Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Thanks Shell. Yeah we'll find out the sex. Though its going to be a bit of a wait yet. I'm already anxious. Lol. I want to start narrowing down on names. But can't till I know :)
:hi: Hope everyone is doing well today!

Finally have my repeat scan booked for this coming monday, the 18th at 8:15 am. Hopefully they get the spine measurement they need and, more importantly, see that the outflow is good. DH is fortunately not going out of town that day, so will be able to make it, I like him going with me to these things.

Can't believe Im 20 wks already, sheesh!

I "think" we have settled on a name, Hayleigh Ann. DH has not fully committed (he keeps wavering back to Kaytlin), but that is where we are at for now! :flower:
amber i absolutely love the name Hayleigh...i am biased though as my daughter's name is Hayleigh Noelle. glad your dh can go with you..it's good to have that support

af started..spotting some..willl be taking a break from fertility meds as I am looking for another job..i can't deal with managment anymore. I am not happy with that.
aww so sorry love.. has to be so frustrating.. sorry about your job too.. hope you find something better soon.. hugs..
full af here... my hormones have calmed down a bit. I think i don't want to do fertility meds this month, but i will go au naturale. i just need a break..it wears on my hormones hard.
i was in a grrrr kind of mood yesterday..lol
sorry the hag showed, love. And also sorry your job is so stressful, I am sure that added stress is not helping in the TTC department, I hope you are able to find something that is more relaxing for you. Also hear you on the drugs, I know that Clomid can really mess with a person, here's hoping au naturale works for you this month!! :flower::hugs:

I did not realize your daughter's name was Hayleigh, and with the same spelling, that is really cool! All the Hayleighs I have met around here spell it Hailey, so I wanted to go with something a little different spellingwise! DH likes Kaytlin because he likes the nickname "Katie" (whereas I would rather call her Kate or Kay for short if we went with that name! haha)
we wanted a different spelling of it also..so we went with Hayleigh..my eldest's name is Hannah Michelle, and we liked that they were similar, H's with elle ending middle names..
so that is how we ended up with Hannah Michelle, and Hayleigh Noelle.

dh wants to continue trying with the meds..fs office made appt for tomorrow at 945 am to do u/s..plus i now am going to meet with the dr again as the clomid is not working (not getting pregnant) they said that if the clomid is going to work, it would've worked by now :( so I see the dr on Monday to discuss further options. feeling really down about it all. maybe it's a sign..idk..
Love dont they usually have you do 6 rounds of clomid.. wont they up to 200mg.. are you ovulating or no.. Im sorry about the witch.. I really hope you get some good news.. maybe femara.. ??
hey all i went for my u/s this morning..i have two cysts the size of gulf balls, which means no clomid for sure this month. i will be seeing my dr on mon to see what else can be done. i have no idea what is in store for us. it will probably take more than just one month to shrink the cysts..
will wait on the fs office nurse to call to confirm my great news today..>insert sarcasm< here ..lol..
lil..i have taken at least four rounds, i am ovulating on the 100mg, so increasing the dose will do nothing for me. problem i am having is i am taking the clomid for one month, then off one or two months to wait for the cysts to shrink..it's just not a good plan obviously..
idk what to think at this point..just taking it day by day
Happy Valentines Day everyone.
:hi: Ladies!!!!

Remember me???? Or not, considering it's been AGES since my last post. I'll admit that I have been terrible about getting back on here...my apologies! Things have just been busy, although by no means is that an excuse.

I haven't read through all the posts, but taking a quick glance through, looks like there's some exciting news. :)

CONGRATS Grey on the birth of your beautiful little one!

CONGRATS to Amber, New & Imp! How exciting! Wishing you all H&H pregnancies. And exciting news on another little girl Amber! It sure is going to be a party with 2 little ladies around the house. :winkwink:

p.s. New - I'm so glad to see that you are part of this thread. It has been a long time coming, and I'm so very happy for you!

Love - Glad to see you here as well. I'm hoping that you will announce your pregnancy on this thread real soon. :hugs:

Shell - Hope all goes well with your move. I hear you on the pain of being away from Freya. Although it never goes away completely, it does get a little easier with time, so hang in there...

Hope all the other ladies are doing well. Good luck to everyone starting back up on their TTC journeys. Look forward to hearing news about more :bfp:s in the near future.

We are doing well. Coco is already a year old...unreal! Fun fun times with her personality emerging more and more as each day passes. Exciting times to look forward to, but at the same time makes me wonder how did my baby get so big so fast...:wacko:

Much love to you all :kiss:...I will try not to be MIA for so long again...

Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!! :flower:
love--oh hun, I am so sorry to hear about the cysts. Even without the clomid, are you guys still allowed to keep trying naturally or do you have to go back on the BCPs for sure to shrink them? Keeping my fx'd for you, you really deserve some good news for a change. :hugs:

Neffie--:kiss: so good to hear from you!! I am glad you and little Coco are doing well! It is amazing how fast they grow! You try to cherish every moment you can, because you know tomorrow they are going to be moving on to the next discovery! Thank you for the congratulations on our newest little lady, we are very excited! :cloud9: We were planning on waiting until this year to TTC, but she obviously was a bit impatient, haha!!

Please don't be a stranger! Stop by whenever you have time from what I know is a hectic life these days with a 1 year old moving and shaking!! I love hearing how everyone is doing, all of you ladies are very special to me!
Aww love so sorry.. i want to just give you a big hug...

Hope your all well.. Bryce is 1 today.. ekks.. :)
Love - I'm so sorry AF got you. It really sucks. I have no magic words, I know how hard you must be taking it. :hugs:

Neffie - :hi: glad you and Coco are doing well. Thanks for your kind words, I'm still in denial about the whole thing to be honest -that after all this time, I might actually get a healthy live baby at the end :cloud9:

Amber - hope your rescan goes well and baby is doing just fine!

My news, apart from being 12 weeks tomorrow :shock: and flying off to Spain for a week is that I borrowed a doppler off a good BnB friend and I think I found the hb (if only momentarily). I tried it this afternoon when it arrived but I think I got myself worked up and panicked a bit. I heard the placenta whooshing but no hb.
Tonight before bed, I tried again and after studying my own hb and concentrating on the area around where I'd heard the placenta, I found it. It was only 5 seconds or so and registered at 140 (but the numbers were a bit all over the place and DH was holding the display unit) I heard it, it definitely sounded like my heartbeat, only much faster.
I don't know why I'm doubting it, it couldn't have been anything else really.

I'm amazed :cloud9:
i started the bcp today. it will prevent any new ones from growing. I finally had a flood of tears:cry::cry::cry:
i don't know what to think..i just don't. do i give up or keep going?:nope::nope::nope: i just don't know...i want to give up but my heart and my mind won't :ignore: my own body or desire to have another :baby:

New..so glad you could find the hb..have fun in spain
Neffie..thanks for the update..so glad to hear from you
ty to everyone for your kind words

i'll let you all know what the fs says on monday
Hey guys....so sorry...things have just beem manic......

Love hi hun........Been in your journal my sweet......Love to you here aswell.

Amber a girl .......how lovely.

New......12 weeks .........fab and enjoy your holiday.

Imp........fab news.....so pleased for you.

Lil, shell, milo hi everyone..It is so hard to keep up to dae ...I am sorry.

.....sounds like the boys trying to help themselves to ice cream and sprinkles so am gonna rush

Nate finally had his op yesteday and is fine...thank goodness.

Will be becak soon ....gonna cgecj the kitchen. xx
Hi Neffie! Great to hear from you :D

That's fabulous news New :D I'm so pleased for you, 12 weeks is a great milestone to celebrate with a trip :D

Very excited :D Had a conversation today with DH and we've provisionally decided to NTNP starting in August/September when Isabelle will be around 9 months old and to start TTC#2 in December/January when she'll be 1. :thumbup:

We really want a sibling for her (I'd like 2, but we've agreed on 1 for now and revisit the idea after the next baby) and we'd like them to be close in age. We're aiming for 2-3 year age gap, a little more or a little less (there could be an 18 month one at the smallest, as we're ok with that) is fine as we don't know how long it will take this time. :shrug:

I'm just so excited we finally have settled on a time to start preparing to expand our family :) We've agreed that if we get to 9 months and either of us aren't ready, we'll re-discuss it, but it's a start, it gives me a goal to start preparing for by losing weight and getting healthier. Been using myfitnesspal app with great success so far, 3lbs lost this week on it :) :happydance: :cloud9:

No real point to this except I'm excited :D
Happy Monday Ladies!

Had our scan this morning, Baby Hayleigh/Kaytlin (jury still out on her name, lol) is doing very well, HB holding steady at 156, and she even waved at us and sucked her thumb for us, then did her best drama queen pose (hand on her forehead) just like her big sister did for us around this time. Spine measurements were perfect, and she said she got the outflow as well (but did not indicate good or bad, I am hoping she would tell us if there was something wrong). All in all, a good scan. Plus, on our way in to our scan, we ran into a couple old friends of ours who had been struggling to conceive for 3-4 years now, and were happy to tell us they found out they are expecting a baby boy! She is about as far along as I am, was a very pleasant surprise!

Love: I hope you are ok hun, been thinking about you all weekend. Just know that you are young, and you have time to get those cysts under control and try for your rainbow baby. I can't imagine how you are feeling right now, but I know you want your little baby oh so much, so I would never give up trying! :hugs: Just know that we are all here for you for your journey, however long it takes! :hugs:

Bean: So good to hear from you and I am very happy to hear that all is well with Nate. I was hoping you would stop in to update us!! Sounds like you have your hands full with the boys!

Grey: Good to hear from you too, and I am so happy to hear that you are planning on trying to give little Isabelle a baby brother or sister in the coming year!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you!! I can't wait to see more babies in the Femmes family!!

New: I hope you, DH and Haribo have a great trip to Spain!! Will be thinking of you while you are away!!

Lil: My gosh, I cannot believe Bryce is a year already!! I hope his birthday went well! Such a cute little man you have, I love the pictures you have of him on FB, he is going to be a heartbreaker someday and I foresee you having to fend off the ladies!!

Also, wanted to share a couple pictures of Grace helping me make Valentine's Cookies for her class this past week,it was so much fun!!


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Hi Again

Grey -love your avatar....little isabelle is gorgeous.

Amber - I love your photos of Graceand sounds like you had a fab scan.

Aw...selfish and greedy side of me so sad that I will never do that again............
Nate is receovering so well from the operation that you would never know that he had it. He was away from us for about 2 hours which was hard...the hardest bit though was holding him when he was being put to sleep and then leaving him. Anyway its all done now ands he has two ball (lol) all present and correct......he will thank us when he is older.

I hope that everyone and all babies are good. I am off out tonight with my good friend.......DH incharge.......of the mad house......its all ipods and laptops at the moment......big ones...can i have this game? Can I have your password? Me....Is it free? DHs turn tonight. XX
hope the night went well BEan..so glad the surgery went smoothly and he will indeed thank you later in life...as will his wife ;)

amber..those are some cute little pics there..she's so grown
grey....glad to hear you have a clear direction to which you are going with ttc another. sounds like a fab plan.

i'm ok at the moment...i cancelled the appt with the fs..i forgot the girls had no school and i just didn't think it was appropriate for us to take them to that kind of appt. waiting on the dr's office to call us back with when the dr will be visitin the gulf breeze office.
so i figure i'll be on bcp for at least two months so i went ahead and scheduled teeth procedures in march..might as well. and if i run out of funds for ttc, there is plain old trying the ol' fashioned way with no medical intervention..it wasn't helping anyway..lol all in God's hands..maybe it was meant to be a :bfn: so i can smoothly transition to a new job..ifykwim?? i have been silently stalking..still a little depressed with the :bfn: but i'll adapt and overcome.

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