Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

:hi: everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! Sorry I was a bit MIA there, we had a visit in the latter half of last week from DH's father, so between work, taking care of Grace and entertaining him, I was exhausted!! I did keep up with reading up on you all though!!

Lil--congrats again on baby Bryce, I just LOVE that name by the way! I hope you are all settling in well in your first week, which is by far the most precious one!!

Grand--excellent news on the nanny front! :thumbup: It sounds like you have chosen a lovely lady to look after little Indy and I think it is wonderful that she has other little ones, including her own that will be there also so Indy will have some playmates to grow up with!! :flower: Sorry to hear you are in teething hell still, I hope he starts to feel better soon, poor little man! Your picture is gorgeous btw, I love his chubby cheeks!! And great news on the part time!! :thumbup:

Imp--I hope Alia is doing well with her teething! Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous, such a beautiful baby girl! Thank you so much for sharing them! I adore her hair! And the latest one you posted is just so precious, I can't stop looking at it, so beautiful!! And you are right, the trust and love in her eyes is priceless!!

Vix--How is Libby doing hun? Are you getting any rest? Hope your half term went well!!

Kizzy--How is miss G doing? How is the weaning going? I hope your work situation gets worked out for you the way you would like, keeping my fingers crossed for you!! Hope the sensor pad is not causing you any more headaches--I bought the angelcare without the sensor pad because so many mommies kept complaining how it would go off all of the time!! It is such a hard decision whether to use it or go without! :hugs: As for sleeping, I find I cannot sleep on my tummy much right now also, although I am hoping that improves over the next few months as that used to be my favorite position to sleep!

Milos--so glad to hear that things are improving for little Callum's sleeping! I really hope that the routine you were able to establish last week works for you this week while you are out and about!! :kiss:

Shell-- Happy 4 months to little Miss Freya!! :kiss: Grace is 4 months tomorrow, I cannot believe how quickly all of our little ones are growing!! I hear you on the weaning concerns. Grace is doing the same thing as Freya, she wants to try to taste and eat everything right now. All the books I read say anywhere from 4-6 months--we see her pediatrician on Wednesday, so I am going to ask her about when it would be best to introduce the rice to Grace, I will let you know how it goes!! Can't wait to hear how Freya's first playdate with her new little friend goes! Take lots of pictures please!!!

Bean--arg, no bathroom YET?! I would be spitting out a few expletives by now! :hugs: I hope that gets straightened out for you soon!! Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly, get lots of rest and soup!!! How is the little man doing?

Neffie/Sparkle--hope you are enjoying your little ladies!!!

Hello to anyone I may have missed!

AFM: Grace is doing so well at daycare, I am so proud of her!! She is also showing a lot of growth and development in the past two weeks from being around other, older children. She is already using a saucer, which I thought she wouldnt be able to use for another few weeks or so! So we had to dig out the one we had set back and put it in our living room for her to enjoy at home, and boy does she love it!! I am getting a little sad though as it means we will be phasing out her little playmat! :cry: She had an absolutely beautiful time visiting with her Grandpap (DH's father) who was in from Michigan for a couple of days, they really enjoyed each other tremendously and you can tell he didn't want to leave when he had to go.

As for me, I take each day one at a time, I still have bad days (wednesdays seem to be the worst!) where I cry when I leave her, but I know that she is doing well, so that helps!

I have a question for you ladies who are/have breastfed, have any of you had any experience with combination feeding? (ie, feeding breast milk and formula?). Grace went through a very big growth spurt this past week, and I have all but exhausted my stash of extra breastmilk in the freezer (and I had a LOT in there!), and am trying to increase my production, but that usually takes a few days, so I may have to combo feed for a little while until I catch up (or until she is ok'd to start on some solids by her doctor.). If you combo feed, what works for you? Do you give a formula bottle separately or mix it with breastmilk? I am worried as the last time we tried to give Grace any formula (which was a growth spurt around 1 month), she rejected it completely and cried and cried until I was able to feed her breastmilk. I am terrified she may reject it again, and this time at daycare!! So any help/advice would be useful, I have a call out to the lactation consultant, but would prefer any info I can get from you ladies here as well! Thanks!!

As for any other updates, Grace is 4 months tomorrow and she has her next jabs set for Wednesday--I decided to take the day off to spend with her and have a girl's day with her, looking forward to it (well, except for the jabs!).
Oh Amber -:hugs: It is so hard to leave them isnt it. You are doing so well though and it sounds like little Grace is having a lovely time
Re the feeding. It is difficult - i would have no concerns giving breast and formula personally. With my first he had both - never mixed the actual milk but he did have formula when we were out. I combination fed from about 1 month as I was not very confident feeding out so formula fed him then. With the 4 year old and Nate though I will feed anywhere so have not given them formula until later. Infact last nite (before I started feeling poorly) i gave Nate a bottlle as I wanted a glass or 2 of wine. I had previously used a tomme tippee bottle, but last night I used an avent and he took it really well wheras with the tt he was really fussy. ???? Hope that helps a little.
Raaaarrr just typed a massive post about weaning and it deleted before I could post it!!! Greer!!
Just checking in. I had a bit of a nerve racking expirence today. I took a pregnancy test just to be sure and forgot to look at it within the time. When I looked at it maybe 10-15 mins later there was a faint second line. Then of corse that was my last test and today is a holiday (family day) so most things were closed. Needless to say after some driving about I got more tests. Tested again tonight and it must have been an evap line. But it kinda rattled me. Lol. I want another one and close in age. But this soon would be tough. I'd take it and be happy about it or we would be using something to pervent. But I was definatly a little nervious. Lol. At the same time I was dissiopinted when seeing the negative. But glad too. Talk about a mix of emotions.

On another note I've put a amber teething necklace on Alia and it seems to be helping. She's one big drool face right now though thats for sure. :)
ARRGGHHHH Kizzy that is soooooo annoying when that happens.

Imp - that is a mix of emotions, but if it had been pos you say you would have been happy so whichever way it goes at the moment is good.

Its amazing that there could be 2nd pregnancys announced on here. Makes you realise just how long we have all been baby and bump friends. XXX Hugs all.

Amber was feeding nate last nite - bottle/formula - was thinking bout your post and realised that I had said that nate was better with another bottle. Thats not your prob though is as Grace takes breast milk from the bottle fine doesnt she. Sorry hun. XX
Exactly bean. I never really knew exactly where I stood on the matter. Knew we wanted another one and close in age but didn't know how I felt about now! Lol so at least that's cleared up. Lol I guess we are officially ntnp now.

Re the bottle. Alia still won't take one at all! So I'm feeling your pain. Shes a boob girl and thats that she says. Lol Actually I'm not that bothered by it. Just that I would love for daddy to get a bit of bonding time. But since he's back to work 12hours a day right now he's not got a lot of time anyway. I'm going to keep bf'ing for 3 more months then try to go right to a sippy cup if the bottle thing doesn't work out soon.
Just a quick update--my production seems to have increased (knock on wood) to meet Grace's increased need, so I am keeping up for now, although I am nervous about the lack of backup that I have in the freezer for her next feeding burst! Hopefully I will be able to start stocking up again soon! I get so worried every time this happens and panic because she so hates formula! Now with her in daycare, I am not there to just give her the boob to hush her! Lactation consultant told me to keep up the megapumping for the rest of the week to try to ensure I maintain this new production level I have reached and to talk to Grace's pediatrician about weaning early (she seemed to think that I would be told to wait as long as possible up to 6 months though as those are the current APA guidelines). Will find out tomorrow!

Thank you so much Bean for sharing your info with me! Now if I can just get her to like formula so she will take it if I am in a bind...

Imp--glad the amber beads are working! Close call on the pregnancy test, although I know that if it had been a BFP, that would have been wonderful for you (even if it was so soon!)!! We will be NTNP in a few more months ourselves, then TTC starting around the holidays. I agree with Bean, it is so neat that we have all been together so long now that we are really sharing in so much more than single pregnancies!! I hope that our remaining Femmes who are TTC are here to join us really soon too!

Little Grace is 4 months old today, yay! And we are having a girl's day out tomorrow after she gets her jabs, I can't wait! :cloud9:
Great news on the milk production Amber, must be a relief :)

Imp, I would probably have a breakdown if I got pregnant now, I can imagine you were nervous but at least you know you would like another and a small gap so if it happens then great news!!

Bean, I'd probably have moved out by now if I didn't have a bathroom, any progress today??

Hi everyone else, hope you are all good!!

What I was attempting to say last night about weaning is that we have tried G on some baby rice, some flavoured porridge and some raw banana. She prefers the baby rice with banana in it and likes the porridge plus banana on it's own. She has tried each one a few individual times but we have no set pattern to it so I don't consider us to be "weaning" as such just letting her try some flavours and textures, some days she has none, some days she doesn't drink some of her bottles so I try to use up a bit of her bottle with rice/porridge so I know she is still getting her milk if that makes sense. She only has 4 bottles per day now as she just isn't interested in more than that but she is sleeping well and putting on weight so I am not worried :) in the uk they say 6 months but class that as 20-24 weeks, she was 20 weeks on sat (5 months next thurs, where's the time gone??) and I am pretty much following her lead, she dives on the food and sits up really well (she has started sitting up unsupported for a few seconds too!) and takes food and puts it to her own mouth, and is drinking water from a sippy cup too so I am just trusting my "mummy instincts" on this one xx
Oh and enjoy your girlie day with grace tomorrow Amber!! We finished our baby massage course today, really keen to try yoga now just got to find a class!
Hi :wave:

Imp - wow a pregnancy scare already! So cool that you are NTNP...If I'm honest I actually POAS as well (negative) and had all the same emotions as well...scared...excited...disappointed. BTW I love the Bfeeding photo...Alia's look is amazing.

Amber - I'm so happy that your production picked up for Grace. Our bodies are pretty cool. I have a question for you - did you feel sad/jealous knowing someone else was going to feed your baby? I feel weird about it and wanted to know how you dealt with it.

Kizzy - definitely trust your mommy instinct...you know your baby and her needs the best. She's so advanced! Sippy cup and sitting up practically already...she's a big girl! Babies are not robots so if she loves her food then that's what's good for her.

Bean - I know it's been more than a year we've stuck together...:kiss: pretty sweet that number 2's could be on their way for 2012! How's Nate and his testicle issue? No bathroom yet! How are you managing?

Shell - Another weaning baby....sounds as if she's ready and at 5 months it seems fine to introduce food if baby is happy with it...who cares what the HV says...it's your decision as Freya's mommy. I hope Freya loves her new best baby friend.

Neffie and Sparkle and Lil - How're our newest mommies and newborns? :flower:

AFM: Indigo has decided to wake up every 2 hours again at night...I have bags under my eyes and hair is a mess...bleh :wacko: I don't know what to do :shrug: I don't mind feeding at night but this is ridiculous at his age! Any suggestions are welcome :flower:
Grand-- you are not alone with the sleeping issues! For the past four days, Grace has been waking up at 1:30, 3:00 and 4:30--and wanting fed or taken downstairs and snuggled on the couch. Driving me crazy!

On the feeding issue. What you are feeling is totally normal. I have had Grace on the bottle of expressed milk since early on, but I did get jealous sometimes. What really helps is having DH be the one who bottle feeds when you start out with it. I was a lot less jealous with Wyatt feeding her and actually got the joy and pleasure of watching them together bonding. Having him start out first really helped me adjust to others doing it. It does take time though, so don't worry if it takes some time for you to be ok with it. :hugs:

Kizzy--wow, you are doing so well with G learning about different foods, that is going to make weaning a lot easier I think! :thumbup: also great news on her sitting up already, what a biggie girl!

Off to spend my mommy day with Grace, so excited to spend the day with her! :cloud9:
Grand I hope lo starts sleeping better again for you. I don't know how you mommies do it who's lo's get up every 2 or 3 hours. Alia did for the first 2 weeks and I thought I was going to die. I feel for you. Have you tried bathing her before bed every night. Might help make her really tired so she sleeps longer. I swear that's what works for Alia. She loves her bath so we play in the tub for a while practice floating for when we go swimming etc. Then we change and feed and go to bed. I think the water really tires her out. Or maybe if she doesn't like the bath bundle her up and take her for a walk in the fresh air to tire her out then do your bedtime routine. Something to make her extra sleepy. Might help??

Amber have fun on your mommy bebe day!!!

Afm finally back down to my pre-pregnancy weight!!! I still have a long way to go in the toning the tummy area. But I'm fitting back into my jeans and feel good about that. Now I just need to start to actually work out to get rid of some of this extra skin. Lol

Did anyone else get hemorrhoids with their pregnancy? How long does it take for them to heal? They don't bother me at all. But they are there and I'm wondering if I should be doing anything about that??
:hi: Everyone,

Geez, it's been forever since my last post. :wacko: It took a while to get caught up on all the posts. Doing this one handed and off of sheer memory, so apologies if I forget anyone.

Bean - How are you still managing without a bathroom? :shrug: Hope things get sorted out soon. Hope things are well with Nate. Any update on the testicle?

Amber - Glad to hear that Grace is loving daycare. That must be such a relief, although it's still hard on you. Hope you have a fab girls day out with her. Sorry, don't have any tips to offer on the combo feeding, but happy to hear that your milk production has increased. Oh, and happy 4 months to Grace! :)

Shell - Freya's photos are too cute! :kiss: Happy 4 months to her as well! All the babies are growing so quickly! Hope the two of you have a blast with your bestie and her little girl on Friday.

Lil - What a cute name your little one has! Hope both of you are doing well.

Grand - Glad to hear that you got the daycare situation worked out. :thumbup: Sounds like a great fit! Sorry to hear about the sleepless nights...hope things get better soon. :hugs:

Imp - Alia's photos are adorable! I can imagine the pregnancy scare you had. But like some of the other gals said, you now know how you feel about it. Good luck with the NTNP. It will be exciting to see if there are 2nd baby additions to this thread in 2012.

Kizzy - Great job on the weaning. Wow, 5 months next week...time sure has flown by. Good job Georgina for sitting up already...what a big girl.

Again, sorry if I missed anyone.

AFM, overall things are continuing to go well. In-laws left not too long ago...so bummed out about it! It was lovely having them with us. OH went back to work this week so Coco and I have been by ourselves during the day. So far so good. She has definitely been going through a growth spurt for over a week now. I'm not exaggerating when I say that she has been nursing less than every 2 hours during the day. :wacko: A little less frequently when she's taking a nap, but it's been grueling nonetheless. So now when she goes 3 hours between feeds, it feels like a piece of cake. :rofl:

As for sleeping through the night, we've had a few testy ones. The swaddle has been a life saver! The problem without it is that she is constantly flailing her arms and legs around, and always ends up waking herself up. Even with the swaddle, we had a few rough patches, as she would wake herself up from the noises she makes while sleeping (she is a big time dreamer!). We used a blow dryer successfully on a few occasions, but I was done with it last night. It was really annoying to keep turning it back on throughout the night every time she woke up.:growlmad: And although OH happily accepted the responsibility to hold onto it, I just couldn't stand the noise anymore. Last night it struck me that we have a Sleep Sheep, so I decided to give it a try. BEST MOVE EVER! :thumbup: The 3 of us slept pretty much through the night. She woke up twice to eat, but that was totally manageable. Hope it wasn't a one off situation, and continues to work. I'm hoping it will also help once she transitions to the crib in her room. Fingers crossed!

My daycare woes continue! :cry: I've scoped out a couple more nice ones, but the locations are not at all in the same vicinity as the previous ones we'd seen. These are closer to work, which is a 30 minute drive for me each way. Not sure how I feel about having Coco with me in the car for that long each day...I'm concerned for her safety. On the other hand, she'd be closer to me throughout the day, and I can stop by and visit her. But then again, on the flip side her pediatrician is on the other end of town. Grrrrr, can you tell I'm losing my mind???
Amber - Thanks for understanding my feeding woes...I feel silly as it will be my breast milk but the thought of him getting cuddles and feeds from someone else just rubs me the wrong way - must be my attachment to the whole process. Apparently there is a 4 month sleep regression coupled with growth spurt so it sounds like we're both in it deep already...hopefully it will end pretty soon and we can get back to sleep all of us.

Neffie - I totally understand your concern about daycare but I'd definitely choose the option of being close to your baby Coco so you could visit during the day. If there were ever (and there probably won't be) emergency - then there will be doctors nearby as well so she won't need her pediatrician right away. I'm sure the daycare has people they use right? You sound like a great mommy already figuring it all out with Coco - white noise is definitely great as well as the swaddle...sleep will get better and better (HAHA until it gets worse again...like around 4 months :haha: where we are now)

Imp - Congrats on pre-pregnancy weight!!! :happydance: I finally fit into my skinny jeans again but I have a bit of a muffin top LOL. I need to get rid of my tummy...there's no extra skin but it's just "soft" if you know what I mean. I got really light hemorrhoids as well and so far haven't done anything (I'm a bit embarrassed about asking my male OBGYN to be honest :blush:) - I'm hoping they just go away eventually. They don't bother me but thinking about it kind of grosses me out.
Hi all

Still no usable bathroom...My dh is gettin mad now.
Nate has an umtrasound booked for 1st March to find testicle and check for hernia.

Imp / Grand - I have a muffin top too. Don't you just love it. I can get my jeans on but have overhang which I find do unconfortable. I want to lose about another 8lbs. I put weight on though prior to getting pregnant with Nate as took clomid.
Re the hemorrhoids - yep I have them. I had them quite bad with nate. They still bled after i had him and were so painful especially when going for a number two... They are loads better. There is a really tiny one left but it does not hurt at all.

Neffie-Sounds like you had a nice time with your inlaws.
Amber - hope you enjoyed your girly day.

Hi everybody else... Hope you are good. I am going out tonight with two work friends. Going to the harvester. Taking Nate though and leaving the other two with dh. XX
Hi all

I am feeling a little upset and need your opinions. At nates 8 week check the doc forgot to do his length and head circumference. Anyway the hv at the clinic did it today. They did his head c and plotted it. It shows excessive growth and so now they want me to go back in 2 weeks to get it checked. They then said that if they were stillnot happy they would refer him. Oh bloody hell - i know they have to let you know but they have really worried me. They then asked if he had a preference for sleeping with his head to a particular side, as his head was lop sided (is that right). He doesnt though. They were quite scary thats all and thats stressed me out now aswell. I keep looking at him thinking that there may be something wrong with him. XX
Grand--Have you by chance talked to Indy's nanny to possibly have you come in a couple of days before he officially starts to observe what his day will be like? That may help you a lot with any anxieties you may have. I was very anxious about a lot of things, and the Learning Center where Grace is at had a 2 day orientation that I took full advantage of. I got to go in and watch Grace with them and how things were, etc. It really eased my mind a lot!!

Bean--I am not sure about the head circumference issues, but at her wellness check yesterday, I was also told that Grace has a flat spot (lopsided spot) on the left side of her head. I was told by the pediatrician that it was a minor condition and likely caused by her preference of sleeping on that side of her head (which makes total sense as she feeds on that side more as well as my right breast has greater production). She told me to start correcting it by turning her head to the right when she is sleeping. The flatness/lopsidedness is caused by the pressure on that side of the head and is easily correctable if caught when they are young as their skulls have not closed and heads are still shaping. In more severe cases, they will prescribe a helmet/headband to help reshape the back of the head. I did some research when I got home on this yesterday, the condition is called plagiocephaly. Here is a link to some info on it: https://www.babycenter.com/0_plagiocephaly-flat-head-syndrome_1187981.bc Hope that helps hun!! As I said, Grace has the very same thing! Fingers crossed for both our little bubbas that repositioning helps them!

Imp--congrats on reaching your pre-pregnancy weight! :happydance: That is awesome!! I too have a muffin top, but I think that has been caused by a combination of the pregnancy and the fact that I have lost so much weight due to the special diet I was on while carrying her (I currently weigh 45 less than my pre-preggo weight! :happydance:) My guess is I will need a tummy tuck at some point down the line, but am gonna wait until I am done having babies first!

Hemmrhoids--I did not get them with Grace, but I have had them in the past. They will usually clear up on their own, they sell medication over the counter for them. If they are large and more serious, you should consult a doctor, they can zap them if they are bad. My guess is that you ladies just have little ones, so they should clear up on their own, it just takes a few months! My recommendation, if they are painful for you, is to use soft bathroom tissue and cream!

Neffie--So glad you had a wonderful visit with the inlaws!! Do they plan on coming back often to visit? I hope things go well for you and Coco with DH back to work--I remember that first week Wyatt went back to work, I think it was harder on him that it was on us, he missed his little girl so much! I was sure to give him lots of "Daddy time" when he got home (now we fight over who gets her when we get home! lol).

On daycare, you need to go with your gut. I remember the choice I had to make between the daycare here in the city that would put Grace close to me vs. the one out near our home. I had very similar concerns as you, especially with how folks drive here in the states. Not sure where you live, but winter driving concerned me most of all, especially since we commute in to work on major highways (6 lane parkway, etc.). I ended up going with the learning center closer to home as it is less time in the car for her (safety), and it was not as crowded as the one in the city, so she gets more one-on-one time. I do miss her so though during the day, so it's not easy! I wish you the best, hun, it is such a hard decision, but I know you will make the right choice!! :hugs: :flower:

AFM: Had a fabulous day with my baby girl yesterday, boy did I need that! Her shots went well, only a few tears. She was diagnosed, as I mentioned above, with plagiocephaly, so both us and daycare are going to try to do the repositioning strategy to see if that works! She also has eczema pretty badly, so we have to use a special soap and cream on her for a while, and hopefully that will clear up!

And the big news: She is 16 lbs already!!! :shock: My little tubby!! That is like the 95th percentile, lol. Doctor told me it was ok though, it is just a sign that she is ready for weaning. So yes, I did get the weaning info I promised to you mommies that were wondering, it is ok to start introducing Rice and pureed fruits/veg at 4 months. Grace's pediatrician says that some babies, like Grace, are ready as early as 4 months, others can be up to 6 months. Since Grace is already over twice her birthweight and is showing signs of interest in our food when we are eating at home, we got the green light to try it out. She also recommended that we wait 3-5 days before introducing each new food item so she is not overwhelmed and so that we can monitor her for any potential food allergies, etc. (and know the culprit!). She said to definitely continue feeding breastmilk/formula up through 1 year, but that her need for that will probably decrease as she eats and adapts to more food choices. On my milk supply, she recommended fenugreek, so I am going to get some of that. But it seems like I have reliably increased my supply, at least it has been good the last few days.

Sorry for the long post, hope all you ladies are doing well!!
Bean- they should have worded it the way they did with Nates head circ.... I don't know know about it but wish u all the best and I'm sure he is just fine, id say don't worry but its only natural to worry, hugs xx
Amber- Jessica also had a lop sided head when she was a baby and I had to correct her, it soon sorted itself out and she has a perfectly normal round head!
Good luck with the weaning its so much fun, we love trying new foods
Libbys been weaning about a month now, she has a 8oz milk at 8am followed by porridge at 10am, 8o for lunch with some fruit, and our evening meal and a 5oz at tea time and a 8 for Bed, she she is still having her normal amount of milk! I can't wait to start finger foods at 6months!

Thanks Amber and Vix

I think that you are right about how they worded it Vix.
My dh has got a bit annoyed with me and told me that it is fine and not to worry. Am going to try not to worry and just wait to see them in 2 weeks when hopefully it will be fine.
Vix it sounds like Libby is doing great with the weaning.
Amber - well done Grace - Have fun weaning hun.


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