Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Congrats Imp, and what a beautiful name-hello and happy days and babes inside and outside the womb to everyone else!!!
:happydance: CONGRATULATIONS IMPPEARL!!! And welcome to the world, Alia! :baby:

Question for you lovely ladies:
Did any of you have a hard time telling people about your pregnancy? The few people I've told, I couldn't actually get the words out to them - they had to guess! I couldn't say "I'm pregnant"! :nope: Also, I've been putting off telling people in general. I'm so afraid!
What is wrong with me? :sad1:
Anna nothing is wrong with you hun.. you have suffered 2 losses.. its completley normal.. I think it helps us cope.. to wait to tell ppl.. we all love to say were pregnant but hate to say we lost another baby.. it will all be okay.. and work out.. i didnt buy much of anything for peanut until after my 20week scan.. and i still worry.. wont stop till baby is in my arms.. just relax as much as possible and try to enjoy.. it goes by fast..
Anna- I also felt like this. Inside I wanted to shout our news from the rooftops but actually it was much harder. I still find it hard to talk about when our baby is coming to people I don't know so well and I'm really obviously pregnant!!
Anna I agree with the others. I also found it hard to tell anybody and didn't tbh. I have spent a lot of time pulling my coat around my tummy. Even last night at my sons christmas fayre one of the moms (I don't know partic well but do speak to a bit) said that she only noticed I was pregnant 2 weeks ago. My reply was that I had done a good job hiding it. As I said it I thought why I have said that, I am not ashamed I have wanted this for years. I never did this with the my first 2 children, but then I hadnt had a mc then.

Still out of town for holiday, but was popping on quick remotely to see if anyone had their babe!!! :happydance:


Absolutely LOVE the name, so pretty! Can't wait to see pics and hear your birth story (I too am jealous of that 5 hour labor!!)

Grand--Glad you are feeling better, have been thinking of you and little Indy. Yes, making sure others wash their hands before handling/touching babe is a very good idea, Grace's pediatrician told me to do that at her last appointment, especially since there will be a lot of baby-handling over the holidays. I also go the extra step and wash Grace's hands after she is handled (since she loves putting them in her mouth!).

Can't wait to be home to catch up with you all! Much love and thinking of you all!!:kiss:
Imp - Congrats!!! Welcome little Alia! :) A 5 hour labor and her arriving on her due date sound lovely. :thumbup:

Anna - What you're feeling is only normal. I waited for quite a while before I shared my pregnancy news with everyone....didn't even tell immediate family for a while. Take your time, and share the news when you're ready to. I don't think the fear ever quite goes out the window, but it does get easier as the weeks progress.

Hope all the stateside gals had a fab Thanksgiving!
Hi everyone. First let me say that I too had a hard time telling people we were pregnant. I simply couldn't tell people I had to get dh to do all the talking.

Afm things are going well. We got home from the hospital on Friday afternoon which was really nice I wanted my own bed so bad. Friday night was rough though. Midwife thinks my milk was coming in. Baby ate every hour so literly no sleep and on top mommy had cold sweats. House was at 72 i usually only have it at 62 at night. And I was freezing! I was also crying figuring if I was this cold poor baby... But dh was good and helped alot. Last night was better though still feeding every hour. Also dh's family has need over every day since we got home. I starting to go crazy!! I really need alone family time. They are leaving tonight thank goodness. But not before I'm starting to feel really weepy and just ready for our own house again. Anyway I'm hiding out right now w Alia so we have to get back to the crazyness. Just needed a quick vent. I'll post our story and picts later
:happydance: CONGRATULATIONS IMPPEARL!!! And welcome to the world, Alia! :baby:

Question for you lovely ladies:
Did any of you have a hard time telling people about your pregnancy? The few people I've told, I couldn't actually get the words out to them - they had to guess! I couldn't say "I'm pregnant"! :nope: Also, I've been putting off telling people in general. I'm so afraid!
What is wrong with me? :sad1:

You aren't alone. I feel the same way any time I want to tell someone I'm pregnant. I even have a problem going into maternity stores!
Oh Imp

Hope you are ok Hun. That sounds tough with so much family there. Hoep you can get some private time soon. XX

Hi allxxxx
Happy Monday Ladies! :hi:

I have a huge apology to make. I have not caught up with you all for 2 whole weeks! That is terrible of me. Life has been so difficult lately (as all of you new mums will understand) and i have found no time to catch up. but i promise i will make time for you all, all least every few days, from now on....

Neffie - the 4d pics of Coco are gorgeous! it will be exciting to compare them to pics of her when she arrives! glad to hear the nursery preparations are coming along nicely, cant wait to see pics. also, your couples babyshower sounds like great fun!

SamB - sorry to hear about your angel's anniversary. i hope it wasnt too difficult for you. full term tomorrow - how exciting!! good luck!

Amber - have you tried Grace in her swing chair lately? Freya is spending more and more time in hers (while i get some food, or do some housework). great news on your weight loss, and Grace's weight gain! thats fantastic! but sorry to hear you are overwhelmed with juggling mommyhood and working from home. i hope you get into a routine soon.

Lil - your bump is so cute! hope your cough and cold have gone now and you are feeling much better. almost in third tri now!

Beth - good to hear from you. SF is adorable! hope you are doing well.

Imp - Alia's nusery looks lovely. great job! sorry to hear about your rough first night at home. i know how you feel, as Freya fed every hour in the first week, which was exhausting. but i can promise you, it does get easier! just hang in there! also, sorry you're struggling with your DH's family being around all the time. i hope you get some alone time soon.

Sparkle - so sorry you were having a tough time and letting things get on top of you. i hope you are starting to feel more positive about things now. sorry to hear about the funnelling. i hope that Apple Alice stays nice and warm inside you for a while longer. but if she does make an early appearance, im sure she will be a fighter, like her big brother was/is! hope you have a lovely Christmas in Jersey.

Kizzy - hope Georgina's cold has cleared up now, but great news on her weigh gain. good luck for her injections on thursday! glad to hear you are enjoying your diet and gym sessions. how are you finding slimming world? i did it for 2 years, up until i got pregnant, and i will be starting again in the new year.

Vix - wow, Libby is such a big girl now! has she had her injections yet? how did she get on? great news on her sleeping through the night!! thats fantastic!

Bean - sorry to hear about your labia from last time. its such a shame your midfwife told you they didnt need stitching. im so glad i got mine done - they look better than they did pre-pregnancy! haha!!

Milos - great news on Callum's weight gain, but sorry to hear about the colic. Freya has it most evenings too, so i know how you feel. you made me laugh when you said you were off to do something useful if Callum will let you put him down "like eat or have wash". that is exactly what i say about Freya!! good luck with getting Callum in his moses basket more often. and waterbabies sounds great! i will look into taking Freya....

Grand - sorry to hear your little family has been poorly. hope you are all recovering well.

Anna - aww hun. i know how you feel. with my first (ectopic) pregnancy, we told all our family and friends straight away (5 weeks). unfortuneately, we had to "un-tell" everyone just 2 weeks later, so that made us really wary of telling anyone this time round. we didnt tell our parents til after our early scan at 7 weeks, and then didnt tell others til after 12 weeks. however, i got a noticable bump quite early on, so i didnt have to tell people, as they started to notice! what you're feeling is completely normal, especially after the heartache of 2 losses. you're scared to tell people, incase you have to "un-tell" them. but i just know that Blobby Magee will be just fine, so please stay positive!

Phew! i promise i will never leave it this long again!!

Oops! was so busy catching up with everyone else, I forgot to update you about me and Freya! :blush:

Well, where do I start? Freya will be 6 weeks old tomorrow! Where did the time go?! We have our 6 week postnatal checkup with the doctor on Friday. Im hoping that he will weigh Freya, as she hasnt been weighed for 4 weeks now...I have no idea how much she weighs, but I know she has definitely got much longer, if not heavier. She has now outgrown her newborn clothing in the last week. Her legs are so long, her babygros were too short for her. However, her arms and body still fit in the newborn stuff. So the 0-3 month stuff fits her in the legs, but are far too long in the arms, and baggy in the body! oh well!

Also, at the appointment, I will be getting my contraception sorted. I was on the combined oral contraceptive pill (Microgynon 30) for 7 years before I got pregnant the first time. And it worked perfectly! But you cant take that one whilst breastfeeding, so I will be asking for the mini pill (progesterone only). But I have heard that it is not as effective as the combined pill, so you have to be more careful, and make sure you take it at the same time every day. Me and OH are ready to start having sex again now, so we need to get things set up, as we do not want another baby for at least 2 or 3 years.

As for Freya, she has been so poorly for the last 2 weeks. Originally, she was just struggling with colic every night. We started off using infacol, and then gripe water when she was old enough. But then she started vomiting and having mild diahorrea. so we took her to the GP, and he said Freya had a tummy bug. He gave us baby gaviscon, which we used for a week. However, the gaviscon had a bad side effect - constipation. Poor Freya. she usually poos 5 times a day, but she didn't poo for 5 days!! and when she did, it was an explosion of diahorrea. but she has now gone back to the constipation again! argh! Freya also has a cold - snuffly nose and sneezing. I do feel sorry for the poor little girl.

But in good news, Freya's little personality is really starting to come out! she has been smiling and laughing every day (mainly at her Daddy), and she is much more alert when she is awake. she has also found her voice, and makes little cooing noises to me every day. She is so adorable, and I love her to bits! The slight depression I was suffering from 2 or 3 weeks ago has disappeared, and I am loving every day with my little girl! :cloud9:

Ahh Shell you sound so happy, that's lovely to hear, good for you, Freya sounds like she is thriving!!

hi all ladies, babies and bumps!!

I am a bit poorly today, it started Sunday night with a sore throat and headache in the middle of the night (typically my mum had G overnight so I could sleep and I hardly did :() and by last night I felt quite ropey and even worse today, especially as Georgie got me up at 5.40, bleugh!! Luckily my mum came over at 10.30 and took her til 12.15 so I got some sleep and since she's been back she's fed and gone back to sleep, love her.

Had a tough week last week, she was screaming a lot but she had a little cold so I think she was feeling poorly, I found it quite hard and very exhausting. I cant imagine a time when I dont feel tired, can any of you??? She's a lot better now altho still a little mucussy (is that even a word) plus she's had 5 dirty nappies in the last 24 hours which have been a little greener in colour than normal and usually she only dirties twice. Might be where she is still a little poorly. We had our 6 week check last week and all was good, G has a little baby eczma but I have a decent cream to put on it and the other cream I am using for her cradle cap (on her head this time) seems to be doing the trick too.

Otherwise she's like Freya, finding herself a little personality, chatting (cooing) away all the time and lots of smiles and tongue poking! haha, she's very entertaining and Neil is loving playing with her, dont think he can wait til she's even more interactive :) We have her first jabs on Thurs, poor little thing, not looking forward to that!! oh and she was almost 12lb 10 days ago so no doubt over that when I take her this Friday :)

here's a little pic of her smiling xx


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Oh and re contraception, I have the Progestrone only pill (POP) but waiting for my first period to start taking it and waiting to start taking it to have sex! Boo! anyone else had their period and how was it? and anyone had sex yet and how was that? haha!
Wow, ok, lots to catch up on!!

Kizzy--sorry to hear Georgie was feeling poorly, I hope she is on the up and up. I saw on FB that you are now the one feeling poorly! Try to take care of yourself and get some rest! :hugs: Excellent news on her weight gain!!

Vix--:thumbup: Great news on Libby's weight gain and getting into a good sleeping pattern for you!! Sorry to hear about her gas retention issues--Grace has the exact same thing (seems like many of our babes do)--it is so hard to see her crying because she can't fart! I hope that you were able to get things sorted with the doctors--I can't believe they didnt have a record!!!

Bean--Happy belated DD hun!! Any news?!?! Thinking of you!!!! Also hope DH is feeling better after his fall!

milos--awesome news on how well Callum is doing!! Also glad to hear that you too are able to get some sleep!! The swimming classes sound like so much fun, and I think it is neat that Callum has taken to them so quickly!!

Lil--glad you were able to kick your cold! Good Job on getting all of those Holiday tasks completed!:xmas9: I haven't started anything yet, so far behind!!! Burn the energy while you have it I say!!

Neffie--Happy 32 weeks hun, not much longer now--can't wait to see the nursery pics!!!

Sparkle--Hope you enjoyed your first Thanksgiving Feast!! Also glad to hear you are feeling better!

Bellas--:xmas3: Glad to hear little Indie is doing so well!

angela--:xmas3: hope all is well with you and little Naomi!!

Anna--like the other ladies have said, your feelings about telling others of your pregnancy is totally normal. With our first pregnancy we told everyone, and that made it so hard when we lost the little peanut. So, with Grace, the only people we told before 12 weeks were my mother and grandmother. I told my bosses and DHs family at 12 weeks, and everyone else probably closer to 14wks. PAL is very hard emotionally, you need to do what feels right for you and in your own time. :hugs:

Imp--hope things are calming down for you and that you are now back home getting quality family bonding time, which is so important!! Huge hugs!!

Beth--thinking of you and hope all is going well!

Shell--thank you for your update!! Happy 6 wks to Freya! I hope her appointment goes well on Friday!! I hear you on growing out of clothes, I just noticed that Grace outgrew one of her little NB outfits yesterday--and we had xmas pictures taken over thanksgiving and her feet were too big for the NB shoes!! And you are right, some of the 0-3 stuff is just right in some areas, but too long in others! :xmas1: Sorry to hear she has been feeling so poorly, I hope she starts to feel better soon. BTW--Grace has also gotten a cold the last couple of days, poor babes!! Very happy to hear her personality is coming out so well!! So cute!!

AFM: As I said, Grace has a cold-as do I! Obviously as an adult, I can suffer through mine, but my poor little babe is all stuffy and miserable. I have spent the last 2 day suctioning the snot from her nose trying to help her feel better!! She slept most of the day yesterday, but is having difficulty resting today--which is making work a challenge!!

Work is taking some adjusting, but we are managing. It is just hard to fit in calls between feeds, expressing, making sure she gets her playtime on her playmat and now with her cold---I am so exhausted by the time DH gets home, I don't even want to think about dinner, just sleeep!

I am also trying to minimize my caffeine intake still due to breastfeeding, but dang, I could go for a strong expresso or macchiato in the mornings!! :coffee:

Hope all is well with you ladies!!!
Kizzy - sorry to hear you had such a difficult week last week. But it seems Georgie is doing much better this week. I adore the photo of her smiling! she is gorgeous!!
and sorry to hear you are feeling so ill this week. Thats all you need, eh?!

No I havent had a period yet. Only just stopped my postnatal bleeding last week. and because Im exclusively breastfeeding, I believe I may not get a period at all?! But Im still making sure I start the contraception ASAP. lol.
And no, I havent had sex yet. Im kinda nervous. Not incase its painful (as I didnt have a perineal tear Im not really worried about that), but incase I dont "feel the same" to my OH. what if im not as tight as I used to be? *sorry if that is TMI and offends anyone* Hmmm, we will just have to see.... I have "fooled around" with OH a couple of times, and Im pleased to say the labial lacerations are healed and have not caused me any discomfort or loss of sensation *again, sorry for the TMI*.

Good luck Kizzy, for when you do "lose your virginity again". lol. :winkwink:

Amber - sorry to hear that both you and Grace are feeling ill. I hope you both get well very soon. and also sorry to hear that you are finding it so exhausting to juggle looking after Grace and working. I take my hat off to you, as I couldnt manage it. Hope things start to get easier for you very soon. Take care Hun :hugs:

Hey ladies..

Sorry to hear so many of you are feeling poorly.. and you lo's too.. since just getting over my cold i know how miserable you all are feeling.. seems like there are quite a few bugs going around right now..

Love hearing all about your babies.. im sure they are changing everyday.. :) and yes Amber that is why im trying to get it all done...

AFM-3rd tri tomorrow.. getting more tired everyday.. cant wait to meet my peanut.. :) but know once peanut is here there will be no down time at all with a 2 year old and a new baby.. but it will all work out.. i just cant wait.. next appt is next week for my gtt..

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