Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Thank you everyone! I'm so thrilled to finally have my seat warmer off! :D My avatar pretty much describes how I'm feeling right now, I am feeling mostly positive, with just hints of nervousness...but then you'll all relate to that!

I did another test today and was happy to see it was noticeably darker and more obvious...so I'm hoping it's a good sign, and my temp stayed high. My period is due today, so that's one hurdle crossed off! I'm planning to buy 2 more clearblue digital tests, and text next week and week after...so hopefully it will go from 1-2, to 2-3, to 4+ and I'll hopefully feel encouraged that my hcg levels are rising :)

My test from today...

Enough about me, how is everyone else doing!? Can't believe how many of you have had your babies in the time I've been in the other thread! It's amazing! :D :D Congrats to all of you...who is still pregnant in here?
Congratulations Grey wonderful news!

I really hope you can relax and enjoy your pregnancy!

Try not to test too much you will drive yourself insane. Am I right that you previously had an ectopic? In which case the clear blues will not give you an accurate idea of your HCG levels, so don't be worried if they don't say the 'right' number of weeks. Much better to get yourself off to the docs and booked in for a 6 week scan asap.

Hope you have a H&H 9 months xxx
Congratulations Grey wonderful news!

I really hope you can relax and enjoy your pregnancy!

Try not to test too much you will drive yourself insane. Am I right that you previously had an ectopic? In which case the clear blues will not give you an accurate idea of your HCG levels, so don't be worried if they don't say the 'right' number of weeks. Much better to get yourself off to the docs and booked in for a 6 week scan asap.

Hope you have a H&H 9 months xxx

Thank you :D

I will try and pluck up the courage to call the Dr tomorrow...that would mean I'm officially 'late' and the chances of it being a chemical hopefully will be less. I'm just so nervous to start off the medical process, lots of horrible memories. I'll cancel the clearblues then, thanks :)
Yay again Grey!! Really pleased for you :) As for preggo people I think it's you , me & Anna- nice to have some people to go through the experience with and fab that we have all these ladies here to guide us through the no doubt exciting and challenging times ahead!
CONGRATS GREY so so happy for you...

H & H 9 months :)

Amber-were not ntnp as of yet, we decided tojust start ntnp (though it says ttc then) in november, bryce will b 9 months as long as everything goes well the ttc starting in dec
Question for anyone who can make some suggestions. Coco starts daycare in 2 weeks, and will absolutely not take a bottle! :dohh: OH has been trying for a few weeks now. Everyone (including OH) seems confident that the daycare ladies will be able to get her to take it eventually, but I'm a bit paranoid about the whole situation. I plan on nursing her during my lunch break each day, but there's absolutely no way I'm going to be able to go over to nurse her each time she's hungry. Has anyone been through this before? Any tips or words of wisdom to share? I know that the bottle nipple is not an issue as she did drink out of the bottle a few times during the first few weeks after she was born. We'll continue trying, but I hate to follow the 'she'll eventually take it if she gets that hungry' route. I can't bring myself to see her crying to that extent. Plus, it would be nice if I didn't have to keep tossing out my milk, albeit in small amounts. :shrug:
Neffie - we have the same bottle problem but it is slowly getting better. Callum originally screamed every time the bottle came near him but now he will take 3oz from a bottle. Not really enough to be a proper feed for him but I am hoping it will get better with time.

ANyway we started off just giving him a bottle 2-3 times a day to play with not when he was hungry. I always had about an ounce of milk in the bottle when I gave it to him (I did waste some milk!) Typical baby of course he just wanted to stick it in his mouth! Eventually he must have sucked on it and realised he got milk and he has slowly improved ever since.

I hope Coco gets the hang of it soon x
Niffie not that Alia has to go to day care, guess I'm luckey that way... but I STILL can't get her to take a bottle so I feel your pain. We've been working on it for a few months now and I waist a few ounces a day. So frusterating!! I have a feeling we'll be going strait to a sippy cup at 6 months. Wish i had some words of advice but I've tried EVERYTHING!! She just can't figure out how to suck the from bottle.
Hi Ladies.

So sorry I have been MIA for so long. But Im having a bit of a tricky time at the moment. Freya has gone from being a lovely contented little girl, to a nightmare devil-child! I am at the end of my tether. And now my relationship with OH is suffering too. ARGH! I hope this is just a phase Freya is going through, because I cant cope anymore. So sorry I havent been around for you ladies, I just havent had the time or energy to log-on until today. I promise I will be back soon.

Lots of love xx

PS: CONGRATULATIONS GREY! :wohoo: I am so so happy for you! You truly deserve your rainbow baby, and I hope this is a sticky one. I know what its like to be pregnant after an ectopic, so Im here if you need to talk :hugs:
Shell I know that feeling! sorry to hear your having it tough :(

Hi ladies I two will apologize for being MIA for so long, things are still very rough but ill log on laptop tonight and ready your posts as I have some picture of our new nappies! How sad am I lol

Congrats Grey cd
So sorry to hear things are going rough for you ladies (vix and shell) hope things get better very soon.. babies are about the ultimate test of a relationship, many ups and downs..

Well we have been potty training my dd she is almost 3 and is doing really well with it.. no accidents since day one this is day 3.. so im very proud of her.. went all night and dint have an accident in bed either.. things are going well.. Bryce is doing great too.. now eating 4oz at his feeds.. ekks getting so big.. :) will be 2 months in 12 days.. where is the time going.. he slept so good last night from 11-330.. dh got up with him and fed him at 4 then he slept from about 430-745.. and ate at 8.. so a great night..

Cant believe its only 6 months till were back at it.. seems so soon.. lol.. cant believe nov is only 6 months away now.. time should slow down a bit..
Milo - its great that Callum is starting to take to the bottle.

Neffie and Imp....My middle one would not take a bottle at all. When I went back to work though he was on solids. He would have no milk in the day but he would drink water from a beaker. I know that isnt gonna help you yet though Neffie. I did give him milk on a spoon though and he took that.

Shell - that sounds tough...I am sure that it is just going to be a phase. When you are tired and struggling everything seems so compounded. Extra hugs hun...X

Vix - Hi how are you doin? X

Lil - sounds like the potty training is going great.

Hi to everybody else..XXXX

AFM: Nate had his 3rd lots of injections yesterday and they have knocked him about a bit...not a happy baby. Very unsettled. He screamed and screamed this morning like I had never heard before.

Hey ladies! Much love and hugs to you all today, :hugs::hugs:

Neffie--I unfortunately have no words of wisdom to share on the bottle feeding end. I started training Grace on the bottle on the 2nd week after her birth and she took to it right away. I started with 1 per day and gradually increased that number over the next three months, so now she has about 4-5 bottle feeds per day, with 2 breastfeeds--the breastfeeds are not reliable though and are getting cut back more and more as she is moving away from that--so I am having the OPPOSITE problem! :cry: Seems I have her too used to the bottle now! I have read that there are simply some babies who refuse the bottle, even when you try to train them early, so hopefully the daycare ladies will be able to teach her--maybe inquire with them about it during your initiation week? I bet they have a wealth of info that will help as I am sure they have had to deal with this situation in the past, as there are so many mommies (even here in our thread!) who have that issue.

Also, as for sippie cups, they do sell them for as young as 4 months (I have a couple Tommee Tippee ones that I have been using with Grace)--I know that doesn't help now as CoCo is still so little, but an idea for later on...

Milo--glad to hear little Callum is starting to take to the bottle, that is wonderful! :thumbup:

Shell/Vix--:hugs: oh huns, so sorry things are going rough for you both, please know I am thinking of you and hope things improve!! Grace has been having a few "hell days" as I call them herself--including last Thursday when I was sent home with her daily report where the teachers said she screamed all day long and did not want put down--I was really embarrassed and almost stayed home with her on Friday, I was so worried about her, but then she rebounded and had a great day. I think I read somewhere that they go through some growth changes at around 6 months that cause them to be cranky, maybe that is it? I hope so!

Lil--ah, ok on the NTNP, I thought you were starting around the same time I was! I can't believe how fast Bryce is growing, your pics of him are so adorable and what a big girl your daughter is with her Potty Training, 3 days and no accidents, that is just phenomenal!! :flower: You have to definitely be a proud momma!!

Bean--aww :hugs: to little Nate, jab days are so hard. I hope he starts to feel better as the day goes on. How are things with you, I hope things are improving with your parents, thinking of you. :hugs:

Grand--if you are out there reading at all, please know I am still thinking of you and praying for you and your family. :hugs:

Grey--keep us posted on the doctor's visit please!

sarah--how are you doing hun?

sparkle--hope things are improving on the eczema front with your little ones!

:hi: to everyone else!

AFM: 4 day work week and then Friday off to spend with my girl. I have lots of plans for a mommy-daughter day. We are going to go to the store to get goodies (toys, etc. since she can't have candy yet!) for her Easter Basket and then off to the mall to see the Easter Bunny! I may even feel brave enough to try lunch on my own with her!! We shall see!
Aw Amber thanks hun. Well my parents are still apart. Dont know where my dad is staying, but I have spoken to him and seen him once. Its hard cause my mom phones and talks about how lonely she is and how much she misses him. I have nothing to say that will help her. I am also trying to come to terms with it all myself aswell......turns out my dad was perhaps the not the man that I thought. IDK.....

Little Nate is having a good feed as I type so hopefully after that he will have a nice sleep.

Poor little Grace having a bad day at day care. I am sure it was just an off day.
Sounds like you have a fab day sorted Friday. XX
amber we r starting the same time...:)

and thank u im very proud of her
Evening Ladies!!

Grand- I know its a little belated, but im so sorry to hear about your dad :(

Amber- We have a jumparoo, best thing weve ever bought her!!

As ive been mia for a month i cant read it all bk lol

Ive got a new obsession..... with Jess and Zack it was prams as i didnt have a car, Jess had 11 in total, Zack had 9..... now i have a car i dont bother, but i have a very obsessive personallity, my new one is...... REUSABLE NAPPIES!!! Best thing ever, im in love all over again lol check out our new nappies below!

AFL- Libbys now sitting unadded for a few mins, finger fooding and can babble mama n dadda, i dont think she knows what it is shes saying but it sounds fab!! she still refuses to roll over altho she is managing to move around the floor on her back, she can move a fair way!! shes very clingy at the moment, and has huge stranger danger and wont allow me to leave the room :( but it will pass :)
Also stopped using dr brown bottles!! yay!! still very sicky tho so proves the bottles didnt help!!
Also shes hit 20lb so is now in a forward facing car seat!! No more breaking my back carrying the 1st stage seat!!

Off to wash and dry some nappies lol

Night xx


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vix - sorry to hear you are having a hard time with Libby but she is vdry cite in her photos, loo,s like butter wouldn't melt and i love her zebra print bum!

Shell - sounds like you are having a rough time of it too. Callum's lack of sleep was starting to cause problems between me and DH but now he is more settled at night it has helped us get some couple time back and we are much less grumpy. I hope things improve for you soon.

Amber - mom and daughter day sounds lovely on friday, i hope you have a great time x

bean - poor nate, i hope the after effect of his jabs wears off soon x

AFM just driven 3 hours north in the snow to my dad's house in scotland. i did it after bedtime routine and callum slept all the way here and transfered into his sleeping bag and cot and went back to sleep so hopefully he will stay asleep! He drank 6oz out of a bottle for his gran today for the first time ever, no fuss and it was gone in 10 minutes so i was very proud of him! it is worth persevering with the bottle neffie i am sure coco will get the hang of it eventually xxx
Amber I'll have to go look for those sippy cups. I thought they started at 6months. I could try them as Alia is 4 months now! Thanks

Vix I also have a bit of an obsession with the cloth nappies!! Love how cute they look. What kind are you using? I like the bum genius one size.
Imp--here is the US amazon link to the sippee that I got for Grace at 4 months. She loved playing with it and even managed to use it a bit, we have her into a 6 month one now and she is really getting the hang of it, but I think the 4 month really helped get her prepped for the 6 month.


Edit Note: And oh, you can find it lots cheaper if you have a Babies R Us or Toys R Us near you, I just looked at the price on amazon and that is like twice what we paid for the one we got at Babies R Us!

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