Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

one handed typing here -forgive typos

Sparkle - what a scare - so happy aa is well and in a great position. take it easy and let you boys spoil you while you rest up. have a lovely time at c's nativity play

Bean - happy inductiom hope it goes smoothly for you and baby!

Amber - grace is a charmer! those smilesmake all the sleeplessness and hard work worth it.

Shell - how was that massage! lucky lady :)

Hqven' gone back far enough but can't wait to look at your nusery neffie and more pics amber.

Bisous to all!:kiss:
Bean - Hope all went well, and you're holding your LO in your arms. Look forward to an update when you have a chance.

Shell - Hope you had a relaxing time with your mom! I bet that massage was heaven...

Amber - Another adorable pic of Grace! She has already changed so much from your avatar pic.

Lil - Happy 3rd tri!

Sparkle - Sorry to hear about the scare. I hope AA stays put in there for a while longer. Rest up as much as you can. Will be thinking of you. In the meantime, enjoy your time watching C's nativity play. I'm sure he'll do fab! :)

Grand - Hope you and Indy are doing well.

:hi: to everyone else.

AFM, had my 32 week check-up yesterday, and all was well (knock on wood!). She was kicking up a storm, and I'm measuring right on track which is always a huge relief. We have our breastfeeding class tomorrow, so looking forward to that.

Speaking of massages, I have a whole 'pamper yourself' day at the spa lined up thanks to my lovely OH. It's due to expire before I have the baby, so I need to go ahead and use it pronto. :dohh: Part of that pampering includes a full body massage. Did any of you get a full body massage around this time in your pregnancy? I definitely won't be able to lie on my belly, so wondering if they'll work around it, or if they'll just try to pass on it for liability reasons. It would be nice if I could get one...I sure could use it, and don't want to lose out on the opportunity.
ooo Good luck sam.. hope you have a safe and easy delivery.. :) Keep us posted..

Sparkle-sorry to hear of your scare.. hope aa stays put for a few more weeks.. she needs everyone.. rest up and be pampered.. :)

Neffie-happy to hear your appt went good.. have fun at the breastfeeding class.. hope its full of good and helpfull information..

AFM been having contractions due to dehydration.. as i dont drink a lot of water.. luckily they stopped and i feel fine now.. making myself drink some water.. Happy to finally be in 3rd tri.. have my gtt on wednesday.. ready to have that one over.. then its every 2 weeks.. going so fast..

Bean hope all went well and be sure to pop on when you have a chance..

Amber grace is just beautiful.. changing so fast..

Shell hope the massage went well..

Hi to the rest of you mommas.. :)
OK let me see if I can get my story typed while lo is sleeping...

On the morning of Wed Nov 23rd I woke up with very slight cramps. Period like type pain. I usually support my belly at night and hadn't that night so I figured it was due to that. I had a chiropractor apt that morning at 11am so I showered and went to that. At the chiropractor I was slightly uncomfortable and told her so. She is also a registered dula so is experienced in labor and delivery, and chiropractic treatment for pregnancy. She did some work on my uterus and said it is tighter then it has been but nothing to worry about. We both kinda just thought I was finally having some braxton hicks contractions. Following the apt I went home and my friend and I decided to go for some shopping. Walking and getting some exercise kinda thing. We went to Walmart, Giant Tiger, all over town. During this time I was having some light contractions but they were intermittent and I thought they were still Braxton Hicks. Finally we decided to go get some McDonalds for dinner. During dinner my girlfriend thought I should call my midwife as she said I was now starting to complain of some pain and therefor thought they were getting worse. I really didn't want to go in and have them tell me it was false labor so I called my Dh instead. He was working out of town and I had been texting him all day just to keep in touch. He also said that I had never complained my entire pregnancy and thought it was a good idea to make the call to the midwife. Giving in I finally called the midwife at 4pm, though I thought I was just being a whimp. By 4:20 when I met the midwife I was definitely more uncomfortable, and was beginning to wonder if there was more to this then I initially thought. I still had not lost my plug though and my water was still intact so. I was led to believe one on these things should go before you go into labor though so I was still skeptical. The mid wife had just checked me the previous day and I was showing no sign of anything happening so she was skeptical also. However I want in and she did the check and sure enough I was 5cm. I had no supplies with me and hubby was still out of town so midwife said I could go home if I wanted and get my stuff and wait an hour or so, or go to the hospital. I decided to go to the hospital as this is all new to me and have hubby meet us there. By the time I was checked into the hospital I was in some serious pain, so midwife did another check (this was 5pm) and I was 9cm along. I had gone 4cm in under an hour. At this time I was given the gas, and the option to break my water to speed things along. However hubby was still not there so I really wanted to wait for him. Somewhere in there my mother showed up so I had her there and my best friend at least. By this point I had lost all track of time, and was begging for something stronger for the pain, and the epidural. It had just come on so strong and so fast, my body was working overtime. In my opinion the gas sucks, and does nothing. lol Finally my hubby showed up and they broke my water, after pushing for a while something was blocking her from coming out. Every time I pushed she would make progress then regress back inside. Finally after about 45min apparently the guy showed up with the epidural. I remember him asking if they were sure there was still time for this as I was fully at 10cm and had been pushing for a bit. I yelled at him YES! And there was no arguments I was given the epidural. It was heaven. lol It gave me the chance to rest for 20 min to get the strength to push again. When I did we finally made some progress. It turned out her arm was over her head and that was what was preventing her from making progress. Finally at 8:44pm Alia arrived. She also had the cord around her neck, however was not distressed. Though this did cause her to have a few broken blood vessels in her eyes. The as I had the epidural my car got transfered to a Dr in the hospital so I had a Dr doing the delevery and a midwife there to assist as well as nurses. The midwife takes over once baby has arrived and takes care of baby. The Dr was fabulous as my mother thought most Dr's would have tried to intervene and figure out what was preventing her from coming, but she just let me do the work and let Alia come on her own time. I did have 2 small tares, but nothing serious. I believe 4 stitches were needed.They do not think I would have had time for the epidural had she not of had her arm over her head, and seeing as my labor was so quick at progressing they do not think I will have time again if I choose to have more children. Ill try to get some photos up soon.
Wow imp, what a story, I love it! So glad you had a good birth and alia had a safe delivery into the world! I agree with you that gas and air is useless! I only used it in the end for something to focus on!

I do feel a bit gutted that I never got to feel and experience the whole waters breaking and excitement of thinking "is this it?" because I got induced and we aren't planning on having any more kids at the moment so not sure I ever will!!

Afm georgie has had 4 nights on the trot of sleeping at least 5 hours in one go so we are only having one feed per night which is fab and makes such a difference!! She had her jabs Thursday and has been perfect with them, I am really pleased!! She's so big and strong holding her head and neck up, we tried her in a bumbo this afternoon and shes not far off being able to sit in it for a while!! We are looking to get her a jumperoo for Christmas I think she will love it!!

Hope everyone is well xx
Quickly checking in!!

Can't go bk on my phone to previous posts atm :(

Good luck Sam, thought u were joking on ur fb status!! Thought it was a peter Kaye joke lol

LMP- loved you stoy! Makes me broody again!!

I promise to catch up on laptop and read all you post tomorrow!!


Haven't been posting as not much to say, life is now 'normal' Libbys just beautiful, I love her more each day! She had her jabs last Thursday, I gave her calpol for any pain she may feel in her legs, she screamed for a long time, but other than that she was fine!! She's now sleeping through almost each night, or at least 10pm-5pm so I'm very happy rested mummy!! She's smiling, giggling, kicking around, and she's found her hands!!
She's having problems with blocked tear ducts and her eyelashs sticking in her eyes, but I've bought some chlorenphenical to help with it!! Winds fine now, still farting like a pro but sickness is so much better!! She really is such a happy baby, I'm so lucky!! Neither my other 2 were ever this easy! Think it may be because she's had to fit in around the other two, and they make enough noise for all 3 of them!!

Will catch up asap!!
Night ladies xx
Just popping in quick, was out shopping today, quite a task with a little one!

Bean -- I am thinking of her and hope she is now holding her LO in her arms!

Samb--good luck! Please keep us posted hun!

Imp--beautiful birth story hun--wow, that was so fast, I am very glad that DH was able to make it for the delivery!! phew! Can't wait to see the pics!

Neffie--enjoy your BF class tomorrow, I wish I had taken one now that I look back, I had a lot of "trial by fire" moments early on!! Glad Coco's appointment went well and enjoy your massage!!

Lil--I am terrible at drinking water also--do you have access to flavorings? I was putting in "Mio" liquid sweetener in my water to help me drink it (water was also making me sick during pregnancy, not sure why!). I hope you are feeling better with those contractions! As I said earlier, I will be thinking of you on Wed, good luck!

Vix--Glad Libby is doing so well, that is fabulous!! Even though things are normal, please keep posting updates, I love hearing how Libby is doing and all the new things she is discovering--it also helps me as a first time momma to know what to look forward to!!

Kizzy--Glad to her G is doing so well also!! What a biggie girl, holding her head up high already!! :thumbup:

Vix/Kizzy--fab news on both babes sleeping so well through the night, I can't wait to get Grace to that point!!

Sparkle--Glad AA is ok hun! Please keep yourself rested, and I hope C's nativity went well yesterday!

Grand--good to hear from you, hope things are well!
:xmas3: to everyone else!
I defo spoke too soon about the sleeping, up at 3ish last night then 6ish and she wouldn't go back to sleep so we've been up since 7 and I feel v tired! Have had a headache since last Sunday, part of this cold/sore throat etc but it's not going away no matter how many nurofen I take which normally really help me :(
Hi ladies!

Imp- what a beautiful story xx lucky you going so quickly! Glad you got the pain relief you needed too.

Kizzy- I found with C his sleeping was really hit and miss at first. Sometimes he did amazingly and then I wondered what had happened to my boy. Sending lots of love. X hope you feel better soon

Cormack's nativity was beautiful! I sobbed, partly because I can't believe how big my baby is and partly because I'm just so emotional at the moment. Bedrest is going ok, I can still feel AA pushing down hard and she's totally below my belly button but hopefully I'm holding her in. I'm taking one day at a time. 34 weeks just can't come fast enough! Thank you all for your best wishes x
Sparkle - my Tesco Baby Magazine arrived in the post yesterday. i was flicking through the articles, and imagine my surprise when i saw you and Cormack staring back at me!
Well, i think it was you and Cormack...the article was about breastfeeding, and it was written when C was 8 months old - thats along time ago, but im pretty sure im right?

hi all

only got back last night.

Nate Daniel Wood was born yesterday morning 7lb 2. it was also my birthday. he is fab. will update properly later.

good luck sam and hi to everybody else. xx
Sparkle - my Tesco Baby Magazine arrived in the post yesterday. i was flicking through the articles, and imagine my surprise when i saw you and Cormack staring back at me!
Well, i think it was you and Cormack...the article was about breastfeeding, and it was written when C was 8 months old - thats along time ago, but im pretty sure im right?


Yep thats me and the little man!! I can't believe theyre still using it. We had lots of fun on our photoshoot!
Bean- many many congratulations on the arrival of Nate!
Hope you are all doing well xx
Congratulations Bean on birth of Nate Daniel!!! :happydance:

Cant wait to read your birth story, and see some pics....

Hope you are both well :hugs:
Sparkle - my Tesco Baby Magazine arrived in the post yesterday. i was flicking through the articles, and imagine my surprise when i saw you and Cormack staring back at me!
Well, i think it was you and Cormack...the article was about breastfeeding, and it was written when C was 8 months old - thats along time ago, but im pretty sure im right?


Yep thats me and the little man!! I can't believe theyre still using it. We had lots of fun on our photoshoot!

Yay, i was right! :) bless him, he looks so cute in the photos
Congratulations!!!! BEAN!!!
Welcome Nate Daniel Wood - Lovely :blue: Blue Baby!!!​

Shell - That's so cool about the article! Does it have any good advice - we're having a hard time of it. How was the massage? You've inspired me! I'm booking one in this week...my neck, shoulders, back are killing me.

Imp - that was such a fast labor - you did so well hon - it's crazy how different and amazing every woman's story is. How's it going being a mommy now?

Vix - Glad your LO is so lovely and easy - I'm in awe you are taking care of 3 kids! One is taking up all my time now lol:wacko: That is amazing that she's sleeping so well...any tricks!?:winkwink:

Sparkle - Nothing like a Nativity Play to bring on the Xmas spirit. That's so cool you were featured in an article with little C - how long did you BF for? What was the focus of the article?

Kizzy - Sorry you LO didn't make it through the night...I agree that sickness can really be hard (on little babes and moms too!) - hope you're feeling better and so is your wee girl. Try to get a nap in if you can today.

SamB - I'm sure you have some news to share with us by now! Hope labor wasn't too bad. :flower:

Amber - you didn't update but hope you're doing well! I took a sneak peak at your pics and love your little family!!! That dress is gorgeous on her!

Neffie - Well done on the nursery - your little girl is going to love it.:kiss:

Still have to go back a bit to catch up with the rest of you all!
Yay bean, well done and welcome Nate, love the name :)
Bean - CONGRATS!!! :dance: Hope you and Nate are doing well. Look forward to hearing your birth story & seeing some pictures when you have a breather. Happy belated birthday by the way! :cake:....looks like you received the best present possible! :)

Sam - Good luck!! Hope you're holding little Jessica in your arms by now, and that everything went well. :flower:

Lil - Good luck for your GTT on Wednesday! Hope you pass with flying colors. :thumbup: Are you having Braxton Hicks, or regular contractions? If you're having a tough time with the water, try some popsicles or other flavorings maybe? Hope they ease up soon.

Imp - That's quite a birth story. You sure had a quick labor, very nice! Look forward to seeing her pictures.

Vix/Kizzy - Glad to hear that Libby & Georgina are doing great.

Sparkle - Sounds like C's play was lovely. Keeping everything crossed for you that AA stays put until 34 weeks, and even longer. That's awesome that you and C were featured in a breastfeeding article.

Our breastfeeding class yesterday was awesome! Very informative and although I'm sure many of those rules will go out the door once Coco is here, it definitely makes me feel more confident. :thumbup: Will be decorating and putting up our tree today...excited about that! I found a mini stocking for Coco the other day....too cute! it's going to go right between our two stockings. :kiss:

I too can't wait to hear your birth story and see some pics of your little man! So excited for you!!! Oh--and Happy Birthday to you hun, what a wonderful present for you, the very best!!! :cake:

Kizzy--hope things improve for you in the sleep department. I'm experiencing similar behavior from Grace at the moment! Some nights are great, others I am in tears because she just won't sleep! Hang in there hun!!

Sparkle--so glad to hear C's nativity went well! You definitely should be a proud momma!! Please take care of yourself with your rest, keeping my fx'd for the next couple of weeks to fly by for you!

Sam--thinking of you hun and hope you are holding your little love by now!

Grand--Grace is doing great. Still struggling with sleep arrangements (she refuses to sleep anywhere but on my chest still, which is making things hard, especially with me back to work now--I need sleep and can't seem to get any!! How are you and Little Indy doing?

Neffie--Have fun putting up the tree! We were planning on doing that today but had to put it off. Until we can get Grace sleeping properly in her cradle or little baby papasan chair, we are still camped out in the living room, lol!! Love that you found a little stocking for Coco, that is too cute!!

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