not as bad. Not pleasant of course but not horrible like last month. This cycle I had three large follicles. IUI was scheduled but then cancelled because my fertility center is unorganized and didn't have my pap results back. My husband and I went home said screw it and had intercourse that night, and two days after.

1dpo - crampy, bloating & nauseas
2 dpo - same and also very moody! it scared me a little bit
3 dpo - crampy, nausea, moody, bloating and nipples very sore
4 dpo - same
5 dpo - same
7 dpo - all sympotoms went away!
8 dpo - just really moody - faint bfp a squinter
9 dpo - bfn :(
10 dpo - spotting, I thought I got my period. went to cvs bought pads and cried.
11 dpo- period just stopped. Nothing at all.
12 dpo- woke up in the morning boobs started to hurt all over again and some spotting
13 dpo - Something told me I needed to test just to be sure. I tested and it was positive. I couldn't believe it. It made no sense at all. I mean I thought I had my period !
14 dpo - bfp again in the morning and went for blood work. BFP bloodwork and hormones are average for being 4 weeks pregnant. Testing in a day to make sure they are rising.

This whole process is very stressful. We were planning on taking a break this month because I was exhausted from morning monitoring and then going to work all day. It drains you but I can say that if you have a great support system it will all work out! Stay positive.

Lots of love for all you ladies !~:happydance:

Congrats,love happy PG stories,would love to here how it all turns out
So AF showed up on April 14th so i'm now on round 4 of Femara
AF came today. It's pretty light and I'm trying to convince myself that it could be implantation bleeding since I'm not due til Monday. But realistically it's just early and I'll be starting round 2.

I'm ok, Dr told me the chances go up every month til it plateaus after round 4. Still a bummer. I have an appt to confirm/get new prescription on mon. If AF gets heavier overnight so I am forced to admit that's what it is at least I'll be able to partake in bottomless mimosas at monthly ladies brunch tomorrow (bright side).
confirmed BFN.

I have a residual cyst on one of my ovaries, so they are putting me back on the BCP for three weeks to clear it up before I start round two of the femara. they're also planning on bumping me up to 7.5mg of femara (I was on 5 before)

I was sort of adjusted to the negative, but I'm having a harder time with the cyst. Like not getting pregnant was not just the odds but the cyst is another failure of my body to act in the way it's supposed to.
confirmed BFN.

I have a residual cyst on one of my ovaries, so they are putting me back on the BCP for three weeks to clear it up before I start round two of the femara. they're also planning on bumping me up to 7.5mg of femara (I was on 5 before)

I was sort of adjusted to the negative, but I'm having a harder time with the cyst. Like not getting pregnant was not just the odds but the cyst is another failure of my body to act in the way it's supposed to.

So sorry ebona! I know it's hard and sometimes it just seems like too much. But perhaps the cyst is what was preventing a bfp for the first round and once you clear it up you will have a much better chance of a bfp the second round! Good luck and keep your chin up!
Wow Scgirl that sounds so frustrating!! I would have bought a bottle of wine after that appointment!

Sorry to hear about your negatives night nurse and ebona. I'm hoping your cyst buggers off and we will have some more good news :)

So excited for you Kantny! I bet you can not wait for the ultrasound!!

I am waiting to ovulate, my lh has been going up and down since cycle day 6. After a couple of concerned emails to my specialist, he sent me for an ultrasound and blood test. He seems to think I'll ovulate today or tonight and a had a nice size follicle 23mm and the lining was better than I've ever had almost 9mm!

I just can't stop worrying that the progesterone held off a period but a follicle started developing early, that's why I had an almost positive opk on cd6 and then perhaps the Femara stopped ovulation. I'm a bit worried I won't release the egg, I suppose I will have to wait and see.

I have asked my specialist if I can double the progesterone and check fhs and estradiol levels when I have a blood test on cd28 to make sure they haven't risen prematurely.

Right now I'm not even focused on getting pregnant, I just want to get fertile and then I'll worry about getting a bfp!
I'm on my first round of Femara and I'm 7DPO... AF isn't due for another week but I'm having really bad AF like cramps. Is this normal for Femara?
I'm on my first round of Femara and I'm 7DPO... AF isn't due for another week but I'm having really bad AF like cramps. Is this normal for Femara?

Are you taking progesterone? It can cause some cramping/PMS like symptoms. Good luck!
No progesterone. Still crampy/bloated today at 8DPO. AF due at 12DPO
Somewhere around 9dpo, and just got a super faint bfp. I know i shouldn't test sp early after all my chemicals, but dh is leaving the country tomorrow, and I wanted to be able to tell him in person. I can't get excited until I see a solid line, and even then will be scared of losing it. Here's to hoping it gets darker soon! (Guess I did actually O this cycle!)
After 6 years and five months of trying to have our first baby, we FINALLY got our first ever BFP! On DH's birthday no less :)

Had my beta today, #'s are at 24, RE said definitely positive, and for being four days from my missed period still, that's a great #! I am SO excited! Words cannot even explain. Its surreal, and I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around it!

This was our 4th round of Femara 5mg, and third month with Menopur injections! We also had our first IUI this month. Apparently cycle #77 was our lucky number, and Femara+Menopur+IUI was our lucky combination! We are over the moon!

I hope May brings plenty more positives! Good luck to everyone still waiting - Dreams actually come true!

That is great for the new positives!! So happy for you guys!!!:happydance::happydance:
Congrats Jennuuh! Mine's not yet showing up on digital- so I'm still scared to death the line's going to be gone tomorrow haha. Granted, I'm a POAS addict, and I've been using FRER since Monday (FF changed my O day, so I thought I was 8/9 dpo then), and today was the first day with a faint line. So I know it's super early (and I know from experience that FRER will give faint positives when HCG is only 5.7!) Yes, I had to double and triple check it in the hours after!

(good news is even colorblind DH saw the 2nd line!)
After 6 years and five months of trying to have our first baby, we FINALLY got our first ever BFP! On DH's birthday no less :)

Had my beta today, #'s are at 24, RE said definitely positive, and for being four days from my missed period still, that's a great #! I am SO excited! Words cannot even explain. Its surreal, and I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around it!

This was our 4th round of Femara 5mg, and third month with Menopur injections! We also had our first IUI this month. Apparently cycle #77 was our lucky number, and Femara+Menopur+IUI was our lucky combination! We are over the moon!

I hope May brings plenty more positives! Good luck to everyone still waiting - Dreams actually come true!


YEAHHHH !!!! another for our team :happydance:
So i'm having some tender breast not hurting though around the time when O is suppose to take place,so I hope my hormones are doing what they are suppose to,no other symptoms to speak of though
Well after almost 4 years of trying I just got my BFP. First round of Femara. 2.5mg on CD3-7.
Well after almost 4 years of trying I just got my BFP. First round of Femara. 2.5mg on CD3-7.

CONGRATS! So many BFP's I've been seeing lately! I hope May is lucky for everyone!!

Judging by your ticker, I think we're on the same exact schedule!

My EDD is January 12-13. Most sites say the 13th! Woohoo!
I am due on January 14th! Bump buddies :)

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