Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Oh shell - term and a bloody show how exciting! (weird the things we get excited about these days!) Great news about your home birth being booked in I hope your pool arrives in time!

Congratulations on term to Bellas and Amber too xxx

So much excitement to come in the next few weeks.

Lil - I hope this week flies by til your next scan too xxx

AFM another productive day of maternity leave. Went to a local NCT babies and bumps group, I felt a bit odd being the only one without a baby but everyone was lovely and hopefully next time it is on (in a month) I too will have baby to take along! Started doing some batch cooking to go in the freezer - the most enormous pan of chilli as produced today but it is a bit tricky to know what we are going to want to eat in a few weeks time! Seriously considering just rading the ready meals section of M&S to fill the freezer instead!
Growth scan again tomorrow and I think I will ask the midwife to recheck my blood pressure too so that I can stop wondering if it is still high!

Love to all xxx
Ladies that are in the last stages, do you still listen in with your doppler? If so have you found that the heart rate has dropped in the last few weeks?
Mine was always really fast but has dropped a bit recently.

Thanks xx
Pixie - Ada is gorgeous!!! :kiss:

Grand - Glad to hear that the LO's not gotten as big as you thought. Looks like things are moving along well, and he's in a great position. Enjoy time with your OH as a couple before little blue's arrival. :flower:

Sparkle - As the other ladies have said, as long as you're not contracting or having a bloody show, things seem to be fine. Hope your appt tomorrow goes well. Glad to hear that C is enjoying nursery.

Milos - That's great that you were able to get in and out of your appointment so quickly! :thumbup: That's very rare in these parts of town. Glad to hear that Squiggle is doing well. I wouldn't worry too much about the bump measuring small if the doctors aren't too concerned. It definitely could be because of way the LO is positioned. Hope your appt tomorrow goes well. Enjoy your maternity leave! Sounds like you had fun at your class.

Amber - Happy 37 weeks! That's great that everything went well with the appointment. That's a cute little story on Grace's hiccups. That's awesome that you were actually able to see them. :winkwink: Good luck for your U/S next week.

Lil - Happy 19 weeks! Almost half way, that's great! Your scan is right around the corner...I'm sure you can't wait to see your peanut. :flower:

Bean - Glad to hear that you got everything sorted out with your maternity paperwork. Hope everything went well with your appt & scan yesterday.

Shell - Happy 37 weeks! Great to hear that you're able to get your home birth, and right on time for the bloody show! :thumbup: Hope things start to progress soon, and you have little Bo in your arms soon. I'm getting greedy to see pictures of the next beautiful baby on this thread. :lol:

Bellas - Happy 37 weeks!

Hope everyone else is doing well.
AFM, we had our scan today, and we both were on :cloud9: after seeing our little princess again! She's still a girl, so we won't need to return any of the pink stuff. :haha: Not quite sure how the tech managed to get the measurements that were needed, coz believe me when I say Coco was all over the place!! It was just amazing to see!!! All the measurements look good, and they didn't have any concerns about anything (knock on wood!)

28 week check up, and glucose testing is set for November 1. Here are some pics from today's scan. Looks like someone's already working on her sucking reflex. :winkwink:




We also got the crib, mattress & changing table delivered, so plan to put it together this weekend!
Neffie those pictures are gorgeous! CoCo is getting so big!!! Also glad to hear she was moving around, it is so much fun to watch when you catch them active like that instead of sleeping! Good luck with all the furniture this weekend!
Neffie so glad that your scan went well. Lovely pics hun. XXX

Shell -- sounds promising very exciting. XXX

Will read through again later - so many posts.

Just did a quick bump session last night... here are a few from the night. They still have to be edited... I think some will look great as black and white. But I think they are nice as they are also!

I am working on getting another shoot also on location so I have some outside.


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I flipped 2 into B&W I really like them this way!!

I've still got a lot of catching up to do around here... I've been busy and not as attentive as I should be. lol Hope everyone is doing well, and good luck to those who are getting close!! I'm off to NB for the weekend, we own rental property out there any need to go check on it before baby. Hope all the Canadian girls have a good Thanksgiving weekend!!


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Neffie - what a gorgeous little girl - those scan piccies are so cute. Glad your scan went well - enjoy building the furniture!

IMP - lovely piccies they will be so special to look at in the future to remember your bump. Enjoy thanksgiving.

Bellas - not sure about the heart rate on doppler - I only get to hear squiggles heart when I go to the midwife!

Shellney - any progress?

AFM - scan was fine this morning. Measuring within normal limits although a little small but the weight estimate was 3kg so nearly 7lb which sounds big enough to me already with still a couple of weeks to go until I think I am due! My blood pressure is still a little high but they did serial measurements over half an hour and it came back to nearly normal for me and there was no protein in my urine so the midwife was happy with me in the end. Off to do more nesting xxx
Grand - thankyou for that link. It was indeed beautiful. I didnt cry, but I felt very touched by it. And I then got my OH to download "The very best of Enya" CD, for me to play during my labour/birth. lol. Glad the weather is much cooler for you now. It is here too. But sorry for the annoying comments. Grr :growlmad: I cant believe you will be 39 weeks tomorrow! Come on Little Blue, we cant wait to meet you!!

Amber - I cant believe you are still at work! what a trooper! I hope you can start winding down next week though, so that you have some relaxing time alone and with DH, before Grace makes an appearance. Take care of yourself :hugs:

Lil - only 5 days til your scan! How exciting! will you be finding out what team you are on?? :pink: or :blue:

Milos - glad you enjoyed the NCT group. It sounds lovely. And good for you for starting on your batch cooking :thumbup: I have done mine already - 20 plastic tupperware tubs in the freezer, containing beef lasagne, chicken curry, shepherds pie, and corned beef hash. yum! so glad your scan went well today. and 3kg is not small for a term baby at all!! so great news!

Bellas - sorry, Hun. I havent listened in with my doppler since 2nd tri, and have now lent it to my best friend, so I cant try. but Im pretty sure that baby's heartrate drops continuously throughout pregnancy - from like 180ish in first tri, to 160ish in 2nd tri, to 140ish in 3rd tri. But if you are worried, I would ring your midwife, and perhaps arrange for her to have a listen to baby? Im sure everything is fine! :hugs:

Neffie - great news on getting the crib, mattress and changing table delivered. you have a busy weekend ahead now, setting all that lot up. But its great to see it all coming together. and isnt Coco beautiful?! Im so glad that she is still a girl :haha: is that her hand or her foot she is sucking??

Imp - wow, what lovely pics of you, OH and bump. I especially love the B+W ones. they are stunning! hope you enjoy your trip this weekend, and happy Thanksgiving!

AFM: nothing much happening here.
After my bloody show yesterday morning, I spent the whole day in bed (even though I had lots to do!) because I was worried that doing anything too strenuous would start my labour off - and I didnt want it to start until my pool came this morning :haha:
So I stayed in bed, relaxed, watched TV, went on BnB, and drank my raspberry leaf tea (to tone my uterus).
Last night, I barely slept a wink. I was sooo uncomfortable. I had lower back pain and mild period-pain type cramps, all night.
When I got up this morning, I had abit more of my mucus plug when I wiped. Then the pool arrived at 10am. So I finally relaxed!! :)
OH decided to take the day off work, and we went out and did all the bits and pieces left on my "to do list". Had lots of BHs since then, but nothing I could count as a contraction.
Tonight I am going out for a meal with my best friend to an Indian restaurant. Hoping the hot curries will start something off later tonight....now that the pool is here, I am happy for Bo to come anytime!!

Hope you are all well, and have a lovely weekend :friends:
Aww ladies such a lot of lovely news and loads of 'termies!!@

Shell- I agree sounds like its not going to be long...

Imp- Love your pictures!!

Neffie- Coco is gorgeous. Enjoy putting your nursery bits together

Lil- less than a week to go now!!

Afm- so exhausted can bearly type! Will catch up more later I promise...
Imp - Lovely photos!

Milos - Glad to hear all went well with the scan. 7lbs sounds great, considering you still have a few weeks to go. Any particular reason they are categorizing Squiggle on the smaller side? Is it because of your fundal height?

Shell - You're continuing to lose your plug, so that's a good sign. :thumbup: Have fun at the restaurant tonight. Hope the spicy curry does the trick. :winkwink: Have you indulged in the birthing pool yet?
Just edited another I like even batter now... lol


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^^ It looks great, Imp. Your DH doesnt look very happy though :haha: Just kidding! Lovely picture :)

Neffie - yes my fundal height is small only 32cm when I was 38 weeks! Also my fundal height has not increased in the last couple of weeks either but atleast the scan was fine and as you say 7lb is plenty big enough! My sister and I were both about 7-8lb but my sister was really long and thin (still is lucky so and so!) so maybe this baby has inherited her long legs.

Shellney - any overnight progress?

Have a good Saturday everyone xxx
Milos - i only weighed 6lb 10oz at birth (37 weeks) so please dont worry. your baby is a lovely normal weight :)
Thanks for asking, but no progress overnight :(
Here are a couple of my pics,

Good afternoon!!!

Hope your all well!!

October is going to be a huge baby boom!!

Ok.... quick birth story.....

4am sat morning, started with peroid type pains..... attached tens machine, and went to town did a little shopping then went with hubby and kids to rugby, whilst contractions were about half hr apart all day and gradually becoming toe curling..... 7pm and we decdied to get kids to my parents and get ready.... midwife said i couldnt come in till they were 5min apart and 1min long..... so went for a walk around the village after a bath and they stopped!!!! horror!!!
Heard sex can make them more regualr so thats what we did lol not the most plesent experience at that time but hey hoo it worked within ten min they were thick and fast but midwife still said say at home!!! I informed her i lived a 20min carjourney so i WAS setting off!! Arrived at 10pm, to be informed i didnt really look in alot of pain and may be sent home! but luckily i was 5-6cm and due to strep b i had to have anti biotics...... Andy went out and got a KEBAB!!! whilst im concentrating on breathing and my tens he goes and stuffs his face lol
At midnight i had some codeine and pethadine and gas and air, but had a sudden urge to push, i was told no t as i wasnt fully dilated, after crying to everyone that i WAS the midwife checked me and yep i was 10cm! still no waters had broken and i was told she wasnt allowed to break them anymore! but all of a sudden as soon as she said that she lifted up the sheetand mywaterspopped all over her!! lol poor midwife!! and with that my babys head was born, it was absolutley amazing how quick!! Midwife didnt have a delivery pack or gloves on as it all happened so quickly!! she told me not to push but i couldnt no! with a second push my baby was born, i lifted her up and grabbed a sheet to clean her, and that was that my perfect angel was there!! my birth was amazing and id do it again tommorrow! i got everything the way i wanted it after my horrific births before, i was adiment i didnt want a epidural...... but as before my placenta was stuck..... and after 2hrs of no placenta arriving they tried to take me to theatre.... FOR A SPINAL!! NOOOo just as the wheeled me down i has a urge to push lol and it came away thank god!! As anyone whoes ever has surgery to remove it knows its worse than birth!! I came away with slight tears as Libby was born with her hands on her head (ahhh makes me cringe) but no stitchs!!!

Born at 8lb and 8oz Libby is my smallest baby!!

Libby beast fed for the first 6hrs of life, and every time she fel asleep she cried for more, and i was soooooo drained!! I gave in and gave her a bottle to settle her, and she slept thank god!! i breast fed the next day, but took to expressing as she was using me as a comforter, and it became incredibly painful having her attached for around 10hr a day! i expressed till day 4, until my boobs were so painful expressing was actually more painful than the contractions!! i gave myself a hardtime at first about giving up but im happier and shes much more settled!!
As for the sleeping..... shes being sleeping 12 til 7am!! yay!! clever girl!! long may it continue lol

Off to feed and change her constantly dirty nappy lol
spk soon


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Vix - She's absolutely perfect! What a great birth story - really empowering and helpful for us newbies. I love that it was you that grabbed your baby first. Try to get some good rest while she sleeps!

Imp - Thanks for sharing your photos with us. You really make a gorgeous couple...your daughter will be a heart breaker :flower: - This weekend (since I'm still pregnant I have to do another photo shoot...hopefully the last!)

Sparkle - Get some rest hon! I remember taking a nap every afternoon in the middle of 2nd tri.:sleep: Apple Alice is probably doing some growing and zapping your energy.

Milos - Scan sounds great - 7lbs sounds totally normal and not small at all - that's a great baby weight (that's what I got on my last as well this past Tuesday so I may be a bit biased :winkwink:) but seriously it doesn't sound small at all.

Shell - that's so cool that you are starting to lose your plug (jealous!) - I think your pool has arrived now...so I guess you're ready to splish splash when she is :shipw:. Good idea about downloading some Enya - she's so relaxing...I think I'll do the same.

Neffie - What an adorable scan pic - Coco has such a cute profile with a button nose. So happy it went well!
Hey ladies..

Shell-Im staying team yellow till the end.. excited to not know.. as with my dd i found out but things were different with her..

So my peanut seems to be bigger as i can feel him/her everday almost constantly now.. my dh felt movement last night too so that was great.. feels more real everday.. went out for mexican last night and that made baby wiggle alot.. :) and i regretted it come bedtime, heartburn..

well hope your all doing well.. :)

Imp-beautiful pics..

shell-fxed for this weekend..:)

Grand-hope little blue arrives soon.. Happy 39 weeks..

Neffie-beautiful scan pics..hope the nursery furniture is going smoothly..

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