Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Neffie and Amber - you both posted same time as me.

Neffie - it is great that you have such a good relationship with your inlaws.

Amber - you are giving lots of great advice. That was a very informative read - thanks. XX
Bean--excellent news on Nate's weight gain, and I am happy that they are getting you referred to a specialist to deal with his testicle.

Neffie-excellent news on your appointment, glad CoCo is all set and ready to come! Also glad you have a good relationship with your inlaws and that they will be around to help out. I had my mother here for a week after my section and it was wonderful to have the help!! Having worked right up to my induction, I hear you on wanting her to come close to her due date, keeping my fx'd that Coco comes when you want her and that you will not need an induction!

On expressing--I almost exclusively breastfed Grace for about 2 weeks, but started expressing in the hospital to help my milk come in and to get them in the "habit" so to speak. The hospital provided a pump for me that I kept in my room. Also, since I was a bit sore and she had latching issues for a couple of days, I did feed her some expressed milk from a tiny nipple from a bottle (you express so little the first day or so, there is not much more than that at first!). After we got home, I started expressing with my electric pump every day (I would nurse her first, then express what was left--the lactation consultant told me this is a good way to help production) and storing the milk in the fridge/freezer. And, like I said above, I was having some soreness issues, so after a little bit, I did start feeding her expressed milk in the middle of the night to give the boobs a rest!

It is really a judgment call on your part as the mom--I waited until it was clear to me that she had no issues with latching and was feeding well from the breast, then I began introducing the expressed milk in a bottle. The consultant told me that if she started to show issues with the breast at any time, that would be a sign of "nipple confusion", so to go back to the BFing exclusively for a while---fortunately we had no issues with that. She has been having a couple of bottles a day (and nursing from the breast at all other feeds) along with the one at night since about age 3 weeks. My DH is like yours, he loves being able to feed her and share in that.

Hope that info helps!
Oh--and these are just the things I have done that have worked for me. I have consulted with probably 3-4 different lactation consultants and they have all given me differing advice--one of which told me there was no way my child would be able to handle both the bottle and breast while younger than 3 months, but Grace has done fine. I think every baby is different is all.
Couple updated pics of Miss Grace at New Years

I love the second one, that is the mug I get when I am not picking her up fast enough! lol


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Aw Amber - Bless her. How sweet. XXX

My first took the bottle and the breast before a month aswell. He was the easiest to feed out of all 3. My second would not have a bottle. I really struggled when going back to work. Fortunetly he was on solids by then. He would only drink water though when I was not there. The minute he saw me wanted a feed.

Looks like Nate will be the same. XX
Honeslty im not sure why dr will be doing an induction at 39 weeks.. he did say only if my cervix was favorable.. so im guessing if im dialating he will offer it.. and im not sure why he wants me delivered before my due date... must just be how he does things.. crazy how they all do things differently.. I was surprised to hear the sweep at 38 weeks too.. seems so early.. but if baby is ready then lets do it.. :)

and it wont work if baby isnt ready right..
Awww Amber look at those cheeks, gorgeous!! Xx
Hey ladies,
Look how big all the babies are getting! So gorgeous!

Bean- well done on Nate's weight gain, sounds like he's doing great apart from the groin issue. Hope you can get it sorted soon.

Grand- bf can be so hard :hugs: I found it really difficult with C. We exclusively fed until 4 months then combination fed. I too had that dread of each feed, go with some expressing if you can. I like the tommy tippee bottles at first and then we moved onto mam which I thought were brilliant. I shall def use Mam this time, C also loved their soothers. Forgive yourself a little with the feeding if you can, you are doing amazingly xx

Kizzy- hope you are all ok, Im sorry sleep is still so hard :hugs:

Amber- wow time has flown. Enjoy January and remember as a working Mumma you get to appreciate your time with your baby girl even more x

Neffie- time is flying! you sound so organised!

Lil- nearly there too! Glad your appt went well

Afm- Still hanging in there. I am still in early labour with the atosiban in my system which seems to be stopping it from taking hold. I was at the labour ward the night before last and totally convinced it was happening. At half a cm dilated my contractions suddenly stopped and havent started again!
Today I've felt really odd and crampy. Period type pains and back pain. Goodness only knows whats been happening... M/w and consultant appt tomorrow so lets see what they have to say!
Happy to hear AA is still hanging in there sparkle.. every day is a milestone and a great acomplishment.. well done to you.
Hi all

Sparkle - great news that AA is staying put still.

Lil- Docs do have different ways of doing things don't they.

Tried Nate with a bottle of formula. He had 3oz straight off. Very pleased. Only thing is he still wanted to BF after. XX
Wow! you lot really were a chatty bunch yesterday!! I was out all day, and didnt get a chance to come online - and now Ive got 4 pages to catch up on!! :wacko:

Grand - sorry to hear that you are feeling so down lately. Breastfeeding is hard work, and you shouldnt beat yourself up when you are feeling stressed or dreading feeds. You should be so proud of yourself, you are doing an excellent job! I have also gone through phases of dreading feeds - once in the early days, and once last month when Freya started teething. The first time, i just used my Lansinoh cream and pushed through it. This time, i am expressing lots, to avoid having to breastfeed. Her sharp little gums are agony on my nipples right now. I started expressing when Freya was a few days old, as i wanted her to get used to bottles early. She has always taken both breast and bottle happily, and has never experienced any confusion (although she prefers the breast). I have a Tommee Tippe Closer to nature manual breast pump, and use Tommee Tippee bottles with number 1 teats (newborn flow). Freya currently takes 6oz from a bottle. I am currently giving her bottles in the day, and breastfeeding her at night (coz we co-sleep, and its so much easier than getting up and heating a bottle). I know Amber gave you lots of wonderful advice, but just thought id throw my experiences in there :)

Amber - glad to hear you had such a wonderful holiday season with Grace, i adore the new photos of her, especially the one with the miserable face! hehe. sorry to hear the hag was heavy, but at least she only lasted 5-7 days, thats normal, hey? i really feel for you having to return to work so soon. it must be awful. so i hope you enjoy every moment of january while you are still working from home. and dont worry, me and Freya are still co-sleeping and i cant get her in her moses basket either - you are not alone, hun!

Lil - glad to hear your 32 week appointment went so well! and if you are to be induced at 39 weeks, then baby will be hear in less than 7 weeks time! how exciting! i hope you dont need to be induced though, i hope baby comes naturally for you.

Kizzy - poor Georgie! i hope she is feeling better now after her jabs (Freya still hasnt had her 1st set of jabs yet!) did the calpol work for her? i cant believe she will be 14 weeks old tomorrow! time has gone so fast! and i love seeing the photos of her on facebook - she's gorgeous. how is she enjoying her jumperoo? im thinking of getting Freya one with her Xmas money.

neffie - glad to hear your appointment went so well, and that the strep b test came back negative. and its lovely that you have such a great relationship with your in-laws. i hope that you don't have to be induced, and that Coco arrives naturally, at a time that is convenient for you. lol.

Bean - sorry to hear Nate is still having trouble with his testicle, and a possible hernia. i hope you can get things sorted soon. Kizzy is right - at least he is so young that he wont remember any of this when he is older. great news on his weight gain, and its good that he managed a 3oz bottle too.

Sparkle - so glad to hear that AA is still inside, growing nice and strong. only 10 more days til full term! do you think you can make it? if not, im sure that AA will be in perfect health anyway. good luck, hun, keep us posted!

Hi to all the other ladies, bumps and babies :hi:

Shell--you did it again, you made a nice big post but then didn't update us on you! :dohh: How are you and Freya doing? How was her first holidays?

Oops! :dohh: i was so busy catching up with you all, that i forgot to update you on me and Freya!

So, we had a lovely first Christmas and New Year together. my OH had 10 days off work over the holiday season, so we had some lovely family time. OH bonded with Freya even more, and they love eachother to bits. Freya loves to sit on OHs knee and babble away to him, giving him big gummy smiles. she also loves it when OH gives her a foot massage! lol.

On Xmas Eve, my Dad, Stepmum, Gran, and 2 younger brothers visited in the morning. then my Mum and Stepdad visited in the evening. It was nice to see them all and swap gifts.
On Xmas Day, we spent the whole day, just the 3 of us. We woke up early and opened our presents in our pyjamas. Then I cooked our 3 course Christmas dinner, while OH played with Freya. Then in the evening, Freya slept, while OH and I played on the X Box Kinect. But as the witch was here (uninvited) and I also had a cold sore on my lip, there was no intimacy with the OH at all. boohoo.
On Boxing Day, we went to visit my in-laws. MIL and FIL were there, as well as BIL and his pregnant girlfriend. It was really lovely, and we swapped more gifts.

The week between Christmas and New Year was spent relaxing at home, enjoying family time just the 3 of us. although on one of the days, me and OH went out together without Freya for the first time!! we went to the races (horseracing) with BIL and his gf, while my stepmum babysat. we were only gone for 4 hours, and Freya was absolutely fine. but it was lovely to go out and just be "adults", rather than "parents", IYSWIM?

New Years Eve, we went to a houseparty at OHs uncle's house. There were over 20 of OHs family there - including MIL, BIL, his GF, and lots of OH's aunts, uncles and cousins. It was a really great family affair, with food, drink and laughter. and we all gathered together and midnight to celebrate, with lots of hugs and kisses. Freya usually goes to sleep at 8pm, but she stayed awake all evening! she saw the New Year in with us all, and finally fell asleep sitting bolt upright at 12.15am! she was exhausted!

OH is now back at work, but Freya and I are keeping ourselves busy by meeting friends and family for lunch or coffee, and going for nice walks together to get fresh air and exercise. But we are looking forward to the next time OH has annual leave from work!

In other news - Freya is teething. she has been for 3 weeks now! early, I know, she is not even 3 months old yet! she is in a lot of pain, and needs bonjela applying to her gums regularly throughout the day. poor little lamb. also, she has her first jabs scheduled for next thursday. im so nervous for her.
I am in love with my amazing little girl! she is so beautiful, funny and bright! I just love spending time with her every day, and cant imagine going back to work and leaving her.

Wow, so sorry for the essay! its like war and peace! :blush:

My favourite photos of Freya taken over the holiday season :cloud9:



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Bean - Sorry to hear about Nate's swelling. I hope they're able to find a solution at his next appt. Great news on the weight gain! Looks like he's doing real good.

Amber - Love the pics of Grace! Her 'sad face' photo is just precious! :kiss:

Lil - Not too long now if they're going to offer the sweep at 38 weeks. Hope it goes smoothly. If you get to see Peanut earlier, even better! Do you have an inkling on whether it's going to be a boy or girl by the way? :winkwink:

Sparkle - Glad to hear that the contractions have stopped. Not too long now till you hit 37 weeks...then you can relax! Hope AA stays put until then, and even longer!

Shell - Awww, Freya is such a cutie! :cloud9: What a happy baby! I've always loved the head band look on little girls! Sounds like you had a blast over the holidays hanging out with the entire family. It's nice that you and OH got to spend some couples time as well. :thumbup:
Hiya ladies i think i am suffering with post natal depression and have made myself an appointment at my GP because i dont think i can cope anymore. I am totally starting to resent both Jessica & my OH and they are my everything :cry: I hate it when my OH goes to work but when he is home i just want him to go and when it comes to jessica i feel like i have failed her as a mother because i look at her at the moment and think cant you just leave me alone? but if someone else is holding her i want her back i am exhausted but cant sleep, i'm starving but cant bring myself to eat anything the list is endless to all the crap i am feeling.

i am sat here with my laptop on my lap with Jessica asleep on my chest and tears streaming down my face because i am at my whits end and i dont know how to cope anymore.

I feel terrible as i love her so damn much and i cant enjoy her i wanna enjoy being a mom because i will be amazing at it.

I suffered with depression in my late teens and early twenties so i know the signs and i have been fighting them for 3 weeks and i know it isnt fair on jessica to fight them anymore.

i just need someone to talk to who isnt going to suggest "well do you want me to look after her for a few hours?"
Sam - Oh hon I feel for you - I had baby blues (not full depression) so I only know a little how you are actually feeling - I'm so happy you are recognizing the signs and reaching out for help - sorry I can't write longer as Indy is squigging around in my arms but thinking of you and know you are not alone - our hormones drive us all over the place after birth :hugs:
aww shell freya is so cute.. she is getting so big already..

Same to you amber grace is just the cutest.. love the pout.. :)

I am quite excited.. getting all my last things done, since its harder with a 2 year old to do much.. lol and i hope not to be induced.. never was with my dd and still went early so not thinking i will be.. just nervous and excited now..
I agree Sam.. I am proud that you recognized that you are suffering from ppd and are now getting help.. our hormones do drive us a bit crazy and you are being brave and strong enough to get yourself some help.. good for you and like grand said you are not alone.. feel free to come on here and talk with us anytime as we are here you too..

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