Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

HUGE CONGRATS on giving birth to your LOs - Hmm, KizzyT, Vixmar, Pixie P :hugs:
Pixie - she is just gorgeous! Beautiful baby Ada xxx

Amber - a health visitor is a registered nurse that then does extra training in childcare and development. Thankfully I knew she was coming as she had rung to arrange the visit. They basically keep a check on you and your child/children at various stages through out development to make sure everything is normal and there are no home or family problems. She was really very lovely and helpful - left me another huge pile of leaflets and information to read, something to do when the insomnia kicks in at 4am!

Neffie - loving the nursery and your bump!

Grand - sounds like the little guy is doing really well in there and in a perfect position - clever lad!

Sparkle - hope your midwife has put your mind at ease and that your check up on Friday goes well.

AFM - midwives appointment this morning was a bit chaotic. The health centre I go to was having its flu vaccination clinic this morning too so I was up early, dog walked and at the health centre expecting a long queue for vaccines. Anyway there was no one else there so I got my flu vaccine straight way. Then I still had 30 mins til my midwives appointment and had taken my book to read while I waited but my bum barely hit the seat in the waiting room when I got called into the midwife cause the appointment in front of me was not there yet - so by 9am I had both my flu vacc and my midwife check over and done with! My blood pressure was up a little bit for me but the midwife and I suspect that was the running around and flu vaccine to blame! Bump still measuring small - only 32cm fundal height same as 2 weeks ago but she does say squiggle is very long sitting up in my ribs (don't I know it!) heart beat was fine, still head down thank goodness. Growth scan again on Friday and back to the midwife again next Tuesday to recheck my BP.

Pixie--what a gorgeous little girl!! I agree with the others, makes me want to snuggle up with my little one!

lil--wow, only 9 days until your scan, time is moving fast!

sparkle--Glad C is handling nursery better and I hope your appointment goes well on Friday! I too have been told that the plug can replenish itself, very good to hear you are not having any contractions, etc.

Grand--good news on Little Blue slowing down in his weight gain and giving you and DH a chance to breathe about his size! I got the same results last week at my internal at 36 weeks (about head being down but cervix being closed, high and tight)--my MD says that this usually means no sign of labor anytime soon, but she also said there are women who can be like that one day and going into labor the next! So keep those bags close by just in case hun!

milos--thanks for the info on the health visitor. It sounds a lot like the social worker visitor that comes by while we are in the hospital here in the states to go over similar things and answer any questions about home/family issues.

Glad you were able to get in and out of your appointment so quickly all things considered! Good luck with your scan on Friday! Did your MD say that the fact she is laying out could play a role in why your fundal measurements are a bit small? I would think a flatter-lying baby as opposed to one all curled up in a ball may affect measurments. I am glad that Squiggle is doing so well, even though her being up in your ribs is causing some bruising for mum!

AFM: NST went well today, Grace had a MAJOR case of hiccups while I was hooked up to the machine. At first it was really cute and funny, but with the machine klunking every time she hiccuped, DH and I were a bit brainfried by the end (I can still hear the *klunk klunk klunk*!). We also could actually see her hiccups on my belly too, it was really interesting!

I have my final growth ultrasound scheduled for the 13th. Hoping she will be measuring well and still in the 60th percentile, especially in light of my pelvic bone issues. If not, I am educating myself on C-Sections so I will be as prepared as possible for one if it comes to that. All I want is a healthy little girl at the end!

Hope you ladies are having a fantastic day!
Hey ladies..

Pixie-she is absolutely beautiful.. congrats again hun and enjoy.. :)

Happy the rest of you lovely ladies seem to be doing so well.. cant believe how many are getting set to go soon..

AFM only 8 days till my scan and im very ready to see my peanut.. getting more wiggly most days some still quiet ones yet.. but there is time.. :)

Hope your all having a lovely day..
Pixie and Kizzy what beautiful babies.

How are the other new moms getting on?

Neffie - lovely bump.

I have sorted mat b 1 problem - sent them a new one and they have told me to just carry on and start maternity leave.

Have hospital appointment and scan tomorrow. XX

Hi to everybody else.
better get the boys their tea. The microwave keeps beeping at me to tell me their potatos are done. XXX
Morning Ladies! :hi:

Milos - yay for the nesting instinct kicking in! but please dont overdo it :flower: how exciting that you now have the cot and pram in the house. makes it seem more real, doesnt it? Glad your appointment went well yesterday, and that Squiggle is head down. Good luck for the growth scan on Friday.

Grand - i tried that link, but it didnt work :( I hope the weather starts to get cooler for you soon, I know how uncomfortable it is to be heavily pregnant in 30 degree heat! Luckily, our heatwave has ended now, and we are in official Autumn/Fall weather now :happydance: Great news that Little Blue is in the perfect position, and his growth has slowed down. Hope you and DH enjoy the last few days/weeks as a couple.

Neffie - I love your bump pic!! :thumbup: great news that the nursery is progressing so well. Cant wait to see some pics. And good luck for your scan tomorrow.....

Sparkle - so glad that C is enjoying nursery now. That must be a weight off your mind. Sorry to hear you were worried about losing your plug. But I have heard that you can start losing parts of it really early, and it just keeps replenishing itself until the end. As long as you're not contracting, it sounds like things are gonna be ok :hugs:

Amber - Happy 37 weeks!! woohoo, full term!! :yipee: I had a little chuckle about Grace's hiccups. Bless her, giving her Mommy and Daddy a headache already!! I hope your final growth scan goes well next week (although she may be here before then!) and that she isnt too huge!

Lil - not long til your scan now. How exciting!

Bean - so glad that your Mat Leave got sorted out. Now you can finally relax and get ready for baby's arrival. Good luck with your hospital appointment and scan today.

AFM: I waited in all day for the midwife yesterday. She was supposed to be phoning me before she visited, and I didnt hear from her. So at 3pm, I decided to take a stroll (waddle!) down to the shops for some exercise and fresh air. Just as I was on my way out of the door....the midwife turned up, unannounced! and the great news is - she had my homebirth paperwork for me to sign! :dance:
She said that she had spoken to both her supervisor and her manager, and they both agreed that I was still low risk, and therefore suitable for a homebirth. They said that the consultant at the hospital was just overreacting, and that food allergies were not a good enough reason to stop me having a homebirth! well, durr!! :dohh:
So, my midwife and I filled in all of the relevant paperwork, and signed it all. And then the midwife took it into the hospital, and put it in the "homebirth folder". So I am officially booked in! and just in the nick of time! as I am full term tomorrow, and my birth pool arrives at my house on Friday. So we are all ready to go!!! woohoo :yipee:

Thanks, Ladies, for all your support whilst trying to sort this out. Much appreciated :hugs:
Shell - Oops the link was bad this one should work: https://blueberryskyphotography.com/when-words-arent-enough/ - I seriously think everyone should take a look because it's such a beautiful home birth (doesn't hurt that the couple is gorgeous of course but really just so peaceful and real) - There are a couple of photos but play the video after them and you get all the photos set to Enya - be prepared with tissues - I was bawling :cry: in a good way. GREAT NEWS on your homebirth! I've watched so many youtube videos of them...the pool seems to be so relaxing...some women don't even make a noise - I'm impressed!

Bean - Glad your paperwork got sorted in the end...happy maternity leave!

Milos - that's unheard of for doctor's appointments - I'm always waiting at least 15-30 minutes! You're so lucky to have gotten in and out in a flash. I'm sure your higher BP was due to your running around and the flu shot. Glad the little one is still head down...I breath a sigh of relief as well each time they let me know that. Good luck with scan!

Sparkle - What a big step for Cormack - I'm glad he seems to be adjusting well. I think it's good they are taking such good care of you and scanning your cervix - that would give me peace of mind as well - good luck for your next one.

Lil - Yippee Scan Day coming up soon! Peanut will have grown so much. Don't worry too much about movements...Little blue is the same...sometimes super active sometimes nada but all is well. As long as they move some everyday I think normally everything is supposed to be fine.

Amber - Too funny about Grace's hiccups! Poor you guys - I always find it funny that the babes hiccup inside of us...I wonder if they do other things like laugh and cry...I know they suck thumbs and play with their umbilical cords...truly miraculous from little cells to wee human beings in 9 months. I've been educating myself about C-sections just in case as well (if he gets really big) - I hope Grace stays in the 60% as well.

AFM: Still pregnant! :wacko: It is cooler and I have more energy so got lots of little errands done this morning and it felt good to walk around. Try to go for a swim later. I'm starting to get comments now like, "Not here yet", "Still no birth.." etc. Grrrrr.... from shop keepers and coffee shops that I go to and from my work place. :dohh: Yes still pregnant...obviously! Anyways I know they are just making small talk/getting anxious just like me but it's a tad annoying as well.

PS. Advice from my doctor yesterday that might be helpful for everyone. Now maybe your hospital provides this stuff but mine doesn't. He suggested that I buy a rectangle piece of fleece from a fabric store (not expensive since it will get stained probably from baby) as it's the best way to keep baby warm right after the birth and he said that the reason that most babies cry a lot right away is because they are not warm enough...imagine going from 98.6 degrees and feeling the cold upon coming out (kind of like getting out of hot springs into cool air) - he said it's shocking for them so putting them skin to skin right away and covering up with a wee hat and a fleece blanket helps them maintain their warmth and happiness...Hope that helps some of you...I will be getting a piece of fleece for little blue's arrival.
Bean--Happy maternity leave! :happydance: So glad they got your paperwork sorted out! phew!

Shell--Awesome news about the midwife and getting your homebirth set! :thumbup: So excited for you!

Grand--glad things have cooled down for you so you have more energy! I have noticed that getting around gets progressively harder these last few weeks! And sorry you are putting up with the "not here yet" comments, I am so not looking forward to getting those in the coming weeks if Grace sticks around until my induction (which hopefully I can get scheduled this week!) Thanks for the tip on the fleece, we are touring the hospital this weekend, so I will be sure to ask about it!

lil--I agree with Grand on movements. Grace actually has a little routine in place. She moves around for 20-30 minutes, then rests for about an hour or so, then I'll feel her again. And sometimes her movement periods are different. For example, she is very active in the mornings and after dinner, and not so active during the day. I think the way I sit actually plays a role in that as well.

AFM: Term today! :yipee: Can't believe it! Very happy to have made it! Now just looking forward to winding down work in the next week or so and getting set for my induction (unless Grace has other things in mind, like coming early!). Oh, one more thing about Grace's hiccups--the NST machine that reads her movements and heartbeat also has me holding a little button that I have to push every time I feel her move, and it makes a line on the paper. Before I realized she was having the hiccups, I was pushing the button every time she hiccuped, you should have seen all the marks on the paper! The doctor was like "hmm, lots of marks here", and I had to confess that it took me a few minutes to figure out what was happening, lol! :blush:
Thanks Grand and Amber for the wonderful reassuring comments.. I generally know everything is okay.. this isnt my first go as i have a dd already but since the 2mcs after her i seem to be worrying more and more..

Shell-so happy you got your homebirth booked in.. that is wonderful news.. now just get that pool and then baby.. :)

Amber-happy 37 weeks!! Full term.. (the right week, lol) so happy for you.. cant wait to hear of grace's arrival in the coming weeks..

Grand-I remember those comments, they did get a tad bit annoying.. as you cant make baby come sooner.. they come when they want to.. hope little blue will be here soon.. safe and sound.. :)

AFM-one more week till my scan.. i cant wait for it to be here.. but not long now.. :) 7 days will fly by.. def feeling more tired as the days go by, having a toddler doesnt help with that though.. and yay for Mango Day!

Hope you all have a great day..
Lil--Happy 19 wks hun!! :thumbup: Looking forward to your scan results next week!!!

Shell/Bellas--Happy 37 weeks to you both, :happydance: Term baby Term!!! :happydance:
Happy 37 Weeks Shell and Amber for yesterday! Can't believe we are full term!! xx :happydance::happydance:
Happy 37 weeks, Bellas, my bump buddy!! :yipee:
Cant believe we are finally at Term!! :dance:

AFM: I had my bloody show this morning. eek! I wonder if this is the start of something...?
Shell--OMG I hope so hun!! Like you said the other day, your family is known for early deliveries! So excited for you, please keep us posted!!! :happydance:
Happy Full Term Bellas and Shell.. :)

Shell-for me i had my bloody show Friday morning with my dd went for appt was 3cm left went home and at about 3am sat morning we were going in to have a baby.. Best of luck for same hun..
Ooh, thanks for that, Lil!
Exciting, and scary!

It is very exciting.. cant wait for updates along the way.. I think bloody show usually mean labor will be starting soon.. thats kinda how my last dr made it seem.. so fxed for you shell..
Thats what I always assumed too...
But who knows? Our bodies are strange things - it could be another 5 weeks!! lol
Def not 5 weeks.. your obviously dialating to lose your plug and have your show.. fxed it will be in the next few hrs to the next couple of days..
Shell. Good luck. Getting it in now just in case this is it.
Fxd for you xx

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