Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Sam - Sorry to hear about the PPD. :hugs: Acceptance is always the first step, and you realizing and taking note of it is already great progress. :thumbup: As hard as it may be, don't feel like you're a failure for what you're going through. You're doing a great job with Jessica, even though you may not feel like it at times. Glad to hear that you're feeling much better today. Like you said, just try and take it one day at a time.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :wohoo:

I have been on vacation and spending time with my mom, so haven't had any time to get on here and check on everyone or do updates. Sorry!
Thanks for checking up on me, Lil and Grand! :friends:

Blobby and I are doing very well. I had a growth spurt on Christmas eve - I went from nothing to bump overnight! (see the attached photo) :happydance: Having a bump has made it all so much more real, and the feeling of excitement has finally overtaken the fear!
Also, I started to feel definite movements at exactly 18 weeks, and now feel little kicks every day. :cloud9: Such an amazing feeling. Wow!

I did have a little scare a few days ago: my midwife was concerned over the fact that Blobby has been staying only on the left side of my uterus, which is quite noticeable when I'm lying down. So, she sent me to see a specialist, who unfortunately could only see me through the ER.
Sitting there waiting for an ultrasound brought back a lot of painful memories and really stressed me out.
Thankfully, we found Blobby jumping about and looking big and healthy. However, she said I have a unicornuate uterus!!!
Basically, the uterus only develops on one side, and although normal pregnancy is totally possible, it increases the risk of ectopic (check), miscarriage (check) and early labour... Boo!!!
My next ultrasound is on February 1st, when they'll be checking for any developmental problems. We're still deciding on whether we'll be team yellow or not...

Anyways, I need to go back through the tread and get updates on how everyone is doing, but it may take me a couple of days to really catch up.
I hope you all had wonderful holidays with your babies and bumps!


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Oh Anna! Seeing your photos made me well up with tears :cry:
I am so so happy for you! almost half way through already, how wonderful!
I hope that your unicornate uterus doesnt cause you any further problems, and I hope Blobby stays put until full term.
What a lovely post to wake up to! :)
Vix - here is the link you requested for the flower headbands :)


Grand - here is the link for the Bumbo seat (I know you didnt request a link, but you did ask me about the seat!) :)


Happy Monday Ladies! I hope you have all had a good weekend :)

Grand - with regards to your questions about expressing - when did you try to express? what time of day? how soon after feeding Indy?
Because I find (like the other ladies have said) that I have certain times of day when I produce more milk. Often first thing in the morning, I have huge engorged breasts. so if I can sneak downstairs while Freya is still sleeping, I can fill one or two bottles! also, if I try to express too soon after a breastfeed, I dont get much out. It seems my empty breasts need time to "re-fill" before I can express. Often, I just feed Freya on one breast, and then immediately express milk from the second breast. Then they are both emptying and re-filling at the same time, plus Freya gets fed and I also get a full bottle to put in the fridge. Hope that helps!

Vix - glad to hear Libby was OK after her jabs - ive got my calpol at the ready for Thursday! and great news on the "easy" period this time round. I hope the Depo makes my periods easier. not so great news if you're still trying to avoid sex though! lol

Bean - I understand that you dont wanna close the door on the babymaking just yet. Keep your options open, you never know how you both might feel when Nate is abit older...also, I am on the Depo injection. I was given it 6 weeks ago, and am returning for my second jab next month. so far, I have had one period. It wasnt particularly heavy, but it did last for 10 days. Im hoping that after a few jabs, my periods will disappear completely. regarding the weight gain, I have heard that that is one of the side effects - I will keep you posted.

Amber - Grace sounds so cute the way she is interacting with herself in the mirror. and I loved hearing about her shyness. Freya does the same thing - when she is talking to her Daddy, she sometimes buries her face in my shoulder like she has gone shy! i am interested in hearing how Grace gets on with her new belly mat - and would like to see some photos too! How is she doing in the crib?

Sam - glad to hear that you are feeling much better now! Jessica sounds just like Freya - much prefering to sleep on her side than her back. I would just lie her on her side and forget about her back if it causes her that much distress. I hope Jessica feels better soon.

Imp - wow, I am so jealous of Alia's sleeping habits! but im sorry to hear you are still feeling exhausted. and I totally know how it is when your baby doesnt want anyone else but you - it can be so draining, cant it? Like the other ladies have said, our babies just really need their Mommies right now, but soon they will become alot more independent, and we will get some time (and our sanity!) back again!

Lil - Hi hun. hope you're well.

AFM: I am going back to Slimming World today! I joined there 2 and a half years ago, when my weight hit the highest it had ever been. I knew that I had to do something, so joined SW. I just loved the plan, and started losing weight quite easily. I got to within 4 lbs of my target weight, and fell pregnant with Baby C. After losing Baby C, I gained alot of weight, and by the time I returned to SW, I was almost back at my starting weight. But I got back on the plan, and continued to lose weight easily. Again, I got within 4 lbs of my target weight, and fell pregnant again! this time with Freya! During my pregnancy I gained 4 stone! (56 lbs!) After giving birth, I lost 2 stone (28 lbs) in the first 6 weeks. But then Christmas came along with all the yummy food, and I gained 7 lbs. oops! So today I am returning to my Slimming World class, with 2 and a half stone (35 lbs) to lose....wish me luck ladies!!

Imp - Wow, you are lucky that Alia is already such a good sleeper. That must be wonderful. I'm assuming that you're letting her sleep through the night, and not waking her up in between for feeds? :haha:

Bean - I agree with Shell...it's not a bad idea to keep your options open just in case you and OH have a change of heart once Nate is a little older.

Vix - Hope Libby is feeling better! And sorry to hear about your cat. It's never easy losing a pet. They're much like our children.

Amber - Glad to hear that Grace is having a ball with the tummy time play mat. We have one for Coco, and can't wait for her to start using it.

Anna - Great to hear from you. What a cute bump! So glad to hear that all is well with Blobby. Sorry to hear about the uterus...but it's a good thing that you already know about it, and they can keep a watchful eye on things.

Shell - Have fun with Slimming World! Since you knocked off a lot of the pregnancy weight within a few weeks, I'm sure you'll be back in shape sooner than later. :thumbup: Hope all goes well with Freya's shots this week.

:hi: to everyone else.

AFM, only 2 more weeks left, EEEEECKKKKKKK!!!! :yipee: We're so ready to meet our little girl! :cloud9: It's funny coz the pregnancy seems to have flown by for me, but my OH is at his wits' end and is so impatient! It's just not moving by fast enough for him.
So happy to hear from you Anna, and so happy to hear your great news.. I agree with Neffie its good that they and you all know about your uterus now and can keep a better eye on it.. Just curious didnt they know this before, with your mc's.. not sure if its something you can just see.. hope you have no more complications.. cant believe your at 19 weeks already.. Yay for movements :) and cute little bumy.. I agree great post to wake up to..

Neffie-happy 38 weeks.. almost done already.. wow.. :) happy last minute getting things done and ready to you and your oh.. :)

Hope the rest of you are all well..
Anna, great to hear from you, lovely bump pic, you look fab :) Glad its all going well and feeling real now, its lovely when you feel the kicks, they get a lot harder!!

Argghhh, forgotten who else I was going to reply to and cant scroll back up! Oh Shell, good luck on slimming world, I need to get back into healthy eating again now too, re-started the gym on Sat and have told OH I am going Tuesday nights and Sat mornings from now on so he's on baby duty :) me and G have been walking a lot again too which I really enjoy.

AFM, Georgie is sleeping much better at nights, plus I have adjusted my expectations. We now feed her anywhere between 9 and 10pm (wake her if she's gone to sleep already) and she goes a good 7 hours plus. The earliest is 4.30 and latest 6ish. The good thing is Neil gets up at 7 to go to work and leaves by 8 so me and G get back to bed for an hour or so (or 3 or 4 in her case sometimes). So now instead of me thinking "why hasnt she slept thru?" I think "she'll wake up tonight" and if she doesnt its a bonus - if that makes sense?? plus this morning, she fed at 5.10 and I put her back in her cot (in her own room, she's been in her cot in her room since 10 weeks) and put her music mobile projector thing on and left her and she got herself to sleep within 15 mins and didnt wake up til 10 am! So, I am feeling a lot better and she's doing great. she's laughing sooo much now, I love it, best sound ever! earlier we were in her bedroom and I was pottering around, folding clothes etc and she was laying on her changing mat on the floor laughing hysterically to herself, it was so funny!!

AFM, I got a period today, my first "proper" one since she was born, I went back on the pill (cerazette) 3 weeks ago so wasnt expecting it and its quite heavy and painful. boo!! We're also looking at holidays and thinking of going to Centre Parcs as its good for kids, anyone ever been?

Have attached some pics of G, one in her bumbo, a couple on her tummy mat (which she's really only started to like in the last week or so and she's SO close to rolling over!!) and a cheeky smile :)


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I am going to buy her a tray for her bumbo tomorrow :)


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Kizzy: I've heard great things about the bumbo, and G looks adorable in it! Good to hear that she's sleeping better at night, which means you're probably sleeping better as well.

Lil: Thanks again! I wondered the same thing about why they hadn't noticed it before, and to be honest everything the doctor told me was confusing. I looked at the notes she made on my file (I have a copy to give to my midwife) and now I'm even more confused, so I think I'll just talk to my midwife and find out exactly what's going on.
How are you feeling? You must be getting pretty excited!

Neffie: Wow, two weeks to go!!! :happydance: How exciting! I guess you're not working anymore, so how are you passing the time at home?

Shell: Thanks so much, sweetie. :friends:
Best of luck on Slimming World. We'll be cheering you on!

:hi: and :kiss: to everyone!
Anna - Unfortunately you guessed wrong. I'm still working, and will be right up until I go into labor. Sucks, I know! You would think the US has better maternity leave laws, but no...will also be back to work within 3 months after the birth, so it's a double whammy! :nope:
Sorry to hear about the rubbish maternity system over there Neffie :(
Grey girl - Hi how are you hun?

Neffie - thats does suck. Big hugs

Anna - wow nearly 20 weeks. You look fab in the photo.

Shell - good on you going back to slimming world. I would like to lose a stone but can't stop eating chocolate.

Kizzy - Those are gorgeous photos.

Sam - how are you feeling?

Grand - hows the bf going?

Lil, Vix, sparkle Hello .... Hope you are all ok. Sorry if i missed anyone. Wheres Milo????

AFM: we r good thanks cept middlest who is nearly 4 is really playing up and acting like a baby. He has started wetting himself and he has been potty trained for a year Little Tike XX
Hi Beanwood :) I'm doing all right I guess. Still waiting for my lap and dye with ovarian drill...meh. Lovely to see how all the Femmes Fetales are getting on, can't believe how many of you have your babies or are about to! Madness.
i'm feeling better i have been put onto anti depressants so they will kick in hopefully in 2 weeks but still having more down days than good thank you for asking xxx
Hi Sam sending you a hug hun.:hugs:

I got a little smile today


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Ahh how lovely bean :)

Sam, good girl, well done, hope the tablets start to make you feel better soon xx

How are our expectant mummies doing?? Xxx
Hi ladies,
Just stopping by quickly to say I'm 36 weeks!!!
Almost there....
I am however contracting every 20/30 mins at the moment... Not being checked yet as I don't feel too different. C starts back to nursery today, thank goodness! I just wanted to be able to take him on his first day...
Ahh how lovely bean :)

Sam, good girl, well done, hope the tablets start to make you feel better soon xx

How are our expectant mummies doing?? Xxx
Sorry double post!

Sparkle, are they bad contractions? When will you call your doc? You are so close to full term now I think if it all happens it will be just fine :) (I am a little bit excited, are you?? ) xxx

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