Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Saying prayers 4 ur friend vix so sorry for what ur all going through
Vix- I'm so so sorry. My thoughts and prayers and with you and all of Summers family. What a devestating time for you all. Xxxx
Thank you for your kind words, summers machine was turned off at 1am, its now 5am and I've spent all night trying to console Vic and give her a reason to live and I can't think of any.. life is too cruel
OH Vix - I am so sorry. You and Summers family are in my thoughts. I can't imagne what she is going through- there are just no words that can describe that kind of pain.
Vix - Sending you lots of Love also.
Vix - I'm so so sorry to hear of this terrible news. :cry: :cry: My heart goes out to your friend's family and to you. I don't have any words of wisdom for you right now...words cannot express a loss like that. Keeping you both, and baby Summer in my thoughts. :hug: :hugs:
Vix- life is so cruel. Thinking of you all today. You are being so strong for Summer's Mummy. xxx
Well ladies, today is Cormack's first full day at nursery, Emilia is napping so I thought it was about time I showed you all some pictures of my beautiful girl and shared my birth story. She was 3 weeks yesterday. I cant believe how fast time has gone!

So Emilias birth-

First stage- 40mins
Second Stage - 3mins
Third Stage- 12 minutes

Sunday 5th Feb
I was having a few contractions, nothing too different from anything else I'd had over the past few weeks. I went to bed at about 10, telling my Mum and oh that I didnt think it was happening tonight! Hmmm...

Monday 6th Feb
1am- woke up with a really strong contraction. Me being me decided I just needed a wee! After I'd been I sat on my birthing ball and had another contraction, again really strong. Decided I needed to wake up oh and phone the hospital. They said to come down. Bearing in mind we'd had 4/5 inches of snow the day before oh and I walked very carefully down to the hospital which is about 5 min walk away! Left my Mum with C. At this point I still thought I was going to be examined and sent home. The contractions were 6-8 mins apart.

1.30 I was examined and 3 cm... She asked to examine me during a contraction which was very sore but I was thinning a lot with each contraction so she asked me to stay on the ward and mobilise until I was 4cm or more...

At about 2am I went round to the ward and just walked up and down the coridoor, stopping and swaying with oh for each contraction. About 3.30 I decided I wanted some pain relief so asked the mw to examine me again. I was 4cm, and went round to the labour room. Had 2 massive contractions on the way round (I think these may have been the important ones)

4am I started the gas and air, I was standing in the middle of the birthing centre labour room, the midwife walked in to see how I was doing and ask if she could listen to the heartbeat, I suddenly felt the urge to push, which I told her. She said she'd have a look and see. The doppler ran out of battery so she told me to lie on the bed so she could look. I knew Emilia was right there I could feel her! I just remember looking down at the midwife and she just nodded at me and I started to push with my contraction. I just felt so in control and so in the moment. It was an amazing experience. Emilia was born just a few minutes later in her bag of waters. I felt them burst as I pushed her out!! The midwife put her straight on my chest. I was so so overwhelmed, I just kept saying I did it, I did it!

It was such a lovely, calm experience. So different to C's birth.

So there we are, Emilia is here and has slotted perfectly into family life. C adores her and she is everything I ever wanted. Our family feels complete.

Ive popped a couple of pictures on, her first day at home and a cuddle with her brother a few days ago.


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Aw Sparkle She is just gorgeous and what a handsome little man cormack is. XX
Sparkle - Awww, Emilia is a cutie! Fab pictures. Might I add that C has lovely eyes. Lovely birth story...glad it was easy for you this time around.
Vix, so sorry for your friend, doesn't even bear thinking about, makes you realise how lucky you are to have a healthy strong bubba, I hope your friend finds some strength and you are doing a fab job of being there for her.

Sparkle I loved your story abd how happy you sound, brought a tear to my eye, both your babies are beautiful xxx

Sorry I've not posted much lately, sleepless nights are back with a vengeance, plus G has had her first proper cold, we are back to night feeding and being up and down all the time and I think she is teething again bless her. Puts things into perspective tho when you hear of friends like vix's, I'd far rather sleepless nights than what she is going thru :(

Hope everyone is well, georgie is 5 months old tomorrow, OMG!! X
Vix - Hugs :hugs: and prayers for Summer Mai's family...I can't fathom their pain.

Sparkle - Beautiful and moving birth story :flower: She is an absolute doll!

Will respond to everyone this weekend but starting work tomorrow and nanny transitioning has been hard...many tears for both of us :cry: Amber - Did Grace have a hard time - crying a lot...Indy is sometimes inconsolable and my heart breaks.:nope:?
Hey ladies, sorry I have not posted in the last few days, our household came down with what I can only describe as the worst flu we have had in years! I was unable to get up from bed for 3 days! Ugh! We are all on the mend though, and little Grace only got a dusting of it (thank heaven for the fighting benefits of breastmilk!), phew.

Vix--my heart aches so much for your friend. :cry: I am so, so sorry for her loss of her daughter, and my prayers are with her and her family. I can't even begin to imagine the pain she is experiencing right now. I hope that your presence provides her with some of the comfort she certainly will need at this horrible time. :hugs:

Grand--:hugs: oh hun, so sorry to hear that transitioning is not going so well, having just been there myself, you have my total understanding. It is hard, and I don't think anyone has a perfect transition. While Grace never actually cried, she went through her first few days refusing to sleep for the ladies and ended up exhausting herself (I think it was her way of protesting). The first week was by far the hardest, and now she has settled into a routine, and she really likes the main teacher (she reaches out for her now when we drop her off--which I get jealous about some days!) and all the other little ones, so I think she actually looks forward to going some days. The best advice I can give you is to give yourself and Indy all the time you both need to adjust, and don't expect too much of yourself, because no matter how much we want things to go smoothly, they never do! I think like Grace, Indy just loves his mommy so much, he will have good and bad days, and eventually will adjust.:hugs:

Kizzy--so sorry to hear about G's cold, I hope she starts to feel better soon, the poor dear! Happy 5 months to her by the way, wow, she is growing so fast!!

Imp--on baby sign--yes, I am hoping to start trying that soon. My mother knows it and is supposed to help teach Grace and I how to do it so we can work with her daycare teachers also! I think it is a great thing to do!

Samb--it is so good to hear from you! I am glad to hear that the medication is helping and that you and little Jessica are doing so well! I hope teething is not going too hard on you both and that you are able to get the rest you need!

Shell--thank you for sharing your info on combo feeding!! :thumbup: If my supply drops again/I can't keep up with Grace, I will definitely try some of your tips! Oh, what you are doing for that special needs boy is so wonderful. I think I have mentioned in the past that my mother spent 30 years teaching special needs (ranging from moderate to severe) children--it really takes a very special person to teach/care for these children, and you, like my mother, with forever have my admiration. I hope that your two weeks is not too exhausting on you hun! :hugs: The pictures of Freya are gorgeous btw, I absolutely adore her smile! I don't think I have ever seen a happier baby!!

Lil--on NTNP, you are planning on starting up about a month or so after DH and I plan on NTNP. We are waiting until Grace is about 9 months to NTNP and then TTC actively starting with the new year! We want to make sure we get a good shot at #2 before I hit the big 4-0 in a couple of years!! How are things coming along with baby Bryce?

Bean--how is BATHROOM WATCH 2012 coming along? Any good news yet?

Sparkle--oh hun, I so love your birth story!! And yes, YOU DID IT!! :happydance: After all you went through and all those losses, I was so happy to read such a beautiful birthing experience for you!! :hugs: Emilia is so beautiful and you can just tell by the picture that Cormack is destined to be a #1 Big Brother!!

Milos--Hope things are going well with Callum!! How is the solid feedings coming along, is he starting to sleep better as a result? I also hope the teething is going well and the beads are helping!

Hello to all the other mums and babes!! :kiss:

AFM: Like I said above, nasty flu hit us!! Bleh!! But that did not stop us from introducing Grace to her first solids!! We tried out rice cereal last night and she LOVED it!! She was even grabbing the spoon and licking her fingers! lol I definitely have a child that loves to eat!! I have posted some pictures below from last night, they were so cute I had to share!

Oh, and for anyone expressing/trying to up their milk supply, I started taking fenugreek for my milk production, and it really does seem to help!


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Amber thos photos are gorgeous. Sounds like you have had a rough few days.

The bathroom is kinda gettin there. I had a bath this morn and there was a leak so they have to come back and sort that befor we can have the ceiling boarded etc.... Nate had a bath tonight. I would post photo tom... He loved it in there. He has his hospital appointment tom morn at 10.15 for ultrasound on testicle. XX

Grand I am so sorry that things have been tough. My heart wrenches for you..

Vix - Big hugs and lots of love.

Hi everybody..XXX
Last night, I looked in the mirror and saw something frightening: My first pregnancy related stretch marks! I thought I made it through pregnancy without any since I go in for a C section on Tuesday (March 6) and I didn't see anything the day before, but no.

Sorry. I'm just a bit disappointed and I thought you ladies might understand. lol ;)
Awww... :hugs: Beth, hopefully they will go down after the bubs is born. A lot of mine have faded. Not much longer now for you for your section! I bet you are excited!!! Thinking of you!
So exciting beth :) and few of us get by with no stretchies, i am covered :) i dont mind though i take them with pride....

Amber that is very exciting, im still a ways away from 40, i will b 26 this aug. but would like to be done sooner than later as nothing is a guarantee which we all know, timelines tend to mean nothing, praying none of us have to ever go through another loss again.

Bryce is doing great, 2 weeks old already, very calm and peaceful :) He sleeps great at night eats every 3-4 hrs sometimes 2.5 but thats rare.... have his 2 eek appt on the 5th so will see how big he is cant wait :) Big sister is loving having a brother too so life is fabulous... my pp bleeding is about done so thats nice & im only 4lbs from prepreg weight.. So in short life is great :)
Bean - Good luck tomorrow with little Nate - I hope they get a good look and have a good plan of action about what to do about the testicle.

Beth - :hugs: Sorry about the stretchies but keep moisturizing which will help them stay moist and help them to fade after birth. Wow your C-date is coming so fast...enjoy your last weekend before baby.

Kizzy - I agree about perspective...especially when it gets hard with baby...still have to realize how blessed we are. I hope Georgie gets over her cold very soon...teething again...oh my you poor thing!

Amber - Thank you for your words of encouragement I definitely need them. Grace is so cute enjoying her food...I think we are going to start giving Indy some solids as well pretty soon...he's so hungry all the time and a big boy at 7.5 kilos (16.5 pounds) - but we might wait till he's calmed down a bit. I can't believe you all got the flu...take care of yourselves!

AFM: Nanny day was not good - he cried 2 out of the 4 hours...not good at all for nanny or me or Indy...I'm at a loss of what to do to help him - I would never have let him cry for that long but the poor nanny can't do anything because he just wants me and comfort sucking...Feeling like a bad mom who's abandoning her baby. :cry: I feel bad for the nanny as well because I know it is completely draining to have a baby cry like that nonstop and there's nothing she can do...I really hope he gets used to this new routine soon. Off to bed...I'm zonked.:sleep:
Oh Grand - I feel really sad for you hun. I really hope that it gets better soon.

Not long now Beth. Stretchmarks -I have loads.

Lil - Cant belive that Bryce is 2 weeks already.

Nate had his appointment today. I saw the testicle on the scan. Probably will mean a small op when he is a little older. No sign of hernia so thats good. Thats what I was more worried about tbh.
Here is my little man in the bath and asleep.


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:hi: Everyone,

Sorry, I haven't been good about responding to posts lately..not enough hours in the day at the moment..hopefully that'll change in due time. :winkwink:

Beth - Sorry to hear about the stretch marks. I agree that moisturizing the area should help. Hope they fade away soon. SF will be here in less than a week. I'm sure you're super excited..keep us posted.

Amber - Love Grace's pics! She really does seem to enjoy the rice. Hope you and your OH are feeling better, and have a speedy recovery.

Bean - Hope your bathroom issues are resolved soon. Good luck for Nate's appointment tomorrow. Hope alk goes well!

Grand - Aww, I'm sure it was hard on you leaving Indy with the nanny. Sorry to hear that it was rough today. I'm sure he'll eventually get the hang of it. Try and get some rest. Are the sleepless nights getting any better?

Lil - Glad to hear that all is going well with Bryce. Look forward to seeing some pics when you get a chance.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

AFM, Coco is 1 month old today! Where has time gone?? My baby is growing up too soon. :shock: We have her check up at the pediatrician's tomorrow..looking forward to seeing what her new measurements are. In other news, her 'growth spurt' (if that is what it is) doesn't seem to be stopping. She's been eating every hour to an hour and a half religiously. Although she doesn't eat for very long each time she gets on, it sure is a doozie. :dohh:

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