Femara Family 2014 ( 10 BFP's so far,3 Angels )

Melinda Fx for you still.
Renae. I hope you had a good o. I'd ask about progesterone.
Cowgirl - are you seeing a regular OB or a fertility specialist? The reason I ask is because when I was seeing a regular OB he prescribed me Femara on CD 5-9 and Estrogen on CD 10-14. Now I know all doctors are different in their recommended combinations and all women are different in what they need. I had never ever anywhere heard of anyone else taking Estrogen supplements after Femara...until you just said that of course...but I am no doctor so I trusted him and did what he said. Well then I changed doctors to a much better doctor who specializes in infertility and at my initial consult she told me to stop taking the estrogen supplements...forever. At least not for this reason. She told me that the estrogen completely counteracts the Femara. The way she explained it to me was that estrogen is the hormone that causes our follicles to grow. Femara tells your brain that it is not producing enough estrogen so your brain picks up the slack, essentially over-producing estrogen and causing your follicles to grow larger. When you follow Femara with Estrogen supplements your brain says..."oh, looks like there is enough estrogen here so I don't need to produce more." And therefore completely undoing what the Femara had just done.

Like I said...maybe you have different circumstances than me but perhaps its something you could ask your doctor about? I know that when I found this out I felt like my first doctor had robbed me of a year and a half on Femara and Clomid and thousands of dollars all because he didn't have a clue what he was doing.
She is a women's reproductive specialist. The way she explained it to me is even after taking femara my estrogen was low so she wanted to supplement. Last cycle was probably the first time I ever od correctly. My progesterone was 33.
Well like I said...different people different circumstances! I hope this all works out for you!!!
Yeah, I figured I give her a shot. The closest ivf clinic is 70 miles away. So Dh and I are giving her three months then getting a second opinion.
Holy cow ladies, Femara is amazing! I did the 5mg dose and just received my progesterone back. 44nmol/l!!!!!!! That is five times more than I had at my last day 21 test. I am just in a daze and so happy that something may actually be going my way in ttc for once. I don't know why my temp is so low but like Melinda says maybe temps are just screwy on this stuff.

Hot Damn I finally had a good ovulation.


Sorry about mr. Pitt, but I just pretend those are my eggs. :D YAHOOO!
Ren - that is great...congrats. Now for a nice strong BFP to follow it :dust:

AFM - looks like I will be starting round 2 of Femara on Sunday. Got a nasty evap line on a Wondfo this morning which I thought was the start of a BFP until I started spotting this afternoon :(
God I hope I pee a BFP soon. So sorry about the spotting Hope. I really wish that you don't start.
Hi all, I'm new to BNB I just found out I'm pregnant after 18 mo the and 3 IUIs TTC. This baby (I'm 4 weeks 4 days) is a femera baby. I took 5mg CD 3-7 then I was triggered CD 14 with ovidrill 1 follicle @ 23.5 2 other small ones at 13. I went in for my IUI on CD 16. Two days after the IUI I started on Crinone 8% BFP on 6/26 which was 14 DPIUI. I didn't cheat and check earlier. I'm hoping for a sticky baby my beta numbers look great, going in for a third beta in a week at my RE's.

Good luck to all of you, sticky beans!!
Hi all, sorry I've been MIA. So busy with work. So wasn't pregnant. Started femera day three of real flow. Feeling fine so far. Last month I ovulated early at day 10. Today is day 9 and I don't feel like I am ready to O yet. I haven't made an appointment to get an ultrasound since they didn't diagnose me right last cycle. My temps I think are more accurate.
Do you all think that it is not wise?
My doc didn't even offer to do any ultrasounds while I was on femara. We dtd at least every other day CD 9-20something- yes it was exhausting and got a bit bland, but hey- it worked!

I temped, and always found it to be very accurate. Only problem is you don't see the rise until after you've O'd, which could make things a bit late.
quick update for me.
cd28 today and finally one 19mm follicle. lining around 6.1mm. estrogen 135 (but did femara cd4-8 so perhaps this is why it is low??)
my doc wants me to come back for u/s in 2 days.

im worried about how late it is in the cycle...but still hopeful.
Lost my lines this weekend. Thinking it is a CP, waiting for my period to start. Not a bad first month on Femara. Now we just need a healthy sperm to meet my egg! :D
Way to stay positive Rena. I am keeping my fingers crossed for this cycle too.
Kjg, why if you have a 19 mm folli are they having you come back in 2 days? I was told we ovulate when a follicle is anywhere from 18-22 mm and they grow 1-2 mm per day. In two days you may have already ovulated. Will they be checking that you did ovulate? Still trying to figure this all out myself and every doctor is different.
mel - i guess my lining was still a bit thin (around 6mm) so she thought it still had a bit of room to grow? and my LH was only 14 so no surge yet. we BD'd last night anyway incase. i'm also still trying to figure all this out...
will keep you posted after tomorrow's visit!
It took me four days to ovulate after I had an 18mm follicle. I was stressed because the pa had said it would happen within 24 hrs and it didn't.

The more I read it looked like when you ovulate on your own it is more often to occur between 22-26mm. If they are doing iui then they choose to trigger around 18-22 so they control the process not the body.
So this is kind of an ohh crap moment. We went to drop off my letrozole prescription tonight after work and none of us realized it was printed for a different name. :dohh: So I called and the pharmacy called and had to leave a message. Cd. 3 is Saturday. I hope they check messages tonight with the holiday tomorrow.
mel - i guess my lining was still a bit thin (around 6mm) so she thought it still had a bit of room to grow? and my LH was only 14 so no surge yet. we BD'd last night anyway incase. i'm also still trying to figure all this out...
will keep you posted after tomorrow's visit!
So how did the ultrasound turn out? Have you ovulated yet?

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