Bean - so sorry to hear you are going through such a stressful time right now. My Dad cheated on my Mum too, but I was a child, and have no memory of it. It must be so much harder to deal with when you are an adult. Please don't feel ashamed, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You have done nothing but be a wonderful daughter to both of your parents during this difficult time. I hope your Mom is OK after her overdose. Thinking of you
Feisty - this must be such a worrying time for you. But Im here if you need to talk. I went through the same thing with Freya (read back over the first few pages of this thread if you need to). My early scan at 7 weeks only showed a sac measuring 5 weeks, and no baby or heartbeat to be seen. We thought it was all over, and spent a very stressful 10 days waiting for our next scan. However, 10 days later, there was Freya! measuring 7 weeks with a strong heartbeat. I dont know what happened there, whether I had my dates wrong, or if she was just slow to develop? But she is now a happy healthy 6 month old. I hope my story inspires you to stay positive, and believe that your rainbow baby will be just fine
Amber - I hope you enjoy your Mommy-Daughter day on Thursday
Thanks for asking about my work situation too.
AFM: So, I havent had a chance to update you about whats been going on here lately...I am returning to work at the end of next month - but only for 6 weeks. Then I am starting a new job! Working in a school wouldnt have worked for my new circumstances. I would have had to work Mon-Fri, 8-4, and would have missed out on so much of Freya's development. (I looked into going back part-time, but couldnt manage financially). Whereas, my new job will hopefully let me work 3 long days (12 hour shifts) per week. Which means I will still have 4 days a week to spend with Freya, and will still earn a full wage. Yay!
In other news, Freya is now on 3 solid meals a day, with follow-on milk from a bottle in between meals. I also breastfeed her twice a day (morning and evening), because we are both still enjoying it, and neither of us want to stop yet. (So yes, Milo, I am breastfeeding a baby who has 2 teeth!)
We have also cut out her nighttime feeds, as recommended by the Health Visitor. This is brilliant, as she was waking up for a feed every 2 hours, and was ruining everyone's sleep.
I will try to post some photos, but will need to resize them first.
Hope everyone is well