Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

congrats sam on passing ur test!

Yay for rising levels feisty best of luck..

Grand welcome back we missed you...

Grey hope ur doing well..

Sarah happy 20 weeks excited 4 u, i say a girl:)

Amber & shell beautiful babies :) cant believe how fast they r growing up..

Sparkle hope your doing okay.. thinking of you..

Bean hay ur feeling a bit better and got to talk about things..

Hi to anyone i missed...

We are doing well.. Bryce is growing and changing all the time.. loves to talk now "coos" all the time.. luv him lots... only wakes once a night now to eat so getting lots of sleep.. hope ur all doing well..
Grand- welcome back!! Good to hear things are getting better!

Bean- Stay strong, Glad yuou felt better after chatting with a friend!

Sam- Congrats on passing your driving test!! Exciting!

Feisty- Congrats! And yeah for your levels continuing to rise!!

Amber- Yeah for STTN! What a cutie you've got there!

Shell- Great picts! Another cutie pie!!

Sparkle- So sorry for your loss :( Hope you are doing ok....

Sarah - Can't wait to hear the news pink or blue? So exciting!!!

Lil - glad you are getting some sleep! Hope it continues for you!!

Afm Alia is doing great! Shes a great sleeper though the night, she can now sit up on her own, she "talks" all the time and is a very happy baby in general! Still no luck with the bottle but I'm not all that upset about it. We went to the "Great Cloth Diaper Change" last weekend with a few of our cloth friends. Its an attempt to break a works record for # of babies changed into a cloth diaper at one time all over the world. Still no word on weather we broke the record but it was fun all the same and we won a new cute cloth diaper so it was worth it :)


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a few more picts ;)


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Alia is gorgeous and I love her name, so unique!

Have been looking into cloth nappies and I am tempted but worried it will be a LOT of extra work?
Not a tone of extra work... but a little yes. It takes a little bit longer to put them on to ensure the correct fit and no leaking. And then I rinse them after I change her so there is a few min extra there but once you get use to it its really easy. Its just getting into it a first. But they are so cute and in the long run will save money! I've only purchased one box of size one and one box of size 2 diapers total. And even with that I had to put the cloth away for a few days to use up the size one before she out grew them. So worth it I think. Other then that I do 2 small loads in the washer of diapers each week and air dry. I have 18 Diapers and Now have enough that I can do them full time. But I would like to get a few more to top it off. If you read back a few pages I was giving some info to Sarah I about them also (pg's 338-340 We we were talking about them). And if you have any questions feel free to ask. Vix is also using some, though not sure if she is exclusive to them of not....

Vix - I got my Tot Bot's and your right! I LOVE them! Slimmer fit then the BG, and the Prints are oh so cute!! Though I'm sure to keep the BG on over night as Alia is in them for sometimes 12 hours and they have more absorbancy for sure!
Thanks Imperial :flower:

My main reasons for being swayed were that it is cheaper and the whole land-fill issue :wacko:
There is a bit of controversy over the land fill issue and what is really better cuz of the water and electricity you use washing the cloth. But I'm for not filing up the land fill also. Either way I Love my cloth! No harsh chemicals on her bottom, and I use corn starch instead of bum cream, cheaper and works amazing and more natural too! Im starting to use a fleece liner in the diapers too. easier to rinse and put into the wash and saves the diaper inner from most of the poo. I still use disposables once in a while so not against them or anything. But I do love the cloth now that I have the hang of it!
Feisty - thats trully wonderful news! I knew everything would be alright! Clever Christmas baby!

Amber - thanks so much for your kind words about my job and Freya's smile. She looks like an angel doesn't she? But sometimes she is a little devil! lol. Fantastic news about Grace STTN!! And I totally understand you not wanting to give up the co-sleeping just yet. I really miss co-sleeping with Freya sometimes. It will happen when you are both ready. I adore the photos of Grace, she really is such a beautiful little girl.

Grand - welcome back! I have been thinking of you and your family lots while you have been away. looking forward to hearing an update from you on Saturday, and hopefully seeing some current pictures of your little man.

Bean - thanks for asking about my new job. Its at a children's hospice. So glad to hear that talking things through with your friend helped. Its good to unload the burden sometimes, isnt it? Hope you and Nate are are well.

Milos - how did Callum sleep last night? great news about him taking the bottle before bed. and dont worry, Freya only takes 4 or 5 oz of her bedtime bottle too. I think they get too tired to finish it off.

Sarah - Happy 20 weeks! Half way through already, time is flying!! Good luck for your anomaly scan tomorrow. Im sure everything will be perfect. Please let us know the gender as soon as you can. Im guessing team blue! Do you have an inkling? I knew Freya was a girl long long before any scans. Just mother's intuition.

Lil - glad to hear things are going so well with Bryce. What a clever boy to only be waking once a night at his young age! Hope you are well.

Imp - wow, what amazing pictures of Alia! riding a horse! and is that one of her standing completely unsupported?! she is such a forward little girl. great to hear that she is still sleeping so well, and developing perfectly. Yay, Alia!

AFM: thankyou everyone for your lovely comments about my photos of Freya :)

Well not standing completely unsupported... she is leaning against the bench behind her :blush: and she only lasts like that for a little while. Or standing up holding into the crib rail. But of course I have to put her like that she cant pull herself up yet...
thank you everyone for your congrats :) im so chuffed :D

Beautiful pix of your babies how fast are they all growing :)

Sarah - cant wait to hear what team your in :happydance:

Hi to everyone else Fiesty, Lil, Imp, Sparkle, Amber, Bean, Milo, Kizzy & Grand :hi:

AFM: Jess is shuffling around the room on her back & belly lol going to put her into her big bed from sunday she is ready but mommy isnt :dohh: what am i like eh!!
Aww Sam be strong! Is she staying in your room or in the nursery?

I'm not too sure about co-sleeping as worried that we may find it hard to break the routine once we want them to sleep in their own bed :wacko:
Can't believe some of the babies on here are nearly toddlers it seems! Growing so fast!!!
Grey how are you doing.. yes they do grow way too fast.. which you will be finding out :)
Shell - Love Freya's photos...just gorg! :kiss: Sorry to hear of her teething struggles. Hope she feels better soon! Yay on the job front for you. It's great that you're going to be able to spend more time with Freya. :) Already on solids, she's growing up fast! Glad you're able to continue breastfeeding. Just out of curiosity, did your nipples ever get gnawed on when her teeth first came in? I often wonder what it's going to feel like once Coco gets her teeth.

Bean - :hugs: again to you. You have nothing to be ashamed of...as hard as it may be, don't blame yourself for your dad's indiscretions. Do your best to stay strong, and think of Nate to make yourself feel better. :hugs:

Feisty - Glad to hear that all is well, and your hCG levels are continuing to rise. :thumbup:

Sparkle - Your feelings are understandable, but don't beat yourself with feelings of guilt. Like the other ladies have said, nothing could have prevented it. All said and done, a loss is never easy no matter how early it is. Sending you a big :hug:

Amber - Gorgeous photos of Grace! :kiss: I think they turned out great, so don't worry about them not being taken professionally. :thumbup: Hope you had fun with her on your day off yesterday, and that all went well with her check-up. 6 months already, :saywhat:?? Yay on her STTN!

Milos - Congrats on the new job! Yay for Callum's weight gain. Yikes on the chicken pox scare...hope he doesn't get it. Did he manage to STTN?

Kizzy - Glad to hear that G is feeling better. Also, awesome news on the STTN! You must be one happy camper. :winkwink: Good luck with the job hunt!

Sam - Congrats on passing your driving test!

Grand - :hi:. Good to hear from you. Hope you're doing well.

Sarah - Looking forward to hearing about your scan, and finding out what team you're on.

Lil - Sounds like Bryce is doing great. Don't you just love the coos? Yay for him STTN.

Imp - Cute pics of Alia! I agree that the cloth diapers have really cute designs. Sounds like you had fun with your friends at the cloth diaper event.

Hope I didn't miss anyone.

AFM, Coco is finishing up her 2nd week at daycare. Geez, where has time gone. :shock: She's doing splendid! (knock on wood!). The folks at daycare keep telling me how well she has adjusted, and that for her age, she is the happiest baby they have seen in a while. I'm so proud of her! Her bottle feeds are going great as well. All in all, I guess it is true when they say that it does get easier with time. I still have my moments when I leave her there in the morning, but I don't expect that to go away anytime soon. Going to pick her up in the evening is the best part of my day. I'm like a little kid in a candy store...excited, greedy, and impatient! :winkwink: Can't believe she'll be 3 months in a few days...still so surreal. I had to update her picture in my signature below. :winkwink:

Have a great weekend everyone!
Aww Sam be strong! Is she staying in your room or in the nursery?

I'm not too sure about co-sleeping as worried that we may find it hard to break the routine once we want them to sleep in their own bed :wacko:

she is currently in her moses basket next to our bed and she is quickly growing out of it lol if she stretches she touches both ends lmao!! :dohh:
she is currently in her moses basket next to our bed and she is quickly growing out of it lol if she stretches she touches both ends lmao!! :dohh:

Oh dear :wacko: Is there an alternative or is it going to be straight into the cot?
Imp - even though she is leaning on the bench, she must be very strong and have excellent balance. Well done clever Alia!

Sam - ooh, Jessica is going into her big bed! I know its a big leap for you, but you will be fine. Freya went from co-sleeping with me, straight into her own cot in the nursery, at just 3 months old. Good luck!

Feisty - a lot of people advise against co-sleeping. not only for the cot death risks, but also because "its a hard habit to break". Freya co-slept with us from the night she was born, every night, until she was 3 months old. All my family and friends said "ooh, you've set a bad habit there. She will still be sleeping in your bed when she is 16 years old!" But at 3 months old, we put her in her big cotbed in the nursery, and we havent looked back. So it is possible to break the habit, but when the time is right for you and baby.

Neffie - surprisingly, I have not felt any pain since Freya has developed teeth. I assumed that she would be nawing and biting, but not so! However, I think that this is because she only has teeth on the bottom, and these are covered by her tongue when she breastfeeds. So when she gets teeth on the top row, then the fun may begin!!
Glad to hear that Coco has really taken to her daycare! and that she is doing so well with the bottle feeding. That must be so reassuring for you. I cant believe that she is almost 3 months old. The time has gone so fast! and the new photo on your siggy is adorable!

AFM: Me, OH and Freya are going to the in-laws for lunch tomorrow. and BIL and SIL will also be there - with their newborn baby! Yes, Freya has a cousin now! Her name is Winnie and she was born 12 days ago, weighing 9lbs! Looking forward to seeing the cousins playing together.

Hope you are all well :hugs:

Shell - I hope that you have a great time with Freyas little cousin and the rest of the family. Your new job sounds interesting aswell....When are you starting. Sorry if you have already said.

Neffie - coco is just so beautiful. Its great that she is doing so well at daycare. I can tell how proud you are.

Lil - thats brilliant that Bryce is only waking the once.

Imp - love your phots of Alia - she is gorgeous.

Sam - Aw hun I get you....Nate is geting bit big for his crib. He was getting his arms stuck. As we had to change his room around for my mom to stay I thought that i may aswell put his cot in our room......its right next to my side of the bed.

Milo, Sarah, Kizzy, Grand, Feisty, Grey.......hi to you all.

AFM....nate is growing fast....having a little food. Loves playing with his toys..especially a little cat. He is funny. Trying so hard to try and ignore whats goin on. My dad has basically said that what he does if nothing to do with us...i disagreed and said that if he was with her then I couldn't cope with seeing him. Anyway today I found where he is staying and it is with this person....I can't accept that he is with a 23 year old when he is 60.
Thank goodness i have my brothers and my mom. Tonight have my neice and nephew for sleepover aswell......has been busy with 5 kids in the house. XX
Oh Bean I am so sorry my sweet :hugs:

Men have this terrible habit of reaching a certain age and then suddenly feeling old. They prefer the company of these women (many who have a daddy complex) as it helps to make them feel 'young'. I personally don't understand how he can find someone young enough to be his grand-daughter as stimulating enough to hold a relationship with. They must have so little in common! I can understand why you have told him you will be unable to see him if he continues to stay with her :hugs: Please understand this is not anyones fault but his! Concentrate on your family, your mother and your siblings :hugs:
Just popping by to let you know that I'm having a baby girl!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Found out Friday and DH & I have been away for a lovely relaxing weekend to celebrate....... I'm just so happy!!!! Xxx

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