Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Oh no!! So many muumy are sleep deprived!!!
It helps me by thinking, 'this won't last forever' its a phase and it will pass!! I get very weepy when I don't get my sleep and irritable! And with 2 other kids to wash, dress and get to school etc that doesn't mix well!!

Hope it passes very quickly and everyone can start to fall in love with their beds again!!

Lisa - I really hope that you had a better night sleep.

Vix - Can't believe libby is 4 weeks old.

Lots of love to the sleep deprived Mummies :hugs:

ps, yes, pethidine is a great alternative to an epidural - talking from experience!! :winkwink:

This sleep deprived mummy is hoping for a sleep catch up tOnight, tinks is staying at nanny and grandads and I've been out for ab Indian with Neil and some friends and my old mate Sauvignon blanc :) just spoke to my mum and G had just fed and is happy
Chilling in her carry cot, awww! Will miss her but happy to have a night of not getting
Up to feed :) just enjoying a last glass if wine watching strictly results before bed xx
Ps spelling mistakes are this bloody phones fault not drunken-ness!! ;)
Enjoy your night out, and even more importantly enjoy ur sleep!!
Hope you enjoy a nice full night of rest Kizzy.. :)
Thanks ladies, had a nice night until OH's snoring drove me to the sofa at 5.15! Doh! Waiting for ma and pa to text me back now to say bubba is awake so I can go and pick her up, I miss that little tinks!!

Hope everyone is well :) xx
Hey ladies, sorry for being MIA for a couple of days--sleep deprivation to the max! Little Grace does not like to sleep anywhere unless it is on mommy or in mommy's arms, which makes for some very long evenings!! Fortunately daddy takes her in the morning and I am able to get a couple of hours before I have to express/feed. That ends today though as DH is back to work today, so Grace and I are on our own to figure this out!:shrug:

On top of that I am EXTREMELY hormonal. I cry over silly things, like saying goodbye to DH this am when he left for work, or when I tell him or Grace how much I love them. Fortunately I have not yet felt any depression or anxiety, but the tears...wow...they just don't stop!

Aside from the sleep issue, Grace is doing so well...hard to imagine what we ever did without her in our lives!

Hugs to you all! Hope mommies and mommies to be are doing well!
Oh and staples came out without a lot of issues on Friday. There was one that was imbedded a bit deep that was kind of hard/painful to remove, but they are all out. I felt some relief immediately (no more pinching pains), but am still very sore down there and still have my limits as to what I am allowed/can/can't do.
I'm jut proud of myself that I have not had to take a single prescribed narcotic (vicodin) and have been managing pain with just prescription strength Ibuprofen!
:hi: Everyone,

WOW, lots of sleepless nights for all the mommies. Hope it gets better soon for each of you. :hugs: Time sure is flying by. Can't believe some of your bundles are almost a month old. :shock: Loving all the updated avatar pics by the way. :lol:

Grand - Indy is absolutely adorable!! Hope you're doing well.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

We had our childbirth class this weekend, and it was very informative. :thumbup: The birthing video wasn't as torturous as I had expected it to be. I definitely feel more more assured and comfortable after having been to the class, so I'll take that as a good sign. Other than that, did a lot of work around the house in terms of clearing out old stuff and re-organizing. Still quite a bit to get done though.

Glucose test is in 3 days. Hopefully I'll pass without any problems, and won't have to do the 3 hr test...from my understanding, there are no special diet restrictions before the 1 hour test. Curious to know if any of you had to do anything special before hand?
Thanks Neffie - as for the test I had to do the 1 hr glucose test in the morning on an empty stomach (so no food since dinner the night before) but every clinic has their own rules probably. Good luck...I had to do both tests! but in the end it was negative.

To all the sleepless mommies...:sleep: a big hug and I'm right there with you...

I'm thinking Indigo might have Acid Reflux...any experience...he has like 75% of the symptoms. Now I just have to find a doctor...:shrug:

Kizzy - your night off sounded so lovely (have to admit I was a bit jealous :winkwink:) too bad about the snoring but the rest sounded so nice just to be off mom duty for a night

Amber - So glad the staples are out...I didn't have a C-section but I did have an episiotomy and I know those pinching pains...glad you are healing but definitely take it easy. Good luck on your own without OH!
Neffie-the only thing i would suggest is not to eat a lot before hand.. with my dd i ate some toast.. plain toast.. lol i didnt want to fail.. and no oj :) and i didnt have to go back.. so those would be my tips.. what i plan to do this time too.. then just bring something with to eat after.. :)

Hope your all doing well..
Grand - Zack had reflux as a baby, he was constantly sick, every time he was laid flat! He screamed in pain as if it burnt him, made him difficult to settle and a very clingy baby, we were given gaviscon for babys, it was brilliant!! We also used comfort milk and Dr. Brown bottles, but your doing the right thing by finding a doctor to confirm it first, it lasted for 4months but as soon as we had the meds it was manageable, we elevated his cot and chairs and it settled down quickly, we were also adivsed to wean at 4months instead of 6 and he kept all solids down!! Hope you find Indigo doesn't have it, but if he does it is manageable with small adjustments, xx

Neffie- Good luck for ur GT test, hoping u pass it with flying colours!!

AFM- Libby is a poorly baba today :-( Jess had a cold last week, she was so careful to not go nr her, I had hand gel and detol spray at the ready, and she still caught it!!! She's had 2hrs sleep in 12hrs and is full of sneezes and red eyes and just not a happy bunny :-( very on edge as my 3yr old had pnemonia at 5months and we almost lost him more than once, so if she sleeps tonight I will not lol

Amber- sorry ur feeling a little teary!! I was like until day 15, I wasn't sad, just teary, still have the odd moment but I think its due to lack of sleep!! I hope your first day of just u and baby goes well!! I also have Libby in my arms 24/7 as she likes her cuddles!! Hope your doing as your told and not over doing things now you've got your staples out!! Just wanted to ask, is your baby Grace or Mary?? I've seen pple on fb calling her Grace??
Morning ladies!

Vix--so sorry to hear little Libby caught cold, I hope she is able to overcome it quickly! Poor little dear! Oh, and Grace's name is Mary Grace, but we call her Grace for short, just like my DH's grandmother was called. It is ok to call her Mary though too! :flower:

Neffie--Happy 28 weeks! Glad your parenting class went well and that you are feeling better prepared/reassured. :thumbup: Good luck with the glucose test, I am sure you will do fine. I had no dietary restrictions for the first test, but for the 3 hour, I had to fast. I would recommend though that you not drink anything too sugary before going in for the 1 hour test (Orange Juice, etc.). Also bring a snack for yourself!

Kizzy--your night out sounds fabulous!! I think it is wonderful that your parents were able to give you that reprieve (although like Grand I am a bit jealous too! hehe) Next time tell DH to sleep on the sofa though, lol!

Grand--aw hun :hugs: I hope your pain is improving. I was fearful of getting an episiotomy as Grace was predicted to be so big, and they say it is very similar to a C-Section pain-wise, only I know episiotomies clearly affect going to the bathroom whereas with C-Sections, there is constipation and I had to take softeners (sorry if tmi) for a few days before I was able to go! I am thinking of you hun and hoping the pain is easing for you--and I repeat your advice back to you, don't overdo! :hugs:

I also hope that you are able to get little Indy to see a doctor, poor little guy, reflux as an adult is horrible, I can't imagine what it is like for a little one. I do not have personal experience with reflux in babies, but I do know that it is common and they have really good medications that help to treat reflux. I think my cousin's baby had it and once they prescribed the meds, it was like night and day, he was so much better!

:hi: to all our others pregnant and new mommies!

AFM: Grace and I survived day 1 by ourselves! We had a changing mishap (she decided to doodie all over mid-change, lol!) and she was wide awake a bit more than the past few days, which was cool because I got to work with her on focusing exercises with her little rattle toys. She was also really hungry, so I am guessing growth spurt! We (well I, haha) also carved her first pumpkin (jack-o-lantern) and I dressed her up in a little sleeper that said "baby's first halloween" and had a pumpkin on her but! She was too cute in it!

DH was a total dream when he came home, he swept her up right away (you could tell he really missed her) and pretty much took care of her the rest of the evening himself, giving me 2 hours of precious sleep. Turns out we really did not need to do that as Grace slept from 11-3 for the first time ever, giving us both a much-needed nighttime rest! I actually had to wake her up for her 3 am feed, and then she was back asleep by 4, and slept until DH woke her up at 6:30. Oh, if only we could have all our nights work so smoothly![-o<

Hormones are still getting the best of me--I can't seem to watch anything on TV that has a baby in it, I just burst into tears. The worst is a new Pampers commercial that is on right now, it has all these babies and a violin playing in the back, and goes on how every baby is a miracle and I can't get past the 3rd or 4th baby without crying! Arg, for someone who is used to always being "in control" of her emotions, this is driving me nuts! Hopefully it will improve before I have to start working from home--a teary lawyer is not a good thing! lol
Oh Amber, I was exactly the same! I cried at home and health baby time for the first 2 weeks lol
It will pass, I understand its due to the huge drop in hormones and is completely normal! X
Amber - I agree stitches (or staples in your case) are literally a pain in the a**! LOL Luckily now that I'm 3 weeks out and they've dissolved (and I can finally sit down!) I feel so much better but the beginning 2 weeks were agony. TMI - it took me 4 days to go - I think I was just scared :wacko:

Vix - Thanks for the advice - hopefully we'll go to the doc in the next day or two to figure out if Indy indeed has reflux...I'm so happy there are solutions though.

Birth Story - Natural Birth Hopeful...turned Intervention Mayhem Birther
  • Woke up at 1am on Sunday morning 9/10/11 - Had bad period type pain that woke me up - thought it was just being uncomfortable while 39 weeks prego so I changed position. A couple minutes later same bad period type pain. Switched sides again and again it came...UH OH!!! must be labor so I woke up OH and had him start timing. Had my bloody show soon thereafter
  • I did 7 hours by myself in our room while OH slept on the couch and kept timing every time I came out of the bedroom. I didn't want anyone with me or around me. I sang to myself through the contractions and swayed back and forth the whole time on my feet (couldn't sit or lay down so standing and "dancing" was my only way to deal. They came every 5 mintutes lasting 1-1 1/2 minutes right from the get go.
  • At 8 AM called my Doula and she came and labored with me - brought a calming influence and I relaxed a bit as the contractions were stronger by then. We did 4 hours together and contractions by the end were super strong that I lost my rhythm sometimes and cried out...singing out the window and moaning/groaning through contractions. They were coming closer together and Doula mentioned hospital. I started crying...didn't want to go :cry: I was scared of interventions and changing the ambiance.
  • At 12 PM finally caved and Doula drove OH and me to the hospital as contractions getting really strong and close together. Worst car ride in my life...the contractions were so much more painful in a moving car and was having trouble coping...I was literally banging the seats with my hands to get through them.
  • Arrived at hospital and was crying again :cry: because I really didn't want to be there. Doula couldn't come with us because of policy to have only 1 person present at the birth. They saw just from my ghostly pale face and grimaces that I was far into labor and put me right into a birthing room. The midwife checked me and I was 5 centimeters! So happy that I had progressed that far at home.
  • Waters broke soon after arriving in the hospital and contractions were getting super painful...but after 5 hours I was still only 5 centimeters...I was devastated because I was barely able to cope with the contractions. The midwife suggested we break the second layer of waters (I didn't know there were 2!) I said no but she convinced me that it would help me progress. So I caved and got the artificial rupture of membranes I never wanted. Immediately after the contractions became unbearable I was moaning/groaning/crying...and throwing up and trembling because of fatigue and pain.
  • Well it didn't help - still only 5 centimeters and I was dying! My OBGYN came by and suggested the Epi...I started crying again :cry: - I had wanted to do my birth without pain aids but I was so tired and had been on my feet since 1 am that morning - it was now 5 pm. Finally I said OK and got the Epi and I have to admit it was beautiful to finally be able to rest and talk to my OH and relax.
  • In 3 hours I progressed to 8 centimeters but then I just stopped progressing again...stalled...baby was in a bad presentation and not engaging properly and those two centimeters were preventing him from moving down. UGH! - OBGYN suggested just a wee bit of pitocin to make my contractions stronger to open up the cervix more. There was also meconium in my waters now and they were worried for baby! C-section was mentioned. Got antibiotics transfusion because of the meconium.
  • He gave me 2 hours to progress otherwise C-section was on the table - OH and I prayed our little hearts out...I breathed through the contractions and just visualized opening up.
  • At midnight midwife came to check me - she said baby was engaged better but I was still only 8 centimeters...Devastated again! We prayed again together for the best outcome for me and babe. 10 minutes later the OBGYN came in to assess the situation for the last time before a potential C-section and miraculously in 10 minutes I was fully dilated and he said we would do a vaginal birth with the vacuum to help guide the baby.
  • Six contractions and lots of pushing Little Indigo was born just after midnight almost 24 hours after labor first started. After his head and shoulders were out I got to pull out Indigo myself and lay him skin to skin...it was the most beautiful moment ever and made me forget all the interventions - the ending was perfect. We were left alone for 1/2 hour just me, Indigo and OH to just bond and love each other.
  • After 30 minutes I pushed out the placenta in one pop - so much easier than a baby for sure! and got stitched up (I had to have an episiotomy because of the instrumental birth).
  • It didn't go according to plan but what ever does...I think I will try for a home birth next time because I definitely think that the hospital ambiance and pressured environment to progress fast made me insecure and close up and I didn't progress at all.
  • Thanks for reading - I tried to condense it a bit but it was hard :kiss:
Grand - thankyou so much for sharing your birth story with us. i got so emotional reading it...
i promise i will write my birth story today
Amber - congrats on making it through day 1 without DH! it sounds like it went really well! glad your staples came out nicely, and that you're feeling better. but make sure you still get plenty of rest. ps, i adore your new avatar pic!

Vix - sorry to hear Libby has a cold. hope she recovers soon!

Grand - sorry to hear about Indy's reflux. hope you can get it treated, and he feels better soon.

Neffie - happy 28 weeks! glad to hear you enjoyed the childbirth classes. and good luck for your glucose test!

AFM: had the worst night ever last night. poor Freya had colic. it started at 7pm, and she just screamed all night. it was such an awful scream, i was crying too, coz i just felt so bad for her. she was in so much pain. gave her regular doses of Infacol throughout the evening/night, and had short sleeps with her in my arms (in between screaming sessions). it was exhausting for me and her (and OH, who spent the whole time researching tips/treatments on the internet) i hope tonight is better....

ps, here is a pic of Freya in her Halloween costume. she's a witch!



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