Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Amber I took fenugreek for about a month and still am periodically if I think she's going through a growth spirt to help keep up my supply with her demand. I was told to take it with blessed thisel for best results. (3 of each at each meal 3x daily) The blessed thisel actually increases appitate because to make more you need to consume more. Wow for 45 less then pre prego weight!! That's awsome!!. I'd like to loose about 10 more in addition to the tummy toning for my muffin top. But because of the breast feeding am carful not to diet or I don't think I could keep up with Alia. I'll work on that when I'm done bf'ing hopfully. When I got prego I was a little up from where I like to be from the previous preganacy and miscarriage. But I'm tall so 10lbs isn't to bad on me. Still I'd like to loose it...

Bean Im sure Nate will be fine. Its better they are cautious then to miss something. Though i guess they need to work on their delivery. Try not to worry. Though thats easier said then done I know.
Imp I read that if you lose more than 2lbs a wekk when bfeeding then you are not taking enough calories. So you are right to not diet. I was going to and then read that so thought better not.
Yeah, I am not trying to lose weight, the pounds just keep shedding off as I continue to breastfeed/express. You are right bean, it averages out to about 1-2 lbs a week, and some weeks I stagnate and don't lose anything (over the holidays I actually tacked 5 back on, whoops! haha). The bulk of the weight that I lost was during the pregnancy due to the GD diet, I just didn't discover how much I had lost until after she was born! What I have been doing is continuing on the GD diet I was on while pregnant with Grace while allowing myself the occasional sweet (I am such a sucker for chocolate!). I want to make sure that the right things are going into me, plus I have continued with the prenatal vitamins. I must be doing something right with how her weight is turning out, lol!! After Grace is 1 year old, I plan to start trying to lose any extra weight that may still be on me as I will be starting to actively TTC #2 in November! I was a bit overweight with Grace and am hoping to be where I should have been with #2 (in the hopes that will help improve my chances of not developing GD in my next pregnancy).

Imp--I bet you will lose that extra 10 easily in breastfeeding!! And thanks for the tip on the thisel. I will pick some of that up along with the Fenugreek this weekend at GNC. I want to make sure I am able to keep up with her next growth spurt!

Vix--excellent news on Libby's weaning! I hope that Grace is able to manage as well! We are going to try her very first rice cereal tonight! I'm excited!

Bean--poo on your DH! You are the mommy, that gives you license to worry and fret! At least that is what I tell DH when he tells me to stop worrying--"I am the Mommy! I am allowed!" :hugs:
Amber it took me a year to lose all my weight with my second and I lost a bit extra.
They say 9 months on 9 months off don't they. XX
Anyone looked into doing baby sign? Just curious. I was thinking of doing the basics. But not sure yet. Hopfully we are stating swimming next week to so excited for that.
Hi ladies!! :hi:

:baby::baby: Congratulations to the new arrivals :baby::baby:

sorry i have been MIA but still adjusting to the PND & a teething 12wk old :dohh: my meds have kicked in and now getting out of bed isnt a struggle anymore and i have so much more patience with Jessica luckily as she has some horrible days with her teeth i can feel 2 hard squares on her top gum!!

Soooo... how is everyone???

missed you all xxx
Hi Ladies :hi: Sorry I havent been online since Sunday, I was working away this week (will explain later)....

Bean - I cant believe you still dont have a bathroom! I just couldn't cope! How did you enjoy your meal at the Harvester? A new one just opened up in our City last month, and we went there last weekend for my Mum's birthday. Yummy! Sorry to hear that your HV upset you with the comments about Nate's head. Im sure if he starts sleeping on the opposite side for a while, things will return to normal. Good luck for Nate's scan next week!

Amber - A belated Happy 4 Months to little Grace! So glad to hear that she is doing so well at daycare. How lovely that she enjoyed her time with her Grandpap. Sorry for being dumb - but what's a "saucer"? Glad to hear that you enjoyed your girly day with Grace, and that she coped OK with her jabs. Wow, 16 lbs! what a chubby little lady!! Thanks for the info on the weaning.
In answer to your question about combination feeding - I have been doing it since Christmas. When Freya had her 2 month growth spurt, I couldnt keep up with her demand for my breastmilk, so I introduced formula. I do a few different things on different days: 1.Sometimes I mix my expressed milk with some ready-made formula together in a bottle. 2.Sometimes I breastfeed her until she has emptied both breasts, and then give her a 2 or 3 oz "top-up" from a bottle. 3.Sometimes I breastfeed her for all of her daytime feeds at home, but feed her formula when we are out-and-about, and for her night feeds. I can understand you not wanting to have to introduce formula at all - I didnt want to either - but when your baby is hungry, and you cant keep up, you have to do it! Good luck whatever you decide to do...

Imp - ooh, how exciting that you are now NTNP! you are one brave lady! lol. Sorry to test was negative, but at least it made you realise what you really want. And well done you for getting back to your pre-pregnancy weight! I am 23lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight. oops. but i gained 56lbs when I was pregnant - and Im only supposed be losing 1 pound a week due to breastfeeding, so its gonna take a long time! Regarding the haemorroids - I didnt have them during pregnancy, but got them during my labour/birth. (Thats what you get for 80 minutes of active pushing! lol.) They were painful in the beginning, and bled a few times early on. But they dont bother me at all now...

Kizzy - wow, Georgie is doing well with the "food experimentation". I saw a piccy of her on facebook with food all around her face! It did make me laugh!

Grand - sorry to hear about your sleepless nights. Freya is also going through "month 4 sleep regression". She wakes up every hour some nights. Its so exhausting, isnt it?! Regarding having other people feed your baby - I started expressing my breastmilk when Freya was a week old, and let OH give her bottles. After about a month, I extended that to allowing my Mum and MIL to give a her bottles of my milk. Gradually over time, I have introduced more people to the list, such as my brothers and friends. Perhaps you can start gradually, starting with your DH, and then the Nanny?

Neffie - Glad to hear things are continuing to go well with Coco. How do you feel about being home alone with her now your In-laws have gone home and your DH is back at work? Im so sorry you are struggling with your decisions to find a suitable daycare for Coco. I hope you find the perfect establishment soon.

Vix - Libby seems to be doing well with the weaning. Are you supposed to reduce their milk intake when they start eating?

SamB - good to hear from you Hun. Glad to hear you are feeling much better now the meds have kicked in. Hope Jessica isnt suffering too much with the teething.

AFM: As I said above - sorry I haven't been around all week. I have been working. My actual job is teaching at a school for children with special needs. Well, one of the children who was in my class last year needs looking after at his home for 2 weeks. His parents have gone to a family wedding in New Zealand, and didnt think it was suitable to take him with them. He has severe brain damage and is confined to a wheelchair, so it would have been unfair to take him on a 24 hour flight, and make him stay in an unfamiliar environment for 2 weeks.
Anyways, his parents asked if I would move in with him at their home while they were away, caring for him before and after school, and throught the night. Well I didnt feel like I could say no. But I did ask if he could spend the 2 weekends at a respite centre, so that I could have a break. So I am currently at home for the weekend. But Monday-Friday, both last week and next week, I was/am working away. I take Freya with me, but my OH stays at home (it is quite far from his work). It has been a very tiring week, having to care for a disabled child, and a 4 month old baby. But it has been very rewarding too. Sorry for the long post, just wanted to explain my absence.
In other news, I got Freya weighed, and at 4 months, she now weighs 13lb 12oz. We havent been doing the weaning religiously. Just offering her baby rice mixed with breastmilk every other day. She loved it the first day, but I think the novelty has worn off already! So we are not in a rush to move her on any faster.

Hope you are all well Ladies, Babies, and Bumps :friends:

So for those ntnp already do any of you worry about the work of more than one. I have 2 children and thinking of ntnp in sept, he will be 7 months and actually ttc in jan, just want others opinions on the issue :)
Sam its good to hear from you. Glad to hear that you and Jessica are well.

Lil - we started ttc early after hours as it took so long to get pregnant. After the first and second we started actively ttc at 8 months. I suppose there are pros and cons either way. I am glad of the age gaps that I now have, however at the time I was desperate to get pregnant.

Shell- WOW I have so much admiration for you. I teach in a mainstream school but have always been interested in teaching children with special needs. Infact a job had come up at a school near me. I chickened out of applying though as do not feel that I have enough experience in that field and thought that probably a lot of sen co-ordinators would apply. I take my hat off to you though. a fantastic job that you are doing. xx
Hey ladies,
So sorry for my silence have been unbelievably busy! But reading up on everybody with no time to reply.
I cannot believe E is 3 weeks tomorrow, time is flying. She has just slotted into family life so perfectly.
Hubby went back to work after half term on Monday and all week it's been the three of us at home. E and I have taken C to nursery and picked him up at lunch and so far everything seems to be going well. He loves his sister and we've had no adverse behaviour! E is such a calm and placid baby. She rarely cries, has taken to the breast perfectly and has been sleeping for 3 hour stretches at night! Long may it continue.

Much love to all xxx
Lil - wow, you are brave NTNP when Bryce will be just 7months old, and TTC before he turns one! I will be waiting until the Christmas after Freya's second birthday before we will be TTC again. Until then we will definitely be preventing! Good luck to you, Hun!

Bean - thankyou so much for your comments. That's really sweet of you. But I actually admire you for teaching in a mainstream school! I think that mainstream kids are horrible! haha!

Sparkle - so lovely to hear from you. Its wonderful to hear that you are all getting on so well as a family. Long may it continue indeed! I would love to see pics of your little princess whenever you get a chance.


PS- here are some photos of Freya....
1: inspired by the beautiful photo of Imp nursing Alia.
2: after her very first taste of solid food (pure baby rice mixed with breastmilk)
3: messing about with Daddy



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Awww gotta love how they look nursing it's just so special! What a cutie you have! Thanks for the complement!!
Shell - Little Freya is just adorable.

Your not the only one that Imp inspired shell. I took one aswell.... XX

Thanks Imp for the inspiration.
Arg Callumis waking up before I have even managed to catch up with all of the posts!

SO for a quick hello and to say CONGRATULATIONS lil - another boy on this thread and I love the name Bryce very cute. Hope you two are settling in at home and you are more comfortable x

Imp - I love the BF photo and congrats on the NTNP - very exciting!

SHellney and Kizzy - we are weaning now too I started when he was getting up 4+ times a night but I am not sure the solids are helping him sleep! He really loves them though even cries when I can't get the spoon to him fast enough. He has baby rice, pear and carrot so far. I made parsnip puree and apple puree yesterday so those are the next options. He is really just having tasters, I don't think it is affecting his milk feeds yet either.

I fear like everyone else that he has now started teething too so I think we might need the amber beads now too!

Hopefully I can catch up more later.

Love to all the femmes fatales xxx
Shell love how u say im brave lol I say Grand and Imp are brave as their babies are still so young...:)
Ahhh I am so jealous that you guys are all trying and going to be trying again.

Funnily enough had a conversation with dh tonight about it. I keep kinda joking to test the water on whether or not it will be possible to change his mind. I think that I can safely say that it is a definite NO. Deep down I am happy with that and after littles Nates Labor don't think I could do it again am still sad though and a bit envious. Even though i am soo happy for you guys.

I commented to dh that I had bump envy - he was like "what ...whats that. You have just made that up".
Aww Bean im sure i will feel the same way.. Im just nervous that things will be so hectic if we start ntnp in september.. How spaced are your kids?
Lil My eldest was 7 in jan, my second was 4 in Jan and then little Nate was december. X
I'd like ur help

My best freinds daugther was today found.unconscious and scan.reveiled bleed on brain, she is called summer mai and she is 18monyhs old, I've been.with the family all day I'm physically n.emotional drains hence spelling, Vicky her mummy has been told she has no brain activity and has to decided when to turn her life support off.... We all are devistated, I'm not a church goer, but id like to ask u all to say a prayer for summer ans for us to keep us strong for her mummy as tough times lay ahead..... And please please go and tell your babys how much u love them as today has tought me nothing is forever and life it top short
Thank u ladies xxxx
Omg Vix that's sooo terrable brings tears to my eyes. I'll deffinatly say a prayior for your friend. I could not imagine being in that position...

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