Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Great news new and Amber, lovely messages in here today glad both of your little ones are doing well and Amber I guess you know what you're getting with girls and all grace's old clothes etc will certainly come in handy!! Xx
awesome news amber..congrats...as a mother of two girls..its quite interesting..lol and fun...
A girl! Brilliant news but you had us all confused didn't we all guess boy? How lovely for grace to have a little sister and I am glad all was well on the scan. When do we get to know her name? Xxx

New - huge congratulations to you too I am so glad your scan went well and it sounds like the ultrasonographer was lovely to you. Roll on two weeks and you get to see little haribo again x
Thank you all so much! I think this little one had just about everyone fooled! I only had one or two friends/family guessing girl! I am really excited to see two little ladies growing up together!

As for a name, we are still struggling to settle on a first name. Kaytlin and Madelyn are front runners, but we are tossing around a couple of others. Her middle name will be Anne though, after both of my grandmothers (one was Anne and the others middle name is Anne). Will definitely let you know once we have it settled!
aww congrats on a girl amber.. how great to have a sister.. i love mine to death :)

8dpo testing starts tomorrow..
Ann is my middle name:) so i am fond of it..lol..i like both of your girl names..:)
Well, got a call from the doctors office to report on my scan. They said all the info they had is good, but that I need to go back for another scan in 2 weeks because they want the spine measurements (which the tech indicated they would probably send me back for because baby was in a bad position), but they also mentioned that the tech was not able to get the downflow from the heart (which the tech did NOT mention to us!)--so now I have something to be paranoid and worried about, sigh. :cry: Im just hoping that was a positioning thing as well, but with heart defects on my DH's side, it has me worried!!
will be praying for you and baby.. that is def something to be worried about for sure
Lovely name choices amber they are both beautiful. As for the scan - don't panic! They could not get one of Callum's outflow Tracy measurements from his heart at he 20 week scan but because everything else was normal he just gave up trying he was too wriggly! It sounds like they are just being really thorough and hopefully baby will be more cooperative this time!

Thanks, I am too. I feel a bit better about things today, the heart thing was just a shock, and I really hope and pray it is nothing. Ultrasound will probably be in the next week or so, will keep you guys posted!
And the award for the most rubbish poster on this thread goes to....Shelleney!

Hey guys. So so sorry i havent posted in ages :blush: Cant believe i havent even been in here since mid-December. Ive missed out on so much.

Congratulations on your pregnancy, New! Little Haribo is gorgeous. Sorry to hear about the troubles you've had along the way. Hope all in well from here on...

Congratulations on your pregnancy too Imp. Will you be finding out the gender?

Good luck with the TTC Lil and Love. Hope the Clomid does its job Love.

Congrats again on the pink bump Amber. Will she be known by her middle name, like Grace is? Hope the heart concerns turn out to be nothing.

Hi to everyone else - Grey and Isabelle, Kizzy and Georgina, Milos and Callum, Sparkle, C and E, neffie and Coco. And anyone Ive forgotten.

I promise to be a better friend from now on :friends:

As for us:

I am still working full time, which is exhausting. Its hard being away from Freya for 40 hours a week. And its tricky juggling work, home, Freya, family, friends, me-time. But thats life, hey?
We are also in the process of moving house. Moving date set for next Thursday. But the house we are moving into needs completely renovating, so we will be sleeping on family and friends sofas until our house is safe to live in.

Freya is 15 and a half months old now. Where has the time gone? She is running around all the time, and loves to sing and dance. She has 12 teeth, and a very fiery temper. She loves to throw a tantrum when things dont go her way! She is just adorable and so funny, and DH and I just love spending time with her.
But we have no plans for any more babies in the near future! One is more than enough for now!

Shell--thanks so much for stopping by and letting us know how all of you are doing!! And don't feel bad about being away so long, life tends to take over sometimes and the next thing you know, months have passed!!

Looks like Kizzy and I aren't the only ones who have a little lady with a temper! haha

I can't imagine having to move right now while trying to balance a full time job, Freya, etc.--I wish you the absolute best and hope the move goes smoothly for you and that the repairs/renovations do not take too much time!! And you have my total understanding on being away from Freya :hugs:, I still struggle with that with Grace, I hate being away from her as much as I am, even though I know she loves school and her teachers are great, I just hate being away from her!!

On our newest lady's name. We will probably not call her by her middle name, although I won't say never, it kind of depends on what first name we end up settling on! We are in quite a pickle with deciding on a first name. It was so easy with Grace, we had her name picked out years ahead of time, haha, so we are paying for it now!!
hey all..:hi: shell..lovely update:) good luck with the move.
can't believe she is so grown already...seems just like yesterday you all were announcing pregnancies..lol

just a quick hey as i have to get to bed..
me..i am a hungry hippo. i ate before i went to work, ate a salad at work and an egg salad sandwich and a half..then went to breakfast and ate a huge heaping of nacho's (at breakfast) and apple crisp with ice cream...i was sooooo hungry...side effects of medicine i suppose..lol
thank goodness i run..or i'd be big as a house
Just got a call, my best friend since childhood (age 6!) just went into labor with her first, a little boy last night. They are in Albany, NY, which is around where a major snowstorm is about to hit today. Fortunately she is already safe at the hospital and about 5 cm dilated! Her waters broke yesterday and they are trying to coax her along naturally. She really wants to have this baby with as little intervention as possible, so please keep her, her bubs and her stressed out hubby in your thoughts today!!!
Thinking of your friend.. Amber.. hope all goes well :)

Well most of you know but im starting round 1 of clomid.. starting tomorrow.. hope it works..
Just got a call, little Evan Andrew was welcomed to the world a couple of hours ago, 7 lb, 10 oz. Mom, baby and daddy are all doing fine! She was able to do it without pitocin, and said that giving birth had to be the absolute hardest thing she had ever done in her life! But that it was worth it!! I am so happy for her!

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