Happy 9 weeks New!
Kizzy--I can't believe she is already 16 months! They grow so fast!! I am glad my little lady is not the only one with the temper--yours may be due to her fiery red hair, I blame Grace's on the Irish ancestry on my mother's side, lol! Speaking of teeth, Grace is getting her 6th and 7th teeth in right now, one on top and one on the bottom, such a drool fest when she gets them! She also gets a stuffy nose with teething and drainage issues, so you are right, you can never tell if it is weather/daycare crud/teething or a combination thereof!!
milos--wow, tooth explosion!! I hope little Callum was able to handle it well, Grace is always miserable even with just one!
lil--fx'd you catch that egg!!!
love--hope your u/s goes well tomorrow and you get an idea where you are cycle-wise, keeping my fx'd for you as well!! hope your shin splints are feeling better, I remember getting those in Tennis when I played in college, they are painful!!
Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well!!
AFus: Was up most of the night with Grace, as I said above, she tends to have coldlike symptoms with teething and it makes her miserable sleeping, so I usually have to take her downstairs and snuggle with her in a blanket. I call these our "camp out" nights, lol. DH and I have also been fighting colds for the better part of the weekend into this week, bleh!
VERY anxious to for our scan on Friday, so nervous and I don't know why, because we really are not hoping for one or the other, I think it just the excitement of being able to "KNOW" and we can then give the baby his/her name and I can talk to him/her. I feel like I bonded so much with Grace after we found out she was a girl, so I am hoping to feel the same with this one!!