Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Beth- I'm following you on twitter! (you followed me back so I guess you know that!!)
I also post photos on there or Facebook... Hope you are feeling better soon.

Amber- I hear you on the creative thing, I get my mum to do everything like that for me.

Kizzy- smears are horrid, I had to have one when I was pregnant, really worrying. Close eyes, deep breaths and in your happy place!

Afm- I'm still considering contraceptives... So far the coil or implant appeal. Anyone with any experience?
Thanks everyone, excited and nervous about the scan! My friend who is 2 weeks ahead of me has had some bad news in her early scan, so I'm more nervous :S

Hi Beth, your girl is gorgeous :D Sorry to hear about your eye and possibly not being able to have no2, I hope things work out and your vision is saved and you can expand your family when you choose :hugs:
Probably a weird question. But is your bladder near where your womb is?
I'm 5+4 and the last few days it's been feeling similar to a full bladder, but more stretchy. I have gone to the toilet, but it's not been as much as if I was full. Then after it still feels stretched - so is that my bladder or my womb stretching? It doesn't hurt and I don't have af type cramps. Just this bladder area sensation. Please enlighten me!
YEs grey your bladder and uterus sit right next to each other so it sounds a bit like stretchy feelings from your uterus are confusing your bladder! As long as there is no pain especially when you pee (you don't want cystitis!) its all fine. Just wait til that baby is bouncing on your bladder in a few months time - then you will know where your bladder is!!!

Sounds like you are doing well, try not to panic about your scan, only a few more days and you will get to see your bean!

Hope all you momma's and preggo's are well...

Sarah & anna-miss you ladies.. hope your doing great..

Grey not long now... so excited for you..

AFM Bryce has his 2 month appt today.. cant believe he's 2 months already.. :) will let you know how big my man has gotten and all that.. :)
Thanks guys, no pain..just weird. Wow, 2 months already! Crazy!!!

It's tomorrow...tomorrow I find out if this baby settled in the right place...so nervous/excited!
Hi all

Sparkle - sorry I am of no help on that one. I am doing nothing.......Withdrawal...which considering my dh doesnt want anymore........... Can't take pill as it makes me ill, don't want that injection as don't want to put weight on. Hope you sort it though. X

Kizzy - I had my smear when Nate was 3 months as I should have had one in August.

Milo - how ya doin hun?

Lil - 2 months wow......

Grey - wil be thinking of you tomorrow

Sarah - How are you?

Beth - sorry to hear about whats been happening. Thats sounds very stressful

Amber - hi hun hows it goin?

Shell - Hi also......

Grand...hope u are ok. Thinking of you.

AFM: my night / few hours out...Nate cried the whole time according my dh. Poor litle man.
We think he is allergic to the cats aswell as whenever they go near him he starts continually sneezing. XXX
:hi: Girls,

Sorry been MIA for a few weeks. Have been rather busy. In addition to that, was trying to ready myself for sending Coco to daycare, so it's been quite an emotional roller coaster ride..

Grey - Loving your ticker! Glad you were able to get the early scan. Good luck for tomorrow...will be thinking of you. I'm sure all will be well. :thumbup:

Shell - Sorry to hear what Freya was going through with the teething issue, but glad that everything has turned back for the better.

Vix - Libby's pictures are adorable! And so are the cloth nappies...

Bean - Love Nate's pics. He has a gorgeous smile!

Lil - Hope all went well with Bryce's appt today. And wow, only 6 months until you start TTC again. It will be here in no time. :winkwink:

Amber - Love Grace's pics with the Easter bunny! Too cute! Glad you had fun on your mommy-daughter day. Hope things are better with her at daycare.

Milo - That's great that Callum took a bottle from his grandpa...I'm sure you were one proud mum.

Sparkle - Glad to hear things are going well with E. That's great that she's feeding so well. Wow, the moonlight marathon sounds like a blast.

Sarah - Wow, almost 20 weeks!! Time is flying by...hope you're doing well, and good luck with the upcoming scan. Are you planning on finding out if you're on team :pink: or :blue:?

Kizzy - Sounds like Georgina is doing fab with the solid foods. And wow on tooth # 4...she's a big girl already!

Beth - Sorry to hear about what you're going through. Hope your eye gets better soon. :hugs: Glad to hear that Selah is doing well.

Grand - Hope you're doing well.

:wave: to anyone I missed.

AFM, today was Coco's first day at daycare! This week is a trial week, so the hours she spends there each day will be ramped up slowly. I am very proud to say that she did marvelously for her first day! :happydance: OH and I took her together. No cries or screams when we left (me on the other hand was a whole different story :nope:). The ladies said that for a baby's first day, Coco was just perfect! She adapted very well, was cheerful, and very curious about what was going on around her. The only not so good thing was that as expected, she did not take the bottle. She just kept playing with the nipple, and turning away the bottle. They managed to get her to eat 1/2 an ounce, but even that was without her latching on. I fed her at lunch time, and she nursed like a champ as usual. I guess it's going to be a day by day trial to see how she does with the bottle.

All in all though, it was a great day! Since she seemed so comfortable, we decided to keep her there a bit longer, so she ended up spending 5 hours there without any behavior issues. I am definitely one proud mother! :cloud9: I just hope she takes to the bottle soon...that will definitely reduce my anxiety level when I'm away from her.
Neffie thats great that coco settled so well on her forst day.....relives some anxiety dor you atleast. I am sure that she will begin to take the bottle very soon. Big cuddles to you hun ......They are very stressful days to deal with ..I remeber cring my eyes out leaving mine. XXX
I'm in shock ladies. I've just taken a pregnancy test and..... BFP!!!
I felt really sick the last couple of afternoons and hubby was teasing me so we decided to test... I'm in total shock. Have no idea how far I am. We dtd for the first time when E was 3 weeks and she's now 11.
Sparkle - wow! That would explain the sickness!!! Just wondering if it could still be the hormones from your pregnancy with E? Not sure if that would confuse a pregnancy test or if those hormones are all gone by now? Sorry don't want to upset you just wonderinf if it could be a false +ve type thing. How are you feeling about it? HAd you planned another?!?

Grey - thinking of you today, I really hope bubs made it to the right spot x

NEffie - sounds like coco is doing really well and I so hope she takes the bottle soon, I am sure she will when she gets properly peckish x

Bean - sorry to hear your wee man was not happy when you were out. I am sure he will get the hang of it soon. How did his daddy cope with the crying? My sister is allergic to cats, i think it is quite common but I don't know how she was diagnosed - maybe another trip to the GP required!

As for us - doing well. Sleeping better especially at night. Days are still tricky. He naps in his cot but not for huge periods an hour is a monster nap for him! He still won't nap in publec, he will sleep in the car seat or pram but as soon as we go anywhere public he is awake again no matter how exhausted he was when he went to sleep. I even bought a snoozeshad for his pram and car seat so it was darker to help him rest but he still wakes up! It is a bit restrictive really cause if I want to go out for lunch or baby groups during nap times then he won't have a nap and gets very cranky which is not enjoyable for anyone nearby! I am hoping he will get better at it as he gets bigger and maybe as he becomes more active and tires himself out physically. Any other mummies with any advice on how to get him to stay asleep in public?

Love to everyone else x
I'm just on my way out, but just wanted to pop in first and say we're back from the scan. They warned us we probably wouldn't see much because of how early I am. They found a sac in the womb - which they said wouldn't alone rule out ectopic - and suggested and internal scan to get a better look.
Well, they not only found the baby in the sac, but we saw a heartbeat! A minor miracle at 6+1 weeks!!! We're thrilled and so excited that my miscarriage risk should drop now too and we can start thinking about 'when' and not 'if' all the time! Thanks for all your support guys, can't believe I've seen my baby and a heartbeat, surreal! :cloud9::happydance::cloud9:
Grey thats fantastic. We had a scan with Nate at about the same time and have to have an internal. We aslo saw heartbeat....amazing. So chuffed for you.

Sparkle - Wow thats fast.

Milo - Dh was ok I think. He didnt want to tell me whilst I was out as I would have come home......Don't like to think that he was crying so much though.
Grey--was coming on to wish you luck with your scan, but I see you are already back! What wonderful news!! :happydance: I am so, so excited for you hun!! It is such a wonderful feeling to see your lo's heart ticking away, congratulations!!! :hugs:

Sparkle--WOW!! Exciting news! Were you planning on having another (ie, can I say congratulations?!)? I love the recent photos you have on FB btw of little Emilia, she is so pretty and sweet!

lil--I saw on FB that little Bryce was feeling poorly after his shots, I hope he is feeling better today, hugs to the little man. :hugs: Happy 2 months to him btw!

Bean--sorry to hear that DH had a rough go with Nate while you were out. I'm sure momma coming home made it all better! :flower: Funny you should mention cat allergies--we are having similar concerns with Grace--she is not sneezing just yet, but she just discovered the cat (ie, is reaching out trying to grab him now), and I am worried with my cat allergies (yes, I am an idiot, I have a cat and am allergic to them! haha) she may have the same, especially with how much she rubs her eyes.

milos--glad to hear that things are going better for you in the sleep category. As far as sleeping in public, I wish I had words of wisdom to share. I would hope that exposure to more public settings or him getting so exhausted he would sleep would work, but it seems he fights it so! I hope you are able to find a solution for him, poor little guy.

Neffie--wonderful news that little Coco did so well on her first day!! :flower: You definitely deserve to be a proud momma!! I hope she is able to adjust to taking the bottle, it is good that they got her to take even a little on her first day. Keeping you in my thoughts these next few days, I know how difficult this transition stage is, I cried so much with leaving Grace! :hugs: It is so hard, but you will do great, I just know it!

beth--I really hope that they are able to find a solution for your eye and that it doesnt affect your ability to have more children, I will keep you in my prayers. I took a peek over at your blog, and Selah is absolutely beautiful, thank you for sharing your link!

Hello to all the other mums, babes and mums-to-be, hope you are all doing well! :kiss:

AFM: Not much to report, had a wonderful Easter. Grace is doing so well! She is babbling now, and can sit up by herself for a few minutes at a time (we have to stay close by though for tumbles). She is definitely finding her little voice, and has expanded her vocabulary from "hockey" and added "huggie" and "hot dog". She almost has Da-da out, mama is still out of reach. She is so cute, she will sit and play with her toys and then start babbling and trying to sing the hot dog song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Last week the daycare teachers heard her doing it and were amazed!

She is still having grumpy days we think due to teething issues, but I don't see any coming in yet. She loves to bite down on everything in sight, however, so we got her some teething biscuits and teethers to work on, which she seems to enjoy.

Saturday she will be 6 months old, I can't believe it!!

Here are a couple of pics from easter:


  • EasterGrace1.jpg
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  • EasterGrace2.jpg
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  • EasterGrace3.jpg
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Sparkle wow that was fast, how are you feeling about it?

Grey-so happy for you hope you can relax a bit now and try to enjoy :)

Amber-grace is beautiful :)

Bryce is now 10lbs 5oz.. 21.5 inches long growing fast... he seems better today last night was a cry fest from his shots...
Thanks ladies, to be perfectly honest we weren't planning on another. I've always wanted two but I guess three it is!! I think it's been long enough to get all the hormones out of my system but am off to do some googling to check!
OMG Sparkle!! Wowsers hun! Congratulations to you all, amazing news!

Grey, that's wonderful, soooo happy for you, yay!!

Amber, Grace is so adorable, love her chubby cheeks, cant believe how many (and which) words she can say. Georgie just laughs in my face when I say "mamamamama or dadadada" to her. haha!

Neffie, so glad Coco's first day went well, clever girl and very reassuring for you, cant help on the breast feeding but I am sure she will take bottle eventually, fx'd!!

Lil, glad Bryce is feeling better now :)

Bean, sorry Nate didnt enjoy your night out, hope you did tho!

Milos, I feel you on the nap thing, G has never been a great napper in the day, she sleeps loads better at night now (going through 11-12 hours per night these days) but still only has 3 cat naps per day, 20-30 mins each, like you I get excited when she has a long one (an hour is long for us). She will generally fall asleep in car seat/buggy if we're out, especially if there's motion but she's SUCH a light sleeper that noises, not even always that loud ones, wake her up! its beyond frustrating, I am often found swearing under my breath at lorries/motorbikes roaring past, postman knocking loud on the front door, people calling their dogs in the park, kids screaming while playing etc etc... I wish I could find a way to help her stay asleep but it seems impossible.

I am still trying to change my avatar, the help desk said my pics are too big but I dont know how to re-size, anyone? I really dont think it should say pregnant anymore! haha!
Kizzy - you just described our exact napping problems! My main irritation is cyclists ringing their bells really loudly to get past me on the paths, don't they realise I am desperately trying to get my baby to sleep! As for your photos you need to resize them on your computer. I use the PAINT program, open the photo using paint. Click on the IMAGE menu and then the resize option. Reduce the picture to about 25% of its original size then choose the file menu and save as, choose a new name for your photo (so you can tell the original big piccie from your new small one!) and save it on your computer. Then upload the new smaller file. Hope that helps :)

Amber - I hope that time and patience will pay off and one day he will just sleep through public places!Grace's pictures from easter are adorable and I am amazed she is saying words already, what a clever lass x

Grey - fantastic news! I will never forget our 6 week scan when we saw a baby in utero with a heartbeat, just the best feeling ever and so reassuring. It really is time to start enjoying your pregnancy x

Lil - wow over 10lb already he is doing so well x

Sparkle - 3 is a lovely number! The more the merrier they say, I hope you stop feeling sick soon though x
Testing my avatar... bit of an old pic of G but it makes me laugh :)

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