Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Milo- What brill weight gain for Callum!! Have you tried a nipple shield? Or is it the whole boob that's sore?? I think is brill that you've kept up with the bf!! X
thanks vix i am really pleased with his growth but so sore. Actually sitting here thinking i could try a nipple shield see if that helps but the rest of the boob hurts too they are both aching and feel almost bruised. It hurts most when if latches on and my milk lets down and it hurts in both sides. Thankfully no sign of mastitis though. Anyway off to try and settle him down night night xxx
Awww that sounds horrid, I only bf for 2-3days and that pain was toe curlingly bad!!
Well done u for keeping it up!! X
All the little pumkins look so cute and beautiful. I bet you are all so proud and so you should be.

Sam thats great news re the movements and reassuring that they are so nice where you went that you can go back.

Vix - what about a carrier whilst you are in the house??????

Milo - is it nipple soreness like cracking. I breastfed both of mine. The second time got introduced to Lanisoh a nipple cream/gel. It was about £12.00 for a tube but worth every penny. Am going to get some in preperation this time. The pain will ease though anyway.

Hi to everybody will post againg later but at mo my 6 year old is very poorly. He has been awake most of the night with ear pain and discharge from his ear and nose bleeds. Doctors this morning I think.............. XXXXX
Wow - so many babies born already! Congratulations to all the lucky Mums :)
Bean - hope your 6yr old boy? Girl? Gets better soon!!

Grey- Hi!! My sister is booked in for a lap and dye, like yourself she has had a ectopic (as have I) and several chemicals and miscarriages, she only has one tube, and they think she may also have endo (can't say it let alone spell it lol) they are doing lap before clomid due to a possible blockage on other tubes, I'm googling all about it to be able to support her but its mind boggling!! Good luck wishing you all the best!! X
milos--fabulous news on little Callum's weight gain, and I just LOVE your pumpkin picture, what a cute little man!

on breast pain--i am using the same stuff bean mentions, the lasinoh HPA lanolin for my cracked nipples. I absolutely LOVE the stuff, it gives me so much relief! It is definitely worth the cost and is 100% safe for baby. I also used a nipple shield for my left breast the first week as it seemed to have the most pain and difficulties. Lasinoh also makes something called breast pad "soothies" which I have yet to try, but a lot of women swear by them. As for full breast soreness, could it be that you are just so full? I find that if I do not express, my boobs are killing me, they get so heavy, full and sore. So I nurse Grace and then express whatever is left and that seems to help so much.

bean--:hugs: for your little one, I hope the doctor is able to help him feel better, poor little man!

grey--:hi: hey hun, thank you for stopping by and thank you for the well wishes!

vix--got to see the picture of a sleeping babe on FB, glad to see Libs was finally getting some rest! I hope you took the chance to get some rest yourself!!

AFM: have a college friend stopping in to see Grace this am. We had a good night last night, she slept from 11-3, then wanted fed, then wanted snuggles the rest of the morning, which was ok as I loved getting 4 hours in!
Hi Grey - I had a lap and dye just before I got pregnant with my first.

Amber - little Grace sure is sleeping well. Bless her.

Vix - your poor sister - it is great that she has you to support her.

Well my 6 year old ds has a chest infection and an ear infection and perforation of ear drum. He is on sofa feeling very sorry for himself. The doctor was lovely to him - he gave him 50p aswell how sweet.
Bean- awww hope his infections clear soon! Its hard enough being pregnant at the best of times but having poorly kids at same time... :-(
You mentioned u had a lap? Was that connected to you fertility?
As for the baby carrier, I bought a lovely mamas n pappas one.. Can I bugger get the thing on alone! I need more practise, but I'm not sure I'd feel safe using one tbh!

Amber- glad Grace gave u a 4hr kip, do you bedshare as your bf?

What's everyones views on bedsharing? I'm not intending to, but I'm finding myself so tired I'm falling asleep whilst feeding, last night I sat on the floor to feed her to ensure I didn't fall asleep lol but it was cold!!
Vix yeah my lap was connected to fertility. We had been trying for just over a year for our first and had suspected endo. I had always suffered with really bad periods - the type that got me takien to hospital as the pain was so bad and they thought there was soemthing else wrong. I had the lap which showed that my tubes were clear and there was no trace of endo. The following month I conceived. They did say that may happen also.

The carriers are a pain to get on I agree. I have one of those which is just a big piece of material that you wrap around. I found that worked with my second even when he was one + still fely quite secure. XX

Bedsharing - I am probably a bit biased as both mine still sleep with me and I do like it. I fed both mine and fell asleep feeding, the second until he was nearly 2. I found it was the only way we all slept. My friend though was horrified that I did that, thinks it is really bad. My only opinion is that it works for us and it is what I have always done. Like everything though its what suits iyou and yor family isn't it. So I probably have not helped you at all. Sorry.... XXXXX
Ok I am going to try to reply to everyone if I can, apologies in advance if I miss you out!!
Amber, glad the stitches came out ok, how do they feel now? Well done on surviving alone, its scary but its also quite a good chance to really get to know your bubs and do your own thing, I quite like it although I am watching the door come 5.30ish waiting for Neil to come home  I hear you on the hormones, I have always been a soppy cow and now I cry at anything! Love her pumpkin pics!
Neffie how did the GTT go?
Grand, how is Indy’s reflux? Did you get it diagnosed and has he got some medicine for it? I read your birth story and I am sorry you didn’t get the experience you wanted but I think you did brilliantly and you have such a wonderful little boy to show for it. Over here there’s something called “birth reflections” where you can go to discuss your labour and what you feel about it, perhaps they have something similar over there you could go to? Otherwise you know all us ladies are here for you of course  Kudos to you for how much you did with him by 10am, I am super impressed!! You look fab by the way, yummy mummy!
Vix, how is Libby today hun? Hope you have been ok over the past couple of days with the anniversary. My D&C was a year ago today, cant believe how much has happened in that time and I am so grateful to have my little girl with me now  Re bed sharing I have brought G in with me a couple of times if she wont settle just for an hour or so, I was soooo nervous about squashing her but I think instinct would stop it. I do prefer her to sleep in her moses basket and eventually her cot but each to their own and different things work for different families.
Shell, so sorry Freya has colic hun, is she getting some medication for it? Are you managing to get any sleep now? I hope its not long lasting hun. Love her little witch costume  how was it today without oh? It does get easier I promise!
Sparkle, happy birthday to Cormack!! Glad Apple Alice is bringing you some comfort.
Lil, almost V day, woohoo!!
Bean, so close now, sorry you are feeling uncomfortable hun, it does get like That towards the end, maximum of 5 weeks to go though, so exciting!! Sorry your little boy isn’t well though 
Imp, sorry about your friend, very sad. I think you should go for it with your baby shower providing you are being driven by someone, enjoy and have a wonderful time 
Sam, glad the scan was ok and bubs is fine, hope your needle phobia doesn’t bother you too much.
Milos, great news on callum’s weight, well done you! hope your boobs feel better soon hun. Love his pumpkin outfit too 
Grey thanks for stopping by and the well wishes x

Phew, think thats it, I went back a few days so sorry if anything is out of date!

AFM, having the best week we've had so far with G, 4 of the past 5 nights have been really good and today she is even acting like a newborn and has slept loads! Growth spurt maybe? We went to a baby group today and had a baby massage sample, perhaps thats why she is so chilled haha! her cradle cap in her eyebrows has cleared up and her hair is falling out rapidly so she's all bald and smooth in places now. She is also getting used to the bath now which is good as I have been bathing her alone this week, just every other day for now, how often does everyone else bath their babies? Neil is going away this weekend, early Sat morning til sunday afternoon and I was feeling sick about it, so nervous but I am feeling a lot more confident now, fingers crossed all will be ok. Me and G go out and about every day, either walking somewhere or in the car, we meet up with friends (mine, not hers haha) or see my mum etc or have visitors so I am loving being off work, never want to go back!! xx
Kizzy - So happy for you that your wee one is sleeping. Any massage techniques to chill out a baby pass over the tips - we need help to chill out Indigo between 7-midnight. Unfortunately France is not that philosophical about labors (just my hippie midwife who goes against the French grain) but even just having a cry with her about it helped me immensely. As for bathing Indy hates it! So OH has started taking him into the shower with him and it works wonders...he loves it and it's fast, quick and easy. He showers with him for 5 - 10 minutes and then I'm there to catch him in a warmed up cozy towel while OH continues to take a proper shower.

Milos - Good for you on BFing - I know it's tough...I've been in tears as well sometimes. I think I may have to get some nipple shields...it's funny because righty is perfect and lovely no probs but lefty is so painful (just the nipple) no matter how many times we latch. UGH! I dread lefty's turn. Sometimes I pump the left boob to keep up its milk supply and just give the right for a couple of feeds just to give it a rest from the nipple chomper AKA Indigo. Congrats on weight gain for Callum - mom's milk is working well then despite the pain. I'm calling LaLeche League here for some tips as well tomorrow because I need some support - have you tried them in the UK? PS. Cute little pumpkin!

Bean - I would love to try that type of carrier...I feel like you need to be an expert knot maker for them...tell me it's not as complicated as it looks. The ergo one I use is from Romania actually (Marsupi) but I'm sure there is a website that has them in the UK - as France has a website that sells them. I love it because it's so easy - just three velcro straps and I can do it without any help which is the most important when OH is at work.

Vix - Bedsharing all the way for the moment...Actually OH and I are sleeping on our pull out couch with the little guy but he's at the end (so not in between us and he has his own space) propped securely on a breast feeding pillow (it multitasks!). He gets up every 2-3 hours at night and the only way I would survive is easy access to the little guy and also it reassures me he's so close by so I can make sure he's OK and breathing. I hope in 2-3 months that he does longer nights and sleeps about 5 hours and then we'll put him in the crib.

Bean - Your poor little man - being sick at any age isn't fun. I hope you manage to stay in good health.

SamB - So happy for you hon about your positive scan! Good on you for getting the jab.

Amber - Have fun with your friend hon...it's nice to have an adult conversation during the day! Grace sounds like a wonderful morning cuddle buddy...Ahhhh if Indigo would sleep 4 hours...what bliss! Enjoy it!

Grey - Thanks for the support hon! Still plenty of room for you here :dust:

AFM: We went to the pediatrician and he was very good and Indigo didn't cry at all - the show off - he always cries when he gets naked for us at home/during changes. He's in perfect health and is 10 pounds already the little chunkster. Apparently no acid reflux...so I'm kinda bummed...I'm happy he probably doesn't have it but I'm sad that we don't have a reason for the crying...maybe colic? or the "witching hour"? It's frustrating not to know so we just have to deal with it I guess :shrug: Also we went out for the 1st time and had a meal at a restaurant GASP! I was so nervous - I didn't want to be the "crying baby" couple that ruins everyone's time but Indy behaved himself and whimpered only once but I just had to feed him and he was fine - Another milestone was public breastfeeding for the 1st time - I'm so shy normally and yikes I would never get my boob out ever but I did discreetly with a little shawl - I was super proud because I didn't think I'd be able to do it.
Well done on both counts grand, good for you!! Sorry you don't have any answers for indy's crying, it might be a little colic, not sure if breast fed baby's get it that much? We use a medicine called infacol for tinks to help with wind before each feed but I don't know if you'd use it if you are feeding. Massage today was just legs, strokes up towards the hips, then down towards the ankles, then small circles around the feet and ankles and little twists up and down the legs, all with organic sunflower oil, I think theres online videos you can watch to learn it. I have signed up for the class but there is a waiting list :(
Well done Grand on ur first bf in public!!!

Thanks ladies for ur opinions on the bedsharing.... I'm worried a may roll on her, or she may fall outta bed!! I'm hoping motherly instinct would stop that but I'm so tired!!

My other 2 didn't share, as Andy worked a different job so he could share night feeds and I wasn't as tired, and I didn't have 2 other kids to get up at 7am!!
I also don't want her getting used to it as I don't want to be still sharing my bed in a year or twos time, but that's my opinion and choice and like you said, each to their own and what ever works for them, but she sleeps so much better in my arms lol
I think I'm overly sensitive to it as my dd's half brother died ages 14 weeks whilst they were on holiday of SIDS and he just happened to be sharing his mum n dads bed, maybe it was just a coincidence but since that horrid night I'm terrified of bibs flying over her face, blankets being loose (hence the grow bag) sickness during the night, over heating, the list is endless.... I'm trying not the let it effect the way I bring her up, but when I have a 8yr old checking her moses basket every time she's asleep its hard not to!!

Kizzy- hope todays been as ok as poss! How quick the year had flown!!
Libby has also gone bald :-( she looks like a grumpy old man lol
Really please for u that Georgina is sleeping better!! The whole world looks better when you've had you sleep!!
Good luck for when Neils away, I'd love Andy to go away lol I like my owns space and enjoy having Libby all to myself!!
And baby massage is brill!! All mums n babys should try it!!
I used it a lot with zack, due to reflux he was hard to settle on a night, and it really helps!
I've enquired about our local centres class's and they're not till Jan!! Better late than never!
Bean--aww, your poor little man, I hope the the little guy starts feeling better soon. :hugs:

I have a baby carrier down in the basement, not sure what kind/manuf it is, it was a hand me down from my best friend in maryland---I am going to have to go dig it out now and try it!!

Vix--Yes, Grace and I are currently bedsharing. It is kind of a wierd situation, because we live in a 3 story house and all the bedrooms are on the third floor. Due to my C-Section, I have to avoid doing stairs as much as possible, so I have been living on the main floor with Grace. We have a giant couch in the living room that is actually more comfortable than most beds (it is like the bed of choice for company when they come visit, haha). What I do is I have a Boppy that I use for BFing that also makes a good little safe bed for Grace (so she can't roll side to side). We start out our evenings with a feed and then I let her fall asleep on my chest (she loves to sleep right on my chest). Once she is asleep, I put her in the Boppy and then I lay alongside it.

I too get paranoid about SIDS, so the Boppy is a nice barrier to prevent me from rolling on top of her, etc. It works great because when she wakes around 3 am, I am right there for feeding, etc.

Poor DH though, he does NOT like sleeping upstairs away from us, so he set up a blowup matress in the living room and has been sleeping there so he can be nearby, god love him! He spoils us girls so! I catch him getting up and checking on us sometimes in the night.

Oh, and I have made a pillow barricade all around me and the boppy, I have the same fears of her falling out of bed too!!:hugs:

kizzy--great job on G sleeping so well, that is fabulous!! and I am glad she is starting to enjoy her baths! Grace still fusses at first but once the warm water hits her, then she relaxes. We bathe her about twice a week right now. I hear you on loving being off of work, I can't believe I have to go back (even though it is working from home) in two weeks! I am enjoying Grace so very much, I can't imagine having to take time away from her so much during the day!

Baby massage sounds so cool, I will have to look into it!

Grand--:thumbup: on Indigo not having reflux, that is such a relief. Did the doctor give you any ideas on what his fussiness could be? Maybe it is gas? Grace gets REALLY fussy when she has gas. Also, so glad to hear your first trip out to eat and BF went so well! Good for you and little Indy!! :thumbup: Oh, and I have the very same problem as you with BFing. My right breast is fab and produces like 3x the milk as my left, and the left I cringe having to use sometimes, it gets so sore. The nipple shield and the lanolin have been godsends-especially since I also express, those pumps can hurt just as much!

Neffie--thinking of you and your GD test, hope it went ok!

AFM: will probably be sparse this weekend, inlaws are coming in for the first time to see Grace--I just home MIL respects the way I am raising/caring for Grace--she tends to have her own ideas of what I should/should not do, and even though she means well, she is a bit overbearing without realizing it at times. She also smokes like a fiend, so I am hoping the lingering odor doesnt affect Grace--I'm a bit neurotic about cigarette smoke around Grace. I had childhood asthma and now have reactive airway disease (RAD) that is triggered by cigarette smoke--I so want to avoid Grace developing that!

Hope you ladies have a fabulous weekend!
:hi: Gals,

Not sure I can keep up with all the posts, since I've been MIA for a few days but I'll try and not miss anyone.

Amber - Glad everything went well with the removal of the staples. Also great to hear that all went well on day 1 without OH being there. :thumbup: Grace makes a very cute pumpkin by the way! Yay fo everything going well at the pediatrician's. The changing hormones seem completely normal, but hope they settle down soon. Enjoy your time with the in laws this weekend...hope the visit goes well. Can your MIL not avoid smoking while they're visiting? Your concern seems totally rational, and I would feel the same way.

Grand - Thanks for sharing your birth story. Sorry to hear that things didn't go as planned, but as the others have said Indy got here safe and sound, and that's the most important thing at the end of the day. I loved the fact that you were the first one to hold him...made me well up. Great to hear that you're managing to run all these errands. A big thumbs up for successfully BFing in public as well. I'm sure now that you've done it, it'll only get easier as time goes. Glad to hear that all went well with the pediatrician appointment, and that he doesn't have acid reflux. He sure looks comfy in his carrier, and that's a very cute pic of you by the way.

Vix - Glad to hear that Libby is feeling better. I'm sure she'll come around soon and start taking more naps during the day. :hugs: for the anniversary of your lost angel. Those dates are always hard. As for bed sharing, I think it's different strokes for different folks..we don't intend to do it with Coco. We plan on having her in our room at the beginning, and then eventually moving her into her own crib and room.

Shell - Freya sure made one cute witch on Halloween! Glad to hear her colic has gotten better. Hope her jaundice is out the door...how did her bloodwork go?

Sparkle - Happy belated birthday to C!! :cake: Wow, already 3 ehh?? I bet he made a cute spider for Halloween. Hope you and AA are doing well.

Bean - Sorry to hear you're feeling uncomfortable. It's great that you're getting your sleep at night. Not long to go now before you have your little one in your arms. :happydance: Sorry to hear about your 6 yr old's chest & ear infection. Hope he feels better soon!

Imp - Sorry to hear about your bestie's loss. :( Hope she has a speedy recovery. As for your shower, I think it would be ok to make the trip, as long as you're not driving yourself there.

Sam - Glad to hear that all is well with the LO. Also, great job on braving the flu shot. It's a good thing to have had it, for both you and baby.:thumbup:

Lil - Happy 23 weeks! You're moving right along. Good luck for your appointment next week.

Milos - Glad to hear that Callum is growing big and strong. :thumbup: He looks precious in his pumpkin outfit! Great to hear that you've kept up with the BFing. I second the ladies on the Lansinoh cream. I've heard nothing but great things about it.

Grey - Thanks for stopping by and checking in on us. Your seat is still very much warm, and we can't wait to have you join us here soon. :kiss:

Kizzy - Glad to hear that things are going great with Georgina. The baby massage sounds wonderful. Your feelings of nervousness regarding the weekend are totally understandable...but I'm sure you'll do just fine. And I hear you on wanting to never go back to work...and I haven't even had my baby yet. :winkwink:

I hope I didn't miss anyone, but sorry if I did. These multi day absences are not helping when it comes time to posting. :haha:

AFM, passed my 1 hour glucose test yesterday, hoorah!!! It was a close call though, because the OB nurse forgot to remind me to get my blood drawn at the 1 hour mark. Luckily I was keeping track of time, so they were able to rush me in. The blood was drawn a few minutes after the 1 hour mark, so at first the phlebotomist was concerned about getting a false negative if the results were borderline. Luckily I was way under, so don't have to worry about taking it again, phewww! By the way, I have to admit that I rather enjoyed the glucose drink. :winkwink: It was nice and chilled, and even though it was flat, turned out to be much better than I thought.

Other than that, doc said that Coco is doing great! (knock on wood!). She was all over the place, and even kicked at the doc when she used the doppler. :winkwink: We have our 4D ultrasound set for next weekend. Can't wait to see our little munchkin again!

Have a great weekend everyone! I won't be on much if any over the next week, as work has been kicking my a** lately.
Ok, finally got around to finishing my birth story, sharing it here for you ladies!

My birth story, Mary Grace, Born October 21 2011

Failed Induction, Elective C-Section

My original due date was set for October 26, 2011; however, due to pre-existing high blood pressure, advanced maternal age and gestational diabetes, it was determined by my doctors that, unless the baby came sooner on her own, I would be induced at a scheduled induction on October 19 2011 at 39 weeks.

October 13, 2011--growth scan showed a possible 8 1/2 lb baby girl, I became concerned due to MD telling me that I had a narrow pelvic area, and that I may not be able to deliver her vaginally due to her size.

October 18, 2011--DH Wyatt's birthday, no baby appearance, but had my bloody show after my final NST. Upon examination, my cervix was not dilated enough for the doctor to be satisfied with just starting pitocin, so the induction was moved until later on the 19th so that a vaginal suppository (prostaglandin)could be used to soften my cervix. Finished up my last day of work before leave!

October 19, 2001 (Wednesday)--spent the day at home with DH waiting for the hospital to call for me to come in. Got the call in the middle of the night and headed into the city. We were checked into the labor and delivery ward and the MD placed the suppository, and told me that they would check me in 12 hours to see if there was any softening of the cervix or, best case scenario, it kick starts me into active labor. DH and I thus settled in for a long night and tried to catch some sleep.

October 20, 2011--12 hours after the suppository and I had ZERO progress. No contractions, no dilation. Cervix was softer, but tht was about it. My next option was a drug called Misoprostal, which was a small pill placed directly onto my cervix. A few hours in, I started to feel contractions. By midnight, the contractions were so close together and so painful, I consented to some pain medication through the IV that would only "take the edge off" of the contractions. I did not want anything stronger out of fear of any medication affecting the baby. Within an hour, the pain medication was not doing anything, and the contractions were very close together, one after the other. Doctor performed an exam and, to my dismay, despite all of the contractions and pain, my cervix was STILL not dilating and the baby had not even begun to drop.

The doctor gave me some time to get a shower and order dinner (which was comical, because maternal fetal medicine--the specialists watching over my blood pressure and gestational diabetes--would only allow me to have a "liquid only" diet--so my dinner was beef broth, iced tea, with a side of rasberry flavored ice! I was NOT a happy camper!!)

The doctor and I discussed another round of Miso (you can apparently have up to 3 doses) versus trying out the Pitocin. I agreed with the doctor that another dose of miso may do nothing more than give me more painful contractions without progress, so I consented to start the Pitocin.

October 21, 2011--Pitocin was started about 1 am, and through the night and well into the afternoon, they gradually increased the dosage. Like the other induction drugs, the Pitocin had zero effect on inducing my labor. I was having contractions, but they were not nearly as painful as the ones I had with the Miso, and I could tell that nothing was happening. Throughout the day, I became increasingly sore, tired, frustrated and angry--I had not seen the doctor since 7 am that morning.

Around dinner time, my parents showed up (they live 3 hours away). I began talking with them about how I felt that this was looking more like a C-Section as I did not feel I was progessing.

At around 5:30-6:00 the doctor came in and checked me and, as I thought, no progess. 3 induction drugs and my body reacted to NONE of them!! My options at that point were to continue on with the Pitocin to see if any change (and the doctor was honest and up front, advising that it could take easily another day or two), we could try a ballon catheter to open up my cervix (but this did not guarantee the baby would drop), or I could elect a C-Section. This was a very emotional and hard decision for me to make. Fortunately, Mary Grace, who was on a monitor the entire time, was active and doing extremely well, showing no signs of duress/distress, and I was doing well also as my blood pressure and sugar were in check. After nearly 48 hours though, I had very little energy to continue on the way things were going. We were also still concerned about the baby's size as she was estimated at that point to be close to 9 lbs.

DH and I talked things over, and I elected the C-Section.

After advising the doctor of my choice, things moved very fast. Within the hour, I was wisked into a surgery room for the C-Section, and had my nerve block. Wyatt (DH) was allowed into the room during the procedure and sat by my head the entire time. The anesthesia was not as bad as I thought it would be, just a couple of needle pricks and
some wierd sensations going down my legs. During the section, I did feel some pain in my upper chest, so they gave me some pain medication through my IV that helped clear that away. Of course, since I always get a bit loopy on pain meds, I was cracking up the anesthesiologists by telling them I was having an "out of body experience" and everything was a lovely purple and green!

At 7:47 pm, on October 21, 2011, nearly 48 hours after we left for the hospital, our Precious Mary Grace was born at 7 lbs, 14 oz and 20.5 inches long---a LOT less than everyone predicted! I remember hearing the attending MD exlaiming "oh, she is not a big baby at all!". After the surgery, the doctor told me I had a lot of fluid, which made my uterus
measure larger than Mary Grace's actual size.

There is nothing more wonderous in this world than hearing your baby cry her fist cry upon entering the world. Mary Grace was placed into Wyatt's arms and he brought her around to me to meet her momma. It was instantaneous love.

It has taken me a couple of weeks to get over the C-Section pain and healing. The doctor says full recovery takes about six weeks, but I feel better and better every day. I had
always hoped to give birth to my children vaginally, but I would do this all again in a heartbeat for the precious little girl that has been entrusted to our loving care. She is
beautiful and perfect in every way!
amber your birth story is really interesting. You did really well to cope for as long as you did and it sounds like your decision to go for the section was the best idea after all those attempts at induction. Sounds like a lot of our labours did not go to plan but all our little ones are safe and well xxx
Amber what Is a boppy u spk about??
I really felt for u as I read your story!! I can imagen how hard to make the decision was! I loved ur pics on fb, of OH in all his white scrubs! In uk our DH's wear theatre scrubs and hair net, ur OH looked like he was kitted out for a alien encounter!!

Neffie- well done on the GT test!! And I also thought the drink wasn't too bad!

AFM- after reading pple comments about bed sharing, after our 4am feed Libs wouldn't settle, DH got up for his shift and I took pillows off bed and duvet and popped her in his side..... She slept soundly til 8am! X

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